Topic: A Clear Choice - by Multibreast

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A Clear Choice
By Multibreast

Faun was not of Earth. He was an extraterrestrial, and an extraterrestrial with a lot of spare time on his hands. At least, I think it was a he. I saw no recognizable sex organs on his strange alien body. Actually, I recognized very little at all on his/her body. It was basically just a blob. The bottom of his body did not even touch the floor. It levitated a few feet above it. I saw no head, no eyes, no arms, and no feet. Faun was simply a big blob of green-brown flesh hovering above the floor.

He had no mouth, but yet I could hear him clearly. He spoke directly to my mind. It must have been some sort of telepathic communication. The voice transmitted to my head was deep, like that of a man, which is why I started referring to Faun as a he. I don't know if it was his real telepathic "voice" or just the tone he decided to take with me. It is just as possible that the female of his species has the deep voices, or that all their voices are alike, or even that they are asexual, and have no separate sexes. I guess it didn't really matter. "He" was as good as anything.

I suppose part of my masculine labeling of him was from a bias on my part. I couldn't imagine a female as being capable of such childish cruelty. I am fully aware that women engage in childish acts of cruelty, but it always seemed that men were so much more likely to engage in such behavior. Of course, "childish acts of cruelty" was another biased label on my part. The bias being a human bias, but I could see no point to Faun's transformations. They seemed totally pointless and downright cruel. At least, that was how I felt at the time.

My day would come. I would end up like the others. I would be like them in the fact that I was different. I would be different from them, from what I used to be, from what I had ever known, from what any human had ever known. It was kind of like waiting on death row, waiting for the inevitable end to come. It wouldn't be the end of life, just the end of life as I knew it.

Other than the transformations, all the prisoners were treated well here. We were allowed to roam freely through the large ship. None of us could approach Faun. He was guarded by some unseen force field. The same type of field surrounded all his equipment and controls. No one knew how this force field worked or how it was controlled. As far as I could tell, Faun controlled it with his mind. I suppose a creature with no arms or legs would have to perform most activities with his or her mind. It didn't really matter that none of us Earthlings could touch any of the controls. They were all foreign instruments to us. Even the most technologically-skilled prisoners had no clue as to the function of any of Faun's controls. Even if they could find a way to gain control of the ship, who the hell would navigate our way back home? We where cruising somewhere in the depths of outer space. Hell, I had enough trouble driving in a foreign country much less the depths of space.

Nevertheless, some of my fellow humans still had hope that they would make it back home. Most of us however, had given up a long time ago. One's hope faded especially fast after transformation. Many of those who were transformed didn't want to go home, at least not in their current form. Bizarre creatures were the norm here, but back home, they would never fit back into society. They would be considered freaks. Some of the transformed fell into depression. Some even tried to kill themselves. No suicides where ever successful though. Faun was always the first to the scene of an attempted suicide to offer medical assistance. The medical technology at Faun's disposal was far more advanced than the medical technology available at the time of our abductions. Almost any ailment could be treated and cured almost immediately. Sometimes Faun would even arrive during the act of an attempted suicide. I suppose that he could read suicidal tendencies from the people's minds.

Faun's telepathic abilities seemed very strong. In fact, whatever I desired would be delivered to me almost as soon as the desire entered my mind. The ship was full of robotic servants. They catered to our every desire, every desire except the wish for a free and normal life back on Earth of course. That wish, it appeared, would never be granted. The food was always delicious here. Many of my fellow prisoners attempted several hunger strikes, but they did nothing to alter Faun's decisions. Anyone who refused to eat for long enough was force fed eventually. Force feeding was done easily by Faun. He would merely force the prisoners to eat with the power of his mind. Many of the prisoners would claim that they were strong-willed, and that Faun would be incapable of controlling their minds. Such was never the case though. Faun never had any difficulty controlling anyone on his ship. He was the only alien on board, at least the only alien anyone ever saw, and there were several hundred, maybe even a thousand humans on board. Yet, Faun appeared to have no difficulty whatsoever in making every single human on board his own mental puppet anytime he wanted. One time he took control of all of us simultaneously during an episode when angry and rebellious sentiments ran very high. All hopes of rebellion died quickly when we all started moving in unison like a thousand marionettes all controlled by a single puppeteer.

The food on board was not only delicious, but it was strange. It looked, smelled, and tasted like normal human food, but it didn't have the same affects on people. Some people here, me included, dealt with their depression by eating as much fattening food as they could get. Yet, even those who seemed to gorge themselves all day never gained a pound of fat. In fact, many people here seem to be trimmer and shapelier than when they were first abducted. Indeed, I looked better now than I ever had in my entire life. My face seemed to glow with a beautiful complexion. My skin was so unbelievably healthy. I didn't have the slightest blemish. My butt and stomach were both tight and trim. My legs and arms were slender and fit. Hell, even my breasts seemed bigger and perkier. I was in the best shape of my life, even though I'd been eating like a pig since I'd gotten here all those months ago.

I didn't know how long I had been on this ship exactly, but I know that it had been at least a year. It was probably nearing two years by now. Everyday, someone was transformed. Every now and then, two people would be transformed on a single day. It was hardest on the first few people who were transformed. They were really viewed as freaks. Slowly, the freak population grew to a large enough size that even the strangest of creatures was accepted. Now, the populations are about even. Freaks and normal humans are now about equal in number. The freaks, as we so lovingly called them, liked to associate mostly with other freaks. I guess they felt more comfortable with someone else who had already been changed in such a horrible and drastic way. The ship is populated by about 500 freaks, and about 500 humans. Soon, the human population will start to dwindle. I assume that eventually, no normal humans whatsoever will be left on board.

