Topic: Lady Odette's Twin Passions - by Ordos Tsceri
Lady Odette's Twin Passions
(Part One)
By Ordos Tsceri
"Have you seen her dress?"
"I hear it's going to be stunning!"
"The whole assembly is going to be stunning!"
"Well it should be. We've been working on it all week. The ballroom alone has tied up half the staff."
"Oh, this is going to be so amazing! But have you seen her dress yet?"
"Of course not. No one's seen the dress yet. She just had it delivered a couple hours ago.
"Well maybe she showed it to Julie. She's the mistress' favorite, after all."
Julie bit her lip, her fair cheeks reddening a bit as she tried to busy herself. The serving girls loved to gossip. Divines knew it was one of the best benefits of the job, but Julie was never much for it. She loved to know what was going on in the palace, and at times her well-being had depended on knowing which way the winds were blowing in the grand assembly. Just because she worked for the heir to the throne didn't mean she was above the machinations of the noble court.
The other serving girls were gossiping a few feet, each nominally busy with some small task in the greeting room. The hallway stretched between the grand ball room, the primary dining hall, and a pair of the palace's more charming gardens. It was a natural location for guests to meet and mingle, so the walls were richly decorated with deep velvet curtains and regal portraits, while dozens of tables lay in small alcoves surrounded by plush stately chairs and end-tables with important looking artifacts and conversation pieces carefully displayed. Every girl on staff had served drinks up and down that hallway... and Julie knew more than a couple who never quite made it back.
She was dusting a golden statuette she suspected she used to work with when one of the other maids crept up to her. She felt Caitlyn's hand drape over her wrist and her other arm gently squeeze along her tummy as she hugged her from the back. Julie smiled; she'd known Caitlyn since they were four years old, and she'd always been a touchy girl. She became even more-so when Mistress Odette went through one of her playful phases a year into their employment.
Caitlyn and Julie had both come from servant families, and had been hand-picked at the age of fourteen to begin attending to the young princess Odette. Her father, the reigning magister, thought it would be a good idea for her to have servants her age. A year later, a fifteen year old Odette decided it would be fun to practice magic on her servants, and ever since Caitlyn had had furry, triangular, black feline ears perched atop of her head, twitching at noises and broadcasting her emotions with their movement. She'd also gotten a two-foot cat's tail from the spell... and Julie suspected she might have picked up a few other things as well. All the girls working for Odette that week received similar modifications... except Julie.
"So, did you sneak a peek Julie?" Caitlyn asked, giving her childhood friend a playful squeeze.
"Of course she did," Susette chided from a few feet away, where she arranging fresh flowers on the table-vases, "or, if she didn't, she knows already." Susette was another of the original batch of servants, and sported long, tapered goat ears and nubby horns from Odette's first playful period. She shot Julie a barbed smile, "she's the favorite, after all."
"Susette! Where are your manners?" Zoe chided. She'd only been pretending to work, fiddling with the globes of witchfire that illuminated the hallway, stronger than any candle and with more constant light than even the best torch. She was hired to Odette's service more recently, only about four years ago after some of the original cohort began moving on to different positions, places, or states of matter (Julie was pretty sure the golden statuette was Ysolda at this point. It had taken her a minute to match the erect bunny ears and surprised expression to a familiar name. She'd never much liked the girl, a gossip of the worst kind... but it seemed she eventually eavesdropped on a noble who took offense). Zoe had been around for over a year before Odette decided to test a spell on her, hence her deep blue skin, rich azure hair, and hefty chest size. Julie had never tested the rumor herself, but she'd heard from some of the boys in the scullery that she tasted like blueberries.
"It's alright," Julie said, wriggling loose from Caitlyn's hug. Susette was right, after all; she was Odette's favorite. She didn't know how or why it had happened, but from the beginning their mistress had taken a shine to her. She was given every break and lenience a servant could be given without attracting too much attention from other nobles or too much ire from her peers. She'd been a confidant, an accomplice of some of Odette's more wicked schemes, and... if not quite a lover, then a ready and willing subject for amorous stimulation from time to time. She and Odette lost their virginity on the same bed, and she'd seen sides of the regent's daughter that no one else in the staff had ever imagined.
