Topic: Iris' Curse: Chapter 1 - by Randomking


"Iris' Curse"

Chapter 1

Iris was off again. She was having one of her little adventures in the hills near her home village. She frequented the area to get away from all of the young men of her village, as she found their suiting obnoxious. She knew that they didn't really even love her or anything of the sort. It was not lust, either, because she was not the most attractive young woman. They were after position, as she was the sheriff's daughter, and now she was of "marrying age."

Her mother was long-dead, but her father wanted her married off soon, because he wanted to make sure that his successor was well-trained. He never had a son, despite having had three wives within his life. Two of them died during child-birth, and the third was apparently barren. Thus, in order to pass on his hereditary status, his only daughter had to marry.

Iris had no problem with marriage, but she probably listened to the shaman too much. He seemed to think that marriage was for love, and his conversations with her always got Iris hopping mad at her father who was constantly lecturing her on the responsibilities of a young noble. It had reached the point at which her father and the shaman were enemies of a sort, and Iris, loving both of them, was even more annoyed.

She managed to find her way to an outcropping of rocks that she had never found a good path to before. The hunters said that the rocks were interesting to look at, because they had numerous ancient runes written on them, but she had never managed to look at them. Iris scrambled over the slope toward the apex of the formation and found the writing that her villagers had described before. The text was clearly ancient, as it had all but weathered away, but Iris knew at once that it was important. She had a magical knack - she could tell if something was magical, and she was impressed, because those few magical items that she had seen in the past were clearly not as potent as these rocks were.

Iris then noticed a small stone not far from the apex that radiated energy. She examined it for a moment, noticing that it had nothing else special about it. She pocketed it and continued to explore. After several minutes of examination, Iris determined that the rest of the site was pretty much unmovable. She then began her descent toward the tree-line, figuring that she should limit her father's anger somewhat. As she stepped off of the final stone of the out-cropping, though, Iris was stunned by a sudden force of energy. She dropped to her knees, as the world became dimmer. She wasn't losing consciousness, despite her initial assumption. Instead, the light was indeed losing its strength, and then the earth rumbled a bit.

"Who dares take my property from my temple?" a feminine voice demanded. It was definitely angry, and Iris assumed that whoever said it was more than a little bitchy.

Iris turned around to face the outcropping once again. The sky had dimmed, certainly, but there was an eerie green light emanating from the top of the mound. She could almost make out the outline of a figure within the light, but it was very unclear. Getting a little nervous, she responded, "I'm Iris, a villager from Huris. I mean no harm. Would you like your stone back?"

"You have taken it, so you must keep it, as it will be a reminder of the reason for your curse. Your profane attitude, your very disrespect of a goddess has earned you a punishment. I was content to lie asleep, having accepted my ancient defeat. I do not know how long I lied here, but now, I am awake. I do not think that I may sleep again, and you are to blame. Thus, your curse!" the ancient being bellowed from her point upon the rocks.

"Please..." Iris was beginning to sweat all over. "I meant no harm. Certainly, I could help you sleep again."

"Perhaps... Yes, sit. I will tell you how." Iris complied. "I am Sutura, ancient goddess of fertility and sensuality. I ruled the village below a very long time ago. My temple sat where I am now, and there were shrines throughout the lands, dedicated to me. I was a happy goddess, granting mortals fertility and pleasure. Their crops grew well, and their families were large and happy. I regulated the population's demographic so that the women outnumbered the men, three to one. In this way, they were growing rapidly, and all were happy.

"Then, that prude of a god Jhuricon sent his believers into the domains that I shared with my fellow gods and goddesses. These believers were powerful, and Jhuricon was as well. Quickly, they perverted our message, and my believers became his. The believers that I kept believed in Jhuricon's version of me, and in so doing, they perverted me. Finally, Jhuricon was so strong that he imprisoned all of us old gods in our temples and made us sleep there forever. And I did, until you awoke me from my happy slumber."

"I... I'm terribly sorry about that. I didn't mean to." Iris was hoping that proper groveling would appease this strange old goddess.

"I know you are. But I don't care. I will indeed curse you. Then, perhaps Jhuricon will come and put me back in my rest."

"But Jhuricon's believers are few now! The new gods are hear, and we can live in peace."

