Topic: Zelka - by pillas

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ … /Zelka.rtf

Spellchecked by me

Post-TF picture: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30041566/

tags (highlight to reveal): merging, headless, dickneck, incest


Re: Zelka - by pillas

by Pillas

Zelka tread through the forgotten catacombs of a long lost kingdom, there were rumors spread far and wide about how this dungeon was once a kingdom of immense wealth, magic and luxury. She slashed through the rotting vegetation that had sprouted from the corpse of a fallen knight, looting the corpse which which was nothing more than empty armor. Zelka grunted in disapproval of only finding a rusted dagger that fell apart as soon as it was touched as the only valuable possession. The catacombs were a labyrinth that spread for what seemed like miles in every direction below the surface. A normal rogue would not brave the depths for such a risky payout, but from what she saw for herself the rewards were well worth it indeed.

While travelling with another useless band of adventurers with more coin than they had wits, she happened upon a waifish maiden who looked of royal blood, she certainly wore the finest of silk and jewelry, Zelka's discerning treasure instincts were chomping at the bit at the mere sight of her. She told of being related to an old clan of royals long forgotten by history, and would pay highly for any who would retrieve some long lost family heirlooms. Naturally she had every rogue, thief, adventurer, hero and fiends scrambling to aid in her request. However when she described where her family treasure lied, nearly every single one of them turned her down. Zelka's hackles were raised ten fold at that reaction, even mighty sellswords and famed heroes around denied her heartfelt request. She could see the wealthy maiden wilt at mass of rejection, and swooped in to offer her drink and a shoulder to weep on. Placating her with soothing words and prying the information she needed.

"Are you sure you accept this request?" The wealthy maiden said suddenly, her eyes locked on to her own like a knife through the heart. Zelka answered with a sharp smile and her best imitation of a humble servant.

"I would be honored mistress to aid you in whatever it may be" Zelka bowed, already dreaming of all the gold and jewels that lie in her future.

"Then you will accept your future and all it's changes" The wealthy maiden smiled while extending her and, and Zelka suddenly felt a chill run down her very spine as the maidens lips parted slightly and she could have sworn she saw the gaping maw of a ravenous wolf, jaws dripping with vicar and bile. Zelka shakily extended her hand to seal their informal agreement, and she could feel the maidens eyes glowing like a beast in the night and drinking in her fear. Zelka shook her head, waving off the illusions as influenced by the previous Adventurers fears trying to rattle her. She would not be so shaken. With renewed confidence she firmly grasped the maidens hand.

"I accept all my future and its changes" she repeated. Suddenly she was alone, away from the tavern she had met the maiden and in her hand was a scroll. Zelka was in an unfamiliar forest and before her stood a cave with reliefs of kings and royals etched into the mountainside. She had been magicked away somehow and before her the unknown. Zelka unfurled the scroll and salivated at what she saw. An intricate map, detailing the depths and it's prize within. She had dreamed of this since she was but a little orphan in the city. Taking some flint she struck the walls to alight a torch and ventured forth.


Zelka had lost track of long she had been lost in the dungeon, the map had become unreliable the markings that once told her what path to follow only led her deeper into uncharted depths. Not to mention the many roaming dangers that lurked about. She could see eyes lingering in the darkness and ruins of a kingdom buried under rubble, fungus and vegetation. There were strange beasts lurking in the dark that she did her best to keep away from lest they spot her. As a rogue she was adept at stealth and thievery, so she could confidently keep to the many shadows that were around. She had come across some makings of past adventurers camps, long abandoned and empty and every corpse she came across lacking any bones, body or even flesh as nothing more than shreds of cloth and armor. Zelka felt a shudder run through her. Whatever had taken them had made sure that nothing was left.

She had decided to make a run for it, the dungeon was sprawling and venturing further was not worth the trouble or whatever fate was within. Turning around she tugged at the wire she had tied to a rock at the beginning of the cave, using it to retrace her path out of this forsaken place.  As soon as she turned around her torch lit of a familiar figure, in her hand was the wire wrapped around a slender finger. The wealthy maiden draped in her fine white silks glowed in the dark of the dungeon. her head downcast to the ground as she twirled Zelka's wire carelessly. Zelka's heart stopped cold, her instincts screaming wildly as danger was close at hand. Without hesitation she reached for her daggers and froze as the maiden snapped her head up and her face was no longer a face but a giant gaping maw filled with many teeth smiling a mad smile. only head, hair and mouth perched upon a lovely frame. teeth and mouth enough to swallow and devour her whole. Zelka was petrified with fear when a voice in her head spoke and demanded she "Sleep" and so she obeyed as she dropped to the ground and fell into a deep slumber.