"She hasn't told me anything about the dress," Julie continued, placing the statuette (Ysolda? Was that her name?) back on its little side-table. "Well... not anything you couldn't hear about the palace, anyway. She had it imported from an Illudrian weaver, so its probably spider-silk. If it wasn't enchanted already, I'm certain the mistress has a spell prepared for it by now... but really, anyone could tell you that." The blush was deepening, the awkward warmth creeping down her neck. She hated being the center of attention like this...
"Aww, she has to have let something slip," Caitlyn said, leaning close enough for Julie to feel the warmth of her breath on her ear.
Julie swallowed. They probably knew just how much of clothing Mistress Odette had let slip in front of her, in her private chambers, but they had had the grace not to mention it... or at least not to mention it anywhere where Julie could hear them.
"No... Not at all. I think she wanted to keep it a surprise from me, too..." She cringed a bit; in her embarrassment, she spoke of her mistress too... familiarly. It was a tentative thing... she worked hard at every task she was given, she was kind and pleasant, and she always strove to be humble; it was all she could do to keep the other servant girls from hating her. Because, truthfully, she did receive preferential treatment. She was special, at least insofar as Mistress Odette was concerned.
Adelle giggled, her four-nipples breasts straining against the tight cut of her maid's uniform. She was one of the original crew still on the job, inheriting bovine horns, ears, and tail from Odette that one morning, six years ago. Evidently Odette had tried some different things with her, since she continued to change gradually and subtly over the years. She'd grown more stocky, curvy, her breasts filling out far more than any of the other girls, and a lump around her tummy towards the end of last year ended up being (to her great relief) the beginning of an udder. A consistent rumor suggested she'd be running off with a lover to a dairy farm out in the country in a few months.
"I 'onder what sort of surprise 'ze mistress might 'ave for you," she said with a mischievous smile.
"Pssh," Susette chortled as she began to arrange the next batch of flowers, "she'll probably give her off to some noble-boy she needs to get on good terms with. I suppose moving from maid to consort counts as a promotion, even if you change households to do it."
"Susette!" Caitlyn snapped, ears sharply turned back and pressed flat against her curly black hair.
Susette's own goat ears flickered with annoyance. "What? I've been working for Odette for seven years and I've never seen anyone last so long untouched in her employ. She obviously likes Julie's body, enough so that doesn't feel the desire to mess around with it. But she's the regent's daughter and this is her coming-out party. She's a woman in the Court now, and that means putting away girlish things... and playmates."
Julie fumed silently, her feather duster trembling ever so slightly in her grip. She was about to say something unbefitting her dignified position when the sound of footsteps silenced the assembled serving girls.
Susette became suddenly engrossed in the flower arrangements while Caitlyn and Adelle found ways to look busy. Julie breathed deeply and continued her dusting. A servant wasn't to address the mistress without being addressed first, after all... although...
Susette had touched on a couple good points, though she was being too venomous to truly grasp their merit. This was Mistress Odette's twenty-first birthday, the date of her formal presentation to the assembled court of Alinor, and a very important day. It wouldn't do for a lady of her position to have a low-born consort, especially from her own serving staff. While not entirely unheard of, to do so, so soon in her courtly career, would be nothing short of scandalous, and the heir apparent of Alinor could not afford a scandal at the beginning of her political career. Now she'd need to be thinking about courtship, marriage alliances, which of the Northern Cities she could most successfully woo to Alinor' interests...
Fooling around with Julie the serving girl wouldn't do while she aggressively pursued the most advantageous husband for her throne. If she were to simply ignore her, cast her from mind and act like their little affairs had never mattered she wouldn't be so secretive of her new dress, or the particulars of her plans for the evening. She was a brilliant young magician with a fast growing grasp of all manner of sorcery, but like Susette said, if she was just going to turn Julie into a candle-stick or some such when she became inconvenient, why hadn't she worked any magic on her until now?
