1 (edited by LamiaWoman 2016-01-15 08:51)

Topic: Help Wanted at Casual Wickedry

It's hardly a secret that I use employees to fuel transformations both on my customers, and myself, or to make them into product demonstrations.  I made enough money that my "use clause" in employment contracts was a generous sum to the person of their designation in exchange for using them in one of my works of art.  It would be shocking, the number of volunteers I had to work for me in varying capacities until one considers that in the poorest echelons of life, sometimes the risk of living a life of pleasure as part of someone else, who is probably wealthier and more hedonistic can be a much better option than scraping through muck trying to scrounge and kill rats for bounty, or shoveling all manner of unmentionable, horrid things for uncaring, temporary employers trying to eke out a living.

It was immoral, unethical, and often horrible, but for my purposes, the practice was perfectly legal, so long as the contracts were signed, filed, and there was an escape clause in the contract allowing the employee to resign at any time without rancor...  Up until the moment I informed them they had been chosen as a future pet, toy or even something more intimate.  I didn't use the clause nearly as often as people believed.  What's more is the way I sealed them prevents them from degenerating into mindless or mad things, always keeping their minds and perceptions fresh, reset each day to the morning after I had trapped them in my body as I woke up so while they remembered all their time as part of me, it was as though they has woken up newly changed and desperate to stretch limbs they no longer have. 

As a result, one of the benefits to me is it's nigh impossible for sex, or having them trapped within me and feeling them squirm to ever become routine, or something accustomed to.   As a result, every touch, every penetration, kiss and syllable felt like a new experience to the poor soul trapped within, and that newness and wonder/horror transferred to me as a fresh sensation.  This meant every time my current boyfriend, and smattering of lovers/toys I kept in my shop went with me to my bed, I got to feel each sensation anew.

On myself alone I had absorbed quite a number, but honestly their number mostly included unwitting volunteers who poorly thought out their requests or answers to MY requests, or a  smattering of lovers whom had the misfortune of being in physical contact with me when my imagination and self-control slipped.  But by far the most common type of person to wind up as a piece of my body, or an addition to the living leather corset, gloves, boots and trousers that hugged my form almost as tightly as my skin were thieves who had tried to steal from my shop and get caught by some of the traps I had lying about to protect my work.

Sometimes, though, I would merge employees to assuage my conscience.  It was somewhat shaming to admit that a Half-Demon transformed by Mammon might have one, but I do.  Not for the people I transformed, of course, their squirming, ecstatic struggles were like a heady drug to me, as was the shameful love for the pleasure their new, lessened forms brought them.  But every so often, I would feel the need to help someone who was hurting, even if I didn't profit from it.  Unfortunately my definition of "helping" is somewhat skewed.

Zack and Mikaela had been good friends, but only because of circumstance.  They had both applied to my shop as employees, as I allowed my live-in receptionists and assistants a chance to become apprenticed to me in my Alchemical works. 

The problem is I only had room for one.  Both were quick, charismatic in that special way only street-born scammers could be and they were both torturously emaciated, having been starving on the streets in a very nasty part of town.  After I fed them enough to fully wake the pair, and get them talking, the two twenty-five year olds had no skills, could barely read and had been making a living. When I spoke to them, there was a sharp intelligence behind the ignorance brought on by their lack of education.  Added to that, they had a stoic expectation of being turned away again.

My conscience was twingeing, especially since I couldn't perceive the usual edging and leading that most of the thieves who now graced parts of my body, or penetrated/were penetrated on my clothing had tried to figure out how to steal from me.

I decided to take a risk.

"Very well, boys, I'm willing to hire you, but here's the rub.  I can only hire and house ONE of you.  I don't have room to create a boarding house."  I considered as they looked crestfallen.  "Now, that being said, I will give you both a choice.  You can decide between you which of you will take the job, or you can both opt to be hired and accept my Use Clause that all of my employees must accept.  That being I can utilize you to create any exotic pet, or merge your forms to anyone else as part of an alchemy contract.  The caveat is that I will merge the two of you into one creature.  This is a competitive position, so each of you will, in turn, have control of the shared body, trading places as you wake up.  The one I deem best suited will be the one I allow to attempt to become an apprentice, while the other will be sealed as part of the victor."

