1 (edited by Flicker 2019-05-03 15:39)

Topic: The Wand - by compound37

Source: http://compound37.deviantart.com/art/Th … -619181016

Natural Body Magic (NBM), detachable, multiple (multibreast, multipussy)


The Wand, Part 1
by compound37

Mia looked down at the beat up box on the table, having trouble assessing why it was there.  It was clearly addressed to her girlfriend, but Mia sincerely hoped the contents weren’t what she thought they were.  The box looked like it had been hastily packed before it was subjected to the tortures of the postal system.  The cardboard packaging was made of the same dust-embedded pulp-mill stuff you see on cheap Chinese electronics, and the tape was wrapped around the sides of the box several times to hopefully keep it together.  Its black sharpie addressing left no return address and the whole thing just screamed inauthenticity.  Had Mia been the one to find the box, she’d been half tempted to throw out the damned thing.  But…

“Mia!  It’s here, it’s here!  I’m so excited to try this out!” Zoe cried as she bounded down the stairs.  She gave Mia a quick excited hug before snatching the box up and holding it to her chest.  The dusty box leaving a square imprint on her shirt.  Mia loved Zoe’s unflappable optimism, she wished she could see life through the same rose-tinted lenses, but god she could be so naive sometimes.  Case in point right here.  Zoe had been up late one night cruising around the internet when she stumbled upon a blog full of pictures of people who could *change* their bodies, as she put it.  She showed it to Mia the next day but all Mia saw was poorly photoshopped pictures of women with multiple limbs posing suggestively.  The picture that Zoe showed her last was of a woman with three arms holding a fourth in one of her hands, while another woman with no arms on her naked torso looked to be moaning in ecstasy while the multi-armed woman was fingering her pussy with the extra arm she was holding.  The armless woman’s shoulders appeared to be flat expanses of skin, as if her arms had just been removed like a couple lego bricks.  Looking deeper, Zoe found that the blog was full of comments that praised the experience of being ‘erotically reduced’ by the powers of this do-it-all magical guide. 

Mia thought for sure this was a scam, there was no way this was real.  She could dust off her old drawing tablet and pull off the same act in less than an hour given the right photo subjects.  Not to mention that the magic book cost way too much.  Mia and Zoe were strapped for cash as of late, Zoe didn’t have the money lying around to afford the damn thing.  But that didn’t stop her, apparently.  The book better be damn well worth it for that much, and the shitty packaging was reinforcing Mia’s suspicions of the book’s true purpose was.

But as cynical as Mia was, there was something about the look on Zoe’s face that wormed its way through her hard exterior.  Zoe was like a kid on Christmas morning tearing apart the box and the newspaper packaging within.  At the heart of the box lied a softcover book wrapped in plastic.  On the cover was a simple image of a man holding a wand with the title “Nothing Up Your Sleeves: Adventures in Practical Magic.”  If anything, it looked more and more like a bad self-help book.  The magician on the cover even had a crappy looking top hat and wand.

Zoe was tearing the plastic wrap off of the mysterious book when Mia noticed a piece of the packaging fell to the floor.  It was a glossy black stick with white tips.

“Zoe, is this part of, whatever this is?” Mia asked.

“Oh yeah!  We’ll need that if we want to cast spells of course!”  Zoe said, reaching to take the wand from Mia.

Mia pulled back, “Hang on, I want to know why this is even in our house to begin with.  You promised that you wouldn’t buy crap like this online, Zoe.  Remember the tickets to the fake convention?  Or the ‘wellness pills?’  Why did you buy this if you weren’t sure that it would work?”

Zoe’s smile faltered for a minute, the dimples on her pale face falling for a second.  “Why do you keep doubting me, Mia?”

“I have good reason to at this point.”

“But there’s the reviews and the pictures.”

“Fake profiles made by the author, and I could photoshop those images in an hour.”

“But how cool would it be to do this?  To...do magic?  It’s what all the cool kids are doing now.”

Mia scrunched her nose, “who even says ‘the cool kids’ at this point?  Zoe you’re like twenty three.  Old enough to know magic isn’t real.”