The answer, Julie had decided the last night, was that her mistress had been saving her.
For tonight.
"Such industrious servants. Truly, you do his majesty honor," Odette said, her voice calm, cool, and resounding with noble authority.
It sent a shiver down Julie's spine. Odette Valeroux was descended from Guillaume Valeroux, who claimed rulership of the Crystal Vale three hundred years ago. Before that, the family line ruled a corner of the distant Kingdom of Leoncour before ambition and shifting alliances forced their lineage elsewhere. Over five centuries of nobility, of rulers, of counts, countesses, kings, queens, sorcerers and generals ran through Odette's veins. She carried herself with the dignity and grace her position deserved, undercut by the raw power of her birthright. She spoke without evident sarcasm, letting the meaning of her words play at her true meaning.
Julie knew the tone as harmless, but she had grown better at reading her mistress than most of the other servants, who redoubled their efforts to appear busy. She could hear Susette trying to carefully put some space between her and Odette, slowly but purposefully, as though she was just following through with her duties and not terrified of her mistress' ire.
"Julie Delenworth," Odette said. Julie spun around at full attention, now that her mistress had addressed her by name.
"My lady?" she asked, curtsying. Her black maid's outfit was designed for the gesture, with a short black and white laced skirt and a blouse low-cut enough for the slight bow to offer a generous view. Rather, Julie amended, it was designed to show off as much of the serving girls as possible through the mandated, courtly gestures and rituals of respect. It might feel demeaning if she hadn't grown to like the feel of it.
Odette seemed to like what she saw, at any rate. "It is time to prepare for tonight's festivities. Come with me."
"Yes, mistress," Julie replied, curtseying again before following Odette away from the hall. She knew the route almost instantly; they were headed to her personal quarters. Her heart was racing, mind ablaze with tonight's possibilities. She paid no mind to the quiet chattering of the other servant girls once they rounded the corner; she had the suspicion their gossip wouldn't matter much to her after tonight.
Odette's personal suite was larger than any house Julie had ever lived in. She lived in a dozen rooms along the north wing of the central structure, windows and balconies looking out over an immaculately gardened internal courtyard with the city proper spread out beyond. The afternoon sun was just setting beneath the peaks of the distant Vael Mountains, painting the landscape in hues of blue and violet as the first lights began to flicker across the city below. The view was breathtaking, but for once Julie found she couldn't care about it.
No sooner had she gently shut the door to her mistress' apartment did Odette plant her mouth against hers, one hand grasping her servant close while the other softly squeezed the softness of her breast. Julie felt herself blush, even after all these years, but returned the affection as she always did. She melted to fit the familiar contours of her mistress' body, held her slender, beautiful body close, and lost herself in the flavors and sensations of Julie's skilled mouth.
It was over all too quickly, Odette smiling as she stroked her servant, Julie murmuring softly under her touch.
"Come with me, my precious," she said, "I have something... important to ask you."
That struck Julie from her reverie.
"Mistress?" She asked. Their tryst had been going on for years, and Julie had come to know her mistress more intimately than anyone alive. She had other lovers, to be sure; one couldn't grow up in the eye of the kingdom's aristocracy without some strategic fooling around, after all. But whereas her other lovers were chosen for long-term political potential as much pleasure, she was unabashedly personal with her favorite servant. She could open up with Julie, disclose her thoughts and dreams with complete safety, open up... but despite the occasional role-play, she was always in charge. Her force of raw personality, the weight of her lineage, and her own guilty desire to please... "You've never needed to ask anything of me."
Odette didn't answer. She slowly walked towards her bedroom, unfastening the straps of her gown as she went. Julie bit her lip, afraid she'd somehow offended, but quickly followed. Odette shrugged off her gown and slipped out of her delicate, sapphire gemmed slippers before the pair arrived at her bedchamber. Julie remembered what Susette had said, about a common-born lover becoming inconvenient with Odette's formal presentation to society... Of course, she ruefully admitted to herself, it had to end. Things couldn't go on like they had been... but... how much would she offer, what would she give up to hold onto her lover?
