Topic: bobboled's collection of tf crap
Testing out file uploading. Will be edited later
PS: If anyone has a good idea on putting up images here, let me know
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Legends of Belial → The Crossroads Inn → bobboled's collection of tf crap
Testing out file uploading. Will be edited later
PS: If anyone has a good idea on putting up images here, let me know
I'll tinker around, but i think imugr might be the way to go. Probably take me awhile. To be honest, i think just posting the links to pixiv will be faster, but I have a couple that have been removed so I'll have to upload them manually
The first round of stuff from my pixiv bookmarks. Gonna go by oldest to newest. I have some stuff that has been deleted or archived by the artist in my drive, but I'll save that for last so I can make sure I don't repost. However, some of that stuff isn't on the internet any more (such as some of Wrongs dick-neck art), so hopefully this will help some people find missing content if it hasn't already been posted.
Btw, a lot of these are in Japanese, so if anyone finds any wrong images (something titled lolicon or something), please let me know and I'll remove it from here, and my pixiv, because I sometimes have trouble telling apart anime-looking chars
Lots of good stuff here. Thanks for sharing.
A shout out to kevlarmelon, who I don;t think has been mentioned here yet. Every now and then he does some really neat tf's, and here a few of my faves.
I feel like I should say I am going to expand this to not just pixiv, but everything I've got, sort of. Not going to post everything, obviously, just whatever I think hasn't been posted here so far. As for source on images, I might be able to give them for some. Others, I might not want to, because the rest of the gallery was horrifying or something else (hence why I rely on the popular submissions from pixiv page rather than follow everyone)
Here is what I have from wrong, who I will not link here because his pixiv page is awful. I highly suggest searching pixiv using fitting terms (TF, TSF, CTF) rather than go to his page as it's not worth it, and is how I found most of his stuff. What I have here is pretty much the only good stuff, except for a few things I forgot to download before he rebooted his pixiv page.
Legends of Belial → The Crossroads Inn → bobboled's collection of tf crap
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