Topic: Ahead of Time - by Multibreast


Another old multibreast story to match today's taur theme.
Multibreast+centaur TF+second sex


Ahead of Time
By Multibreast

I had my life all planned out, or so I thought. I was working as a secretary and receptionist for the town's veterinarian, and going to college to one day become a veterinarian myself. I had always loved animals, and the thought of dedicating my life to their care and treatment seemed appealing to me.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing in my life. I'm not saying that I was unhappy with my life. In fact, I was generally content and well-adjusted. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but feel that my life lacked some sense of adventure and uniqueness. It had something to do with my love of animals.

I had been an animal lover since I was a small girl. I remember that every birthday as a child, I would ask for a pony as a gift. I adored animals in general, but horses were by far my favorite. They were so beautiful. They were so fast, strong, and rugged, yet so graceful at the same time. It didn't matter much that I lived in a suburban area which would never let a homeowner keep a pony in the back yard. It was a clear violation of the residential zoning laws of the area. Yet, as a small girl, zoning laws meant little to me. I could never understand why my parents would never get me the horse I so desired. As each birthday passed without a pony as a present, my love for horses grew stronger and stronger. I didn't care for the excuses that my parents would give to me about how ponies were too expensive, and that the town would never allow us to have one in our yard, and how it was too expensive to rent a stable outside of town. Oh, my parents would try to appease my love of horses by buying me My Little Pony toys and the like, and while I did enjoy collecting pony dolls, it just wasn't the same as having my very own adorable horse. My parents would take me to the pony rides at a nearby stable when they could. Yet, an hour of riding on someone else's horse was hardly enough to satiate my desire for my very own pony.

I wanted to be close to the animal. I wanted to hug it and pet it and brush it every night. I wanted to make it my own. Owning a horse wasn't the extent of it though. As my love of horses grew, I began dreaming that I was a horse, that I could run like the wind in all the power and grace of my own horse body. I suppose it wasn't that unusual of a dream. I suppose a lot of young girls have those kinds of fantasies growing up. The difference for me was that those fantasies never went away. I didn't outgrow them as I outgrew childhood. My fantasies changed, but never went away. My fantasy of becoming a horse changed rather quickly into a fantasy of become a centaur.

I had no idea what a centaur was as a small child, never being exposed to any of the old mythologies. It wasn't until I was about 14 that I first caught an image of a half man-half horse creature. My high school class was on a field trip to a newly opened museum. I was rather bored with the whole thing, feeling that at 14 I was too old for childish field trips. Not to mention, I found most of the exhibits to be rather boring. This particular museum didn't exactly have the most exiting exhibits in the world. Just as the tour was almost over though, a large statue caught my eye, and then grabbed all of my attention. I was transfixed by the sheer beauty of the artwork. It was a large statue of a creature that had the upper body of a muscular man and the lower body of a horse. It was so strange looking. The man's waist attached to the upper chest of a horse. At first, I thought this piece must be the deranged idea of one odd, but ingenious, sculptor. When I bent down to read the label that accompanied the sculpture, it said that it was an interpretation of a centaur, "common in ancient mythology." It was amazing. I couldn't wait to get to a library in order to find every shred of writing and artwork that I could on these astounding creatures.

Research them I did, and very soon, my old fantasies of being a horse quickly changed into seeing my upper body attached to the lower body of a horse. It was so much of a better fantasy than the old horse dream that I had. If I was a centauress, I would have all the speed, power, and grace of a horse, yet still have the dexterity of human hands, and the power of speech. It was the both of both worlds.

My fantasy of being a centaur only grew stronger over time. By the time I started college, it dominated my thoughts. While the other women at school thought of going out with the local studs on campus, I was thinking of other studs, or half studs anyway. I dreamed of finding a centaur lover, and having him make love to my centauress body. I found little interest in normal men. My sexual thoughts turned to images of half men-half horse creatures. Needless to say, I didn't date often. For some strange reason, this seemed to distress my friends and family. They were always trying to encourage me to find a nice young man to date. "You are much to pretty to not have a boyfriend, Patricia." They would tell me.

