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A Bizarre Transformation Fetish Literotica Forum – join us at for art, RP, and more
Legends of Belial → Transformation Stories → Biannca's Many Bad Ends - by BD-Acht
All characters are over 18. This is a work of fiction intended for adults only.
Biannca woke with a start.
A mild sweat was on her brow and a confusingly strong warmth between her thighs. Taking a moment to stir, she shook her head.
Must have been some dream.
She rose to prepare for the day.
The odd sensation stuck with her throughout her whole routine. A strange mixture of desire and foreboding. Titillation and apprehension.
As she finished taming her dark curly hair for the day she gave up on figuring it out. Dreams never made sense anyways and she had work to get to.
Striding into the living room she found her housemates mid-breakfast in the living room.
Hazel was standing behind the couch, cereal bowl in hand. Jade sat sprawled on the couch munching on a pear. They both were watching the television.
"Wow. Why would they even take it through town like that? That's asking for trouble," Jade commented.
"Yeah, scary. But that's like 10 miles from here. I'm sure we'll be fine."
"Really? I was thinking of using it as an excuse to call in sick," Trisha chuckled.
Biannca was only half listening. Already running late, she grabbed a snack bar and rushed out the door.
She was lucky to live so close to her office. Only a 20 minute walk and half of it through a nature park. Big shady trees and quiet paths helped take the edge off of the morning commute.
There was still that tickle of something unresolved in the back of her mind that she just couldn't let go of.
A strange feeling. A question? She wasn't sure, but it bothered her.
She came to a bend in the path where a small bench was set. It was overgrown and framed by two mossy light poles.
She almost didn't see it.
Gently swaying twenty feet up the path, was a least from the waist up.
Below, she was a large snake with rich lavender scales. Her underside was much lighter and where her human half met her snake half, there was a large exposed mound.
A puffy, dangerous looking set of lips that were gently spread. The naga smiled gleefully, but said nothing.
Biannca felt herself freeze and her heart skip a beat.
She had heard of these creatures. Of course she had. She had consumed plenty of documentaries and internet factoids to know of the dangerous race of demihumans with voracious and lewd appetites.
Demihumans that should have been hundreds of miles from a place as built up as this. "Care to join me for a snack?" the naga spoke as she started to slither towards her.
The "S"s in her words were not nearly as slurred as the movies made them seem.
What a stupid thing to notice, Biannca thought, barely even taking a shocked backwards step.
She watched with wide eyes as it grew closer and closer.
The snakegirl moved so smoothly. The slithering motion of her lower half made her hips rock in a rolling rhythm that looked positively sensual. She understood why they were regarded as such sexual beings. Well, that and…
Her eyes were fixed on it. The huge, pillowy mound that parted down the middle. It was placed just below the transition from smooth underbelly scales to her soft human skin.
It was just so...big. And it did well to conceal the lewd folds just within. Dazed, Biannca turned to run far too late.
She pivoted only for her first step to be immediately stopped by the thick lower half of the demihuman.
She toppled over, falling into the coils of the naga.
"Where are you going sweetie?" her captor grinned as her spiraling grip was assured.
Biannca couldn't find any words. Her mouth was dry and she was acutely aware of the mound squishing into her as the lamia shifted around her.
The snakegirl stared.
"Hmm? Actually, you are terribly cute..."
Biannca blushed. While it was certainly a compliment, the creature still had that cool, removed tone to her words.
"I think," the naga began as she began to adjust, "I'll have to keep you."
The big snake woman fell back, resting vertically as she positioned Biannca horizontally in her strong serpentine coils.
The restrained girl looked up at her captor feeling hope.
Yes, that was good! Keep her as a, well, as a sex toy probably but at least she wouldn't be fed to that big hungry-
"Riiiiight here," the naga hummed as Biannca watched her reach down to part her pillowy vulva with an audible plp.
Her heart sank once more as the lush pinkness opened before her toes. She was shuffled forward towards the sweltering hole with giggles bubbling from the snakegirl.
