Topic: Seven Days to a New You Transformation Day 3: Modifier

As demonstrated by Amelia and Chad, this week's modifier animates part of the transformee's body with it's own intelligence.  This could be the part they gained from the day's transformation or, as they've already undergone several transformations, those are possible targets as well.  The final results will depend on your votes and the creativity of the design team.


Re: Seven Days to a New You Transformation Day 3: Modifier

I voted "Neither" as it did not understand how their new form beside alternate their degree of intelligence, if it would express their degree of intelligence from creatures as intelligence as they are. I had missed the voting. Logged in to the forum for very little days in each month always missed many fun activities.

I was a member of the zetaboard old forum.
I do not know why I could not register at the no-ip forum before, only it was possible now.