“But...I thought you’d think it would be fun.  I know we can’t really afford it, but I thought that maybe if we did something silly like we used to it might cheer you up…”  Zoe’s frown was complete now, her once beaming face was now the epitome of sadness.  And if there was anything that could move Mia to do something, it was seeing Zoe sad.  It was such a rare occurrence that Zoe could use it to guilt-trip Mia, and Zoe knew it.

“Ok, fine.  You can try to show me your new magic powers, just don’t make me disappear please.”  Mia said as she handed the wand to Zoe, who snatched it from her, her smile firmly back in place.

“Oooohh okayokayokay, what to do, what do I do...”  Zoe said, flipping through pages in the book.

Mia sighed.  “Maybe if you start with something simp-”

“ALAKAZEET!” Zoe cried, pointing the wand directly at Mia.

Mia felt an unnatural wind blow from the wand towards her.  It felt like a cold mountain breeze had flown its way through her house.  But that was impossible!  It was the middle of June, in California nonetheless.  Mia was going to write it off as a freak gust of wind until she lowered her hands from her face, and realized she wasn’t wearing any clothes.  Standing stark naked in the kitchen.  Did the wand just actually?

“Oh my god, Zoe, this is incredible!  Maybe you should-”


Mia felt an electric shiver run through her body.  It started at her fingertips then worked its way up through her arms and into her torso.  It continued to climb through her body until she felt it stop as it tingled through her scalp.  It felt as though her whole body felt a little stiff, but before she could protest, Mia felt lightheaded and lost her balance.

As she fell, Zoe reached out to Mia to protect her from her fall, but as she grabbed Mia’s arm, Mia felt a distinct popping feeling from her shoulder.  She hit the floor, her head painfully bouncing as she saw stars.  Her head was spinning, the shock from the fall had flung her long ponytail into her eyes. 

“Ohh, what the hell was that for?” Mia grunted as she reached up to brush her wayward hair from her face.  Surprisingly, none came.  Confused and shocked, she tried shaking her head to clear the stars from her eyes, but once she rolled her head to one side, the resistance to rolling it back over was too great.  As the ringing in her head subsided, Mia’s bearings returned to her, and once the pain in her head dulled down, she realized why she couldn’t reach her face a few moments ago.  Lying across the room was her arm.  And it looked like it was just sitting on its own.  And, was that her body?!  Oh god, had she decapitated herself by accident?  Her eyes went wide as she realized that she was just a head on the floor, unattached to its prior body.  Panic set in as Mia felt like she would bleed out any second, and as she looked up at Zoe, Mia saw that she was smiling.

“WHAT?  WHY ARE YOU SMILING?  SAVE ME!”  Mia pleaded of her girlfriend.

“From what?  Your hair?” Zoe giggled as she picked up Mia’s head and brushed her hair away from her eyes.  “This is part of the spell!”

“To decapitate me?  Zoe that’s sick.” 

“No, I wouldn’t do that, this is how you get those bodies like I saw online.  See, you kind of turn your body into a stack of legos, and you can mix and match the parts, look!”  Zoe reached down, and reattached Mia’s head to her neck.  There was a sucking feeling, followed by a sharp click, and Mia felt like she had full control of her body again.  Standing up, she realized that the arm she reached out to steady her fall with was missing, and at the shoulder joint, a flat stretch of skin was all that remained.  It didn’t hurt, didn’t bleed, and if Mia didn’t know any better, didn’t look like she ever had an arm there in the first place.

“This is incredible.”  She thought aloud, as she ran her fingers over the space that had once been her shoulder.   “It’s real magic.  You were right, I can’t believe it.”

Mia walked over to her discarded arm, and picked it up.  She placed the shoulder sockets together, and immediately felt the arm lock back into place.  She turned around to face Zoe, who was grinning this big demented grin at her.  Zoe approached Mia, barely hiding that she was incredibly turned on by this recent development, and as she moved to embrace her, Zoe shot her arms up and pulled down on Mia’s shoulders, pulling her arms off. 

“Hey!  I just put myself back together!” Mia said, watching Zoe hide her arms behind her back.

“You can have them back, when I hear the magic words.” Zoe said devilishly, as she darted to the other side of the room.

Mia chased after her girlfriend, watching her as they played chicken on either side of the table.  But when Mia grew impatient and moved in on Zoe, Zoe nudged Mia’s shoulders and without proper arms to balance herself, Mia fell to the couch face down. 