I would usually take a militant feminist stance in response to these comments by my friends. "I don't need a man in my life to feel complete." I would tell them. "I am quite capable of taking care of myself thank you." While it was true that I felt that way, my feminist stand of independence was more a cover for my true feelings than anything else. I kept my feelings of desire for centaurs a well guarded secret, never telling a soul. I knew that if I told others of my desire to have a centaur lover that it would be misinterpreted by them. They would never be able to understand my passion. They would undoubtedly interpret it as a mask for feelings of bestiality on my part. I worried about that too. I mean, I was talking about sex with the business end of a horse after all. Yet, if I was a centauress too, as I always was in my fantasies, then I could see nothing wrong with it. Yet, despite the bestiality implications, there remained the awful fact that centaurs didn't really exist. I was saving myself for I lover that would never appear. I realized it, but it didn't change the fact that a centaur life was the one I wanted.

As more years pasted, I slowly began to accept that my sex life would be one of masturbatory images of centaurs and little more. The thought depressed me, and I tried to concentrate as much as I could on my studies. My life took a drastic change, however, when I encountered the child in time, who was in fact no child at all.

The man was waiting for me that fateful day as I arrived home from work. He was leaning up against the front door to my apartment. I was a bit frightened. It is hard enough being a young woman living on your own, but to have strange men, in even stranger clothes, leaning up against your door, is something to make even the most independent woman a little nervous. To say that the man's clothes were strange was an understatement. They were like nothing I had seen before. They were skin-tight, yet reveled few of the curves of his body, and the fabric itself appeared to have a strange texture and was almost luminescent.

"May I help you?" I asked, trying to sound authoritative but nonetheless sounding timid.

"You can ease my sorrow by letting me help you." The man replied cryptically with a very strange accent that was like nothing I had ever heard before.

"Huh?" I said with honest confusion.

The man smiled and continued. "You see, I am a huge fan of yours Ms. Ardintis."

"Huge fan? Of me? But I'm nobody?" I looked at this man's face and saw what appeared to be genuine awe, as if he was blessed just to be in my presence.

"Oh, and you are so humble too, but I assure you that the gene therapy that you invented is probably the most revolutionary thing to happen in the history of the world!" The man continued with excitement in his voice.

"Gene therapy? What in the world are you talking about?" I asked, beginning to think that this guy was off his rocker.

"The gene therapy, so appropriately named after you, that you first successfully tested 3 years, 9 months, 5 days ago." The man also seemed confused that I didn't know of what he was speaking.

"Tested? What in the hell are you talking about?" I said, still standing outside of my apartment.

"Oh no," the man said in a disappointed tone. He then pulled out what appeared to be a piece of electronic equipment out of a pocket that I could have sworn was not part of his attire just a second before. I saw why. As soon as he had the piece of equipment out of his pocket and into his palm, the pocket from which he had retrieved it disappeared into the skin-tight smoothness of his clothing. The Piece of equipment that the man now studied intensely had a readout on its face, with a bunch of numbers and strange symbols on it. "You are currently 38 years of age correct, Ms. Ardintis?" He asked, with a note of hope resounding in his voice.

"Uh, no, I'm currently 24 years of age." I replied, a little wounded that the man had thought I was 14 years older than I really was.

"Shit," the man yelled as he smacked the piece of equipment in his hand. "I'm 14 years too early! I guess I'm lucky that I found you at all, being that I don't really know what the hell I'm doing. You don't know how many laws I'm breaking just by coming back here to see you! But, it is worth it. As I said, I'm a huge fan. You are by far my favorite historical figure. I've read all your stuff, from your early college papers to your journals after they committed you."

Now, I was really bewildered. "I think you are the one that needs to be committed. I have no idea what the heck you are babbling about."

"I'm from the future you see, about 1200 years in the future to be exact." The man said nonchalantly.