"Then, perhaps they can make me rest again. I curse you with my curse. You will not be able to die, as you will be eternally young, until I sleep again. You will be beautiful to all that see you." With this statement, Iris' body began tingling, and she trembled as if she were cold. "But all who are near you will regret it, for my curse will live on in you, perverting all of those around you. Do not think that you can avoid their presence, though. You will want it. They will not suspect it. At that point, you will be a pariah, their attempts failing to kill you. Do not think that you can avoid people. You will become perverted if you do. And when you do, it will be contagious, you curse. Now go."

Iris felt her clothes dissolve from her body, her small figure becoming voluptuous. Her hips widened, and she saw her pubic hair drop from her body, leaving her now-throbbing pussy exposed. Her belly flattened, and then her bosom became heavier, slowing expanding outward. She could feel her face changing as well, and she then dropped to the ground completely, exhausted.

She awoke some ten minutes later, still naked, but all seemed right in the world. The sky was clear, and the birds chirped in the trees. A slight breeze perturbed the leaves, and Iris was unsure about life. She looked down to see the rock on a necklace. This was all that she wore, however. And she felt horny. She felt that way before, but this was new. It was intense. She knew that she could resist it, but she also knew that it would be hard. Not knowing what else to do, Iris began climbing down the hill. She worked her way through the forest and onto a familiar trail. As she reached an intersection with a smaller game trail, she heard voices.

Iris hid in some bushes, hoping to avoid being spotted. She saw three other young women from her village with baskets, each returning from gathering herbs and berries. All three were laughing about something or another. When they were within ear-shot, she heard some of their conversation.

"It all goes back to Iris, you know! She won't pick one, so we have to wait. It's silly. She's being so selfish. If she'd just pick one, then we'd be all set! After all, some of the men left the village last year, because they wanted to find wives elsewhere, and now the situation has reversed itself! I want that little bitch to get it done with! She's not even that pretty!"

"I know," another responded. "She is always talking about love, but we want that, too. It's not like we're in a city, where we can have a bigger pick!"

"Yeah, maybe we should go to a city. That would get rid of the little bitch!" the third chimed in.

Then they were getting much too close. The second one shouted out to the others, "Look, there's a wild grape-vine! Let's go and get some!"

What a coincidence, Iris though, I'm hiding in a grapevine... Oh. Shit.

The three women were easily in sight now, all three wearing their forest dresses. Iris recognized them from the village, of course. The first one, Uma, was Iris' least favorite of her peers. She was constantly chattering about something or another, and she was generally negative about anyone who wasn't in her audience at the time. Of course, Uma got into trouble for that frequently, and this tendency in her was waning, but she still was very particular in what she considered to be a handsome person and whom she thought was unsatisfactory. This attitude may have been inherited from her mother who was beautiful and vain. Her father encouraged this behavior, as he was known as being rather shallow. Uma, however, was not the pinnacle of beauty herself. She was fairly short with wide hips and a hefty chest. She was slightly pudgy, though a number of the village men seemed to like that. Her face was lovely but not noticeably pretty.

The second conversationalist was Mally, a bit of a lackey to whoever seemed to be in charge at a given time. Unless encouraged, though, she was not too much of a gossip and actually did tend to like just about anyone. But she was lacking in courage. She just wouldn't stick up for anyone, and when a feud broke out, she was rarely to be seen. Uma seemed to want to be around her lately, because she was probably the prettiest young woman of the village. She was of medium height and medium build with a solid but cute figure. Her face was her finest attribute, though, as it was truly radiant.

Erin, the third of the trio, was downright militant. Her solutions to most problems were at least verbal violence. As a child, she would frequently beat up her peers, boy and girl alike. In response, she was frequently kept on a short leash, which only made her more aggressive. Erin was tall and quite slender, her athleticism well-renowned, though the village's rules of warrior-hood.

All three noticed the nude woman in the grape-vine immediately, and Uma shouted out, "Hey! What are you doing here? Naked, too?!"

"I, uh, ran into some trouble. Do you mind taking me back to the village?"

"Iris," Mally said, "what happened to you? I mean, I don't remember you being that tall... or that pretty."

"I don't think that I want to talk about that right now," Iris responded. "I think that I need to put something on first." The other villagers nodded in agreement, as modesty was considered polite in their society.