"Hey wake up" Zelka mumbled incoherently, her eyelids heavy and body even heavier.

"hey dummy!" A rough hand slapped at her face, causing her to flinch and struggle to alertness. She scrambled to her knees and stared ahead.

"Ya awake yet?" Zelka straightened to a fighting stance, hands grasping for her daggers that were no longer there as she faced the slender gnoll in front of her. They were fast, agile and blood thirsty creatures capable of rending flesh without the aid of a sword or knife. Zelka saw the only entrance to wherever she was was blocked by the gnoll who seemed to give her a bored disinterested look. Zelka was perplexed by the deep feminine sigh that escaped the creatures mouth and turned around and waved it's hand dismissively at her.

"Ugh whatever, I was just trying to help" The gnoll grumbled in irritation, taking time to walk past the entrance as it mumbled angrily about things Zelka had no knowledge of. By it's shape, it was clearly female in gender and it was a lot more slender and slight than any other gnoll she had encountered, for one she was younger looking, shorter and had more in line with a spotted cat than a hyena. Zelka knew Gnolls were ruthless but this one seemed like less of a threat than the rest.

"Wh..what are you?" Zelka questioned with a small voice, The gnoll stopped and turned around tilted it's head at an axis and quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm a half gnoll....names Kisan and you" She responded somewhat chipper in tone. She was dressed in a tattered skirt and wrappings for her breasts. She cocked a hip and waited for a reply, the rest of her coat was covered in light yellow fur and dark black spots.

"Zelka" she responded curtly. The half gnoll nodded and smiled showing off teeth not as menacing as she believed and a smirk that showed more playfulness than venom.

"Cool, so what brings ya here? Me? I been stuck here for a bit...trying to find my out. I was trying to see if I could make friends and there was this really really cute half gnoll girl that was talking about this other place where we could find some awesome earrings and piercings, said if I wanted I could come with her to find some and so I said hell yeah and here I am...well here I am because I got scared when a giant mushroom spooked me and I tried to run out of here and the cute half gnoll girls showed up and then and then and then she wasn't cute anymore but like a monster and she scared me but then she said sleep and then I woke up and I found some human on top of me and I got scared because humans are gross and so like when I tried to find away out everything was locked and then you woke up and the door opened and now we're talking and maybe we can be friends even though you're kind of ugly but I guess all humans are anyway, so if you want to I'm cool and if you don't okay but we should probably work together to find a way out and--....Oh...I did it again" Kisan pouted her tail tucking down behind her.

Zelka stood wide eyed as she tried to process the rambling half gnoll girls incessant gibbering. She spoke fast and with a high pitched tilt that made her nose scrunch up in irritation and caused her head to throb. The girls white tipped tail whipped around excitedly behind her, while trying to maintain cohesion of her speech.

"Uhhhh" Zelka spoke out sagely. Kisan just slapped her knee and giggled for all the worlds like a small child.

"Hehe, its okay. Ma says I get like that sometimes but I get so excited and you don't seem that bad if you cant really talk all that well. I'll forgive you if you don't try and hurt me like all the other humans" She spoke fast again, walked forward and extended a leather palmed hand towards her in friendship. Zelka looked at in confusion, judging the character of this creature to be a minimal threat. with a beat Zelka accepted the offered hand as she pulled her to her feet.

"Great! Lets go, the door opened and we can leave now..I think...is this a dungeon...like...within a dungeon?" Kisan wondered aloud. There were in a stone cell, a large cavern lined with stone bricks and oddly enough white light from above an alcove. Zelka had no clue, but it did have all the makings of a proper dungeon. Zelka shrugged her shoulders which seemed to satisfy Kisan and she skipped happily towards the entrance, while never letting go of Zelka's hand and dragging her along.

"Where are we going?" Zelka asked, as the walked up a stairwell that seemed to sprawl for eternity.

"I 'unno, up I guess" Kisan answered. Zelka wasn't comforted by the answer, but trudged along nonetheless. They reached a door and both peered out carefully, seeing nothing more than an open area of forest and a path. Stepping forward the door closed behind them and as they looked to the door slamming they both realized that there was nothing behind them but empty air and the rest of the path. Kisan simply shrugged her shoulders and happily trotted down the path. Zelka stared at her, dumbfound.