"I think that you've watched those Back to the Future movies too many times, Mister. I was now positive that this guy was a loon.

"Movies? Oh yes, a popular two-dimensional form of entertainment around this time. I assure you that my assertion is genuine. I suppose that I cannot prove it right now, but if you wait a few more minutes, you'll se me disappear into thin air as I return to my time. Indeed, I have precious few minutes to explain things. As I said before, I'm not supposed to be here, and I can't risk staying too long, nor can I come back. Frankly, I'm surprised I was able to travel back here at all. You can't possibly realize all the trouble I went through to see you for just a few minutes, Ms. Ardintis. They keep a very tight lid on all this time travel stuff. They don't want relative novices like myself fooling around with it you see. In fact, what I'm doing is expressly forbidden, but I say the hell with it, you deserve to get your wish."

"My wish?" I asked, playing along with him more than anything else.

"Your wish of being a centaur obviously." He responded with a generous smile.

I was shocked. How could he have know about that? I had never told anyone of that wish. "How did you..."

"Oh right, I forgot, it is all the big secret still isn't it. Yeah, you didn't start talking about your centaur dreams until much later in your life. You became so obsessed with wanting to be centaur that they committed you to a mental institution eventually. Of course, your announcement of human-horse hybrid experiments didn't help the public's perception of your mental health either. You were always so ahead of your time. You may be happy to know that in my time, there is a population of several hundred centaurs. Many of them are fans of yours too."

"I find it hard to believe that people would still remember me 1200 years from now." I said, still in shock from his knowledge of my centaur dreams.

"As I said, your pioneering work in the Ardintis gene resequencing therapy revolutionized medicine as we know it. It resulted in an end to countless diseases. In fact, your pioneering work is what eventually led to the bodily modifications which are so prevalent in my time. As I said, you were so ahead of your time. It always broke my heart to read of your sadness and longing for a centaur body in your writing later in life. How you had wanted it so badly from the time you were a teenager until the end of your life." He stated, with an honest tone of sadness.

This man, talking about the end of my life like it was ancient history, was a little disturbing to me. "No offense, sir, but I think you need help. I would suggest a psychiatrist." I couldn't help but wonder if his fantastic story could be true. But, how could it? It was too incredible. Yet, his clothes were certainly like nothing I had ever seen before. Yet, I wasn't about to fall for such an incredible story just on the basis of odd clothing and what was probably a magic trick involving his pocket which appeared then disappeared.

The man nodded slowly, with a touch of dejection to his face. "I feared that you might not believe me. I suppose that is something that I will have to accept. I just wanted you to have the option. I don't know why it is so important to me, but it is. I wanted to go back and change what I saw as an injustice of history, that the woman who pioneered medical technology that eventually allowed drastic bodily transformations for those who wanted them, was herself trapped in a body that she did not want. I was able to get that chance, and at risk to myself, I took it. I can only hope that you will take the opportunity that I have given you. If not, then I will have to be satisfied that I did my part to stop the injustice perpetrated on one of history's greatest figures."

"History's greatest figures? But, I'm not even planning on being a medical researcher. I want to be just a simple country veterinarian." I argued.

The man shrugged. "I don't know what led you to medical research, I only know the results."

I tried to find other faults in his story. "Why did you come here to this apartment if you thought it was 14 years from now? I mean, if I'm a great medical researcher, surely I'm not still living in this dinky apartment 14 years from now."

The man shook his head. "The time device is centered on you not a particular place. I materialized only a few meters away from you just as you arrived in your ancient automotive vehicle. I saw you get out on come toward me. The fact that I materialized right next to your doorway is merely coincidence."

"I find that a little hard to believe. Looks to me like you knew where I lived and were waiting for me." I stated with suspicion in my voice.