Both boys eyes went wide as they considered.  "So... We have to become one person, or else one of us has to get dumped onto the street?"  Mikaela, such an unfortunate name for a young man, slowly worked out of his mouth as they considered their options.

I nodded.  "That is correct.  Further, I do reserve the right to alter you, test alchemical concoctions that will alter your form, sometimes in very unpredictable ways, or use you to demonstrate a product."  It's pretty horrifying, I know, how I deliver a matter-of-fact recital of likely fates to new employees but often it would scare away the ones not willing to risk things that were inherent risks just by walking into an alchemy lab and because I actually respect bravery in the face of unwanted, or certain bad fate.

I continued as I settled back in my most comfortable chair, watching the two young men consider.  "Another thing to consider is that one of your jobs will be to help sell my transformatives, aphrodisiacs, ointments, oils and other products as well as select full-body sculpting measures, and I have found that women, or hermaphrodites tend to be better for sales, especially when embellished properly.  I'm not going to force that on you, necessarily unless your work performance is terrible, but if you volunteer, I will provide you a bonus to your daily pay from day one, which will also have a side effect of helping your general health.  I don't want to be seen as the woman who starves her employees rather than paying them well."

I have to give them credit, the two were as brutally mercenary as I am.  The mere mention of better health and more money had their undivided attention.  It's not like their masculinity had served them in good stead, I would imagine they had suffered a stint trying to sell themselves to make ends meet.  Being a female prostitute would have been bad enough without being transformed to make the job less odious, but to be a young man, desperate for money enough?  I didn't ask, but they did have the look of people who had allowed themselves to be subjected to rather severe abuses.

Zack was canny, "You're asking us to choose between abandoning each other and becoming eventually nothing more than the other's body part, effectively, trapped in our own skin, and on top of that, you're asking us to agree to be used at any time for any reason as a potential addition to one of your transformations, become one of those living sex toys or sex pets often sought by the hedonistic for a life of servitude to someone else."

"It would hardly be fair if I didn't inform you of the risks.  I know you won't abandon each other, that much is evident.  But you boys can barely read, so the likelihood that something in the contract would bite your unknowing asses is extremely high, and I'll make no secret that I'm a mercurial witch who rewards loyalty and success lavishly, but has no moral qualms about rewarding failure and disloyalty equally lavishly."

As I spoke my lower left arm, cupped my lower-right breast gently.  They got the point quickly.  "You two seem intelligent, you're already proven to be loyal to each other, you have no skills, and thus no bad habits I must break you of and you're both very good at talking.  Most people don't even hold my attention for very long, and I don't like wasting time on people who cannot represent my shop well.  The realistic truth is, if I am continuing to make money, then your position is solid.  I have only ever invoked use-clauses upon employees who wound up costing me significant sums, whether that be fines with the city authorities, arrests, or having my shop searched because they were indulging their indiscretions on the side."

Both nodded.

"I want to hire both of you, honestly, but I have one small room with a bed upstairs with enough room for a single person.  I might take one of you home as a bed warmer but I seem to have found a man who takes as much delight in my warped proclivities as I do, and I haven't decided if I want to share that with more than one person."

Mikaela raised an eyebrow, "Bedwarmer?"

"I'm transformed enough that I gain nourishment from mana, not food, sweetling.  Which means I tend to need a lot of physical activity. Vigorous physical activity."

"That explains..." Zack shut up as he realized he was staring at the toothless labial lips, tongue and slick passage behind my otherwise normal lips as I talked.  I just smirked, amused.

"It actually feels a lot better than you might think.  Perhaps you'll try it someday."

"How much would we have to be transformed?"