"Where are you going, you don't know where that leads we don't know whats happening here, clearly there is some foul magicks at work here" Zelka complained. Kisan just let a raspberry.

"You sound like my mom" She started to mimic her mothers voice.

"Don't paint your claws that's not proper, dont go running in the snow you'll get frostbite on your nose, don't play with the fae folk their dangerous blah blah blah" She mimed, walking more confidently down the path. Zelka sighed in exasperation, she had been partnered up unwillingly with what seemed like some bratty teenage gnoll.

"Always telling me what to do, never do this or that always stay with the pack, never venture out alone, don't talk to strange people and above all else never ever ever try to have any fuuuuuuunnnn!" She whined, which Zelka had to flinch from the high pitched girly whine that escaped the gnoll's mouth as she complained. Zelka was beginning to rethink her decision not to attack this girl simply to save her sanity. She was about to protest when the happened upon a clearing in the forest, with stone pillars all surrounding a pyre in the middle with stone pews centered around it. And centered in the far back was a throne carved from the very earth and sat upon its frame was glistening set of armor polished as if by angels of silver and gold. The Armor shone like a divine light. Adorned with gems and jewels of priceless value. Kisan squealed with glee and rushed forward, grabbing a stunned Zelka with her paws and dragged her to the foot of the throne.

"Oh my gosh it's so pretty, and those gloves are gorgeous. And look at the those chain mail hosen....they're like interwoven with gold and silver its such a gorgeous and beautiful pattern!" Kisan cooed as she admired the craftsmanship of the shiny gem encrusted gloves and leggings. Meanwhile Zelka was drooling at the breastplate adorned with platinum metals and rubies and sapphire gems, the moldings lined with precious pearls. She could see nothing but stacks of gold in her future as she caressed its warm surface. Zelka was at a loss, her companion was clearly infatuated with the armor just as she was but for an entirely different reason, maybe if she could--

"Here, you can have this and this...and I could take these and these" Zelka was interrupted from her scheming by Kisan depositing the jewel encrusted breastplate, grieves and shoulder plates into her hands along with a sword and shield that glistened with more gold and jewels than she could even comprehend existed or were crafted. Meanwhile Kisan had taken for herself a woven silk scarf and draped it around her neck, it have been woven with strands of silver. The chain mail leggings and the svelte looking gauntlets. Zelka raised an eyebrow and thanked whatever goddess for her good fortune and dimwitted gnoll companion.

"Yes this...I'll uh...take it yes" Zelka sputtered nervously, still in awe at the amount of wealth she had in her possession. Zelka raised an eyebrow as she noticed the gnoll try the wear the leggings.

"What are you doing? These are obviously for decoration and...you're not even listening" Zelka moaned while watching the young gnoll struggle to fit the leggings on to her digitgrade legs. After watching her struggle in amusement she gave out a small shout of "Yay!" when she finally struggled to put them on. Then fitting the gauntlets on to her hands. She began to strut around and vogue for herself, excitedly coming up to Zelka and urging her to try her own pieces.

"Come on, have some fun...I'll bet you'll look so dashing!" Kisan giggled. Zelka sighed and acquiesced to her companion. she donned the breastplate, and the grieves and shoulder plates and held up the sword and shield.

"Here I found this while I was looking for the boots, but I didn't see any...so here I think it's a viel or something" She said holding up a silken piece of cloth lined with silver thread. She threw it over Zelka's head while she threw the scarf around her neck. When the cloth touched Zelka's head and scarf settled around Kisan's neck. Both travelers were blinded by an immense light and a dark laughter that boomed in their ears.

Zelka grunted in confusion, her vision obstructed by dancing and glowing spots of white and purple light. her head felt stuffy and odd and she could barely feel her legs, they felt so far away as she struggled to alertness. She could hear Kisan groaning somewhere in the darkness as she couldn't see much as her view was blocked by what felt like a soft cloth over her eyes as she could see some light in the distance through it. Zelka panicked as she seemed to have little to no control of her arms and legs. However they moved without her input. She could feel her hands reaching along her abdomen but they felt odd, rougher, smaller and covered in fur. She called out for Kisan and got a confused feeling in her gut in the strangest sensation she had ever felt.

"Uhhmmmm Zooka?" Kisan asked breathlessly. Zelka muttered a curse to herself. She could feel her arms and legs responding pulling themselves from the floor and standing at an awkward and hunched angle like...