Odette sat down on the rich shimmering spidersilk sheets of her bed. They glimmered from rich velvet red to delicate pink with every change and fluctuation of the mage-light chandelier above. Like most things in her mistress' personal suite, Julie was intimately familiar with Odette's bed. Happy memories swam through her head as she worriedly approached the massive bed, slipping out of her shoes and sliding in place next to her nude mistress. She studied Odette's body, beautiful and graceful like her bearing. She was tall, almost six feet, her fair skin pure and lustrous like winter moonlight, her muscles finely tuned, taut and strong without becoming unseemly. Her womanhood was clean and petite, her groin immaculately shaved (through magical means, to Julie's envy. No hair had grown between her legs in three years). Her breasts were full, pert, the delicious handfuls somehow equally lovely nude and yearning and filling out her elegant dresses. They weren't wantonly large like the breasts of some of the less artful courtesans, but Julie knew they weren't quite small enough to easily fit in a hand. Her face was the essence of nobility, beautiful but commanding, sparkling crystal blue eyes and lips that could seem stately and dignified yet curl into the most delightfully wicked smile within a single heartbeat. Julie could drink in her mistress' beauty for hours... but she seemed sad tonight.
"The dress arrived, Julie," she said, gesturing to a mannequin in front of her wardrobe. Julie recognized the craft; Arachnae's Boutique in Illudracil would take meticulous measurements of their clients before an important job. She still remembered the fitting, three months earlier, where one of Jacqueline's assistants spent hours recording every curve of Odette's body. They'd use those measurements to alter one of their staff, until some lucky girl's body was an exact duplicate of the client's. She'd model and fit the outfit to make sure it was perfect, and for a small extra fee she'd be transformed into an inanimate mannequin, perfectly arranged and sized to show off the new gown, and segmented so it could be easily removed or returned. The Valeroux family always paid the extra fee, and right now four mannequins posed in exquisite gowns that each cost more than the treasury of some of the smaller kingdoms. The fourth one was new, although Julie thought she recognized the mannequin's demure smile from the fitting day.
The gown itself was breathtaking. Blue diamonds shone across the lengths of shimmering black cloth, a low hemline showing off the mannequin's artificial cleavage as the artful fabric clung about its hips and flowed behind its ass. The mannequin wore matching jeweled, open-face heals and diamond lined gloves with open fingers. It seemed to weave light about itself, glinting and glittering and shining across its lovely female form... it was so beautiful that it took Julie a moment to realize that, below its chest the fabric arced around the figure, a ribbon of midnight silk resting beneath the swell of breasts. Julie could see the mannequin's navel, stomach, and pussy before wrapping around the figure's thighs.
"Things change after tonight, my dear," Odette said without looking at Julie or her new dress. "I... I want you, but I can't keep you. Not like this."
Susan's heart sank with the words. She knew the truth of the statement, but in her beloved's voice it made her want to weep. She inhaled softly, steeling herself. Odette wouldn't mince words with her, not for something so important. "Then how?" she asked, "if not like this, then how?"
Odette's lips curved into a smile for a second before returning to their original somber expression. Still, there was something in those sharp, crystal blue eyes that heartened Julie.
"There is a way. I... I need you, Julie. I trust you, I rely on you... I think I love you."
The silence was heavy. Julie could feel her own heart beat within her chest.
"I can trust you..." Julie could see the glint of tears welling within those intelligent, commanding, powerful eyes, "but I need to be more than I am to survive this court. I haven't spoken a single word in my father's court and I already have enemies. They've been maneuvering since before I was born. Many plans are waiting, ready to swing into motion today... and I mean to ruin them. And I want you with me. I need your trust, your passion, you lust and love... but-"
Julie silenced her love's worrying with a kiss. She curled up next to her lover, arms wrapped around the woman who had meant her world for years. "I love you to. And I will do anything to stay with you, Odette. Anything."
She had the delight of seeing surprise play across her lover's sculpted face. It was a rare pleasure, made even enjoyable by the expression of unabashed joy that quickly overtook it.