It wasn't like there was any animosity between the freaks and the regular humans. All of us that were still human knew very well that one day, we too would be transformed. It was just that, even though there was discourse between the freak camp and the normal human camp, they tended to stick together and normal humans tended to stick together. It was mostly a matter of comfort. The freaks weren't as comfortable being with those who hadn't yet experienced the change, and regular humans didn't feel too comfortable being with those who had been changed, knowing that they too would be transformed someday.

The ship was like a small city; well, actually, two cities. One city was forever increasing in number, and the other was constantly decreasing, at a rate of about one per day. The freaks mostly resided toward the rear of the ship. Everyday, a newly transformed individual would find a new room for him- or herself toward the back of the ship. Actually, the freaks were now encroaching toward the middle part of the ship as their numbers grew. No one was exactly sure what the outside of the ship looked like. Many of us suspect that it was a rather flat saucer. Most of the rooms and hallways were on the same single level: a level which spanned several miles. Each of the bedrooms were the same, spacious and comfortable, each with their own bed and bath. Some of the recently transformed had difficulty doing ordinary daily activities like sleeping, walking, running, bathing, using the toilet. People who were transformed into one of the more bizarre forms often had great difficulty adapting.

Some people were changed drastically. Others were only changed slightly. Yet, none of the transformed looked completely human anymore. "Freaks" was the term often used to identify the transformed. At first, it was a derogatory term, but it eventually became the term that everyone, freak and normal human alike, used to classify them. The transformed thought of themselves as freaks. They would never offer any argument when referred to as a freak. They agreed with that identification. Some people, like myself, were uncomfortable calling them freaks. I usually tried to refer to them as "transformed." Yet, I found myself calling them "freaks" more and more often, and others did as well. Very few of the transformed were offended by it.

None of the transformations seemed to have a purpose. They usually did not improve the lives of those who were transformed. In some cases, those who were transformed had a very difficult time in their new forms. Some freaks never really got used to the awkwardness of their new bodies. They would fumble around for hours trying to do the simplest of tasks. I felt sorry for them, especially the ones with the really odd forms. Yet, what was even stranger, and what I dared not admit, was that I didn't feel sorry for most of them. I thought many of them actually looked quite appealing. I dared not mention it to anyone. Most of the freaks were so discouraged by their new forms, I didn't want to say anything to them, at least not as a normal human. I imagined that they would get very angry with me. I mean, I still had my human body. A body like they wanted. I had yet to experience the pain of forcefully being given a new and strange body. I figured it was best to keep my mouth shut about my attraction to some of the strange creatures who were once human, at least until I myself was transformed.

I only hoped that my transformation was a good one. Most people wouldn't understand the idea of a "good" transformation. Everyone I had spoken with thought that the idea of having a new strange body was bad anyway you looked at it. They would, however, admit that some transformations are better than others. A slight change was definitely favored over one that was extreme, or one that would severely limit one's mobility. Yet, I found no one who would admit to finding some of the strange transformations appealing, or in some cases even attractive. Yes, I was attracted to some of the freaks. I thought that some of their bodies were much more lovely than any normal human body. If fact, I didn't even find the transformations to be all that strange. People would think me insane if I were to tell them, but I truly didn't find them all that odd. The freaks were certainly different than anything I had ever seen on Earth, but their bodies were changed by the addition of familiar parts. I mean, the only thing truly alien on the ship was Faun. The freaks all had unusual bodies, but they were all made up of familiar parts. Most of the freaks either had extra, human body parts, or the parts of some animal. All the strange parts on the new bodies were identifiable. They are just not what one would expect to see attached to a human.

Everyone who was still a normal human waited with dread, wondering when their day would come. Many had daily rituals. Many people cried daily. Others would pray on a daily basis. In my mind, the two rituals were very similar. Neither one did any good. No amount of crying or praying seemed to change matters any. It all came down to waiting. Those of us left with human forms simply had to wait for the day that we would be changed. We had to endure the nightmarish visions of whatever deformities our minds could create. People tried to prepare themselves, but no one was ever really ready when his or her time came.

As I waited to see who would be transformed one day, a presence overcame me. I quickly recognized it as the presence of Faun. It was similar to previous times when he had inhabited my mind. Yet, it was different this time. He wasn't reading my thoughts, nor was he trying to take control of my body. It seemed as though he was trying to communicate with me. I heard a voice in my head that was not my own. I detected feelings that did not belong to me, but were nonetheless similar to my own. I soon realized that Faun was trying to tell me that he felt a connection to me. I didn't understand at first. What did I have in common with this strange alien creature? Faun soon made it clear to me. The connection that he felt was in our mutual admiration of the creatures that he had created. It appeared as though I was the only one on board to share a love for the new creatures. It was though Faun was offering me the hand of friendship, except his hand reached not toward me, but into me, reaching into the depths of my mind.

For me, it was some strange sexual attraction. It was an attraction that I almost wanted to deny. How could I possibly be attracted to such deformed and half-animal creatures that I saw here? Some of the freaks were beginning to find love among each other. It seemed to spawn mostly from their shared misfortune rather than from the passion caused by the beauty of their appearance. I, in contrast, definitely had a passion for the creatures that I saw. Faun helped me realize it as he pushed those feelings to the front of my consciousness. Faun seemed to admire me. He admired the fact that I had these feelings. He revealed to my mind that he too greatly admired the transformed people. His attraction to them was not sexual however. His admiration was based on pride. Maybe he fancied himself an artist, and considered the human beings as his canvas.