"Then, perhaps it was my bad luck. On the other hand, I suppose it was good luck that I even operated the locator right at all. I do know a lot about this device, but I'm certainly not an expert authorized to use it. To be sure, I was obviously off on the other factor, the date factor. I could have just as easily been off on the locator factor too, and not only been 14 years off, but located on a person a 100 miles from here. That would have really been a shame. The whole trip really would have been a waste then."

I shook my head. "I quite frankly find your story to be unbelievable."

The man sighed. "It is really too bad that I was not more convincing. Maybe if I had more time I could convince you. Unfortunately, I see that my time is just about up." He said as he looked again at the device in his palm. "I will leave these with you in case you change your mind." The man said as he pulled out two cylindrical objects from a pocket that again seemed to appear then disappear right before my eyes.

I accepted the two objects from him as he held them out to me. One of them was red in color and the other was blue. "What are these?" I asked.

"They are the bodily modifications that you want. Like the time travel device, these modifications were not all that easy to get. They keep a pretty tight lid on modifications too. The red one will provide you with your centauress body, and the blue one will change a man into your centaur lover. I know you think that you are the only one with the desire to be half horse, but I assure you that soon after your transformation, men with similar interests will come out of the woodwork." The man pointed to the objects as he explained how to use them. "Just press the flat part of it firmly against your skin on the side of your neck, then, just press this button, and the changes will start to occur quickly after that. Have the one you love do the same, when and if you find such a man."

As the strange man finished his explanation, his body started to fade. His entire body started to become translucent and in a matter of seconds, disappeared into thin air right before my eyes! It was just as he said would happen. Suddenly, his story was starting to become a bit more believable. I looked down at the objects that the man had given to me as a certain excitement grew within me. Could he have been telling the truth? Was it really possible? It didn't seem that it could be. How could a human being travel through time? The very notion of it seemed preposterous. Yet, I suppose that the idea of walking on the moon once seemed preposterous too. Perhaps today's science fiction was tomorrow's reality. After all, I had seen the man disappear before my eyes. Although, it certainly wasn't the first time I had seen it. I had watched magicians do it before. Yet, that was always on a stage, and it hadn't seemed as real then. It had always seemed fake when a magician did it. What I had just witnessed was up close, vivid, and seemed so real.

I entered my apartment finally, and sat down and stared at the objects. I could go get these objects tested at a lab I supposed. Yet, the idea of giving up immediate control of these objects was frightening to me. I didn't want anyone else to touch them. What if there was something to the man's story, and these objects contained something so extraordinary to scientists of our time that they wouldn't give it back to me? No, I couldn't give these items up, I just couldn't. I realized then, that I would take the risk. I couldn't resist. As impossible as the story had sounded. The temptation was simply too great. I brought the object up to my neck. I felt the cold, metallic, and flat surface of the red object against my skin. I closed my eyes, and with great nervousness and a racing heart, I pressed the button of the object. I felt a hissing sound as something was released from the object. I suddenly felt something enter my neck and start coursing through my veins, like a cold liquid that chilled my very soul. A numbness quickly overcame my face and spread rapidly through my chest and then through my extremities. What was this strange potion? Was it some futuristic medication, or modern day poison?

I soon had the answer to my question. The man had said that the changes would start quickly, and he was right. I had no time to ruminate over what I had done or as to what the implications would be. My body was starting to change, I could feel it! It started with a pain in my back. I could feel something happening to my spine. It was elongating. My butt felt heavier. I looked back and saw that it was expanding in size. I quickly pulled off my jeans and underwear as they were getting painfully tight at the rapid expansion of my butt. My heart began to beat even faster at my combined fear and excitement of the changes that were occurring to me. Something else was happening to my rear. A lump developed at the base of my spine. Then, long hairs start to emerge from it. They quickly grew long in length. The lump itself grew out further, and I realized that it was the nub of a tail, my very own horse tail! I let out a shriek in shock and terror at the rapidity of these extreme changes now happening to me.