"Can you do me a favor and find...some water or a mirror or any reflective surface" Zelka asked in encroaching dread.

"Um okay, but where are you? its weird its like you're in my head but...you're up more...I dont know but the shield was very shiny, lets use that" Kisan answered. Zelka felt her body move, naturally on her altered legs.

"Was I always this short? the ground looks a lot closer than I remember" Kisan wondered aloud. Zelka was shaking in her mental prison, dreading what she would find when Kisan brought them to see what had become of them. Kisan fumbled with sword and shield that lay on the floor nearby the rest of the crumpled armor. Which to both of their horror revealed their true fates.

Their bodies had been altered, both mixed and fused to make an amalgam between half gnoll and human. Padded palms with furry hands lead to a naked female human torso with Zelkas chocolate brown skin blended with the blonde and black spotted fur that ended at her wrists, waists and a mane of fur around their collarbone leading to a...a....

"Hey I got a pussy for a head" Kisan gasped and stated the impossible as they both admired their reflection. above the blonde and black mane of hair there was no neck, or chin or mouth or head, nose or eyes or hair or ears. Indeed there was a vary familiar crevice situated in the spot where one's head would occupy. Zelka recognized the dark lips of her own sex glistening in the open air situated upon her shoulders. Zelka wanted to yell but only succeeded in watching the moist lips of her sex flex and pulse rapidly.

"That feels weird hey....um...is that you?" Kisan wondered, bringing a furred hand to their shoulder and feeling at the foreign slit that replaced her head. Zelka shuddered at the touch, revolted yet strangely and inexplicably aroused. Zelka felt her body flex its elbows to reach and probe the depths of her "mouth".

"St..stop that!" Zelka yelled, causing her pussy to clench in anger and cause them very conflicting feelings at the moment. Kisan muttered an apology and felt at their naked breasts, very much her own generous pair of which Zelka could feel more acutely than her hands and legs. Meanwhile they traveled lower and found their entire lover half body belonged to that of a gnoll, although as she patted her backside noticed it was way more rounded in appearance, their bushy blonde tail wagging absentmindedly. Kisan touched between their thighs and gasped.

"Hey I found me!" Kiran said in excitement. As Zelka felt foreign hands probing between her legs and stimulating her in ways she was not prepared for.

"G..Ge.Get a hold of yourself foolish girl, we've been cursed you fool cant you see!" Zelka half yelled and moaned out. The sensations were more intense than she was prepared for. Her entire body hummed from the ministration of the confused gnoll she shared a body with. Her nipples crinkled in the cool air as blood rushed towards both ends of her body. The vagina situated at base of their neck warmed and Zelka felt her "throat" pulse as she tried in vain to swallow the lubricant that was beginning to build up within. All of her muscle control seemed limited to the functions of what part of her body was hers, leaving her without the use of limbs currently being possessed by some air headed gnoll girl. Zelka was helpless to do much as their body was assaulted by waves of pleasure bouncing off one another from the top and bottom of their body. Kisan giggled as she used one of her furry hands to caress her handful of breasts.

"Oh these feel so much better than my old ones" Kisan mumbled, Zelka could feel her breasts being handled lovingly as their nipples were teased enticingly and leather padded hands produced interesting feelings as they caressed her aureole. Zelka felt more fluid building up in her "throat" and her breath escaped from the moist lips in gasps and moans. Zelka lost herself to the pleasure coursing through their body, helpless to do anything besides savor it and give in, she doubted she could persuade the ditzy gnoll in charge of their body to stop and doubted why she would even want to.

However before they reach an shared climax they were disturbed by the noise of hooves clattering against the forest floor. Zelka could feel their tail bristle at the sensation the ground beneath them vibrating off powerful hooves of a horse coming down their path. Zelka fought through the waves of pleasure to warn Kisan to move them somewhere safe before their new freakish form was spotted, but her hands were busy tugging and kneading their left breast while the other was exploring the depths of her nether pussy. Zelka could only silently pray whatever found her took mercy at them.

The hooves stopped suddenly and Zelka had enough control of her upper lips to peer above them to see a most intimidating figure. A knight in brilliant metal armor, stood atop a beautiful stunning Arabian mare of great stature. The figure was tall and muscled and looked as powerful as any hero she had encountered before. The knight adjusted it's helmet to peer downward and dismounted his horse. The knight twisted their head strangely and patted the mane of the mare. For a moment all was still, Kisan had continued to pleasure herself while Zelka was petrified by the giant of a knight that stood before them. However the knight didn't seem to make any malicious intent against them for the moment.