“You didn’t say the magic words!”  Zoe said, using one of Mia’s arms to slap the naked, armless girl’s ass.  “It’ll take more than that to catch me, especially when you can’t balance yourself.”

Mia turned over on the couch: “Okay, okay, I’m sorry Zoe.  Sorry that I doubted your magical find, now can you give me my arms back?   Please?”

Zoe dropped the arms onto the coffee table as she moved in closer to Mia.  She slid her hands up one of Mia’s legs as she brought her rosy face inches from Mia’s tanned one.  Mia could smell Zoe’s breath and could see every micrometer of her cheek dimples.  As Zoe reached her hands up Mia’s thigh, Mia felt a slight popping near her hip, followed by a dead feeling in her right leg.

“That’s not the magic word either.  Guess you’ll have to keep trying while we play a little game here.” Zoe said as she pulled Mia’s right leg away from her. 

Mia hopped up off the couch, swaying unsteadily on her remaining leg.  She slowly made her way across the room.  A thought struck her, as she reached the magic book and wand that Zoe had left behind when she tried to stop Mia from falling when she cast the spell.  But as Mia reached the discarded wand, she hopped too far, and slipped on the round object, crashing to the floor once again.

“DAMMIT!” Mia swore, as Zoe danced in her direction.

“That’s not the magic word either, I’ll count it as a guess!” Zoe said, as she removed Mia’s remaining limb.  “I might have to take your boobs next, hehehe.”

Embarrassed, Mia inched along the floor to the wand, her boobs and pussy grinding into the floor.  As torturous as this was, she loved when Zoe played the dominant one.  It wasn’t something that happened often enough.  But Zoe was going to get her comeuppance.  She reached the wand, and took it into her mouth.  She threw her hips and shoulders to the side and rolled over, and pointing the wand at her girlfriend, chanted the magic word:

“BALTHALAZ NI NOR KURANACH!”  Mia cried, as her girlfriend’s face went slack as she collapsed to the couch.  Zoe was still wearing her clothes, but the separation of several of her body parts could be seen in the way that her shirt looked disjointed.

“That had better be it” Mia thought as she dropped the wand and inched over to her slumped over girlfriend.  Zoe looked dazed, and while her head was still on her shoulders, her right arm had fallen off and through the sleeve of her T shirt, and her entire lower half had separated at the waist.  Mia dragged herself over to her discarded arms, and after some careful positioning, managed to re-attach her left arm.  She passed over her other limbs, which were a tangled mess, and pulled herself back over to Zoe.  She still looked dazed, her eyes half-lidded as her freckled face lay slack with her mouth open slightly. 

Mia had reached the fallen arm, and Zoe’s words about their bodies being like legos resurfaced in the back of her mind.  She reached out and grabbed Zoe’s smaller, thinner, and paler arm, and held the sockets together.  With a satisfying suction feeling, Mia had attached someone else’s arm to her own shoulder.  The contrast between Zoe’s ginger-endowed paleness and Mia’s comparatively tanned skin created a sharp transition line at the joining point, like Mia had the worst tan line of her life.  Which made sense, because Zoe couldn’t tan to save her life.

After some effort, she pulled herself onto the couch, as she regarded Zoe.  She was coming to, and was futilely trying to move her nonexistent right arm.  Similar to their previous separation points, her waist looked like it was just a flat expanse of skin, taut like a drum.  Mia ran her hands along the surface, causing more of a stir from Zoe, as she worked her way up to cup beneath Zoe’s breasts.  Giving them a quick couple squeezes elicited a moan from her, her eyes fluttering open to look down at Mia fondling her body.  Mia brought herself closer to Zoe, and nuzzled up to her abdomen, looking intently into Zoe’s eyes.  Then, with a quick tug, Mia managed to dig her thumbs under Zoe’s breasts, separated them from her chest, and pulled them out from under her shirt.

“Hey!  That’s not fair!  Zoe cried, as Mia rolled onto the floor laughing.  Mia had already removed her own breasts and was in the process of fastening Zoe’s larger breasts to her chest when Zoe pushed herself off the couch on top of her. 