I felt a burning sensation in my feet, then they went numb. They were changing. They were growing hard and round. Soon, I looked down not to the sight of feet, but of hooves! They attached to my legs, legs which were growing thinner and furrier by the second. I was forced to press my hand up against the wall in order to keep from falling backwards at the increased weight of my ever expanding butt. I could feel my spine growing longer as my rear continued to move further and further away from my torso. I felt so huge! I stood there in the emptiness of my small apartment, looking back at my new body as it continued to change. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Two protuberances emerged from the bottom part of my ever expending rear. They quickly elongated, taking the form of two long, slender, and furry legs. They reached ever downward until finally finding the floor of my apartment. My rear was now taking the distinct form of a horses body. In a matter of minutes, all traces of my human legs where gone as the transformation slowed to a stop.

Where my human waist ended, my equine body began. I now had the four legs and body of a horse. My lower equine body was covered in a dark brown, soft fur. The equine body seemed so alien to me, yet it was me! I could feel it. I felt my hooves, a felt the tail emanating from my butt that seemed so far behind me. Not only that, but I felt the strange new presence of my equine sex. Yet, I felt my own familiar human sex. I looked down and saw that my human vagina was still there. It was different though, it was on more of a vertical plain. Unlike any of the centauresses I had seen before in artworks, my human vagina was preserved. The horse body blended into my human torso at waist level, straight across, except for the area just below my front waist, where my equine chest didn't start until just below my somewhat modified human vagina. It was an extraordinary feeling. I had two pussies. A normal horse sex in the back, and a human vagina that blended into the top of my equine chest in front.

Tears started to roll down my face at the utter joy I felt as I looked at my beautiful new centauress body. It was what I had always wanted. I ran my hand down my human belly and down to my equine back. The transition from my soft human skin to my soft horse fur was seamless and felt so wonderful. I couldn't resist but to bring my hand down to my human vagina and start to rub myself as I used my other hand to pet my new furry equine back. I was so turned on by this new body of mine that I could hardly stand it. I had to pleasure myself. I felt the passion rise from my human vagina, just as I had always been accustomed to, but I also felt a new and stronger sexual sensation rise from my horse pussy. I was receiving a sexual response from two different areas of my body. The feeling was exquisite. I continued to stand there in the center of my small apartment pleasuring myself for what must have been hours.

It wasn't until I went to go clean myself off in my bathroom that I realized that I had a serious problem. The problem wasn't walking. To my surprise, I had no difficulty at all in controlling my new legs. I could stamp my hoof on the floor and swish my tail against my hind legs at the simple command of my mind. No, the problem related to my size and appearance. It was obvious that I barely fit into the bathroom, and that there was no way at all that I was going to fit my new body into the shower. It was at that point that I first realized how big my body was. It was so long, and so noticeable. Showers were the least of my problems. For the first time since the transformation, I asked myself: "How am I going to live like this?!" There may have been hundreds of centaurs were the strange man came from, but right here right now, I was the one and only centaur. There was no way for me to hide this body of mine. I could never before even bring myself to tell anyone about my desire to be a centauress, how could I now expect to actually live every second of the rest of my life this way? I started to cry again, but unlike before, it was tears of sorrow not joy.

My apartment had seemed small when I was a regular human, but now, it seemed downright tiny. I wanted so badly to get out and gallop in my new centauress body, but I dared not leave the privacy of my apartment. I couldn't be seen like this, sure, I found my new body beautiful, but others would find me hideous. They would probably think I was some kind of monster or something. What was I to do? I didn't show up to work or school the following day, or the day after, or the day after that. I remained secluded over the weekend as well, never once leaving my apartment. I would have to leave eventually. People would start to miss me sooner or later. Plus, I had to work sometime. I mean, there was the little matter of actually paying the rent for this apartment in which I was currently hiding.