"Have to be?  Not much, honestly, while I like my embellishments, past a certain point, odds are you'll be more likely to volunteer for a change than I am to enforce."  I shrugged.  "I prefer to get the horrible parts out of the way before i move on to employee benefits.  I assume that because you two haven't been scared off, you are willing to hear more?"

"Can't be worse than where we are now." Mikaela said sourly.

"True.  As this is, for lack of a better term, paid apprenticeship position, you would be fed and housed here.  You would be allowed to learn about alchemical processes and sales for as long as you maintain your employment and choose not to resign or be removed from your position.  I don't feed gruel to people, but it's not going to be five-star restaurant fare either.  One of the benefits is access to the demonstration toys and pets I have within the shop, with permission, you may occasionally bring Katja off her perch in the front window and play with her so she doesn't feel too lonely.  While it is optional I do often require sex to recharge and refresh, and if you're willing, we'll probably get to know each other intimately."  I don't think they quite caught that I started referring to them as one person, rather than two individuals.  "Any Alchemical concoctions you successfully brew and test out within tolerances for accidental and unintended side-effects once you are beginning to understand the processes will pay half the value directly to you so long as you work here."

"How long can we think about how we want to do this?"

"I'll give you an hour.  I need to go into the lab and prepare some things."

Zack looked up "Who's Katja?"

I smiled, and simply rose from my chair and walked to a draped alcove at the front of the store and reached through and put my hand on the quivering form of my professional mannequin.  She instantly responded to my desires and smoothly stepped out into view, walking into the room with the two young men biting her lip, quivering in anticipation as they beheld the stunning, tanned woman with hip-length, white hair, bronzed skin, three vividly blue eyes and six generous breasts in three rows of two descending down her chest, in her naked glory.

"This is Katja, She can't talk, or even move on her own," I purred as I took my gloved hand away from her skin.  "She's my mannequin, and love doll.  Perfectly flesh, but in order to move, or do anything, one must touch her skin, and she will follow that person's desires.  Right now it's been about two days since anyone played with her and she's likely beginning to feel a bit mad, her arousal simply builds and builds the longer she goes untouched.  But she can only move as you wish her to, and she has no voice.  A perfect, animate love doll for whomever takes hold of her."  I punctuated this by slipping behind her and rubbing four of her nipples as she shuddered and leaned back into me slightly, reaching back and then freezing in place as though in mid-sensuous moan as I slipped away.

"I'll be back," I said as I headed to the beck rooms where I kept my lab gear. "Don't open the cases, please, or you'll not like the results, and if you would, give Katja a bit of relief.  She's been a little deprived."

I walked out of the room, and simply turned and sat down, relaxing as I watched behind the false mirror to see what was happening.  I was comfortable leaving Katja alone with them, she was incredibly resilient even if still flesh, and if they tried to hurt her they would wind up being stuck as part of her for the rest of their very long existences.

To their credit, after I left, I watched them talk.  They didn't go try to pry open the cases, fiddle with the alchemical vials I felt were safe enough to display, or even move on Katja for fifteen minutes while they came to an accord.  It was very rare that I got a good feeling about anyone, but I definitely got one from these two.  Desperation was there, yes, but also determination.  Fear was something I imagined the boys had stripped from them long ago.

It took another fifteen minutes before Mikaela finally, curiously went over and touched Katja.  You can always tell when they don't have a clear purpose in mind when the little minx immediately wraps herself around them and kisses them passionately, following their subconscious hope that she was actually looking forward to their touch like a lifeline.  Katja was a rare one, a girl who is extremely submissive, to the point where she could barely have an opinion without permission, always more comfortable being the follower, bluntly, she loved it when people treated her like nothing more than a pleasure slave.  I gave her that life, not because I felt it was a good one, but bluntly, because I could use her like that.  Even I was surprised at the emotional rollercoaster of delight and happiness that persisted even to this day at the reality of being nothing more than a flesh love doll.