I now had a chance to speak with Faun. We were connected mentally. The connection was very strong. I knew that he could certainly hear my thoughts as loudly and clearly as I could hear his. I had predicted with some certainty that, if given an opportunity like this one to communicate clearly with Faun, I would condemn his horrible violations of the human bodies aboard the ship, and that I would condemn his actions as those of a lunatic. These were not the thoughts that I sent out to him however. My mind communicated two thoughts to him. One thought was simple approval. I was actually telling him that I approved and enjoyed his creations! I knew that I should be appalled by his actions, but the fact was, I wasn't.

The other thought that I transmitted to him was not that I be spared a transformation, but rather that I be allowed to choose my own transformation! I realized how strange it was, but it was also true. I wanted to be changed, and I wanted to be changed by my own specifications. I detected a hesitation on Faun's part. It was apparent to me that he was not keen on granting a request when it came to his transformations. He liked to take total control over the changes. Yet, what I did not feel, was an outright refusal on his part. He was willing to consider it! I was excited by this prospect. My mind raced with all the possible forms that I might choose to take. Faun was amused by my excitement. It seemed to strengthen this new bond that he had formed with me.

I suddenly felt that Faun was about to bestow me with a gift. At that moment, a flood of voices and feelings came into my mind! I was overwhelmed. I fell to my knees and grabbed my head which was now splitting with pain. I barely noticed as the people around me rushed towards me, as they couldn't help but notice my obvious discomfort. As they reached me, the pain and voices disappeared. It became more focused until I only heard two voices in my mind. One voice was that of Faun. The other one was more distant. I couldn't quite interpret it. It was starting to grow louder and more clear however. Simultaneously, Faun's voice started to fade. I now understood what the gift was. Faun had given me the power of telepathy. I was starting to read someone's thoughts and feelings just as Faun himself does. Faun had tried to give me his ability all at once the first time. That explained the flood of voices and feelings. For a moment, I must have been receiving the thoughts of everyone on board. I guess it was obvious now how much more powerful Faun's brain was compared to mine. I couldn't handle all the thoughts, images, and feelings of everyone on board. I don't think that any human could have. Faun detected my discomfort and somehow narrowed the bandwidth.

I was now receiving the thoughts of another. It was one of the transformed. I was receiving the memories of their transformation! The memories were becoming very clear. Soon, it was though they were my memories. No, even better, it was though I was reliving the transformation of another as though I were experiencing it myself in the present. The feeling was glorious! I felt the changes as though they were occurring in my body, but as I looked down, my body remained unchanged. My physical body was not changing in the slightest, yet it felt as though my body were undergoing a complete metamorphosis. I was experiencing it vicariously though the memories of another. Yet, it was more than memories. It was as though I was experiencing another person's flashback of the transformation event. I was loving this experience!

I was reliving a woman's transformation experience. She was locked inside the transformation room. I had seen the transformation room from the outside many times. I had never went inside of it. Most people on board didn't, except when Faun took control of their bodies and forced them inside the room during for their transformation. No one had ever watched a transformation itself, except for Faun and the transformee him- or herself. Faun always kept the door locked when a transformation was taking place. I saw it now though. I saw it through the eyes of one of the people who had been transformed. I was excited and joyous, but at the same time, I felt the fear of the woman who had been transformed as she was now reliving it for my benefit, and my benefit alone. Somewhere on the ship, she was experiencing this tragic part of her life again. She didn't know why. She wasn't aware that Faun was doing it for my benefit. I'm glad that Faun was keeping that part of it a secret. The women assumed that Faun was making her relive this horrible moment in her life for his own amusement.

I felt the movements of her body as she was forced into the transformation room by Faun. She was led into the center of the room as the door slammed shut and locked behind her. Her body had been frozen in place. She was completely unable to move. Suddenly, a laser light emanated from the ceiling. It engulfed her body in red light, except, it was not just a light. It was some sort of transformation ray. Her body had changed. I felt it change as if it were my own body, and as if it were occurring right this moment. The feeling of the morphing flesh of her body was terrifying to her. I felt that terror, but yet I felt my own excitement as well. The fact that I felt her terror was not any kind of deterrent to my pleasure. In fact, her frightened state actually increased my enjoyment of the experience. As terrible as it was for me to admit, I actually enjoyed her terror, her shock, and her amazement at the changes that were occurring in her body.

She felt, and I felt, the skin at the base of her spine start to stretch. The skin broke open and ripped apart. There was no pain for her or for me. The skin merely ripped and fell away like the wrapping paper on a gift. The gift in this case, was the beginnings of a tail. It grew out quickly from the area at the base of the woman's spine. It soon became apparent that she was growing a horse's tail. It was now long and flowing and swished behind her, brushing against her legs. The sight of it horrified the woman just as much as it excited me.

The transformation wasn't concluded with the horse tail however. Her butt began to grow. It expanded backwards. She and I felt the weight increase behind her as her rear grew larger. Two small bumps emerged at the bottom or her now protruding ass. She used her limited motion to reach and look behind her. Her body was still frozen in place under the ray, but she still had limited mobility. It then became obvious what the bumps were. They were toes! More toes were emerging too. Next, feet started to appear out of her very long rear. Legs started to grow down, reaching for the floor as her butt continued to lengthen. It wasn't just a rear anymore. Her back had lengthened. Her back no longer stopped at her waist. It extended down to her waist like normal, but then continued on past at a 90 degree angle. She was quickly taking the form of a taur. The weight behind her was very heavy now. If Faun's presence hadn't of been holding her upright, she would have surely fallen backwards. Her new rear feet found the floor. Her new taur form was now complete. She resembled a centaur, except her four legs were still all human. The only part of her that was horse was the tail.

