Topic: A Tailoring Challenge - by Mr. Nibz (Furry)
Day 5
A mere month into my new position, Princess Rinoa came to me with a rather vexing problem. In her words, She’s experiencing a slight metamorphoric issue. After assuring her of my silence on matter she revealed to me the precise nature of her difficulties. The transformation is centered on her pelvis, the most pressing of which is the growth of a short tail. Red and swollen it is apparently making her duties very uncomfortable or at least more uncomfortable than usual. I cannot imagine sitting and listening to her father droll on and on is ever a pleasant task but I digress.
Once I recovered from my shock, I proposed that a simple gown with a bit of enhancement in the buttock region would relieve the pressure on her elongated tail bone. As I took measurements I probed her gently on the cause of her troubles but she remained very evasive. Simply assuring me it would not happen again. I suspected it had something to do with the new addition to the royal menagerie that they paraded around last week.
Addium, My suspicions are confirmed! The beast itself appeared my chambers not ten minutes ago and threatened me! With words! The brute described how easy it would be to hunt me down and crush my neck if the king or queen were to discover the princess’s condition. That such a huge creature can creep through the halls of the castle undetected is horrifying.
Once I assured it that as the Princess’s personal seamtress that I would never dream of betraying her confidence, it… demanded I pet it. That starry fur is so soft. It had just threatened to eat me and then five minutes later it put its head in my lap so I could scratch its ears. It stayed there for a good ten minutes, purring before informing me that I’d do.
For what it did not say, simply turning, its tail brushing against my cheek and sauntering out of my quarters as if it owned the entire palace or at least me.