“So this is what DD’s feel like.”  Mia taunted, as she pushed her chest up into Zoe’s breast-less torso.  “They could use a tan though, I like the freckles but they just don’t match.”  Despite what she had said earlier, she was really getting into it.  The weight of the breasts and the way that she and Zoe could assert their dominance over each other was massively arousing.

“I think they look pretty good, if I do say so myself.”  Zoe said, as she balanced herself on the flat surface of where her waist should be.  “But these are the ones I fell in love with in the first place.”  She snatched up one of the breasts Mia discarded and pressed it to Mia’s chest, under the ones she had just attached, doing the same with the other one.

Mia looked down at the four breasts that now adorned her chest.  Zoe’s breasts were the pair on top, while her old breasts now sat under them, their upper face grazing lightly on the underside of her upper pair. 

“Still think I’m wrong about all of this?” Zoe asked, admiring her handywork.

“I still think you were this close to losing us a chunk of money for no reason, and you’re not gonna do it again without telling me.  I can’t believe it’s actual magic, though.  We might just have to make an exception based on that alone.”

Zoe leaned in closer to Mia’s hips, dimples showing through her smile.  “Nah, I still did the right thing buying it.  You’re just a worrywart who needs to work out some stress.”  She pressed her only hand against Mia’s folds, marking an end to their bizarre foreplay.  As she slid a finger into Mia’s pussy, she gasped and arched her back, spreading her four breasts in every direction.  Zoe rocked herself off of her waist and onto her stomach, beginning to lick Mia as she stroked in and out with her fingers.  Mia’s hips wiggled, muscle memory trying to move legs that were no longer there.  Legs that would have blocked access to her snatch before, but now left it unguarded for Zoe.  Mia ran her fingers through Zoe’s short red hair and pressed her face to her pussy as Zoe doubled down on her efforts.  Mia’s hips began to gyrate helplessly on the floor as her girlfriend kissed and licked her clit, eventually bringing her to orgasm.

Once Zoe had finished, Mia tried reaching down to bring Zoe closer to her to cuddle on the carpet, but her tugs only succeeded in pulling Zoe’s head off.  Zoe’s smile showed that she didn’t care, and Mia rested Zoe’s face in her quartet of breasts, where Zoe kissed at the nipple of one of her original breasts. 

After a few moments of lying back and stroking Zoe’s hair while she nuzzled against her four breasts, Mia piped up.

“So Zoe, what exactly are the rules for this spell?”

“Well, I didn’t read all of the rules, but I think the idea is that whatever is attached to our neck we can control and feel.  It’s why you can’t feel or control your legs, but you can control my arm that’s attached to you.”

“Makes sense, but what about body parts that aren’t usually attached in those places?” 

“You mean like how you have four boobs?”

“Yeah.  Because the women in the pictures from before all had bizarre bodies, where they had like four arms and stuff.”

“I think it’s one of those ‘it just works’ scenarios.”  Here, let’s try it out!  Go get your legs and try to attach my head to my lower half.”

Mia set Zoe’s head aside and pulled herself over to her discarded limbs, sorting out the legs and reattaching them.  She stood up and arranged Zoe’s lower half so that it was in a sitting position on the couch, then put Zoe’s head on the waist joint.

“Oh wow, I can feel it moving around me.”  Zoe said.  Within moments she was no more than a head on a pair of legs.  Standing up, she took a quick stroll around the room.  She stood in front of Mia and did a little spin.

“Oh this is so cool, I’m like a walking leg model.”  She stuck out her hips, and tilted her head to the side.  “But these shorts are kind of riding up with how narrow my waist is now, mind giving me a hand?”

Mia helped Zoe undress, then evaluated what had happened.  Zoe’s waist had tapered down to the width of her neck, which caused the elastic waistband of her shorts to slide up to her chin.  From behind, the narrowed waist looked like Zoe was wearing some kind of extreme corset, and it made her hips and ass look gorgeous. 

“Damn,” Mia thought aloud.

“No stealing, I don’t know if I need my asscheeks to walk still.  And besides, you owe me right now, I didn’t put my vagina back on for nothing.”