Something else had changed too. She and I had barely noticed it with the massive changes occurring down below, but her ears had changed too. She reached up. She felt her now furry ears. They were long, like that of a donkey. As her tail continued to swish behind her, She felt something else new. It was a second vagina. It was between her rear legs. She reached down to the area in-between her front legs. She still had a vagina there too, except that it was pushed up slightly to a more vertical position. She had two pussies! The ray disappeared at this point. The woman started to cry. She probably would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for the extra stability created by her four legs. The woman began to walk uneasily in her new form, hating it. I, in contrast, loved it. The body was amazing. I could hardly understand how she could hate it so much.

She now had the body of some kind of humantaur. I thought it was beautiful. Her long hair curled around the lovely, furry, donkey ears, and down around her delicate face, ending right above her firm and full breasts. Her tight tummy extended down to her long and slender front legs. The radiant curve of her back looked wonderful stretched out to the area ending in her long flowing horse tail which swished easily under her control. The long, elegant beauty of her rear legs matched that of her front legs. And to top it all off, the thrill of having two pussies. I imagined simultaneous penetration in the front and back. Having sex up front and at the same time, feeling the thrusts into the rear vagina. The excitement from reaching orgasms on two different spots on my body. I began to imagine the wonders of having a form similar to this one myself.

Just as I was getting comfortable with the feeling of walking on four human legs and swishing a horse tail, the feeling of this humantaur woman began to fade. Once again, my bodily feelings were that of my own normal human form. I was almost saddened to have the sensations of being a humantaur cut off. It was so much more thrilling than my normal form.

I barely got settled back to my own thoughts and feelings before I felt the thoughts and feelings of another transformed person start to rise in my mind. This time it was of a man. It was strange because I felt his body as if it was my own. This male body in itself was a somewhat massive transformation for me. It felt as though I had a dick and testicles. It was a strange experience for me to feel my sexual organ hanging out on the outside like that. Yet, to this man, it was normal, and he didn't want to lose it. The process of transformation was the same. He was pulled to the center of the transformation room by Faun. The door was locked and the transformation ray turned on and engulfed him.

The first change was an extreme one for the man, but felt like a return to normal for me. He was changed into a female. The change terrified the man. He was shocked and angry at the sight of his dick shrinking and finally disappearing before his very eyes. His male sexual organs were quickly replaced by a vagina. The feeling of having a vagina was very strange for him, but completely normal for me. Of course, the changes didn't stop with a simple sex change. The next change was the growth of fur. Everything below the newly feminized waist was rapidly growing fur. Meanwhile, the old chest hair on his upper body was disappearing and being replaced by breasts. Not just two breasts, but six of them, arranged in three rows of two! The old manly chest hair disappeared completely as the six breasts continued to grow. The fur on his legs now grew thick. It was a dark yellow in color with black spots emerging. It was apparently the fur of a leopard.

A strange transformation started to occur at the base of the guy's spine. It was terrifyingly new to him, er... her, um... him, whatever, but familiar to me. The beginnings of a tail burst out from stretched skin in exactly the same manner as had occurred with the woman who had changed into the humantaur. As the tail lengthened however, the experience became new to me. The tail was different. It was not the tail of a horse this time, but the tail of a leopard. The tail grew to full length as the guy looked behind him, and with eerie anticipation, saw if he could control it. He had no difficulty. The tail swept back and forth under his control. He controlled it with ease as if it had always been there.

The six breasts continued to grow larger. Each of the six breasts was at about D-cup size, and continuing to grow. His chest wasn't the only feature expanding though. His butt was growing larger too. It was extending backwards. Once again, the sensation was completely new and bizarre to him, but familiar to me. His rear grew out and the two bumps appeared at the bottom as they had with the woman who changed into a humantaur. The toes emerged next. The guy was changing into a taur just as the woman had. Except this guy was turning into a leopardtaur rather than a humantaur. His new rear legs that grew out were that of a leopard, and already covered in the fur. They quickly took the shape more similar to that of leopard legs than human ones. His front legs were taking that shape as well.

There was yet another difference. I felt sexual organs begin to develop between the two rear legs as the newly-formed rear feet touched the ground. Unlike last time, the sexual organs were that of a male rather than a female. The guy looked down and saw that the vagina was still up front between the upper two legs. The male sex behind was coming into view. It was not the penis of a leopard however. It was a human dick, covered in human skin and sporting two human testicles at its base. A human scrotum hung large and loose from the back of the leopard body. The cock and testicles were quickly becoming very large. The two large balls hung heavily in the loose sack. They dangled only a few inches from the floor now. The human cock was stiff. It seemed to be in a permanent state of erection. It now extended up to the area between the upper two leopard legs. By the time the cock finally stopped its growth, it extended out about a foot in front of the upper two legs. It was incredibly large. It was a good foot in diameter. This guy would have to be careful. If he were to walk into a wall without his arms extended forward, his new dick would be the first to hit. The stiffness of the cock did not abide. It seemed to stay in a permanent state of arousal, which was probably a good thing considering that it would probably drag the floor if flaccid. Large drops of cum were now dripping constantly from the large slit at the tip of the penis. It puddled up quickly on the floor. It seemed as though this guy would be leaving a trail of cum for the rest of his life. His cock wasn't the only part that was large. When his breasts stopped growing, they had reached a very large size as well. All six of them were at about F- or G-cup in size. They crowded his chest, and bulged out to the sides.