Most people who suffered fates like hers were horrified and maddened within weeks.  She had, without assistance from me, remained sane and alive, alert and mentally healthy for almost two years.  As the two young men warmed up to her slowly, and began sharing her I could feel her emotional thrill as she became a puppet to their subconscious fantasies.  As the emotions that Zack and Mikaela unclenched, and the iron-hard control they maintained on themselves faded just a little I could feel a calm, and accepting feel. 

After a few minutes of basking in the mana generated by their own lovemaking I began stroking the living leather wrapped around my body, sparking subtle movements that were invisible from the outside.  Cocks pushed deeper into my myriad love canals, quivering pussies hidden in glove fingers massaged said appendages, and a gentle, toothless mouth began working harder on the cock nestled between my legs as I voyeuristically enjoyed absorbing the passions in the front room as well as the passions of the people trapped as part of me, or wrapped around said parts of me as they made love to each other anew.

I gave them an hour and a half to get their last romp in the sack with a willing woman as two separate men out of the way.  I was fairly certain what their decision would be.

"We'll do it." Zack uttered as I led a blissed and satisfied Katja back to her perch in the window, settling her into a new pose, and turned to the pair.

"So you two intend to become one?"  I asked thoughtfully, the wake of my own orgasms wasn't as obvious to the three first-time lovers, but the aftermath of such was always fun.  one of my fingers was still pleasurably oozing cum, having been one of the late holdouts, into the glove containing her to be absorbed by the living garment.

"You said we would be taking turns being the one in charge?"

"mmmhmmm" I smiled.  "As each of you wakes up in the morning, you will have swapped places.  So one day you will be the actual person, walking, talking, and making decisions, and you will be merely part of the body, at the mercy of the other.  When you sleep, you will swap places, and the person who was the mere part will be the one making decisions about how you are treated.  So I would propose that you have care and ensure that the other is treated well, and pleasurably lest they get revenge."

"And you said volunteering to be female for making sales better comes with a bonus?" Mikaela asked.

"You will each get an additional quarter of your income per day.  Your monies are to be kept in separate lockboxes in the chest upstairs, and you may of course write each other notes and agree on how to share money if you wish, but that is between the two of you.  When you do this, I expect you to keep complaints about what the other does with you to yourself.  I don't want to hear it."

"Still a better deal than any we've had in the past six years." Zack muttered.

"It often is, when people come here for work."  I looked at them.  "The contracts are on the desk, all you have to do is sign, and drink the vial next to it.  Mikaela, yours is on the left, Zack's is on the right. From now on you are to refer to me as Mistress Alisaundra in public or with customers, but Miss Ali may be used in private, are we understood?"

I had, of course, prepared the vials specifically for them.  As the pair silently walked up, nodding their acquiescence and understanding, to their credit they tried to read the contracts, tried to help each other puzzle out the arcane legalese.  But finally, they just signed, and each one drank his vial silently, a slight tremor and a thrill of worry and fear, finally as each one wondered what was going to happen to them.

Mikaela sat down, being smarter, and waited for the change while Zack immediately started shuddering and shaking.  His skin darkened and his body began to be less emaciated  as parts of him began to fill out, stretching his clothing painfully, causing him to wiggle free.  I found it amusing that they'd gotten dressed after taking Katja for a ride, but modesty sometimes rules.  The low, guttural moan he uttered took on a feminine timbre as his voice cracked and he found himself groaning with the pleasurable and painful changes in a woman's voice.

The first thing to change drastically was his cock and balls which quivered and were absorbed pleasurably into a soft, gentle cleft between his, now her, legs as her new hips widened, legs reforming into shapely creations as her waist tightened, her torso, rather than thinning for most men, actually filled out into a healthy womanly form.  She gripped her chest as a pair of generous breasts began to extend and form, filling out rapidly as the hands gripping them softened and filled out femininely with long, delicate fingernails. 

A second pair of soft breasts formed under the first pair as the newly-minted Zasha screamed, orgasming as the juices ran down her legs, her face shifting to a perfect copy of the last girl she had made love to, Katja's without the third eye, and as waves of ghost-white hair cascaded down her back to caress the top of her hips.

