Topic: Some things that are lost should not be found. - by Tyrndar

Some things that are lost should not be found.
By Tyrndar.

The early morning light shown over the small farm, the chill of the night giving way to the growing warmth of the day. Bret was out early, as he always was, to tend to his fields, but this day would be unlike any other he has ever had.

The horse pulled the plow along the field, guided by Bret, a medium sized man in the middle years of his life, his body well toned from working the fields to support his family. It was a hard life, but things could be worse, he had a wife and child, a girl just entering his teens, though his life was hard it was filled with joy and love, a good life. But that would change.

Pulling the horse to a stop, Bret paused to go and examine some object that the plow had unearthed. "Odd" he commented to his horse as he picked up the small ceramic jar, if he could of read the worn markings upon it, he would of surely tossed the thing away. "Looks old, might be worth something." He said, placing the jar in his satchel and continued on with his work.

The sun climbed higher and higher in the sky, morning becoming afternoon on the small farm and time for lunch. Bella, Bret's young wife, A tall brown haired women in the early years of her life, was pretty at best, with her slightly curving body and modest chest, but she loved her husband, and the daughter he had given her, the simple life they lived. Waiting for Bret to come in for lunch, she sat at the table with their daughter, Bryna, a lass of about 14, idly chatting while they waited for Bret to come in from the fields. A short time passed before he arrived, wiping the sweat from his brow and taking his seat at the table to enjoy the meal his wife had prepared for him. They ate in relative silence, until towards the end of the meal, when Brett pulled out the jar he had found, setting it on the table. "I found this in the field this morning." He commented, trying to twists of the lid of the jar, after a bit of urging, and the use of a butter knife as a lever he managed to pop off the ceramic top, which clatter to the table. Bret then peered inside.

"Is there anything inside?" inquired the ever-curious Bryna, leaning over to try and look as well.

"Indeed there is," commented Brett, pulling out a thin chain, tarnished with age. " It appears to be some sort of medallion," He then added as the smooth, tarnish disk at the end of the chain became free of the container. All three of them looked at the disk of a metal that was about the size of a large coin and just as thick. ''Maybe there is something under all this grim." Brett said trying to clean the dirty bronzed color metal with his napkin, to no avail.

"Let me try..." Bella, said extending her slender hand to take the medallion from Bret. She frowned as she tried to wipe some of the grime away, but also to no success. "Why don't you try water?" Bryna chimed in, offer her glass for the job." Good idea." Bella replied to her daughter as she dunked the old medallion into the glass, its surface seeming to melt away, the grime dissolving, along with the bronze color, leaving only a shiny smooth silver surface, devoid of any markings...

A thousand years earlier...

Fentrik sat upon her fleshy throne, enjoying the moans of pleasure and the gasps of pain that seem to come from it, she lightly stroked a taloned hand over one of the cock shaped armrests, smiling at the white liquid that began to form on the tip. Casting her lizard like eyes over the room, she decided it was time to hold her court, reaching up to remove the medallion that hung nestled between her top and middle set of breasts. She smiled as she looked over the bronze disk, it was a simple thing, with a simple enchantment, but it made her life a lot easier. Slowly she lowered it into the bowl of water that rested next to her throne, the bronze melting away and turning silver as the disk emitted a magical tone. The tone designed to let those daemons of her court, within range of the magical tone that only they could hear, know that she was calling for them to attend.

Meanwhile, back in present day.

Darek looked up from hir latest play a thing, a lone traveler upon the road. Hir wolf like ears swiveled to a sound that only shi could hear, "curious, what a lovely sound." shi hissed, hir long penis tongue snaking out of hir mouth as shi dropped what was left of the traveler, now nothing more then a ball of deformed tit flesh with large cock heads for nipples. With that, the daemon trotted off, hir hooves sounding on the stones of the road as he traveled in the direction that the sound came from.

Back at the farm...

Bella pulled the medallion out of the water, all of them gasped, as the silver disk slowly became a shiny bronze, now clean of the ages of tarnishing grime that had built up on it. "Wow!" Bryna said, snatching the chain and disk from her mother to look at it more closely, "Can I keep it?" the lass begged both parents, already putting the necklace around her neck, leaving them really no choice. "Yes, you can." Bret said after a pause and a sigh, knowing that he could never really take such a thing away from his daughter, not without totally crushing the poor lass's sprite." Now, run up to your room and get back to your studying, en less you would rather come out and tend to the fields..." Bret said to his daughter, a bit of threat in his voice. With a nod and a quickly stammered "Thank you," Bryna rushed up stairs, not about to get pulled into working the fields.

"Are you sure we should let her keep it, it looks like it might be magical..." Bella asked softly, once Bryna was out of the room. "I doubt it, but just hinting that it might be will keep her nose in the books for hours, trying to figure out what it is, Bella, I don't want her to a be a farmer. I want her to learn the things that we couldn't and get away from the farm, and if that old trinket can peak her curiosity enough to read, to study, then I say let her keep it." He said with a sad smile. Belle began to say something, but before her lips could even part there was a loud crash, as if a horse had kicked down the door, wooden splinters sailing through the air.