As they walked down the hill, Iris, who was behind Mally noticed something strange about Mally's butt. It seemed to be getting bigger, ever so slightly over time. Mally was barely conscious of it, as she was obviously shifting her skirt a bit. With a morbid curiosity, Iris continued to watch, until she noticed that there seemed to be something poking out from each buttock. Additionally, Iris could see some wetness collecting in her butt-crack. This, of course, disgusted Iris. If Mally had diarrhea, so be it, but you'd think that Mally would at least have the decency of going into the woods. After a couple of minutes, though, her butt stopped growing, though the wetness remained. Mally was clearly conscious of it, too. She kept reaching back and kind of trying to peak back, her face showing true signs of confusion.

It was not long, though, before they reached the edge of the village's fields. At that point, Uma said, "Okay, I'll go in and get you a dress, okay?"

Iris responded, "Sure. Make it quick, though, "Ëœcause it's getting a bit dark."

"Yup," Uma said as she began walking quickly through the barley field.

Iris then turned around to face Mally and Erin, the latter looking kind of mad. Erin said, "Jeeze, if you could just keep your clothes on, we'd be home by now."

Mally spoke up. "Hey, Erin, could you check my butt. It feels really weird."

"Uh... okay," Erin responded as she began lifting up Erin's skirt. The people of their village did not generally wear underwear in the warm summer months. The women, of course, wore light dresses, while the men wore long loin-cloths that hid their equipment well and, if they chose, also wore a light-weight short tunic. When on horseback, both sexes wore pantaloons. Mally helped Erin by rolling up the top of her skirt. When the did manage to get her skirt up, Iris and Erin were stunned. Her buttocks had changed into two fairly large breasts, complete with nipples. Instead of an anus, she had another pussy, and it was clearly in want of attention. Neither spectators said a word for a moment.

"What? What's going on?" Mally demanded.

"Uh... We'd better take off your dress so you can have a look for yourself," responded Iris. Mally did as she was told. She screamed once she realized what had happened. But she moaned upon touching her new parts. Not wanting to masturbate in front of anyone else, she quickly grabbed her dress, desperately putting it on. The other two women were in too much of a shock to really do anything, though.

All three sat in silence for a couple of minutes when Erin suddenly got up in a panic. Neither of the other two knew what was going on, and they started screaming back at her to calm down. Finally, she did. She held her hands out in front of Iris and Mally, palms up. In each palm, both girls could see a small brown bump, and her hands seemed to be a bit swollen. Shaking, she continued to hold them up. The small brown bumps got bigger, as her hand continued to swell, her fingers disappearing into the mass of flesh. After a minute, it became clear that each of her hands were now breasts. She tried poking herself in the gut and realized that her hand bones were completely gone.

Then, her forearms went limp, like a wet noodle. Her upper arms followed, but she seemed to have some control over them, as if they were tentacles. She started whimpering at that point, clearly upset about her situation. Mally chimed in, "Hey, those are bigger than your normal tits, too!" With that Erin tried to throw a punch, but it sort of floundered out, smacking Mally in the chest but lacking any real effect, so soft were her new appendages. Her rage having been pathetically dispensed, Erin sat down, trying to figure out how to effectively control her limbs.

Finally, as they waited stupidly, Uma returned. It took her about twenty seconds to notice Erin. She screamed, falling backward. "What's going on?" she demanded.

"I don't know," cried Erin. "First, there was Mally's butt, and then this happened. I don't know why." She then broke down.

"Mally's butt?" Uma asked, as Mally lifted her skirt and mooned her. "Oh, my. Well, here's your.... Ungh...." She said as she was handing Iris the dress. Iris took it before it dropped to the ground and looked up at Uma. Her mouth was closed, her lips pursed as if she was going to kiss someone. Her lips then seemed to twist around such that her mouth was vertical. Then, it seemed to be opening, and a tongue stuck out, but it was expanding upward, her nose dissolving into it. As the definitions became clearer, the other three realized that her mouth and nose had been replaced by a pussy. She tried to cry out, but there was only a humming sound, and her new mound swelled with each breath. Frantically, she then tried to breathe for real, but all that did was make her new pussy bulge out as she hummed in a seductive and sultry way. Then, she stopped trying to breath and accepted that, for some reason, she no longer really needed to.

