Topic: Serpentine Relaxation - by kylaris


OddWeird's PFS, palindrome256's Sandy's Secret (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36608097/), D's Sharon the Titapede, IndigoCarmine's Flotsam, Unidentified-TF's Snakes Have Boobs, Right (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53775393/), and a half-dozen different boobsnake manips by KSG


Re: Serpentine Relaxation - by kylaris

Serpentine Relaxation
by kylaris

Sienna slipped her book bag from her shoulder to the floor with a heavy thud and a sigh of exhaustion, locking the door behind her. The college senior’s head was a blur of white noise, and she groaned as she rubbed her eyes. She did not want to think about how much anthro reading she had to do, let alone her thesis.

She pushed chin-length ginger hair out of her face. Her roommate, Eleanor, should be at fencing practice for another hour or so, so Sienna had the apartment to herself. She needed to relax. Her mind made up, she dragged her things to her room, reemerging into the living room topless with a pair of towels and a dildo. These she tossed onto the couch, quickly shucking her pants and panties until she was standing naked in the middle of the room. She stretched, her small, freckled breasts bobbing as she arched her back, and with a tranquil smile she started to change.

Sienna didn’t get the chance to really stretch out often - she’d gotten her change early, the summer before college, and hadn’t told many people after arriving. There were so few college students who’d already had theirs, and she hadn’t wanted to stand out. The last thing she wanted was some chaser trying to get with her just for what she could do, and to be honest she could really do without the odd looks and constant party invites from strangers that some of the openly changed students got. She hadn’t even told Eleanor yet, her friend of a year and a half and roommate of a little under a semester.

So all in all, her opportunities to really unwind were few and far between, but today of all days she was determined to seize it.

The change started in her chest, as her boobs started to gently swell, expanding from C cups to Ds and then slowing in the DD range. Then, with a gentle pricking, more started to bud underneath–lower on her rib cage, in the shadow of the ones above, new nipples were popping gently into existence. They in turn started to swell outwards on more breasts, and another set below them, and another below those.

As the boobs reached the bottom of her torso, though, there was a soft tugging sensation around her tailbone, and her tail started to stretch out, pressing smoothly against the backs of her thighs. More and more of it started to spill out of her, rounded and covered in smooth, pale skin, and she sat quickly on the couch before her weakening legs gave out entirely. She stretched her back, feeling more vertebrae pop into place with a feeling better than any massage, and slipped one of the towels under her ass while she could still move it.

She twisted her lengthening torso to the side, spreading her towel over the end of the couch under her head. She might have to use the living room–it was the only room in the small apartment that could comfortably fit her second shape–but that wasn’t an excuse to leave a mess for anyone else. And just in time, too. A drop of something fell from her lips onto the towel, as her jaw started to slacken and soften. She prodded it with her fingers, feeling the loose puffiness of her cheeks, and more liquid dripped from her open, shifting lips.

Her tail was draped off the couch, its swelling mass warm as it forced her thighs apart. Her legs shrank, beginning to lose definition against the tail’s skin. Nipples budded from its pale skin one pair at a time, following the tail as it stretched across the floor. Her pussy was still there, if somewhat more distant as her midriff stretched gently, down to wide hips that were more a base for her tail than for her legs at this point. It had swollen as well, soft pink folds emerging from a growing mound nestled in between her fourth and fifth set of breasts. Sienna shuddered in delightful anticipation. She trailed her fingers over the trimmed strip of ginger hair above it–nearly the only hair left on her body below the neck, the rest subsumed into pale skin and burgeoning rows of breasts.