She was gorgeous, a little too much like Katja with the extra pair of breasts, but Alchemy was hardly perfect.  Had I changed her myself directly I would have had a little more control over the process.

Modesty forgotten, the newly minted woman was breathing heavily, moaning from an arousal that would never end until Mikaela's transformation began.  The maddening sexual panic overriding her mind kept her from considering what was happening too much.  I took her hand and gently pulled her to her best friend as she frantically rubbed at her new pussy, trying to find release.

"Mikaela, it's your turn.  Only you can give her the release she craves now."

"But I..."

"If you don't she'll go rapidly insane.  Help her, boy."

That got him moving as he stripped again and I gently turned the new girl, who could usefully pass as my mannequin's twin sister, and gently guided her to sit down, facing away from him like he was a chair under her, gripping a very surprised Mikaela's cock and aiming it right at her soft pussy as she came down, impaling her on her best friend.

The look of surprised shock in the eyes of a former man, the moment he is first penetrated as a woman is a priceless thing.  I have a mental catalog of the expressions, and the flood of emotion that invariably flavors the event in my head.  Usually, I enjoy deflowering them myself, but this was a special occasion, a moment shared by two friends.  With an awkward, halting and relieved moan that overtook her former masculinity, the woman began to raise and lower herself, desperate to find the release she craved as her best friend tried desperately to help.

It didn't last long as Mikaela came rapidly, the cum sealing his own metamorphosis, as they both climaxed and orgasmed.  I smirked as Zasha's legs and hips sank into her friend, his legs merging, absorbing her lower body as I moved a tall mirror over so she and he could witness their combined throes of passion.  They were coming off the heady pulse of ecstasy when another hit, and Zasha's legs fully merged with Mikaela's and they moaned in pleasure even as their eyes went wide as dinner plated from the shock of seeing their flesh merge.

Another wave hit, and poor Zasha sank a little lower, her waist beginning to be absorbed.  I watched with a beatific smile on my face as I simply enjoyed the emotional whirlpool of ecstasy, and morbid fascination as it became apparent over several minutes that with each wave of orgasm, Zasha sank another inch into her lover and friend.  As her waist disappeared, Mikaela's waist tightened, his body filling out .  Another wave passed and the arms of the sinking woman fused with her sides, being absorbed as Mikaela's arms and hands became perfect copies.

Just as they were recovering enough to protest the orgasmic waves would hit again, and Zasha would sink a little lower into her friend, breasts consumed by the transformation, neck absorbed as Mikaela's chest became a perfect, pale-skinned copy of his former friend.  When Zasha's head began fading in it tilted back, and began sinking into her friend's crotch, face out as her mouth and nose were consumed by a soft slit, matching the one that had been wrapped around Mikaela's dick moments before.  As it happened, Mikaela became a delightful photo negative of her new pussy's former appearance, with lusciously pale skin, and jet black hair that cascaded to her hips with four generou tits that spilled out over her chest.

While she was still a distinctive mound with eyes, and before Mikaela could protest I simply removed a toy from a case, a former thief who had tried to fool me into hiring her so she could rob me blind.  She was tiny, her torso merely four inches long and lines with eight gentle breasts.  Her head was perfectly bald, mouth and nose merely a flat plate of skin, sealed forever for silence.  But it was her legs and ass, perfectly formed into a living, full-sized penis and balls, that I would put to use as she squirmed in my hand, trapped in her own ecstasy and horror.

I lined the cocktip that had once been her feet to the wide-eyed and disbelieving pussy trapped in her friend's groin and gently slid the dildo girl into the new, soft, yielding and slick mouth that was trapped between Mikaela's thighs as she let out a rapturous shriek at the penetration.  Zasha's eyes rolled back, despite her absolute disbelief and horror as ecstasy overcame her.  I spent several minutes gently stroking the living dildo in and out of the gentle cleft between thighs getting my wish as the living dildo began squirming in my hand frantically as the eyes on Mikaela's crotch sealed themselves, blinding Zasha to the world except for the hard, thick, firm shaft slipping through her mouth into her very being.