The transformation ray stopped. The guy was still in a state of shock at his drastic transformation. He was somewhat transfixed by the six large breasts. Never having had two breasts before, much less six, he immediately started to caress and fondle them. The guy was horrified by what had occurred to him, but he actually seem to enjoy part of it, like the breasts, and the large dick for that matter. He brought up one of his front paws and wiped some to the cum from the large penis tip. He caressed the tip of his huge dick with his furry paw, while also reaching a hand down to pet his new human vagina that blended into the leopard fur in front. It sent a wave of pleasure through him, and through me. I was greatly enjoying the sexual feelings of this new and highly erotic form when the feeling of the leopardtaur started to fade.

It wasn't long before the third transformation experience started to rise. Once again, I was in the body of a male. The experience had many similarities to the second experience. The man was feminized in this case too. He wasn't given a vagina this time, but he was given breasts. As the transformation ray engulfed him, the hair on his chest quickly faded, and much like the last experience, six breasts started to emerge. It started with the appearance of four extra nipples. The breasts started to develop quickly around them. The six breasts were again arranged in three rows of two. Not only did the breasts grow, but the man's penis also began to grow very large. Like last time, this man's body was growing into a very erotic one. The man was both excited and terrified by the sight of his new large sexual organs and breasts.

By the end of the transformation, the man had six D-cup size breasts and a dick that was permanently erect and stuck almost completely vertical so that the top of the very large tip was even with the top of his head. It stood out in front of him, more than a foot in diameter, and obscured his view. It appeared as though this man would have to look around his incredibly large and always erect penis to see directly in front of him for the rest of his life. Not only that, but the weight of his large breasts and dick combined with the fact that his huge testicles hung down almost to his ankles, made it very difficult to walk. The man stumbled terribly, in his new bow-legged walk. He reached around his large upper breasts and huge cock, as if trying to hug his own dick, and discovered that his fingertips just barely touched on the far side of his dick. He pulled the huge cock closer towards is body. The dick was snugly surrounded on both sides by three large breasts. He pulled the tip close to his mouth and slightly downward so that he could give the tip a good lick with his tongue. It sent a blissful sensation through both him and me.

He continued to lick at the top of his huge cock trying to get some enjoyment out of the incredible transformation that had occurred to him. He simultaneously rubbed his masive cock, and fondled his six new breasts, while licking at his own penis tip. The man was horrified by his new form, but still trying to make the most out of his situation. A large squirt of pre-cum burst out of the huge tip. It splashed him in his face, and driped down off of his cheeks. The excitement built, and he began to rub harder, and faster. The pressure quickly built up as he masturbated his giant cock. He had reached the point of no return as he felt the orgasm surge. He and I both felt the tremendous pressure, as his cum was about to explode out the top of his new massive cock. He tried to lean his head out of the way, but it was too late. A giant cum shot exploded out of the tip of his cock, splashing him with what felt like a gallon of cum. The pressure of the cum shot stung his face. The cum sprayed into his mouth and nose, almost choking him. He spit out as much as he could, and was forced to sallow the reminder, coughing and hacking at the same time. He was able to push his permanently errect cock away from his head before the second cum shot squirted out. It shot up in a long, high arch, before finally splashing down several feet away from him. Several more cum shots followed, creating a puddle on the floor a few feet away from him. As his massive orgasm came to a halt, he looked down and saw that his face, dick, scrotum, and all six of his boobs were dripping wet with his own cum. Droplet of cum driped freely from each of his six nipples. Sex for this man would definately be wet and messy for the rest of his life in this erotic form. The feeling of his body then began to fade too.

I experienced dozens and dozens more transformation experiences over the next several days. Some of the forms were very erotic like the last two, such as multiple breasts, multiple vaginas, huge cocks, and many other strange forms. Many forms were much less erotic. Some transformations were very extensive, and other transformations were much more simple, like simply the addition of an animal tail of some sort. In one very strange transformation, I experienced the transformation of a guy who had his butt and head transposed. His butt became located atop his shoulders, while his neck emerged from the area just below his spine. It was a very unusual condition. I can hardly imagine living the rest of my life as that guy. As he looked forward, the view was upside-down and viewed between two legs. When he stood upright, his head hung down in the area between his two thighs. His scrotum rested just in front of his chin. He would always get a close up view whenever he pissed, that's for sure. Not to mention, he would have to bend over forward to defecate. Definitely one of the more disgusting transformations.

A couple of the other transformations were interesting in the closeness that it created. Two of the transformations that I experienced involved a conjoining of the person with whom I connected telepathically, and another person. As they would join, I would then get to feel the experience of both of them, as they became one. Two minds sharing one body. I felt the people's mix of emotions. The fear they felt. At their sudden and total loss of privacy, and the warmth they felt by a loving closeness that they had never before known. Their bodies and thoughts merged. The feelings of closeness were developed totally and completely in a matter of minutes as the strange transformation occurred.

I shared the feelings of two such conjoining experiences. The first involved two women, both of whom were in there twenties, as most of the people aboard the ship were. The transformation followed the usual procedure, except that two people were caught under the light rather than one, and as their bodies changed, they were quickly pulled together like a magnetic force. Side by side they stood frozen as they were pulled together, like a Siamese twin separation in reverse. Their flesh melded until the space which separated their two bodies no longer existed. They were no longer two separate entities. They had separate consciousness, but they shared their feelings. They could read each other's minds just as I read theirs, and as Faun read everyone's. Any sensation, tactile, auditory, taste, and smell were experienced by both of the women. The two separate bodies continued to fade as one larger body replaced it.