The knights helmet jerked oddly and they turned to the side to reach into a saddle bag. Zelka would have raised an eyebrow had she had one at the moment as she noticed that the knight was sporting a rather large and obvious brown haired horse tail sprouting from underneath it's cuirass. Upon further inspection she noticed that the lower legs ended in steel sheered horse hooves instead of feet. Zelka was confused as she grunted against the onslaught of pleasure that Kisan continued to give them regardless. The horse knight it seemed reached into its saddle bag and extracted a water bladder from its sack and uncorked the top. With a flourish it slashed at the air with it and doused Zelka and Kisan's body with cold water. Zelka gasped and Kisan yelped and withdrew her hand from herself.

"Whats the big idea! I was so close!" Kisan screeched as she struggled to her feet weakly and shook her fists to the sky. She assumed she had a similar vison without eyes as she thrust their crotch forward lewdly and shuffled their hips to see clearer. Kisan thrust her crotch in the direction of the horse knight and gasped.

"Geez yer big" Kisan described as elegantly as she could. Zelka muttered a curse. The knight set the water bladder back on its saddle and reached up to unclasp the strap on his helmet. After a second the helmet was released and got a good look at their handsome horse knight.

"So the witch got you too huh" A smooth airy feminine voiced said, coming from the pouty bee stung lips of a blonde haired women....perched on the shoulders of the mighty stallion knights body. Zelka was as confused as could be. An obviously well muscled male body, legs ending in massive steel clad hooves and a large horse tail, however topped by a petite female head that belonged to that of a princess rather some rugged bestial traveler. Zelka kept her presence silence as Kisan thrust her hips forward and continued.

"Witch? No me and my friend found some armor and parts of it were really cute and then we put them and and poof now we're all together and stuff and she's up there and I'm down here and I got her big ol human boobies and they feel like really really good and everything I dunno just feels so much better, because I never used to feel like this but I'm like in heat or something right now I think because like I'm really really horny for no reason but it's weird and then, hey! you threw water on us and like totally killed the mood. And you look funny are you a girl a horse or a man? or all three? because thats cool I guess my name is Kisan and this here up top is umm Zelkon ...I think." Kisan rambled. The female perched upon the knights frame could only stare in dumbfounded shock before blinking her eyes and processing all that information she had received.

"I uh...see....well yes it sounds like you were cursed, picked up some enchanted armor I'm guessing and you...two? got all mixed up turned upside down" The woman explained, looking down upon their form with a small mixture of pity and amusement.

"Err..Yes....My name is Zelka and you are?" Zelka ventured. The woman nodded and spoke.

"Princess Lula of the royal family of Helia" She explained, Zelka was awed at that title, having never heard of such a family or a princess of such name. The woman nodded.

"Thinking you've never heard of me before right? yes well it's been more than hundred...or two hundred years now. I'm not sure...but well Just call me lulu, its fine" She spoke softly.

"so let me give you the run down real quick, You're cursed now and have become a part of this closed off realm of magic and madness and you either have two choices now before you. You could live your life in this realm of bliss and pleasure for the end of days or you could join me on my quest to track down the mad witch and end her once and for all." The princes knight stated. Her mount stamped it's hoof in approval to her speech.

"I don't...get it" Kisan muttered, having a hard time processing what she had just heard. Zelka felt inclined to agree with her. The princess knight muttered something to herself and twisted her head back and forth.

"Very well...let me explain further. We were once a kingdom of immense wealth and luxury. Until one day a very jealous witch with powerful magic demanded she be made queen of our kingdom. Obviously my father the king was aghast at this demand and ordered her to be taken away...and that's when all hell broke loose. She started throwing spells and magic around like it was going out of style and not a soul in the kingdom was safe as the clouds themselves opened up with a torrent of magic that irreparably transformed the citizens within and cursed the kingdom itself into an eternal curse that could not be broken till the witch is slain." The princess knight explained.

"So she turned you into a man? er horse man?" Zelka ventured, the princess gave a slight giggle and shook her head.