Mia nodded, as she scanned the room.  She had something special in mind for Zoe, and since Zoe weighed less than half of what she originally did…

Mia found her remaining arm on the floor, and popped off the one on Zoe’s torso.  After some quick rearranging, she had attached all four to her body, her larger ones on top of Zoe’s smaller pair.  It was bizarre how natural it felt to have four arms, like Zoe’s had always been there.  She hoisted Zoe onto her shoulders, made easy with her newfound strength and Zoe’s comparative lightness, and buried her face in Zoe’s crotch.  Zoe’s legs clenched around Mia as Mia worked with her mouth and spare hands, keeping Zoe aloft the whole time.  The feeling of her additional arms being so natural was still in the back of Mia’s mind, and on a hunch, she reached down to her own crotch.  Putting her thumbnail on top of her vagina, she pulled it off like a sticker, and held it up to her face.  It looked like she had just pulled a peach from her, there was a flesh-coloured pocket behind it.  She pulled Zoe from her face, and lowered her down so that she was cradling her on her lower breasts while Zoe still straddled her.  Zoe looked confused for a moment until Mia began to press her vagina into Zoe’s own crotch, transferring it to her.  There was a satisfying locking feeling, and Zoe’s eyes went wide.  She now had two vaginas, which Mia used simultaneously to bring Zoe to a shuddering double orgasm.

Mia put the panting Zoe down, and cuddled up next to her.  Zoe’s leg was wrapped around hers, and it felt strange to have her leg brush against her bare crotch.  It felt the exact same as if Zoe was touching her stomach, there simply was no erogenous zone there.

Zoe quickly kissed one of her lower breasts.  “That was incredible, you have to try it next time.”

“Oh undoubtedly, I can’t let you have all that fun yourself.  But maybe let’s give it a rest for a while.  I’m still trying to get over that this is actually real.”

“Of course it is, silly.  Like I said before, have I ever steered you wrong?”  Zoe said, looking up.

Mia ignored that comment.  “Still though, it all feels so...natural.  Could you imagine what would happen if we had even more to work with?”

“Well, you can buy more parts from the same guy who sells the book.”

“I’m not sure I want to buy human body parts, even if they do work, Zoe.”

“Then we’ll have to find a volunteer.”  Zoe said, her devilish grin returning.

“You look like you’re onto something.  We’re full of good ideas today.”  Mia said.

“You could say that.  Go get the phone, I have just the person in mind.”


Re: The Wand - by compound37

The Wand: Part 2
by compound37

Zoe hummed to herself as she mixed the batter together for the cookies and cupcakes.  Or, at least that’s what she thought she was doing; all Mia heard was her girlfriend struggling to carry a tune while attempting to multitask with the pastries.  It was quite a sight, Zoe had Mia’s arms as well as her own, and while she wasn’t as fast as she normally was on one pastry, her multitude of arms were flying around in a total blur.


Fifteen minutes ago, Zoe had hung up the phone on their friend Liz, promising if she came over for game night there’d be cookies and other stuff.  Zoe was a baking queen when she felt like it, but when Mia pointed out that they had neither the cupcakes nor the cookies she promised Liz, Zoe blanched.

“Oh, oh, oh oh oh.  Uhh, okay. Right. Flour and eggs.”  She stammered as she ran into the kitchen, pulling mixing bowls and ingredients from any cupboard she could find.  Mia watched from the hall as Zoe started breaking a sweat. She knew better than to interrupt Zoe when she was working, there was a method to her madness.  Wiping flour across her brow, Zoe started to pull out more and more mixing bowls. Throwing them haphazardly on the counter, she spilled some milk on her orange tank-top, and immediately pulled it off.

“Is that really necessary?” Mia asked, walking into the kitchen.  “You’re covered in every other ingredient at this point. Here, let me just get you a-”

Zoe’s arm caught Mia’s on its way to the towels, and with a wink, Zoe pulled Mia’s arms off at the shoulder, quickly attaching them to herself.

“Hey!  You can’t just do that!” Mia gasped as Zoe spun her around and took the other one out from her sleeve.

“I’m cooking two things, silly.  I’m going to need to multitask. Now leave an artist to her work!” she said as she pushed her armless girlfriend out of the room with a flour covered hand.