She quivered, mouth contracting frantically around the poor toy's cock, smearing it with pussy juice and white semen that had been injected into her as Mikaela let out a low, guttural moan.  I could feel Zasha, formerly Zack trying to make sense of the world as her awareness connected with Mikaela's and she was allowed to be fully aware of everything around her despite her blindness.

After all, it wouldn't do to have an apprentice who could neither see, nor hear the lessons as the mana sight kicked in.  Mikaela's eyes went wide. "Oh my God I can hear her!"

"That's right love, you didn't think I was going to make you two numb to each other did you?"  I smiled.  "That's enough for the first night, how do you feel?"

"God that was amazing.  I feel... Amazing."  She gently traced delicate fingers across the new soft lips on her crotch.  "I don't think Zack's quite decided if he loves this or hates it."

"Well, sweetling, your room is upstairs.  When I see you in the morning, you will be nothing but a pussy between Zasha's, no point calling him Zack now, legs, waiting to be filled up, and played with.  And since Zasha feels everything you do to her identically to your own sensations, I very strongly suggest that you take your new pussy, go to your room upstairs, second on the left, and very gently explore the pleasures of your new body together.  If you treat her nicely, I'm relatively certain she will do you the same courtesy."

Mikaela blushed furiously as she realized what was in store for her come morning.

I handed her the poor, living dildo, gently pressing the creature into her hands.  "You should go and enjoy the rest of your night.  I'll be expecting you both to be alert and ready to work in the morning.  Treat your pussy well."

Mikaela stared down at the living toy in her hands, over the four generous breasts on her chest apprehensively, then came to a decision, heading up the starts, biting her lower lip in anticipation as she went to find her room and some privacy.
As I began cleaning the clothes off the floor, I left the sex mess.  I don't clean messes like that up, that's why I hire employees.

I snapped back to full awareness as a long, slow, clap began in the vicinity of the door, and another on the couch I had just vacated.

"Well well, you have done well for yourself, little brother..."  The woman on the couch had pale, pinkish skin, like that of a clitoris, hips merging into a sinuous serpentine tail made of more of that pink skin, with a large cockhead on the tip.  Her breasts were balls, contained in a DD-cup scrotum sac, dangling surprisingly naturally on her chest almost like a pair od large breasts inside a skin-tight shirt.  her hands had delicate claws, and her mouth was simply a vaginal passage with a tongue that could speak.  Long, brown hair passed over the three-foot tentacles tipped with a seemingly random array of cocks, pussies or mouths rising in two rows along her back.  The capper was the two fleshy, curved horns that travelled a foot behind her head and ended in a pair of cocktips.  "...An invigorating display if I ever saw one."

"Or should we call you 'sister?" the male voice was like steel on concrete to the ears.  Not unpleasant except it was creeping through your mind like it would cause you to blurt out your most demented fantasies.  He was classically demon, red skin, massive pair of cocks hanging over digitigrade legs and cloven feet.  Wings came from his back, and a crown of horns decorated his brow.  "I must say I'm disappointed, that show was missing something, besides the confusion of the new pussy.  We should call her down and REALLY get going."

Malinda and Dathien, Avatars of Freya and Karma, respectively, both more potent than I would likely ever be, and my brother and sister reborn of an argument between two Great Demons that they carried on in their respective masters' stead with each other as they caused all manner of madness in their wake.

"How the hell did you two find me? And how the hell did you get in here?"


Re: Help Wanted at Casual Wickedry

I like the concept and how it was written I can't wait to see more of this story


Re: Help Wanted at Casual Wickedry

Ooh!  New characters!


Re: Help Wanted at Casual Wickedry

littlecynthiahall wrote:

I like the concept and how it was written I can't wait to see more of this story

this is actually the next part of my "Diary of a Half-Demon" in another thread.  Same main character.