As her tail wound its way across the room, a full foot thick, her legs finally vanished into its sides. Her attention was now on her face, on the soft lips running from chin to forehead, wrapping around her nose as it shrank into a sensitive pink nub. Sienna moaned, feeling the looseness of her face as the inner lips of her face-pussy blossomed outwards in soft, wrinkled folds of deep pink skin. She hummed gently, setting the entire organ buzzing, and traced the inside of it with her fingers. From her mouth, now a small hole buried within the delicate folds, upwards to her nose, now a clit between her eyes, which closed as she luxuriated in the feeling, electric jolts of pleasure arcing along her face-pussy. She was drooling more heavily by the second, sticky slime pouring out of her and trickling down her puffy cheeks. Her tongue unrolled from inside the pussy, long and muscular and pointed.

Shuddering, she withdrew, her self-control winning for the moment. Her sticky hand felt under her for the dildo, the ribbed rubber perfectly shaped for the dimensions of her face. Without hesitation, she lifted it to her lips and slipped it into her face.

Sienna’s tail curled slowly in ecstasy, fully-grown now, nearly twenty-five feet long. Her dozens of pairs of boobs squished against each other and the furniture, sending shivers up and down her enormously elongated spine as she rhythmically, deliberately slid the dildo in and out of her face-pussy. As her pleasure grew in steadily building waves, her right hand began working on her original pussy, caressing its engorged clit and squishing the plump mound. Her arm brushed against the nipples that lined her body as she worked, each one its own counterpoint to the orgasmic high spreading through her. She began to accelerate, the dildo plunging deeper and deeper into her needy face-pussy while her hand furiously rubbed the swollen original. The waves began merging into each other, dozens of breasts curling into one another as her snake-like body shuddered and twisted around the apartment’s too-small couch.

With a surge, Sienna came, her enormous tail coiled tight around the couch as she arched her back and climaxed in both sets of genitals at once. Her moan, muffled by the dildo in her face, buzzed through her softened lips. She collapsed back down onto the couch, breathing heavily.

Her heart and breath gradually started to slow, her tensed muscles relaxed. She sighed in contentment, feeling knots work themselves out all down her considerable length, and she melted languidly into the cushions. It had been way too long since she’d had the opportunity to do that.

A sudden gasp startled her, and her eyes flashed open in alarm to see Eleanor standing in the hallway.



There was a pause as both of them stared at each other. Eleanor was dressed for exercise in a blue tank top and running shorts, her sandy-brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Her face was frozen in an expression of shock, but Sienna could see the first hints of a blush creeping along her cheekbones. That’s cute, she thought. Wait, no! She couldn’t be into Eleanor. She didn’t even know if she was into girls. Or, well, not certain, at least, though there had certainly been a few hints…

“I thought you were at fencing,” she said, and then realized that her mouth was still full of dildo, so what actually came out was a pile of slightly squelchy gibberish. She blinked and surreptitiously pulled the dildo out, watching as Eleanor’s eyes traced the strands of slippery fluid that stretched between it and her pink, vertical lips. She wiped some of the goo out of her mouth with the back of her hand and repeated herself. Her voice was a little muffled anyway by the floppiness of her lips, but she made it work, her flexible and elongated tongue doing its best to compensate.

“Canceled,” Eleanor said distractedly, her eyes tracing the rows of boobs along the couch and the floor. Suddenly she flushed crimson and covered her eyes. “Sorry! Staring.”

They waited another second, neither really having any idea what to say. Sienna considered covering herself up for a moment, but that seemed fairly pointless. She still only had two hands, and there was a lot of her that needed covering.

“So… you’ve had your change, then?” Eleanor said from behind her hands. It was a stupid question, but it wasn’t nothing.

Sienna considered her options. “...yes.”


“Uh, no. Sorry I didn’t tell you.” She tried to start changing back, but her heart was still going too fast from the surprise to focus on it properly, and she stayed as she was.

“...are you OK with me seeing you?” Eleanor finally asked, peeking a little from behind her hands.