By the end of the transformation, it was more like one body with two heads. The women's heads now rested atop one set of shoulders. Each of the women controlling their half of the body, but both of them feeling the sensations from both sides. They had two legs and two arms just like any normal body, except the torso was wider. It now contained three large breasts arranged in one row. The sensation of having a row of three breasts rather than the normal pair was very odd. Each of the women used their hand to cup and examine their strange new chest.

The new breasts were not only large and strange, but also very sensitive. The women could not help but let out simultaneous moans of rapture as they felt the sexual sensations of their breasts not only registering from their own mind, but also from the mind of the other. Since they could read each other's thoughts, it had the effect of doubling the sensation. The feelings were the same for both the women, and thus echoed by the thoughts of the other. The woman controlling the left side of the shared body couldn't resist finding the area of their crotch. She fingered herself. The blissful sexual feeling errupted in unison from both of their minds. They shared this vagina! They both received sexual stimulation from the same orifice, and shared in the echoed enjoyment.

The second conjoining was different. I mean, the first one created something that was strange, but not all that extraordinary. Other than the unusual breasts, and differing facial features, they appeared now as Siamese twins. Even though they had not been born sisters, that is how it now appeared. The second conjoining however involved people of opposite sexes. I experienced it with them. It was traumatic for both of them. They shared the same physical distance that the two women shared, but they also shared deeper sexual and psychological distances. It is some sort of sexual tension that exists with us humans. It is unspoken most of the time but observable to those who look closely. The fact that a woman keeps an extra few inches of space between her and a strange man than she would from a woman. The fact that a simple look or touch when done by someone of the opposite sex, may appear intrusive or sexually charged than when the same look or touch is performed by someone of the same sex. It is this unspoken psycho-sexual distancing that creates fear of sexual aggression in women, uncertainly in men, and excitement in both sexes when a first passionate kiss in a relationship breaks down the barriers. This psycho-sexual distance was shattered quickly not by the people themselves, but suddenly by the outside will of Faun. This man, and this woman, who had never even spoken to each other before this moment to the best of either of their knowledge, were brought together both physically and emotionally in a very brief amount of time.

I suspected Faun's positioning was no coincidence either. He had joined them face to face. The two people tried not to look at each other, but such avoidance was now extremely difficult, as they were locked together at the stomachs. They almost had no choice but to look each other eye to eye. They were both almost exactly the same height. The sexual appearance of their joining was all part of Faun's plan I assumed. Two strangers, a man and a woman, naked and locked together permanently inches away from a missionary position. Even though the man tried to fight it, his penis arose from the sexual excitement from being so close to such a beautiful woman. The tip of his cock automatically positioned itself into her vagina. Every time this man would get an erection, his cock would now penetrate the vagina without fail. Every erection he had would now result in a strange sort of masturbation. It would penetrate a vagina that was partially his, but yet someone else's as well. He could feel the wonderful sexual sensation emanating from the vagina, as well as his penis. He could read her thoughts now, and he realized that she too could feel the sensations of both her vagina and his penis. From now on, they would both know what it felt like to be a man and a woman engaged in a sexual act, and they would both know it simultaneously.

The transformation did not conclude with just the connection of stomach flesh though. Their mouths began to change too. The man's tongue was changing, while the woman's whole mouth was altering. The woman screamed in horror as the changes took place feeling both her mouth, and the tongue of her male self as they transformed. Her screams were first muffed, and then completely silenced. She could no longer speak. Her mouth had transformed into a second vagina. It seemed that all future ingestion of nutrition would have to be done through her male self's mouth, not that it would be easy for him. They and I felt his tongue continue to change. It lengthened and took on the familiar form of a cock. It stuck out stiffly from his mouth, covered in saliva. At that point, the skin on his chin began to quickly become very loose and hairy. Two testicles formed inside of it. He now possessed a second scrotum which dangled freely from his chin.

These new organs which had developed on their heads were obviously created by Faun for the purpose of copulation and not urination. As soon as the new scrotum finished forming, the man felt an irresistible urge to kiss his female half in her new pussy mouth. His penis tongue was stiff and covered in saliva. It easily slipped into her vagina mouth. He slid it in as far as he could and embraced her new pussy lips in a kiss, his saliva mixing with her love juices which were now freely dripping down her lips and chin. She realized at that point that she had what appeared to be a tongue-like structure within her new pussy mouth. She licked freely up and down the shaft, sucking it at the same time it fucked her. As they continued this strange form of kissing and love-making, she felt an eruption of cum squirt out of his penis tongue, hitting the back of her mouth and sliding down her throat. After he removed his cum-coated, cock tongue out of her vagina mouth, she realized that she could actually breathe through her second pussy and stick her long, skinny new tongue out from inside of it.

Time pasted, and I experienced all the remaining transformations. I was the last. I was the only true human that remained on board. I knew that I was not exempt. I was different from the others though. Unlike them, Faun did give me the choice that I had requested of him. Faun was good to me in that he did not reveal my choice to the others. As far as they would know, I would have no say in my transformation. I became aware, from Faun's thoughts, that such a choice was most definitely against the rules. Whose rules these were, I did not know. I assumed that they were the rules developed by the power figures on Faun's home planet, wherever that might be. The fact that there were rules however, made me suspect that Faun was not a lunatic, creating freaks for his own childlike cruelty. I detected that Faun was taking a great risk in giving me a choice, but yet he gave me the choice anyway. I knew why. Faun liked me. He considered me a friend. This friendship was unprecedented for his people. I detected that from his thoughts as well. We humans were usually seen as nothing more than lab rats to Faun's people. Yet, he had grown fond of me from the fact that I had an admiration of his work, an admiration which frightened me, but delighted him.