She finally found words as she felt the slick heat through her sandals. "W-wait! You don' don't want to do this!"
A bit of relief. The forward slide stopped.
"Oh?" mused the naga, cold curiosity at what she could possibly offer.
"Yeah! I'll, er, pleasure you! I'm, uh, I think you’re cute too…? I’ll play with you however you want!" she stammered desperately hoping that was a good enough reason not to turn her into coochie cream.
The other woman just grinned.
"Oh, I am most definitely going to play with you cutie. I won't puddle you."
The motion resumed and Biannca squirmed as she felt herself begin to be "consumed".
Their voices rang out, overlapping. Biannca's in fright at the damp heat squeezing her feet to the ankles, and the naga as her opening was spread.
Despite the panicky tremor in her chest, there was a strange stillness to Biannca's subconscious. A calm that was almost... accepting. A part of her that wasn’t scared at all, leaving room for some semblance of…enjoyment?
That’s insane, she thought.
Whether the demihuman had said she wouldn't puddle her or not, it would be crazy to enjoy this…right? She was pretty sure only her and the naga would be privy to any lurid details. One way or another…
For some reason, the strange feeling from this morning came to mind.
After a pause, her trepidation kicked back in and she began thrashing harder as her knees slipped inside this sensual creature's lips.
She was still positioned sitting up, rolling her hips down around Biannca as the coiled tail fed her deeper inside.
Her face was one of open pleasure. Tongue lolling and eyes rolling back occasionally as she watched her meal disappear into her sex.
Soon Biannca was inside up to her chest, arms squeezed down around her sides in the slick vice of the naga's cunt.
No longer was her tail needed to restrain her prey. The carnal muscles of her pussy were more than adequate to hold the squirming girl.
The naga had shifted her position now, "standing" up a bit taller and rolling her hips to help her lewd canal swallow up her victim. Her hands toyed with her own breasts and stroked along her body. No doubt trying to resist cramming the helpless human all the way in.
The snakewoman's face was now a mask of lewd enjoyment. Biannca squirmed, feeling her stomach flutter with embarrassment.
Enjoying her, and the way she stretched and filled up her pussy like a big human dildo, no doubt.
An idea flashed into Biannca's mind and she felt the heat on her face burn a bit brighter. If she was already enjoying her so much…
She wrenched an arm from her side to her front, shivering at the feeling of the slick muscled walls she struggled against.
Her arm now twisted to her front, she pushed her bicep up to the top of her captor's hungry crease.
She felt around awkwardly, unable to part and search as easily as if her hands were free.
Finally, she felt the firm, squishy nub she was looking for. There!
It was much less prominent than a human's clit, likely to help stay out of the way in matters such as this.
Biannca shuddered yet again, still shocked at the size of her parts. It had to have been a bit bigger than a golf ball…
She grunted, and threw her arm into the squishy nub with her limited movement. The naga, who still had her face in upward bliss, gave a surprised grunt.
Biannca lashed out again. And again.
Again and again and again. The pleasured noises rising until the naga was groaning aloud.
She was still stuck, now almost past her breasts.
Suddenly Biannca gasped, seeing the panting naga looking down at her with a smug grin.
"Now, I wonder why you thought that would work?"
Somehow, the stuck girl felt her embarrassed blush deepen even further.
"So dirty! I'm so happy I decided to keep you. You'll be perfect," the snakegirl moaned.
She reached down to cup her face, lips quivering and the muscles within growing momentarily still.
"Don't believe everything you see in porn, cutie."
Her hands quickly slid down to her shoulders and pushed.
Biannca cried out as she felt the hot lips that separated the outside world and her hot, slippery doom rise up around her chin and face. The naga squealed, a panting giggle rising from her lips as she crammed her meal deep down into her other set.
She withdrew her wrist deep hands with a groan to quickly shove Biannca's head inside.
The girl’s dark curls were the last the naga saw of the cute human as her thick outer lips drew closed around her.
With a sigh, she hugged her slick arms tight to her chest as she swayed on her serpentine half. Feeling terribly satisfied with her fed pussy.