"This will be a permanent affair, you know," Odette replied, running a finger over the back of Julie's maid uniform. Julie could feel the seams and stitching unravel as her clothing began to slide from her. Odette tried to keep her lips and tone serious, but there was too much excitement for the sentiment to ring true.
"Of course," Julie replied, returning the caress along her mistress' naked, smooth back. "All the best magic is.
Odette chuckled before she kissed Julie again, carefully brushing away her favorite maid's unraveling uniform.
"This shouldn't take long my love... but it should be enjoyable," she whispered into Julie's ear as she stood up, positioning her naked lover in front of her. After an instant's hesitation she placed her lips on Julie's again, with a wondrous passion that sent shivers down Julie's spine. Somehow, Julie knew this was the last kiss they'd ever share... it somehow made the excitement and nervous anticipation all the more terribly delicious.
She felt the magic just before Odette's lips left hers. It was somehow familiar... like the tingling sensation of awe when she first witness the majestic castle she'd be working in, or the fluttering of her heart the first time she beheld her lover nude. It didn't quite register as anything she was used to feeling, but the energizing, fateful tingle was unmistakable. This was the magic that would shape her life.
With firm, gentle hands Odette positioned Julie, facing away from her but pushing her nude body close, her ass rubbing against her mistress' inner thighs and vulva. Naughty memories involving some favorite toys rushed through Julie's mind and she felt warm arousal blossom through her sex. She gasped at the sensation; she'd been turned on before, but this... this was something so much more. Idly she realized Odette's magic was at work, but she found she couldn't care through the rush of sensation.
Odette brought up a hand and gently brushed it against Julie's stomach, and she gasped in shock at the feeling before the raw pleasure coaxed the sound into a decadent moan. It felt wonderful... far, far better than it should, she realized. The magic was coursing through her, she knew, working its changes upon the core of her being. She'd been more than willing to let her lover do it, and now it was far too late to do anything about it. Nothing to do but sit back and enjoy it.
"Very good," Odette whispered into her ear, touching her naked form with soft, delicate strokes. "Embrace it," she cooed, her breath hot against Julie's neck. Julie licked her lips, even that minuscule act evoking new pleasure and desire within her.
Through the growing ecstasy she felt the heat of her womanhood blossom. It wasn't an orgasm, nothing so sharp, but it carried the same raw magnitude, heightening the lustful cries from her lips and filling her with joyous, singing sexual energy... but no release followed. Only... a tugging sensation she couldn't wrap her mind around.
Odette ran her fingers over Julie's erect nipple and to her shock, Julie realized she could feel not only the firm toying of her sensitive breast, but also her tit's warm softness beneath the finger...
Odette leaned backward, sitting on her rich silk bed with a soft thump, and Julie came right behind her, tugged by the burning heat that permeated her ass. She felt Odette's body, its soft curves and burning heat and raw desire, all of it encompassing her pert little ass... and ass she realized she probably didn't have anymore.
"I'm... I'm part of you... aren't I?" she breathed through lustful moans and pants. It wasn't a question.
"You're very perceptive," Odette replied, "just one of the reasons I love you." She laid a fluttering kiss on the side of Julie's neck. "This next part will be... intense."
No sooner had she spoken the words than Julie felt the heat rush forth again, threatening to melt her from the inside out in her own frenzied passion. She felt herself sinking into her lover, her torso now firmly anchored between Odette's legs, her own legs receding into her, like fuel for the furnace glowing from her sex. She felt Odette place her hands firmly on her own, which had begun to frentically stroke her hyper-sensitive body. Julie realized she couldn't have resisted the firm, gentle tug of Odette's hands if she wanted to, and with effortless grace she had them positioned alongside her torso, quivering in desire instead of seeking out pleasure.
And then with a graceful, easy gesture, Odette pushed her arms against her flanks, and she cried in marvelous sensation as her arms simply melted into her. One instant they squirmed deliciously against her, and before she could process more than a glimpse of motion they had melted away, that vibrant, needy warmth filling her along her sides and nothing, no touch or weight or even awareness of her arms remained.
