Suddenly, Brian's thoughts were interrupted by the crack of several twigs behind him, accompanied by a tentative fluttering sound of wings. He froze and slowly moved his hand closer towards his pocket where he had put the flower. He tried to hold his breath as best as he could and slowly turn around – It was a Neccu indeed!
Her twitching wings had the color of dark amber and had a beautiful pattern that reminded Brian of stained glass that refracted the sunlight from above into countless, glowing nuances of orange.
Her body was filigree like it was with all Neccus and she seemed rather disinterested in the human´s presence. In fact, it seemed like she was actively ignoring him! … or … did the flower kinda made Brian invisible to her?
Carefully, the young man pulled the envelope out of his pocket and carefully opened it. The smell of the flower was rather musky and sweet and the Neccus didn't seem to notice it at first, but soon she looked around a little confused, like she was desperately searching for the origin of the odor.

A little confused, she twitched her wings and landed on a small plateau, before she turned around and looked over to Brian. It took him a moment before Brian realized the pressure that was building up in his pants out of a sudden – had this flower made him... horny?
In an instant, he remembered what he had learned about Neccus so far and that her antennas were able to detect even the slightest trace of pheromones in the air „Oh gawd, no!“ Brian saw the Neccu now directly looking at him an realized that it was obviously a male exemplar of it's race: With a curious smile, the butterfly now lifted off and landed directly in front of him.
Too baffled to run away, Brian took a few steps back and ended with his back against a large tree.
With two elegant steps, the Neccu closed in on him and touched his shoulder.
"You like?!“ he asked as his fingers carefully caressed the half-hard penis between his legs.
Brian shook his head "Hno.. listen... I-Im not gay I...“ He saw the bulge in his trousers betraying his words as the pheromones of the flower made the situation even worse. „This flower over there...!“
The Neccu looked to the ground „Mating symbol for our clan – for the females“ His wings twitched in anticipation.