They both turned towards what use to be their door, Bret standing to shield his wife, both them letting out a gasp of horror as they saw what stood in the door way. It was not a horse that had kicked in the door, but rather half of one, before them stood Darek, a daemon. shi was tall; standing upon dark hooves that attached to two equine legs, black fur covering them. Between hir legs rested a massive horse cock, below that the balls to match the size of hir shaft. However that was where hir stallion self ended and hir bitch wolf body begin. Gray wolf fur covered hir upper torso, two rows of six breasts ran down hir chest. Hir head was that of a wolf, but with long bone horns that curled around hir head, and down hir spine the fur parted to give way the dark scales and lizard like spines that ran down to hir long whip like reptialing tail. Ski seemed to frown at them, "all this way and only to find a simple fanner and his wife... " the thing commented, "No bother, I shall still have my fun..." shi threatened. Lifting a clawed hand in a wave like gesture, freezing the pair of them in their place as sin stalked closer to the frightened couple, the fear showing clearly in their eyes, their quivering bodies.

Laying a paw upon Brets shoulder, pushing him to the side and turning him so that he see his wife, "you wished to defend her, so instead I shall have my fun with her first, so that you may watch." Darek said, grinning darkly as shi moved toward Bella, simply tearing off her clothing and looking over her nude form. "What to do with you," the daemon seemed to ask, pondering what form to gift her with, "ah ha." shi chirped in delight as a plan grew in hir mind. With a flick of hir wrist a deep purple light surrounded Bella, the change had begun.

Bella's flesh began to ripple as the change started, first her breast began to swell, growing in size as three new nipples grew onto each breasts, thickening and lengthening into teats. Bret watched in frozen honor as his wife changed, as another pair of breasts pushed out from under her first pair, the mounds quickly growing to match the size of the first, these also each with four teat like nipples. Next to change was her feet, toe nails growing together are darkening as her once slender feet became the hooves of a cow, the transformation continuing to crawl up her legs, short white fur with black spots appearing, the legs changing to match the shape of a cow. The transformation then reached her ass, her flesh growing outwards, becoming so heavy that she collapsed to the ground as her ass took on the shape of a cows body, short fur quickly covering pink flesh. Two new legs grew from her new body, quickly growing out, hooves forming at their ends. Her vagina moved, pushed up to under her ass hole, a large sack forming just under that, soon filling with the large balls of a bull as she gained a massive cock between her rear legs. Breasts begins to flower along her bovine stomach, two rows of eight fleshy mounds on her under side as the stomach on her human torso begin to expand, ballooning out to form the sack of a cows utter, six teats crowning the flesh sack as it swelled with milk. The changes then moved to her head, her jaw pushing out into a bovine muzzle as her ears grew pointed and covered in fur. The fur quickly grew to cover her head and the rest of her body, leaving only her breasts and utter uncovered. In her jaw her teeth grew wide and flat, prefect for eating grass, while curved bulls horns spurted from her head as it changed to that fully of a male bull. The last of the changes set in, a penis like tail growing from above her ass, the bones in her arms seeming to disappear as the flesh expanded, becoming a soft mound of tit flesh, her finger changing to match the long teats that the rest of her breasts possess, her arms now gone, heavy large breasts in their place. Thus completing her change.

Darek smiled, walking over to the cow-taur, laying hir taloned hand upon her muzzle. "Wonderful indeed." shi whispered to her, "but you are not done, no! Not in the least." shi seemed to cheer moving back over to Bret, standing behind him so that they both looked over the now changed form of his wife. "Beautiful? Isn't she?" shi asks him, even though the paralyzing spell prevented Bret from answering. "She is a bull and a cow, but she is missing something..." The daemon said with a dark grin, making a gesture with one hand, causing Bret to float from his seat and over to his wife, his face places close to her vagina. "Your Turn," Darek chimed in glee and began the next transformation. The paralyzing spell vanishing, allowing Bret to call to his daughter, who had been hiding in the hall, "Run!" was all he was able to get out before his bull-wife's vagina seemed to reach out and wrap around his head, sucking him into her.

Bret's head entered her, getting slowly sucked in, then his neck and shoulders, his body seeming to melt into his wife's as he is sucked into her dripping vagina. The flesh around Bella's bull cock then began to inflate and ripple, a pink mass growing around it, soon taking shape. The shape of a head. Bret's head, the thick bovine cock sticking out on his mouth as his head elongates forming a sheath for the male shaft, his lips closing around the tip of her penis. His eyes at shifted to along either side of the shaft, at the end where the sack joins it. The sensation of the conjoinment comes as an odd pleasure for the bull-taur. To Bret's horror he feels the cock begin to grow in his mouth, the taste of the white liquid that drips from the tip of his wife's shaft filling his mouth, until he has no choice but to part his lips to allow the engorged bull cock to grow free. It thickening and lengthening as it expands out of his mouth. Bret's legs disappear as Bella's vagina takes the last of him in, his ass hole taking the place of her vagina, but that doesn't last long, for soon it changes, his ass becoming a vertical slit, lengthening and widening to form the dripping sex of a female cow, Then it was finished.

Darek clapped in glee at him finished creation, looking up to catch the sight of the feeling the child, "It is no matter, besides, why would I need to case after that toy, when I have a new one right before me..." the Daemon said darkly, places a hand on the ass of hir latest toy. Bret tried to protest, to yell and scream, but all that came out was muffled groaning noises, his mouth now forever to be filled with the maleness of his wife. Darek only grinned at that, "I hope you enjoy the gift I have given you, now you will forever share in your wife's pleasure, forever be closer to her then you could ever of imagined!" with that Darek cackled darkly, insanely, proud of his latest pet....

The End.


Re: Some things that are lost should not be found. - by Tyrndar

This is an excellent story and I love all of the stories in this universe. There's a cruel edge to them that appeals to me a bit, and the conjoined form is really very cool.