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A Bizarre Transformation Fetish Literotica Forum – join us at for art, RP, and more
Legends of Belial → Transformation Stories
Topics in this forum with details of replies, views, last post.
The explosion of a strange stone causes a rash of transformative changes at a women's college
by Redstar00
by shangbryan
When a young man gives his girlfriend a strange bracelet for Halloween....
by schwarzeschatten
by Flicker
A young woman awakens a powerful magic, and uses it to grant herself eternal pleasure.
by DaiohSP
Talis has embraced her fetish of being a size queen by modifying herself, but is still left wanting.
by Flicker
Come and see a truly unique dog and pony show!
by Flicker
Katie Oberson encounters an alien object at the Burning Heart Summer Camp For Girls
by Flicker
Ellie and Mark move to their new home, and meet the other transformees.
by compound37
Xenomorphs create new vectors with which to thrust themselves.
by Flicker
A young couple finds themselves transported to a strange town out of time.
by Flicker
A meeting between a dragon emissary and Princess Emera determines the fate of two civilizations.
by Flicker
A house of college women undergoes major changes after one ends up transformed
by Redstar00
A quiet weekend with his transformed wife becomes more exciting than Mark anticipated
by compound37
After an accident in an experimental reactor, something weird happened. A few survivors try to scape
by modulokss
Ellie tries out a new soap that is more than what it seems.
by Flicker
When Erica brings home a very special stray dog, everything starts to change.
by Flicker
Sophia and Isabella go on a summer work trip to some ancient Inca ruins.
by Flicker
Robert wishes for a profound life experience.
by Flicker
Danielle will learn to show respect, the very hard way...
by TheTransformationGuru
Melissa gets acquainted with the local wildlife during a hiking trip.
by Flicker
by Checkmate
Lisa is your regular teenager who discovers an interesting force that lets her control her own body.
by Flicker
Research scientist ends up a guinea pig for a strange mutagenic gas
by Redstar00
The designs of demons can twist even the noblest men and women into creatures of utter depravity.
by Flicker
Basically "Aliens" from the movies but with transformation and sex...a lot of it
by Flicker
An accident at Durham College causes widespread merging transformations.
by Redstar00
A knight is cursed by a dragon to have the crotch of a female dragon.
by Flicker
by Flicker
Reporter Suzie tackles her next story, falling deeper into the world of the transformed
by Redstar00
by nikita
by Nina
by Redstar00
A reporter follows up on the contestants of a game show and gets some first hand experience
by Redstar00
by TheTransformationGuru
Game show where contestants spin for cash and transformations
by Redstar00
by nikita
A girl is abducted by aliens and transformed into a huge cock
by nikita
A girl is cursed with immortality, and transforms every day.
by TheTransformationGuru
The title says it all...
by TheTransformationGuru
A woman who finds an unusual artifact containing an unusual entity.
by Flicker
by TheTransformationGuru
by lara_conarte
by TheTransformationGuru
Ember becomes curious about what it feels like on the other side, and gets more than he expected.
by Flicker
by bobboled
A woman seeking adventure and uniqueness is met by a strange visitor.
by Flicker
Tony's wife, Jill, can't get enough of the new brand of milk at the supermarket.
by Flicker
Contaminated eggs transform/transgender people into ravenously lusty creatures.
by Flicker
by Flicker
by Flicker
by Flicker
Christopher finds an old coin with unusual power and tries to do David a favor.
by Flicker
Transformative magic blasts through a hotel convention, and government checkpoint is established.
by Flicker
Caitlin gets a full ride to college, but faces a culture of intolerance.
by Flicker
The mind-body connection is taken to new heights with the help of a mysterious green pill.
by Flicker
The Coin of Chaos backfires on a couple in more than a few ways.
by Flicker
The Coin of Chaos makes an appearance at a girls' party.
by Flicker
A man wishes to make an improvement to his wife's body.
by Flicker
When you're a hermaphrodite with tentaclecocks, never settle for less.
by Flicker
A high school star wrestler wakes up with a strange feeling in his mouth.
by Flicker
by Flicker
by Flicker
A beautiful scientist makes the mistake of testing an experimental serum.
by Flicker
A girl is captured from the local University and altered into a sex freak by science.
by Flicker
Legends of Belial → Transformation Stories
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