She wriggled her toes as they vanished beneath her, leaving her completely limbless, hanging from her lover's body. Odette leaned backward, letting gravity flop Julie onto her chest, her imperious breasts cushioning her shoulders while her own hands explored the changing contours of her lover's body.
The transformation was accelerating, perhaps fueled by Julie's vanished mass. Before she could react to her limblessness she saw her own womanhood shrink away, sealing itself and leaving the base of skin where she attached to Odette smooth. With a shocking surge of magic and pleasure, Odette grabbed both of Julie's breasts and squeezed the smooth orbs. It was a harder gesture than usual for their play, but instead of her usual array of delightful tricks Odette pulled downward, and with her movement Julie's breasts actually moved.
"Not the usual... recourse of this spell..." Odette murmured, clearly struggling to remain coherent through the pleasure (and meeting a great deal more success than Julie was, the transforming girl noted), "but I simply couldn't stop playing with your breasts."
Indeed, they seemed to be swelling as they moved, strange new sensations burbling up within them, a new, delightful pressure building within as the amorous heat encompassed Julie. By the time Odette stopped, her former breasts sagged, swinging with new fruitful purpose to the rhythm of her movements, each the size of a dew-melon.
"Almost..." Odette murmured, biting her lip to control her mounting lust. Julie smiled, sensing her lover's determination, the warmth that was flooding her, and awash with the unbridled pleasure her new form brought. She knew what was happening, and barely recognized her body becoming more tubular, her neck melting away, the curves of her torso softening before they vanished. As her head began to adopt the same dimensions as her boneless body she took the opportunity to speak her last words.
"Love you."
Even as she spoke the words, a sweet whiteish fluid began dribbling from the corner of her smiling mouth. She breathed in, closing her eyes under the wash of sensation and pleasure, and felt them smooth over, vanishing with the rest of her features into a smooth, gently sloped, fleshy crown centered along her lips. Her hair burned away in a quick, bright flare of magical energy and her mouth contracted, becoming the tiny slit of her urethra.
Julie was now a four foot long cock, rock hard and throbbing along Odette's taut belly and breasts. And then Odette leaned forward and kissed her on her glans.
The heavens moved. Seas roiled. She felt the pressure pound within her and surge as her own euphoric pleasure painted all of her experience, her sensation, her perception, her very existence in shades of sexual joy.
"Oh... my..."
Odette steadied her breathing and looked around her. Her first male orgasm had been... a good deal more than she anticipated.
She was still afloat in the afterglow, savoring the new sensations. Her female sex had come too, still nestled between her thighs, not that she could see it through the balls resting above her legs. This afterglow was... different. The climax had been more powerful that she had believed was possible, and even now she could feel Julie stiffening at the thought of repeating the exercise.
That was the important thing, though. She could feel Julie. Her lover would be a part of her forever, now, and she'd share the wonderful girl's passion and delight. She always admired her that. She'd been working political calculations since she was a little girl, acutely aware that few people wanted what they said they did, that as the heir to the throne of the Vale she was simultaneously immensely powerful and incredibly vulnerable. Everyone wanted her. Everyone wanted to use her. Some wanted her gone entirely, but most would settle for keeping her out of the way of real power, using her until she could be pushed to the sidelines. Julie was something special; honest affection, genuine passion, and simple love.
Odette idly stroked her new member. Now, no matter what, she'd always have her near. She'd have her presence, swimmingly warmly through her essence, her desires tickling in her mind, and just from being there she'd be strength in cold moments when the calculus of power turned grim.
... And there were more practical concerns as well. As a noble-born daughter in the Crystal Vale she'd be expected to marry soon, and as the only heir of the reigning king she'd be expected to secure the bloodline's future with great haste. As a woman, she'd be married before the end of her first full year in court. As a hermaphrodite she had a great deal more options presented to her.
She laughed, thinking of the expression on Jaunus Alcuedir's face when he saw the woman he expected to propose to strut to the ball with a cock bigger than his.