As if the equine body wasn't bad enough for my willingness to go outside, another change had occurred over the five days which I had secluded myself. I don't know if it was part of the actual transformation or if it was some strange side effect, or if it was the result of all the female horse hormones that were now coursing through my body, but my breasts had gone through a transformation of their own. First, my breasts grew bigger. My usual B-cups expanded to the size of what appeared to be DD- or possibly even F-cups in the course of little over a day. My tits where now huge. When I looked down, I couldn't even see my human vagina anymore, unless I moved my big boobs out of the way. As if that wasn't enough, the next day, four small protuberances emerged on the front of my torso, two on each side, directly below my nipples. These protuberances quickly developed into nipples themselves. I had two at mid-chest level, one directly below each of my regular nipples. I had two more nipples on either side of my belly button as well. The flesh around each of these four new nipples developed into breasts as well, all of them equal in size to my newly enlarged tits.

By that weekend, I had six breasts, each of them about an F-cup in size. I had a horse body and six large breasts, if that doesn't attract people's attention, nothing will. I was a walking, or rather trotting, distraction. Speaking of trotting the cadence that I now had in my walk from having four hooves instead of two feet, made my new breasts bounce wildly whenever I walked, especially since I no longer had any bras in the apartment that would fit me.

It was apparent that I couldn't stay hidden inside of my apartment forever. Like it or not, I would have to leave sooner or later. Monday morning, I pulled on the biggest t-shirt I could find over my six large tits. The shirt still was very snug over my large chest, but it would have to do until I got some new shirts and bras. It seemed strange to me that I wouldn't need to put any clothes on my lower body. I almost grabbed a pair of pants just out of habit. I took a deep breath and tried to find the courage to leave my apartment. With my heart pounding from the nervousness of being seen, I slowly opened the door and took my first steps out of the apartment. I locked the apartment door behind me and headed for my car before realizing that driving was no longer an option. There was no way that I could drive my car in my new body. I couldn't even seek solitude in my car. I would have to walk wherever I went, allowing all the more people to see me. I started to gallop toward the local mall. I had to slow my speed down when I realized that galloping fast while wearing no bras was a little dangerous for someone with six large breasts.

I waited with dread for the first "sighting" of me. It didn't take long. A girl of about age 16 saw me. Her reaction was one of shock to say the least. She dropped the packages that she was carrying when she saw me. Her jaw was the next thing to drop as her eyes grew wide as she stared at me. I didn't wait around. I kept moving. After the girl's initial shock, she ran after me, but was too slow to keep up. The reactions of the others who saw me along the way to the mall where similar. I almost caused a few traffic accidents as people driving in their cars got a look at my strange form.

When I arrived at the mall, it wasn't long before I had a crowd of onlookers following me. As I went to the lingerie store, I had over a dozen spectators watching me trying to buy some new bras. After I managed to break the sales assistant's stunned silence, I was able to buy a couple dozen new F-cup bras, several of which were strapless so that I could use them on my lower breasts. They were of course expensive as hell. It is hard enough to find a nice bra that large, much less ones that are strapless. Most brands didn't even make strapless bras in that large of a size. Luckily, I had known that this store had a rather large selection of larger-sized brassieres. By the time I was getting ready to pay for some new tops at another store, my crowd of onlookers had grown to over two dozen. All of them pointed and laughed and whispered comments about my strange appearance to each other. None of them talked to me directly though, as if I was some strange new display in the mall rather than an actual person. I galloped quickly away from the mall with my bags of new clothing in hand, leaving the crowd far behind.

I arrived back home and immediately put on my new bras. They provided a much needed stability to my chest as I next galloped to school. As I arrived at the ever bustling campus, the crowds of spectators that tried to follow me grew even larger. Many of them followed me into the classroom even though they were not in my class. It seemed that they couldn't get enough of my appearance. I took position at the side of the classroom in the isle, being of course unable to take a seat in one of the classroom chairs. As the students began to pile in, each and every one stopped cold and started to stare, point, and make comments about my strange half woman-half horse form as if I wasn't even there to hear them. Again, none of them talked to me directly, they only talked about me. I knew that the people in the class recognized my face on the strange new body.

Finally, one of the women that used to sit near me and chat with me on occasion asked in a sorrowful tone: "What happened, dear?"