So Mia sat on the couch watching Zoe try to hum to herself while cooking two pastries at the same time.  At least they were in the oven at this point, Liz would be coming by soon. Which was a relief, as Mia knew Zoe had alternative plans.  She sat contentedly, relaxing her rounded shoulders into the couch as she imagined how Zoe was planning on revealing their new modular bodies to Liz.  Being magically separable wasn’t something that Mia had ever considered herself interested in until a couple hours ago, she was more concerned about why Zoe had spent so much of their hard-earned money on that wand.  But, judging that the only knew two spells they knew, to remove clothes and to remove limbs, Mia smiled at the thought that there were some more tricks up its sleeve.

But she also smiled to herself about Liz.  Her and Zoe were by no means in an open relationship, despite how Zoe would openly flirt with other girls.  She mainly did it to make Mia jealous as a joke, but without that, she wouldn’t have met Liz. Liz was Zoe’s old roommate in art school, and Mia would never have known that were it not for the way that Zoe jokingly flirted with Liz when they eventually caught up several years later.

“So, have you thought about how we break it to Liz?” Mia asked.

Zoe looked up from the stove as she slid the baking into the oven: “Dunno.  I was thinking of having it be a surprise, she wouldn’t see it coming.”

“Don’t you think that just suddenly surprising her with ‘hey, we can pull each other's heads off’ isn’t a little too extreme?  How exactly do you plan on not traumatizing her?” Mia said.

Zoe rested her chin on a flour covered hand, her rosy breasts hanging in front of the counter: “Warn her?  But that would ruin the surprise! Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll think of something. But you’re full of ideas too, what do you think?”

“I think we’re going to need the full strength of your wits and charm to not have this be a total disaster.” Mia said as she lurched forward off the couch and strode to the kitchen, resting her armless chest on Zoe’s shoulder.

Zoe nodded as she removed the arms she’d borrowed from Mia and reattached them to their rightful owner.  “Then I guess I better put my stellar mind into action then. In the meantime, you can dry the dishes.”

Mia nodded as she picked up the dish towel. 

“And washing too, only fair.” Zoe said before she popped her own arms off and strutted out of the kitchen.

“But!” Mia complained before begrudgingly attaching the spare arms to her body and soaking the bowls in the sink.  Zoe giggled as she flopped into Mia’s spot and wiggled her legs slightly open. “Just think what’ll happen when I pull this off.”


Liz could smell the baking as soon as she got out of the car.  “Zoe always killed it on the baking front. I can smell that chocolate already.” She thought as she stepped to the door.  She rung the doorbell and could hear a frantic scurrying inside, followed by a loud bump and a curse from a deeper voice, must have been Mia.  Mia was always the less graceful one, despite Zoe making a mess wherever she went. Smiling, Liz opened the door to Mia holding a tray full of cookies, smiling from ear to ear: “Hey you two!  Ready for game night?” She asked.

“Oh hell yes,” Mia replied, “We’ve got some interesting ones now, something we can actually bet cookies with.”

Liz laughed and followed Mia inside.  The coffee table had a few decks of cards on it, among some other games stacked on the floor next to it.  A bottle of wine stood in the center of the table.

“Don’t worry, that’s only number one.” Mia said as she set the betting cookies down on the table.

Liz smiled her rosy, freckled smile: “Sounds like we’re gonna have some fun tonight.”  She could see the conspiratorial glimmer in Mia’s eyes, the kind that knows it’s going to get the majority share of the cookies.  “Oh, you have no idea.”


Liz could feel the wine was getting to her, they were already on the second bottle, and Mia was already on her way to taking the last of Zoe’s cookies.  They were playing a game that was kind of like poker, but had other cards involved like being able to swap hands with an opponent or being able to discard random cards.  It was originally Mia’s game, and if anyone asked her why she was so good at it, she would shrug and say she grew up with a lot of brothers. Zoe...not so much. They were a cute couple, but Mia’s competitive side always comes out during these game nights.  Doesn’t help that Zoe was so gullible, She’d been falling for bluff after bluff, and was down to the last tiny remnants of her poker chips and cookies. Liz wasn’t doing so well either, she had a feeling that the empty bottle of wine in front of them may be the real culprit for Mia taking the victory.  Zoe pouted, but Mia leaned in and gave her a cute kiss.