Alas, that brought pressing matters to mind. With a force of effort Odette pushed herself upright, the weight of her new cock swinging wildly before her. She'd made a terrible mess with her first ejaculation, but she had had the presence of mind to keep Julie pointed away from the gown she'd be wearing. Still, her sheets were soaked and sticky, at least a bucket's worth had shot onto the floor and wall, and she'd gotten a great deal of her new fluid on her face and hair. Thankfully, she'd had the presence of mind to prepare a personal cleansing spell today that would get her fresh and ready for her gala in no time. As for the rest... well, that's what maids are for.
"One more thing before we clean up," she mused aloud. She wasn't sure how much Julie could sense as a cock. Certainly they were entwined on an empathic level, but could that convey more articulate notions... Odette shook her head; there'd be time to puzzle out the metaphysical mechanics of Julie's new situation later.
Odette took a deep breath and placed her hands on her cock. She reached within, tapping the font of magical power that was her birthright, and began weaving the spell about Julie. Usually, multiple changes on any sort of large scale could have unanticipated side-effects, but she'd researched this, studied the flows and mechanics of the spell until she could recite it in her sleep. The first change had permanently altered Julie's morphic-field (as far as the universe at large was concerned, she was a cock now), but it had left a window that would easily and seamlessly allow a few specific modifications.
As fun as the idea of toting around a four-foot cock was, Odette had to admit, it simply wasn't practical.
She felt Julie react to the magic, to the second change, and felt her thrum to attention. Rock hard again, she convulsed in a delightful fit that coaxed a moan from Odette's lips. She found herself thrusting her hips in tune with Julie's contractions, and soon she was rewarded by another searing orgasm, another flood of pleasure and heat and the sublime tranquility of entwined essences... and another geyser of her sexual lust, arcing up over her head and splattering on her bed and carpet.
Odette groaned her satisfaction, rubbing her new manhood as she willed the spell onward. With each thrust, each burst of pleasure and each gush of cum, Julie lost a bit more mass. The shrinking woman-turned-cock kept cumming, throwing away the excess mass as Odette adjusted her lover to a more livable size. Thrust after thrust fed slowly diminishing streams of ejaculation, until Odette was left panting, exhausted, and holding her gradually softening ten-inch cock in her hand.
Ten inches hard, probably six or so while soft. Definitely larger than average, maybe a bit too much so by normal standards, but it'd be a simple spell to work a couple inches of accommodation into a tryst. Just as important, though, it would be absolutely striking.
It had taken more out of her than she'd imagined, so she allowed herself a moment of repose, mellow in the rush of beautiful warm sensations following such magnificent exertion. She felt warm, content, and fatigued... it was only Julie's hardening that shook her attention back to the moment. With a laugh, she realized she'd been on the verge of falling asleep.
"We'll have to work on that," she teased her cock, springing back to her feet and feeling Julie's length jiggle between her shapely thighs. She let out a soft laugh dangerously close to a giggle as she took her first tentative steps as a herm, feeling her new addition jiggle and bounce between her legs, the sensation playfully arousing.
"Oh... this will be fun..."
As if to answer, Julie hardened again, growing fully erect in a matter of seconds.
"Mmmhm... as delightful as the thought of playing with you right now is, and I am sorely tempted to forsake this celebration entirely and spend the night wanking, I'm afraid we must press on. Besides, I already know the first womanhood you'll get to explore, and it wouldn't do to keep her waiting, will it?"
A flare of arousal shot through her loins. She smiled her own response, and quickly conjured the refreshment spell. The abrupt incantation purged the cum from her skin and hair, leaving her a good deal more pristine than her musky bedroom. She used the same elegant, ladylike motions she'd grown accustomed to, very much enjoying how the sway of her hips made her cock wobble back and forward obscenely. Wicked smile on her lips, she tugged a string against the far wall of her bedroom, knowing that it would summon her maid-staff, who will be eager to see the results of Julie's private time with her. They'd strap her into her dress and get to cleaning her quarters, hopefully finishing before she returned with the woman who'd claim her male virginity. If not, well... Julie certainly had some detractors amongst her peers, maybe she'd make one of them an example, something of a gift for her new and wondrous cock.