Sienna blinked. This was going better than she had expected. “I, uh, yeah, I think so.” She felt a drop of slime fall from her chin to her chest. Her face-pussy was still soaking wet, and Eleanor looked adorable when she was being embarrassed… she focused. “It’s mostly that… I didn’t want to be the weird one? I didn’t want to make things weird. If you’re okay with it, then I’m… I’m okay with you knowing.” It felt good to say that. And not just because as she spoke her tongue was licking her pussy from the inside.

Her roommate’s hands dropped, her face still a red to rival Sienna’s hair. She was staring at the lines of boobs, the puffy, sopping wet pussy nestled between them, the pink folds that ran along Sienna’s face. The swirling ginger freckles that flowed across the pale-skinned serpentine coils in snakeskin patterns.

“You’re so lucky,” she said shyly. “You got a really pretty change.” Eleanor felt her blush deepen, even as Sienna started to develop one of her own. Had she really just said that? She’d always thought her roommate was cute, but it wasn’t like she was planning to do anything about it. Just… to find her looking like this… Eleanor had had a harder time admitting to herself that she had a thing for changed girls than she had admitting she had a thing for girls at all, but it was there nonetheless.

Sienna felt her heart beating faster, the pulse pounding through her two dripping pussies. This was sudden, but… “Do you want a… closer look?” She was blushing now, too.

Eleanor nodded hesitantly. “I think so?”

Sienna lowered her eyelids into as seductive a look as she could muster. “Then get over here,” she said, and rolled her tongue out to its full foot-long length.

Eleanor was out of her clothes in seconds.


Sienna took up most of the couch, but a quickly naked Eleanor was straddling her in moments nonetheless. She gingerly ran her hands down her roommate’s extended flank, her forearm brushing past several rows of breasts. Sienna shivered all the way down her body, staring up at Eleanor coyly. She’d spent so long hiding her change, and now she was actually feeling… sexy in it? She could see how turned on Eleanor was by her, by her incredible body, and the feeling of being wanted like that was intoxicating.

She curled her tongue around one of her upper nipples and reached up for Eleanor as her partner lay down on top of her, cushioned by half a dozen pairs of boobs, and kissed her hard. Eleanor’s face was full of the scent of Sienna’s face-pussy, her tongue swirling through her roommate’s beautiful, silky folds. Sienna moaned, her hands moving down to trace the line of Eleanor’s hips and circle in towards her wet pussy.

Eleanor moved upwards, dragging her tongue along the redhead’s face, before swirling it around the swollen nub of a clitoris that had replaced her nose. She sucked on it gently, feeling the warm softness of all those boobs below her as Sienna rubbed her pussy. Something was building in her, the excitement of her lover’s beautiful shape mingling with the stimulation and a strange and spreading warmth.

She pulled back from Sienna’s face, relishing the sticky bond as it broke, and moved down to kiss one of those perfect breasts. When her lips touched it, though, they contacted with a strange, floppy feeling, seemingly numb to her attempts to purse them.

Confused, she sat up and lifted a hand to her face, tracing the loose ‘o’ shape of her lips, and a jolt of pleasure fired directly into her brain. There was a warm, twitching feeling in her jaw, which was feeling oddly boneless, and as the sensation spread through her chest she locked eyes with Sienna below her and both of them realized what was happening at once.

“You’re getting your change!” Sienna exclaimed. Eleanor tried to say the same, but it came out altogether more sloppily than she’d intended. Her lips started to draw upwards, their color fading as they puffed out into the outer lips of a pussy. She clapped her hands to her face, feeling her jaw smooth and go numb, tracing the electric feeling as her body began to change for the first time. Already the first hints of red inner lips were blossoming from inside her changed mouth, and her nose was withdrawing exactly like Sienna’s had.

A pushing feeling in her chest drew a hand downward, where it bumped into her boobs well before it should have. And beneath them, another pair were already pushing out.

Sienna curled herself upwards, laying Eleanor on her back along Sienna’s tail. She reached out and cupped one of the new breasts as it budded, feeling the nipple rub against her palm as the boob underneath it swelled to fit. Her hand traced down the brunette’s side and lean abdomen, making Eleanor shiver as it reached a pussy that was already stretching into place on an emerging, stubby tail.