At first, I thought of very simple changes for myself. I knew from Faun's thoughts that I could not remain human. Thus, a simple change in weight or height would not satisfy him. I thought of other simple changes that might be cool. An extra set of arms, for example, might actually be useful. Or, a tail might actually look kind of sexy. What about a set of wings? It would be cool to fly using my very own wings. What about extra breasts? I always liked the look of breasts. They have a beautiful, natural shape. I even found the multiple breasts possessed by many of the others to be somewhat sexy. Plus, I would easily fit in with all the other multiple-breasted people that now inhabited the ship.

As I thought about it more and more though, I soon began to realize that a small change wouldn't be enough for me. I wanted a new body. Yes, I actually wanted it. The idea began to intrigue me more and more. I was glad that Faun had given me the choice. Unlike when I was born onto the world, and unlike when my fellow humans on board had been transformed, they were stuck with the bodies that nature or Faun had chosen for them. I had an amazing opportunity to choose my own design. As I thought through the possibilities, I realized that the more outlandish forms were the ones that excited me the most. I tried to push such thoughts from my mind, telling myself that a weirder form would be harder to inhabit. Yet, I couldn't help it. I wanted an unusual form.

After a long deliberation, I finally settled on a form I liked more than any other. It was strange indeed, and would undoubtedly prove difficult to manipulate, but it nevertheless excited me. I kept the image of my desired body in my mind as the laser passed over me. It worked its way up my body from my feet to my head, reshaping my body as it went along. As it reached my waist, my new third leg sprouted downward, developing a new foot at its end which had a shape similar to that of my right foot. The third leg sprouted from the area between my normal two legs, as my waist widened, allowing all of my legs to evenly rest on the ground. All traces of my vagina soon disappeared. My new cock emerged from the area just above my middle thigh. It grew out quickly and immediately stood out stiffly. It grew out to an impressive twelve inches in length. I loved the sight and feel of it. It made me feel more powerful, the fact that I could penetrate sexually. The fact that I could fuck instead of being fucked. My scrotum grew out from the area just below my new cock. Three large balls formed inside of it as my sack rested against the top of my middle leg.

My new breasts formed next. I loved the sight of the multiple breasts on many of the other transformees. I wanted many large-sized boobs on my torso. I had enjoyed the feeling of of three in a row. It felt so delightfully different than the normal pair. I aslo liked the look of those who had multiple rows of boobs. I decided to combine the two looks. I received six breasts in two rows of three F-cup sized breasts. They formed, and stood out from my chest firm and shapely. Extra arms and a tail then started to grow. Long hairs started to sprout at the base of my spine just above my butt, the gorgeous horse tail flowed out. My extra set of arms grew, and took position just below my normal ones. The final change occurred in my ears as they grew longer and became covered in soft, white rabbit fur. They were like rabbit ears but bigger, proportioned to the size of my head, sticking up stiffly a good foot above my head.

My transformation was complete. The beam of light disappeared, and I could once again move freely. I swished my beautiful tail behind me. It brushed up against my legs. It felt glorious. I then tested my second pair of arms. I was easily able to manipulate each of my new fingers. I used my four hands to lightly caress all six of my magnificent new breasts. I grabbed hold of my dick which still stood out proudly from the area below my large, middle breast on the second row. I caressed the hard member, fascinated by the sense of power it gave me. While stroking my new cock, I reached up with my two free hands and slid them over my soft new rabbit ears. They were long and very soft. I loved the feel of this new body. I attempted to walk. I lurched forward, stumbled, almost fell, then regained my composure. I lumbered forward in a strange three-legged walk. My many breasts jiggled wonderfully with each step.

My next step was to get clothes. Faun always offered clothes that would accommodate the person's new form. All the person had to do was think about the new clothing and Faun would create it, almost magically from out of thin air. Most people mentally requested new clothing immediately. They usually wanted clothing that would hide their new bodies as well as possible, somewhat obscuring their "freakish" new forms. Other people stood nakedly for some time before requesting clothing out of protest. Most of these people eventually got clothing for themselves though, realizing that Faun didn't really care whether you were clothed or naked, and was just providing clothing for our comfort. I was one of the people who immediately wanted clothing.

Unlike most people though, I didn't request thick, loose clothing which would obscure the degree to which I was transformed. I wanted some sexy clothes just for the thrill of dressing myself in this new form. I first thought of some black pantyhose. A pair of them materialized before me. They were unlike any pair of pantyhose that I had ever seen before, but yet they were perfect for me. There were three-legged pantyhose, with a special pouch at the top of the middle stocking to help comfortably hold my rather large penis. I sat down and gathered up the right stocking. I leaned forward causing my two rows of large breasts to squish together rather erotically. I plunged my right foot into the gathered up stocking, and lightly massaged the delicate fabric up my lower leg. I next gathered up the middle stocking and placed my middle foot into it, gliding the nylon and spandex of the stocking up my smooth middle leg. I repeated the procedure for my left leg as well. I then lightly grabbed hold of the waistband of the pantyhose, and pulled the shimmery black fabric up to my waist just below my bottom set of breasts. My large cock slid easily into the soft nylon pouch. I was somewhat stimulated by the feel of the soft fabric surrounding my new penis. I looked down at my three long and slender pantyhosed legs from beyond my voluptuous six breasts. I thought they looked beautiful.