"Well uhmm...not exactly ya see. How do I explain it....well since you're in a similar boat I guess the best way to explain would be..." and with a twist of her neck she reached up and grabbed the sides of her head with her massive hands and twisted it sharply and yanked upwards. Kisan yelped at the sight of the princess tearing off her own head and fell back on their shared ass nearly crushing their tail in the process. However there was no blood and gore to be seen because the neck of the princess was not much of a neck, but more of a mottled throbbing veiny equine shaft of enormous length. Thick bulging veins throbbed against the shaft leading to an engorged flattened tip the size that would make any stallion jealous. The girls dick neck glistened as droplets of fluid dripped into the gaping mares cunt placed in between the shoulders of her body. The princess moaned as her horse member attached to her head dangled freely in the air.

"Oooh, its cold out" The princess mumbled. She held her head out towards them, precum and feminine fluids dripping onto the forest floor below and continued her conversation.

"See..were alike..in a way...however let me introduce you to my family." She said, shook here head from side to side for a moment and used one massive hand to clutch at her shaft, causing her to moan, and held her head like one would a torch. With her other hand she gestured to the beautiful Arabian mare.

"This is King Botan, my father" The Mare set her hooves forward and bowed. Zelka was thrown for a whirl at that implication. Lulu gestured for her to follow them and walked over towards her fathers hind quarters. She picked up her fathers tail exposing a very inflamed mares cunt that seemed to be in a permanent state of heat as the clit seemed to pulse and throb. Lulu pointed a finger at the mares pussy.

"This is my momma, Queen Isolde" Lulu said as she probed at her fathers engorged mare pussy. The only response being a purring braying from the mare-ified king.

"Hey Liam stop teasing momma" Lulu said as her fingers slide from the nearly drenched mares cunt. Lulu regained her composure and continued.

"And this big lug is my brother prince Liam" She said gesturing to her headless body. The massive frame of horse and man combined with a large needy mares cunt in place of his head. Zelka glanced down between his thighs wondering if he was also gifted with a similar condition as her and the gnoll.

"Does he have a penis down below or like a pussy too?" Kisan asked for them bluntly.

"Haha, I knew you would ask and the answer is...no and yes....well there's a pussy there too but he does have a penis...ya see...its me! I'm his cock! and well since I cant move or do much. Liam is the only one I can depend on...and whats a stallion without a big ol horse dick anyway." Lulu giggled, causing Kisan to giggle and for Zelka to continue questioning her sanity.

"yeah well now that we're all acquainted with one another what do you say? will you join us in our quest to take down the mad witch and end this curse? or will you do like the others and just go off and fuck like all the other cursed victims....I swear If I had my way id do the same thing and just go suck and fuck and get fucked all day long....but Im a princess and it's my duty to this kingdom to see it restored to glory. If only I had my army of loyal black knights...but being reduced to nothing but bug ol horny butts with legs they can only do so much" Princes lulu explained.

Zelka grumbled and Kisan giggled at the thought of the black knights as a bunch of big butts. Zelka was not in control of their new body and was ultimately left at the whims of some horny brainless teenage gnoll brat. No mater what decision was made, she would have to cooperate with Kisan in order to accomplish anything even the most mundane now.

"Kisan...the choice is yours...I'm not in a position to uh....be of much help. Its up to you to decide" Zelka spoke forlornly. She had been cursed for her pursuit of greed and stripped of everything even her humanity because she was blinded by fortune and now she was at the whims of fate it seemed. Kisan could feel her emotions and decided to come to a conclusion for her new friend and body mate.

"Nah...I don't like making choices...they're too much pressure so...lets make a deal. You be the brains and I'll be the beauty. We could be a team! whatever you decide is what we'll do. We'll be unstoppable girlfriend" Kisan encouraged. Zelka was speechless, this girl was entrusting her life to her when she already had full and complete control of it and she was thankful for such a blessing.

"Thanks, I thank you Kisan...I'm honored to be a part of you," Zelka thanked. Kisan used their hands to give a thumbs up.

"I accept your offer and humbly request to join your party and defeat this mad witch...your highness...and err...Majesty" She said to Lulu and one more towards the king in a mares body.

"Great! now lets go to the inn....you can meet the other adventurers that got cursed here....and then we can all have a nice big orgy before we head out" Princess lulu cheered, her horse cock throbbing in need and dripping copious amounts of precum. Prince Liam caressed her neck lovingly as her shaft became more rigid. The kings nostrils flared at the scent of an aroused stallion nearby and stamped his hooves in agitation as his wife flared in wanton need.

Zelka could only stare in awe at the odd royal family as they slowly made their way down the path...to her future and all the changes it may bring.