She hefted Eleanor’s legs as the tail stretched downward, tickling her side and trailing over the couch. “Eleanor, I think you’re… mimicking me!” It wasn’t uncommon for people’s changes to match those of the people around them–family members, sometimes; romantic partners, more commonly. Something about the process sought out desire, and having sex with a changed person could be more than enough to tip someone over the edge.

“Nnnhhh~”, Eleanor moaned, her lengthening tongue spilling out of her flowering face-pussy, slick with sweet new juices. She licked upwards, her pointed tongue flicked against her shrinking, sensitive new face-clit, and her eyes rolled up with pleasure. She clutched her boobs, desperately trying to massage them, but she didn’t have enough hands. Her entire body was flooded with the electrifying sensations of her change. The soft coils of her tail spilled over onto the floor, new nipples racing down them and swelling into more pillowy double-D boobs.

Sienna held her roommate’s shrinking legs, guiding them as they melted smoothly into the sides of her thick, fleshy tail. Eleanor’s pussy stretched and expanded, a flower gaping wide enough to take a whole hand nestled between puffy outer lips a full eight inches long.

Sienna drank in the sight of her writhing partner as Eleanor’s tail slowly stopped stretching and her change drew to a close. The sofa wasn’t nearly big enough for the both of them. Their tails entwined in twisted boob-lined piles all the way across the living room carpet, Eleanor’s still twitching as she lapped at her own face, shivering in delight.

Sienna lifted herself up, her muscular tail supporting her as she maneuvered herself directly above her roommate, the redhead’s freckled, pussified face hovering over Eleanor’s. The newly-changed brunette stilled herself, large brown eyes looking up at her partner in apprehension and flushed pleasure, as a drop of Sienna’s ecstasy dripped from her vertical lips.

Sienna smiled with her eyes and caressed Eleanor’s puffy cheek. “You’re gorgeous,” she said. “What do you think?”

The athlete looked down at herself, at the dozens upon dozens of boobs that covered her tanned coils, wrapped around Sienna’s paler, freckled form. This was her. She’d waited for years, wondering what shape she’d get when the time came. Something subtle? Something bold? Something practical, something lewd? Something she’d use daily, or even full-time? She’d had so many thoughts about what she’d choose if she could, but all of those were gone now. She’d be able to feel like this–the pleasure, the softness, the heavy muscle she could feel lying loose and relaxed in her extended body–whenever she wanted. She couldn’t be happier.

“I love it,” she said, somewhat indistinctly, still getting used to the shape of her new, slippery mouth. (How was she even talking anyway? She made a note to try to figure it out sometime.)

Sienna nodded eagerly. “It’s not something you can exactly go grocery shopping in, but it feels amazing, doesn’t it?” She leaned down, their breasts interlocking like the teeth of a zipper as she got close to Eleanor’s ear. “Want to… do some exploration together?”

Eleanor giggled. “I might go get some things first. Your–our tongues are nice, but I really wish we could get a little more penetration going.”

A twitch of muscles around her crotch startled her, and something started sliding wetly between their breasts. Sienna raised an eyebrow. “One last thing about this shape,” she said, a smirk audible in her voice, and lifted herself up.

Eleanor looked down, wide-eyed, at the slippery, pink, tentacular appendage growing out from Sienna’s pussy, its tip still recognizable as her clit. It was nearly two feet long and thick as a soda can at its base, pushing wetly between her lines of boobs with a muscular slithering motion. Eleanor flexed experimentally and felt her own clit begin to slide out from inside her, just the motion against its hood as it emerged nearly enough to set her off. Her breath caught in her pussified throat as she brought a hand to it, stroked its slick length and pulsing heat. “Oh…”

Sienna drew back, lining her dick up with Eleanor’s elongated mound, and raised her eyebrows questioningly. Eleanor nodded wordlessly, and with a sinuous flex of her long spine, Sienna slipped smoothly inside her. Slowly she began moving back and forth, the huge cock plunging deep into the brunette’s new anatomy, filling her with intense and alien pleasures.