However, her new form was apparently incomplete. She was stretching somehow along the middle of her body. It was brief, but she had gained height and lost her fat. Her own dress didn't fit her very well anymore, but she seemed as if she could manage. She licked around her pussy-face with her tongue, which seemed somehow longer than it used to be. She hummed despite herself as she licked her new clit, which was at the top of her new vulva. She stopped immediately, however.

"Uh, maybe the shaman could help," Iris suggested. She spoke too soon, though, because a new round of transformation was beginning. A bulge was appearing on the lower portion of Mally's belly. Her eyes widened as she looked down. Clearly, she felt that so far, her changes were not so bad, relatively speaking anyway. The rest of them looked on in curiosity, as Mally once again lifted her dress. Indeed, there was some sort of growth there. At first, it looked like a simple bulge, but then, the women could see that there were four small bumps on it, forming a square pattern. She was breathing hard now, her face sweating in fear. It continued to grow, however, until it was about nine inches out from her belly. The four lumps were brown and elongated. Then, her nipples started to elongate as well, except for the nipples on her butt.

At this time, everyone realized that she had an udder. It was colored to match her Caucasian skin tone, though. She reached up and gave one a farm-girl educated tug. Milk squirted out about three feet as she cooed. She looked up at her friends and then started to cry. Uma sat down next to her and tried to give some comfort, but given her mute nature, she was little more than a cuddly woman with womanly wetness dripping down her chin.

Unsurprisingly, Erin was next. She fell down as her legs rapidly lost their bones. They then split into four subsections each, all eight units flailing about wildly. Her hips were becoming amorphous as her new lower tentacles arranged themselves in a radial symmetry. Then, her nipples on her original breasts lengthened so quickly that they ripped out of her dress. They too where like tentacles, and her bosom expanded somewhat as a sort of added bonus, further damaging her dress at the same time. Finally, her clitoris lengthened to about two feet long, displaying a new mobile set of properties. The transformations ceased then, and she looked down at herself. Her tentacles all seemed to be in order, except for the clitoris tentacle. It seemed to have a mind of its own, and it was very hyper. She managed to lift herself up on her lower set of limbs, but she was a bit unsteady. Her clitoris then began rubbing itself against her belly, causing her to moan a bit.

Uma was standing at that point, wanting desperately to retreat. She didn't know why Iris was so unaffected, but she figured that it probably had something to do with her being the carrier. As she started to bolt, though, her weight was shifted forward, and she skidded across the ground in front of the irrigation ditch. Once she had regained control, she sat up and looked down. She had four new breasts below her original two, all of them being as hefty as her original set. As she scooted backward in fear, she felt something strange upon her head as well.

Placing her hand on her head, she felt her hair bunching together. Strangely, it was turning into flesh. Within a few seconds, it had merged into itself, becoming a limp piece of flesh that slowly grew a little longer, until it was two and one-half feet long, tapering from her head to its end, which became another pussy. Her tongue also seemed to change a bit more. A small hole appeared at its end, and she was not yet sure of its use, but she was even more afraid than before.

It was at this point with all of the women stricken in terror that Iris chose to run away. The others were in no condition to chase her and were clearly intent on making their way back to their homes, as they needed help or something that they were unsure of, and it was getting rather dark.

Iris ran in no particular direction. Finally, she settled on a rock, tired and beaten from her clumsy run. She was filled with an amalgam of emotions - guilt, fear, curiosity, horniness. What was she to do? Despair was quickly climbing the ladder of her emotional scale.

Then, Sutura's form appeared. She stood in front of Iris, a wicked smile on her face. "I see that you have an inkling of your curse, human."

Iris looked up, contempt on her face. "Yes," she whispered.

"The best part is that there is no lesson here. You will go back to your village. You have to. You will cause suffering, but you have no choice. You may as well enjoy your curse while it lasts, but I doubt that you can."

"Yes," Iris said.

"Good. Now, that rock that you carry is special. It is not the source of your problems. I stand here because of it. My powers are weak. All that I could invest in you was the ability to see where you were and what you saw. Of course, there is also the curse. The rock, however, allows me to appear to you. You had better keep it, as you will have questions later. I am sure you have some now, but I'd rather you learn by experience for a while. Now, I will go." She disappeared, and for a while, Iris sat there doing nothing. Then, she put on the ragged dress that she had dragged through the forest and returned to her home, masturbating a little to ease her horniness.