Within, Biannca struggled futilely against her carnal prison. The smooth muscles gripped her tightly, tensing, and kneading her lewdly
She felt a flash of humiliation as she struggled in the naga's depths. She was basically just her giant dildo! Food for her big hungry pussy.
Her body just a lewd plaything used for a good deep stretch and then...splat.
She shuddered, renewing her efforts momentarily until it seemed the naga was pushed over the edge.
Outside, the snakegirl was leaking like a faucet down her smooth belly plates.
Rubbing and squishing at her plush, messy entrance, she quickly felt her cunt start to grip down on her captive in orgasm.
Suddenly Biannca felt warmth flood her as she was crushed by the powerful fuckhole around her. Her eyes rolled and she found her hands pawing at her own sex with overwhelming need.
She desperately frigged herself as the pleasure mounted.
She faintly realized that her pleasure mirrored the convulsing walls around her as they calmed for a minute only to fly back into a smothering massage.
The sensation of warmth and pleasure began to bleed into Biannca more, now openly moaning and writhing in her own unbearable bliss.
She began to feel fuzzy. The sensations somehow...blurry.
In the world beyond the simmering cunt, the naga was in the throes of a massive cluster of orgasms. The squirming pleasure of her captive sent her into her own writhing bliss as she played with her entrance and stroked her body around her prey.
Higher and higher the pleasure climbed, until her pussy squeezed down so hard it almost hurt and her mouth flew open in a shriek of ecstacy.
The sensation of fullness somehow grew. Intensified. A warmth and sense of satiation suffusing her sodden canal.
And then it was gone. The empty ache slowly returning. With a wild, sweaty grin the naga felt her lips tingle…
Biannca had just felt the most mind bending orgasm of her life.
The embarrassment of it occurring inside someone's pussy would likely come later. Right now there was only afterglow, and the lingering dread of becoming lubricant for the naga's lips.
There was a faint sensation of movement, and suddenly she realized that there was a dim light ahead.
Wait, light!
She was being released! The naga hadn't been lying about sparing her!
She tried to struggle forward, still finding herself stuck and her elation turning to confusion as a dozen odd sensations bouncing through her mind.
She heard a purring groan and a pair of hands parted the lips before her.
With the fresh air flowing over her face and mixing with the humid air inside, the scent of horny pussy was once again overwhelming.
More confusion.
A stretching sensation beyond her cheeks. A gently thrumming headache that didn't hurt.
"Ahahaha! See? I told you I'd end up playing with you!"
Biannca strained again, feeling that same pull at the edges of her face. Her arms, her body felt strangely numb.
"Have you really not figured it out yet?"
Embarrassment tinged through her. She felt weirdly bloated. The naga giggled and looked around at the ground.
She reached down to snatch Biannca's phone, her hands leaving her opening for a moment and the meaty lips sliding back over the girl's face.
After a few minutes of fumbling with her phone they parted again to see her phone hovering in front of her face.
The camera was on in selfie mode, revealing her...situation. Biannca gasped.
Her growing suspicions were confirmed upon seeing her slippery face in frame, her complexion a lurid pink.
Her eyes went wide and she shrieked. Or tried to. It sounded more like a wheeze, only the air in her... "throat" available to her.
She'd become part of the naga's cunt. A squishy pink face made from pussyflesh just beneath the lips.
"Oh, good!"
Biannca stared, shocked at the photo of her cuntified self momentarily immortalized on screen before it went back to a live camera view.
"We look hot, Pussy," the naga began as she started to squish and stroke her.
"I’m sorry this won't last too long. You feel really hot like this but you're made out of my pussy,” she apologized.
“It's something about how your ‘new vaginal instincts make you settle into the proper shape for a pussy’, or something."
"I don't really know. But I do want to play with you before you're my other set of big leaky lips again."
She spoke more casually now. Less seductive.
Biannca supposed there was less incentive to romance your own cooch. There it was again.
That odd calmness.