Exasperated, Liz walked away from the table and flopped down onto the couch, resting her eyes under her hands.  God those two were almost too cute to handle sometimes. It had been forever since she had gotten any, not to mention that she’d had a thing for Zoe back when they were in art school.  It was probably the wine talking, but it was getting late, and she was starting to feel a bit horny.

“Wanna play another game?”  Mia asked, shuffling the deck.

“Only if it’s strip.” Liz replied.

Damn, that was definitely the wine talking.

Mia started giggling to herself.  Liz looked up from under her hands, beet red.  Zoe was blushing too, but not out of embarrassment it seemed.

“I mean….” Zoe giggled, “You did eat most of the tokens, Mia.  If you want to play poker, we’re going to need something else to bet with.”

“Zoe!” Mia said sarcastically, “It’s not like we’re in a committed relationship or anything”

Zoe kept giggling, taking another large sip of wine: “Besides, it’s not like Liz hasn’t seen me at least semi-nude when we were roommates in art school anyway.”

Mia snorted.  “Fine, but just so you two are both aware, you’re gonna wind up losing, you’re gonna wind up naked.”


Within minutes, it was clear that Zoe was as bad at strip poker as she was at regular poker.  She’d lost five consecutive hands, and since she wasn’t wearing much to start with, was running out of options.  First it was her socks, obviously, then her top, then her shorts, then her bra. She leaned over the table, her pale nipples brushing the tabletop.  Normally, she liked strip poker, but she’d been clearly outdone here.

Liz dealt Zoe her next hand.  It wasn’t terrible: already it had a pair of jacks and a pair of twos.  She could make this into a full house! When Liz looked disappointed at her hand, Zoe was even more excited.  She discarded her excess six of diamonds on the next draw. It was replaced by the seven of spades. Crap. Mia discarded three cards, and pulled three off the top of the deck.  She smiled at Zoe: “Now Zo, are you sure you wanna keep going? It might be pretty embarrassing if you’re done here.”

“She has to be bluffing.” Zoe thought. 

The second draw: Zoe dropped the seven of spades, and it was replaced by the queen of hearts.  Damn! Mia could see the consternation in Zoe’s face. “Zoe, this is your last chance sweetie. If you don’t fold now, you’re going to lose, and you know it.”

Zoe could tell that Mia just wanted to see her naked.  It was Liz that suggested it, but Mia was definitely the one that wanted Zoe to get naked for reinforcing the idea.  But, Mia could be bluffing, right? She dropped another three cards on the second draw. It had to be a crap hand, unless she just got something amazing.  But Zoe has three face cards, not to mention two pairs to start with. She stayed in.

Zoe had one last chance to get that full house on this last draw.  She dropped her queen, and in return...another seven. Crap. She looked at Mia, hoping that she would do something, anything, that would show Zoe that her hand was useless.  Mia didn’t discard anything. Double crap. She played her hand. Straight. Triple crap.

“You’ve gotta show me what you’ve got, Zoe.” Mia said, more than a little drunkenly.  Liz started blushing beet red through her freckled face. She was still in most of her clothing, only her top had been removed.  Zoe dropped her measly two-pair hand on the table, hoping that Liz had something worse. But Liz didn’t look so disappointed in her cards anymore.  She suddenly beamed, and threw down her flush with a triumphant yell.

“Woo!  I actually won one for once!”  She cried.

“Yeah, but Zoe is still out.” Mia said.

Zoe slumped back in her chair.  Mia was really rubbing it in now.  She loved Mia, but god when she gets competitive, especially drunk and competitive… she should teach Mia a lesson.  But how? She’d have to stay in the game to do that...unless…

Liz bit her lip in excitement.  She’d seen Zoe in towels and in various states of undress before, but they’d all been accidents.  She could feel her face flush in anticipation as Zoe stood up, her plain white panties the only article of clothing on her body.  But she wasn’t reaching for her hips to pull them down...she was reaching for her breasts?

“Strip these!” Zoe clenched her breasts, feeling the magical link between them and her body sever as she pulled them off of her chest.  Without much thought, she turned them around and placed them under Liz’s pair, under her bra. Liz’s eyes went wide in shock.

“Wh...What...WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?” Liz demanded, pointing at the new mounds of flesh  on her chest. She could feel them, they felt just like her own breasts, just not as large, C cup compared to her D’s.  She could feel the cold air of the air conditioning, the bob from gravity as she reeled back in the chair.

