Topic: Festival of Lights 4 Poll Round 2
Thank you everyone that voted in the poll. It seems that the majority wanted a fresh transformation, as Annabelle was the clear winner. As such, this poll is to decide what transformation she will undergo. Below are several options I've come up with. These are loose ideas, so comments and discussion would be appreciated. The poll will run for 2 weeks.
1. Identical transformation to what Sheila went through. The wives also change their human form so that they look identical (either aging up or down). Possibly add some mental linkage. This change would occur during Hindle's transformation show several months in the future.
2. Similar change to option one, but with a vagina focused beast form.
3. Lower body is transformed into a copy of the upper body (though only one mind). Body is then split down the middle to leave two identical halves. Each half undergoes a CTF with one of Annabelle's spouses (either remaining human looking or taking on aspects of the host form). Annabelle is able to see and interact with both of her halves and serve as a communicator between her hosts.
4. Fusion into the family pet, either becoming a third head or CTF.
5. Living maid dress. Annabelle puts on an outfit similar to Princess', but maid themed. Able to produce and secrete chemical required for household cleaning. Able to shape her body to accommodate the oversized organs of her partners.
6. Catch all other option. Maybe you want to see her transformed like one of the other characters. Maybe you have another brilliant idea for a change. Let us know in the comments below.