By all rights Biannca should have been panicking that she'd been reduced to this demihuman's fuckhole. A big, plush sex organ that, given her "owner", would be eternally exposed and very hungry.
But somehow that didn't worry her. It was like a calming blanket, a subconscious knowledge that despite the acute humiliation and reduction that it would work out somehow.
Biannca was knocked from her introspection as a set of feminine fingers stroked her face.
Eyes fluttering, her jaw hung open before she realized what she was doing. A hunger had stirred in her mouth, in her throat and, well, all of her.
A throbbing ache to be filled.
She began to shamelessly suckle on the offered fingers, mouth watering with slick, carnal lube.
Unable to hold back any longer, the naga began to work her pussy in earnest.
Hands squeezed and squished and stroked. Fingers roughly slopped into Biannca's face, her degrading composition allowing for the rougher treatment of her pretty visage.
A tremor shuddered deep within the pussygirl, her face going shocked with the sensation of an oncoming orgasm bearing down on her.
The pink tide of pleasure was too much for her.
As a conduit for that overwhelming ecstasy of flesh, she was helpless to do anything but quiver and embrace the nature of her anatomy.
Her whole being clenched as the pleasure boiled over flooding her flesh with both ecstacy and creamy grool.
The naga shoved her hands against the face in her cunt, back arching as she gushed from her puffy organ.
Seconds, hours, days. Neither could tell how long the glorious crescendo lasted before they finally started to relax.
Biannca first felt her twitching aftershocks feeling far more simple. Her muscles relaxing in a way that felt far more complete.
The naga sighed dreamily, slowly peeling her lips apart to reveal a lush inner set that were considerably meatier than before.
She laughed, caressing herself and enjoying the return of her clit. Biannca could feel the finality in this.
Her new "face" for the rest of her days would be this terrifyingly alluring naga cunt. She felt heat again suffusing her form and the hunger of her flesh return.
Before she could even contemplate a lifetime of being a slick hole getting fucked and turning people into squirt, she suddenly had the crease of her body jammed against something hard and cylindrical. The new inner lips she made up parted on either side of the vertical pole in a squished “kiss”.
Her reservations did well to paint the lamppost with shining slickness, any reservations thoroughly destroyed as the naga rutted her new cunt against the hard metal post.
Biannca woke up with a start. There was sweat on her brow and-
She sniffed.
Frowning, she looked beneath the sheets and pulled her panties away from her mound. She didn't remember touching herself before falling asleep. So why did it smell like…
Before she could dwell on it for too much longer, it was gone, leaving the confused girl shaking her head.
These past couple of mornings have been so strange, she thought.
Strange dreams she couldn't quite recall. Many that gave the impression of something...sexual. It had started...when had it started?
She couldn't recall.
She shook her head and pushed it from her mind. She was running late.
Strolling through the living room, she didn't have much time. No time for a proper breakfast.
She did, however, stop to watch the news along with her roommates Jade and Hazel. "A naga got out?" she asked, wondering why that idea felt so familiar.
"Yeah. Apparently they were transporting her far away from the city when she broke out," Hazel said.
"I don't know what they were thinking, transporting something like that through an area like this."
"Eh, it's like 10 miles from here. I'm sure we'll be fine." Deja vu…
Biannca had been absorbed in her own thoughts ever since she left the house.
Why did that feel so familiar? And why the hell did it feel related to the dream she couldn't remember?
She suddenly paused as if remembering something.
Turning, she stared at the bench she passed every morning on her way to work.
Biannca shook her head. She didn't know why she had stopped. The bench was the same as ever, framed by the same lampposts as it always was.
Biannca blinked, and suddenly found her head covered by something hot and wet to her neck.
"Mmmh!!!" she screamed, her voice muffled as slick muscles squeezed tight against her face.
“The naga!” she thought.
Oh shit, I’m going to get slicked!
Her panic was undercut by something. Dejua vu again.
Like an idea she couldn't quite remember. A concept that felt oddly...comforting. Whatever that meant, it didn't stop her from fighting back.