In one of the pauses, Eleanor slid her own dick into place, wrapping it around Sienna’s with an electrifying jolt of sensitive skin against skin. The next time Sienna pushed in she was also pushing Eleanor into herself, their flexible genitals entwined in mutual penetration, driving them to new heights of sensation.

Eleanor’s gasp of pleasure was interrupted by Sienna’s kiss, their tongues entwining and slick, velvety lips sliding along each other. Eleanor’s face, loose and floppy, was on fire with beautifully intense stimulation, her pussy stretched full with Sienna’s dick, their breast-lined coils wrapping furiously around each other, dozens upon dozens of nipples rubbing against one another as the two snake-girls built to their first mutual climax. Pleasure crashed over Eleanor like a wave, surging through her sopping pussies and all the way down her enormously elongated body, her tail writhing in ecstasy before dropping, utterly spent, in limp coils across the carpet.


Eleanor woke some time later, feeling the soft warmth of Sienna coiled around her, briefly disoriented by the rush of returning sensations from her alien new form, sensual and strong. She flexed her jaw, feeling her pussy lips slip against each other. She brought a hand to her chest, marveling at her rows of plush and sensitive boobs. This was her now. Her second shape. She’d have to learn to change back eventually–she did need to go to classes at some point, even if a first change earned her a few days of excused absence–but for the moment, she reveled in the feeling. She was beautiful.

Sienna stirred, blinking ginger hair from her eyes. “Mmm?” she murmured sleepily. Eleanor kissed her on the cheek, her vertical lips leaving a slick patch of her new juices.

“Go back to sleep,” she whispered, a little more clearly than her previous attempts. “I’m fine.”

And she was.


Re: Serpentine Relaxation - by kylaris


A sequel to Serpentine Relaxation (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54322163/). Features two women cuddling, watching TV, and fucking each other silly, in that order. Many of the same inspirations as that story (linked on its page). Daphne's form is inspired by Selina Double Barrel by MadNugs (https://www.deviantart.com/madnugs/art/ … 1055256367).


Re: Serpentine Relaxation - by kylaris

Evening In
by BlueSpiders

A Second Shape story

The door of Eleanor’s apartment opened inward, releasing a wave of sound. A blaring alert and the crackle of laser blasts washed over her, sending red and blue light flickering over her well-tailored business clothes. The confusion was almost enough to jolt her out of her post-commute tiredness. It was dark out already, and she’d been in her work clothes for entirely too long.

Her wife, lying couchant on the living room floor, turned her upper body to look at her. Daphne was silhouetted against the TV as a spaceship swooped across a vibrant alien sky, unabashedly nude and in her second shape, as she often was at home. The dark-haired woman’s olive-skinned body merged at the hips into a much larger second torso lying on the cushioned floor of the living room, its limbs gathered under her. Rather than an animalistic body, it was nearly humanoid–larger and bulkier than a human torso, with limb proportions more suited to quadrupedalism, but nonetheless it had humanoid arms and legs and was covered in skin rather than fur. The light of the TV rolled gently over the contours of the ten perky boobs that ran down her chest in pairs of steadily decreasing size.

Daphne beamed radiantly at Eleanor as the tired woman slipped her shoes off, gratefully letting her heels sink to the floor for the first time all day. Her feet were sore, her legs were sore, her back was sore.

“Welcome home!” Daphne said. “How did the presentation go?” One of her lower body’s forelimbs, an oversized human arm, grabbed the remote and hit the pause button. The screen froze on an alien monster mid-roar.