I next thought of some pretty new bras, built to my specifications of course. Two new bras materialized in front of me. Each of them were strapless and each had three cups instead of the normal two cups. The cups of the bras were supported by underwires, which held the cups in place properly, especially the middle cups. I picked up the bras and put them on one at a time, using one set of hands to fasten them in the back and the other set of hands to caress myself as I positioned the soft, slick fabric of the bras over my beautiful new breasts. I thought of other clothes too. I enjoyed dressing myself. Just being in this new body was the most sexually gratifying experience of my entire life. I slipped a skirt around my three legs. I put on three lovely new shoes, two right shoes and a left one. Over my bras, I slipped on a see-through black nylon shirt. I had a ton of cleavage exposed. There was no covering up for me. I loved my new body, and was happy to show it off.

Now that I was no longer completely human, the other "freaks" on board felt more comfortable associating with me, and I loved associating with them. I found most of them to be quite beautiful. I wasted little time in forming a relationship with the humantaur that had captivated me during my first shared experience. She needed comforting often, and I was more than happy to provide it. I loved hugging her. I enjoyed wrapping my four arms around her and pressing my six large breasts against her warm body. She enjoyed it too. She loved to cuddle up in the warmth of my many breasts. It wasn't too long before we became lovers. I enjoyed sex with her. I enjoyed penetrating her with my cock. Depending on our mood, I would penetrate her foresex, or her rearsex, or sometimes both in the same night. Her front pussy was nice in that I could face her and kiss her lovingly while we made love. I also really enjoyed her other pussy too, the one between her rear legs. I like the way her horse tail flowed behind her human butt. I loved to gather up the horse hair of her tail and move it aside as I penetrated her rear vagina. Her tail would always swish as I would thrust her, lightly flicking across my chest and many breasts. I loved her and her form very much.

It was very disappointing to me then, when Faun informed us that his experiments were over, and that we would be returning to Earth. It seemed he was a proud scientist rather than a proud artist. He assured us that we would be given our old forms back. He also stated that we would remember nothing of our experiences with him once we were back on Earth. We discovered that Faun was doing an experiment on human instincts, sexuality, and reaction to traumatic changes. We were lab rats after all. The scientists of Faun's world saw us that way. We were primitive creatures to them. Creatures ruled primarily by instinct. Faun apologized for not telling us that we would be returned to our normal bodies, but that telling us sooner would have ruined the results of the experiment. We all had to believe that the changes might be permanent.

Almost everyone was relieved to hear this news. I, however, was greatly saddened. I liked the way I was now. I liked the way my lover was now, and I liked the way most of the people around me looked as well. I didn't want to go back. I didn't want the body that nature had chosen for me. I wanted my body, the body that I myself had chosen. All of my sexual desires had become connected to this body and to the body of my lover. My sexuality had been irrevocably changed. If I returned now, the fantasies that I had now would never again be fulfilled. I would be surrounded by nothing but humans, all of whom would basically have the same boring human form. Two legs, two arms, two breasts, what is the fun in that?

Faun heard my desires. He tried to reassure me that I wouldn't feel any loss, because I would not remember the fantasies that I have now. I would return to having normal human fantasies. But, I didn't want to forget. I didn't want normal human fantasies. I wanted what I felt now, and I wanted it to continue. He wanted to help me. He offered me a choice. He could relocate me and my lover to a new planet where we could live in the forms we inhabit now. He refused to offer a home for just the two of us though. It was an all or nothing deal. If he was to set up a settlement, he said that it would have to be for everyone on board, and not just the two of us. Faun left the choice entirely up to me. I could either choose to move into a new settlement with all the other people on board, in our current forms, or have all of us return home in our original human forms. I begged Faun to let just my lover and I relocate and remain in our new forms, while letting all the others return home in their human forms. Faun would not agree to this arrangement however. It angered me that Faun would not allow for us to remain while the others went home. Perhaps he was not the friend I thought he was. I began to think that maybe this was yet another experiment. Maybe he was testing the strength of my sexuality.

As I took more time to consider my two options however, I began to think that maybe Faun had refused for my benefit. When I searched my feelings, it became painfully clear to me that I did not want anyone to return to normal. I wanted them to all remain in their new forms. Maybe by only giving me two choices, Faun was allowing me to remain in my form without feeling as guilty about wanting the others to remain in their forms too. Whatever Faun's reasons, he was not choosing to reveal them mentally to me. How could I not feel guilty about it though? If I got what I wanted, then everyone else would suffer. No one, including my lover, wanted to remain in these weird new forms. I appeared to be the only one. How could I condemn the rest of these people just for my own selfish reasons?

My fellow "freaks" hated their new forms and their current situation. And what of my lover? If I truly cared about her as I told myself that I did, how can I purposefully condemn her to a life that she hates? Did I truly love her? Or was it simple lust for her new form? Moreover, did I truly like these strange new forms, or did I just like the fact that they were different? What if the novelty of these forms, and of my own form was to wear off? I might grow to hate it too. Then, I would be stuck in it, and so would everyone else, and it would all be my fault. Obviously, the logical thing to do, the moral thing to do would be to return home in our normal form. The only reason not to return would be to fulfill my sexual desire, and even though that desire is very strong now, it would most likely fade after I become accustomed to my form and the forms of others. The decision was obvious to me. The choice is clear...

...Perhaps Faun's people were right about human instincts. I didn't care. Besides, given enough time, I'm sure my fellow freaks will learn to love their forms just as much as I have.


Re: A Clear Choice - by Multibreast

Faun should make me a freak, i would love it. yikes)