She slammed her hands up against the pillowy lips spread around her only to hear a sharp gasp. Two strong hands crammed her arms against her body as the naga pressed down, pinning her limbs between her and the tight vaginal confines.
Try as she might, Biannca knew she was doomed. The snakegirl had got the drop on her. Literally.
"Ouch! You cunt! I'm going to enjoy puddling your ass," the naga huffed, face and chest flushed with sexual exertion. She squirmed downwards, leading with her spread lips down the still standing Biannca.
Finally, her fat folds kissed the paved trail around Biannca's shoes and the naga slithered up to "standing".
She gazed down at her simmering prison with a baleful look, enjoying her power over the consumed human girl.
Biannca felt herself crushed, the walls clenching around her with purpose as the naga toyed with her prey. Trying to dominate her with her pussy.
As if she could be any more subdued...or any more degraded than she was about to be.
Enjoying a few more minutes of struggles, the naga decided it was time for a little satisfaction.
"I hope you've had enough of being solid in there. You're about to be my next orgasm!" She began to work her pussy in earnest.
Within, Biannca could feel no first.
She soon began to feel warm, touching her own pussy. The pleasure grew as heat began to flow into her, the confines growing into an ever more wet and humid prison.
Her pleasure rose to an edge, and she suddenly realized this was it. Her last moments as anything but a gooey sex stain.
She came, pussy spasming as the one around her did the same. The naga's cunt clenched with magic and heat filling its depths.
At first only a slick gush spilled from her lips, then a triumphant stream of cream squirted from her sodden hole.
The snakegirl moaned, tongue lolling as her hips jerked with every squirt of the human turned orgasm.
Her lust splattered the asphalt, shining wetly in the morning light.
The naga’s body relaxed as her orgasm tapered off. Her pussy left quivering and oozing a trickle of Biannca down her serpentine belly.
The former human was, surprisingly, still aware.
She was stuck in a foggy haze. Only barely aware of her surroundings or even herself, a swirling mix of horniness and distant humiliation drifted through her transformed mind.
The result of becoming a rather messy climax for the naga.
The demihuman licked her dripping fingers savoring the taste of Biannca's new form.
"Mmmh, and I thought you were cute. It’s a good thing that this is a much better look for you," she gloated over the semi-aware puddle.
She frowned, feeling something strange pulling at her pussy. She reached gingerly inside to pluck a pair of sopping wet panties from her folds.
Laughing, she tossed them to the ground with the rest of Biannca's strewn about clothing.
They landed with a splat in the oozing pool of squirt.
Without another word the naga slithered off the trail back into the woods, leaving Biannca to cool and dreamily ponder her fate.
… Biannca's eyes shot open and a new day began... Meanwhile, two strange beings looked on.
"Really? The same scenario twice? I thought you were more creative than that," a soft voice chides coldly.
"It was a naga! There's a couple ways that can go in this reality, you know. I wanted to see a few parallel ones. Besides, I have something else in mind now," the sultry voice replies.
They watch as Biannca prepares for her day. The house she's in is slightly different from the one before, and even the one before that.
Biannca joined her housemates on the couch this time. It was her day off in this reality. The soft voice sighs.
"Must we keep this up?"
"Of course not. You're the one that keeps shifting her. There were a few fates she could have enjoyed but you keep insisting on her being, what was the word you used? 'Intact?'" the other voice chides back.
Biannca sat up, looking at something slithering from under the couch before she and the others were set upon by some sort of tentacled beast.
There was a long pause before the sultry one spoke again. Earnestly this time.
"Think she'll ever realize?"
A moment passed.
Biannca was thoroughly enjoying the invading tentacles now. Hopelessly trapped and heading for another "Bad End", as the naughty voice called it.
"No. She's just a mortal. How could she ever know?"
As pleasure once again overwhelmed her, Biannca couldn't help but wonder why this all felt so strangely familiar...
Legends of Belial → Transformation Stories → Biannca's Many Bad Ends - by BD-Acht
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