I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't sure myself. I know what had happened, but I scarcely believed it myself, even though I was now the living proof that the transformation had indeed happened. Yet, how does one explain that a time traveler helped you transform into the form of your dreams? "I've had my greatest dreams fulfilled." I said simply.

When the professor arrived, instead of starting the class as normal, she stood in stunned silence for a moment, then went running out of the room as if in horror of my appearance. It was starting to become unbearable for me. I could hardly stand the stares and the comments about me. I felt like galloping out of the room and breaking down into tears, but I held strong. I knew that I would have to get used to being a centauress sooner or later, it might as well be sooner. I stood strong and managed to hold my composure. Yet, just as I was starting to relax, the professor returned to the classroom with campus security. The security officer proceeded to walk over to me and grab my arm.

"Come with me." The security officer commanded.

"What for?" I demanded to know.

"Time for questions later, just come with me... uh... miss." The security officer seemed unsure of how to address me.

The officer escorted me to the office of the dean of the university. The Dean took one look and me and gave the now typical shocked reaction. "I... I can't believe it. We have been getting reports from students about some half woman-half horse creature, but I didn't believe it, I mean, I... I just couldn't believe it, but now, seeing is believing. Yet, I almost think that my eyes deceive me. It is such an impossible sight."

"Creature?" I repeated him, a little disturbed by his implication. I am not a creature. I am a centauress, and more importantly, I am a student."

"I don't think so." The dean said in total disbelief. "I think that I would know if some horse-like creature was a student here."

"My centauress status is a new development." I explained.

"What is your name?" the dean asked.

"Patricia Ardintis" I responded.

The dean picked up the phone in his office and told his secretary to bring him a file on Patricia Ardintis. The secretary brought in my college file, keeping a watchful eye on me as he walked in the office. The dean quickly looked through my file. "Well, I recognize your face, but at the risk of sounding ridiculous, this file says nothing about you being a horse."

"As I said, my centauress status is a new development." I repeated.

"Well, I don't understand it, and somehow I don't think I even want to know. But I do know one thing, I don't want you in any of the classrooms from now on."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why? What did I do?"

"We don't allow uh... animals in the classrooms. It has never come up, but I think that goes for half animals too."

I grew very angry and frustrated at the dean's comments. "I'm not an animal! I know how I must look, but I still have the same mind as I had before my body changed."

The dean shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. Your form is too much of a disturbance. I'm afraid that your days of attending this university are over."

"But that's not fair!" I screamed.

"You can of course appeal this decision, but I think that the other school officials are going to feel much the same way."

"But you are discriminating against me just because of the way I look. You can't do that." I argued.

"We can't discriminate against people of different races, religions, nationalities, etc. but there is nothing that says we must provide services for uh.... animal creatures."

The debate continued, but in the end, I was a student no longer. The fact that I could be thrown out of school simply for being different seemed outrageous to me, but I quickly learned that it was easier for people to dispose of that which was different than it was for them to live with it. In a scene very similar to the one in the dean's office, I was fired from my job later that very same day. Oh, they appreciated my service in the past, but they just couldn't have someone who looked like me as a receptionist. They feared that the only people that would visit there would be the curious onlookers, and not paying pet-owners. They had a business to consider, and they couldn't have me risking it. They were running a veterinary clinic after all, not a sideshow.

Fired from work and expelled from school on the very same day. My first day out in public as a six-breasted centauress wasn't exactly what I had expected. As I arrived home that day, I half expected myself to cry myself to sleep, but such was not the case. The more I thought about the occurrences of the day, the angrier I became. What right did they have to treat me in such a way? What difference did it make that I looked different, that I had the lower body of a horse? I was still a living thinking person, whether I had horse legs or human legs.