“I thought you said you’d come up with something not ridiculous!” Mia yelled in surprise

“We never actually agreed on what ‘strip’ actually meant, so I stripped my boobs!”  Zoe said, rather drunkenly.

“Liz didn’t know that!”

“Oh geez, you’re right”

Zoe reached forward and grabbed the breasts that had been transplanted onto Liz.  Liz yelped a little as she felt Zoe’s nails dig into the base of her additional breasts, and a tug.  But they didn’t want to come off. Liz whimpered as Zoe pulled harder.

“Uhm, Mia?” Zoe asked.  “These don’t want to come off.”

“What?  You weren’t sure that this would work before you tried it?”

“I guess not.  Maybe, uhm…”

Zoe thought for a second, then detached her left arm, placing it on Liz, beside her new lower breasts.

WIth a sharp snap feeling, Like a piece of lego being assembled, Liz could feel everything in her new arm.  The nerves, the fingers flexed when she wanted them too. It was fully responsive. Zoe also tried to pull this arm off too, but it wouldn't budge.

“That was your solution?”  Mia asked Zoe.

“I mean, it was a start, right?”

“I’m going to go get the wand, wait here.”

Zoe sat next to Liz, and wrapped her right arm around her.  “So, I bet you’re wondering what happened.”

“You can say that again”  Liz replied.

“Well, I uh, bought a magic wand, and it’s uhm, actually magical.  We’re like, modular bodies now!” Zoe popped her nose off and on for emphasis.  “We thought it would be fun to show you!”

“And this is how you do it?”

“The wine was talking.”

Mia returned with the wand and the spellbook.  She was flipping between the pages: “It doesn’t say anything about attaching body parts to non...uh...modular people.  So I’m going through counterspells, which isn’t apparently a real section. Just a statement about return policies.”

“Uh huh.” Liz said.  So, uhm, any ideas on how we can change me back?

Mia shook her head, “Not unless we buy the second part of the book, which is ridiculously expensive.”

“What if we just make her modular?”  Zoe asked. “Then she could just pull it off herself.”

Liz gave her a strange stare.  “Y’know, that might actually work.”

“Wanna try it?” Asked Mia.

“Sure, if it’s what you two think will work.”

Mia raised the wand to Liz, then chanted: “BALTHALAZ NI NOR KURANACH!”  Liz could feel the same nerve-ending tingle that she felt when she attached Zoe’s arm, but flowing throughout her body from the point of the wand.  Eventually, the tingles reached her head, and she slumped down into the couch. Waking from her trance, she didn’t feel any different. Mia and Zoe stood over her, as if waiting for something to happen.

“Well, did it work?” Asked Liz.

“Well, let’s see.” Said Zoe as she pulled the transplanted arm off of Liz with a soft ‘pop.’  Soon it was reattached to its owner’s body.

“This is...incredible!” Liz said, standing up.  “What else can you do with it?”

“Pretty much anything that is part of your body can be moved around, so you can do something like this!”  Zoe said as she reached into her panties, and detached her head, holding it above her.

Liz did the same, grabbing by her neck and lifting her head up.  She could no longer feel a direct connection between her head and her body, but it seemed that when she wanted to lower her head back down, her body obeyed.

“We still haven’t really figured that one out, I think it has something to do with a full body and no head, because if you pull everything off, nothing responds.” Mia said.

“But can we switch heads?

“Mhmm!” Zoe said as she detached Liz’s head and replaced it with her own.  Liz suddenly couldn’t control or feel anything below the neck, as Zoe lifted her head up with her original arms.  Zoe’s skin tone mildy contrasted Liz’ pale, freckly skin slightly where the joinment was, but other than that, it appeared as smooth skin.  Zoe deposited Liz’s head on Zoe’s neck, and with a sharp click, Liz could feel everything in Zoe’s body, with the exception of her breasts, which rested on Liz’s original body.  She could feel how lithe Zoe was, compared to her chubbier frame. Zoe made a ‘tada’ gesture with her new body. “See? Endless possibilities!” She grabbed the wand again, and with a mischievous smile, said:

“Now, let’s get the *real* strip poker going."