I woke up the next day not only to a crowd of spectators outside of my apartment, but also a host of media people wanting to get a comment from the centaur woman. I had nothing to say to the media. How would I ever explain it? If I were a reporter, I would certainly never believe the story I had to tell. Hell, I lived it and I hardly believed it myself. I again barricaded myself inside of my apartment. Unfortunately, that shelter didn't last very long. My landlord came knocking on my door a few days later with my eviction notice. Things were certainly going from bad to worse. I wanted to fight the eviction too, but there was little I could do in the presence of the landlord and sheriff. The apartment management wanted me out and they wanted me out right now.

I left all of my possessions except what I could carry in my back pack and galloped away from my apartment and the hoards of reporters and onlookers. I tried to run away from it all. I tried so hard to run away from the pain, but I couldn't run fast enough or far enough. I had fulfilled my dream of becoming a centauress, but at what cost? I was now without a job, a home, and any chance of further education. I suppose that if I wanted shelter, I would have to hike back to my parents home, assuming they would accept a daughter that was now half horse.

How was this all possible? The man said that he was from a future where I was well-respected as the inventor of some kind of gene therapy. Yet, that didn't seem likely anymore since I was no longer in school. He had said that my pioneering work is what eventually lead to the technology which made my centauress transformation possible. If I never have the opportunity to invent the therapy, then why was I still a centauress? I suppose someone else could have invented the therapy in my place in the future, but if that was the case, then it would be they, not I, who would be the famous one. Thus, the man from the future would have no reason to come visit me as a normal two-legged human because I would be just another nobody. Moreover, the very act of transforming myself altered his future, because in the future that he came from, I had died a two-legged human. Perhaps technology brought from one possible future and used in the past will have no retroactive effect in the past despite the fact it changes the future. The more I contemplated the paradoxes of time travel, the more confused I became. The whole thing gave me a headache. The fact was that whatever I was supposed to do in the future as a two-legger, has not changed the fact that I was changed into a centauress and remain one.

I had to fight for my rights. What other choice did I have? The horse body was a part of me now, and there was no going back. I know that people of different races, religions, and nationalities had civil rights, but what rights did centaurs have? My guess was none, at least, none right now. I was proof of that. I would have to fight for them, and that meant seeing a lawyer. I went to a law office that I had pasted many times on my way to work. I knew that this lawyer specialized in civil rights type of work, although I had never meet the man. I entered his office, having a hard time squeezing around the sharp corner right after I entered the doorway. His secretary was rather aghast by my sudden appearance, but nonetheless asked if I had an appointment. I told her rather frankly that I had neither an appointment nor a home, and that I was in desperate need of legal assistance. The lawyer, a handsome man of about 35 years of age, not only agreed to see me, but met me with a warm smile and a hearty handshake. I was very pleased to see such a warm reaction. I had seen only reactions of fear, anger, and confusion since the transformation.

As I discussed the terrible time that I had been having, the lawyer was warm, receptive, and sympathetic. There was something else that I noticed. It was a look in his eyes. It was an obvious attraction. I couldn't help but feel that this man found me attractive, even in my strange centauress form. As I finished my woeful tale, the lawyer agree to help me, by taking my case and by helping find a temporary place to stay.

The lawyer didn't stop the discussion there though. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I find you to be quite an exotic person of beauty, charm, grace, and intelligence."

Despite my observation of the man's passionate glances, I was nevertheless surprised by his remark. "Perhaps you didn't notice the large horse body attached to my waist." I said.

"No, I noticed it, and in fact I rather admire it. Centaurs have always held a certain fascination with me." The lawyer said with a warm smile.

For the first time since I wandered out into the public in my centauress form, I felt a real sense of hope and joy. The time traveler had said that I was ahead of my time. I think that he was right. Perhaps I was so far ahead of my time that most people today cannot understand me, but maybe, just maybe there are a few enlightened people who can, and with any luck this attorney would be one of them. After all, I still had that second object given to me by the time traveler. For the first time in a real long time, I didn't know where my life was headed. I had no plan, except to regain my rights, and to find someone with the same desires that I have, and perhaps bestow upon them the same gift the time traveler bestowed upon me.