Eleanor blinked, dropping her bag on a counter and working her toes into the thick carpet. It had taken a hell of a lot of work, but the presentation had gone off without a hitch. The higher-ups were impressed, her boss was happy, and things were looking good all around, but she needed some time thinking about anything else.

“It went great,” she said. “Are you… watching without me?” She slipped a pin from her thick mottled-brown hair and shook it out.

The taur pressed a hand to her chest, scandalized. “Of course not! This is from all the way back in season two. Anyway, congratulations! You must be exhausted.”

“Go to bed now exhausted, or catch up on Starchaser with your wife and cuddle exhausted? We’re two episodes behind, if you’re up for it. I can make popcorn.”

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, smirking. “...and by cuddle, you mean?”

“Cuddle.” The black-haired woman’s expression remained masterfully faux-innocent as she tried to gauge how tired her wife looked, but she drew the word out enough to leave room for… implications.

Eleanor pushed further. “...aaaand?”

“...and then fuck,” Daphne clarified, an impish grin peeking through her facade. “If you want.”

“Yes to all of the above,” Eleanor said. “Give me a minute to change.”

.           .           .

A moment later, the brunette emerged into the living room in her underwear, tying her hair back. With her business clothes gone, the figure revealed was lean and trim, with slight curves and an athletic core. Though her fencing had fallen by the wayside since college, she kept in good shape.

Her hair properly restrained, she stepped lightly onto the layer of flat pillows that covered the living room floor, more practical than a couch for people who spent as much time as they did in shapes too large to use one. She plopped herself down neatly in front of Daphne, sitting cross-legged between her wife’s forelimbs, and looked up. Her head rested between the rows of breasts lining her wife’s upper torso as she said, “Massage?”

Daphne nodded, smiling, and her upper arms set to work gently removing Eleanor’s bra while her large lower ones hooked their thumbs through the waistband of her panties and began working them down her legs. Eleanor sighed in relief as the bra was unfastened, another layer of the day’s stresses slowly lifting.

Clothes removed, Daphne set to work on kneading the tension from Eleanor’s shoulders, her thumbs digging into the muscles of her back and shoulder blades.

Below, one of her lower body’s hands tossed the panties aside as the other began rubbing her wife’s tired feet. Eleanor moaned softly, melting into her wife’s four hands as she worked. She scooted back a bit, feeling the warm mound of Daphne’s forecunt press softly into her spine. It was clean-shaven, oversized but not obscenely so. She hummed happily, dropping her head as Daphne’s hands moved from shoulders to neck.

Lower down, Eleanor could feel something poking into the sides of her butt as the pressure on Daphne’s pussy caused her other genitals to stir. Her lower body’s twin cocks were immense, imposing pillars of flesh three feet long and six inches thick that extended from her rear groin and lay underneath her lower belly. As they slowly expanded their smooth pink heads pressed forward, out from under her torso and between her forelimbs. Eleanor giggled, reaching down to affectionately pet a glans the size of her splayed hand as its movement pushed it along the side of her butt.

Daphne shivered at the touch, her lower pairs of boobs jiggling against Eleanor’s back. “Oooohhh, careful! Unless you want to watch after…” She felt an excited tingle in her rear pussy, and her third and final cock twitched and hardened. It was smaller than the other two, only three or four inches in diameter, and formed the tip of a fleshy, prehensile tail protruding from her rear hips.

“Lightweight,” Eleanor teased, but she relented nonetheless, lifting her hand from the spongy, sensitive cockhead. “I haven’t even changed yet.”

“Well, if you’re ready, go ahead,” Daphne said. “I’ll find the episode.”

Eleanor flexed and relaxed her shoulders as the massage ended, sighing happily. Then she started to change.

Daphne’s first indication that it had started was her wife’s head and shoulders lifting up towards her, the smooth skin of her back rubbing along Daphne’s nipples as the seated woman’s torso slowly lengthened. Spots along her ribs and stretching abdomen darkened from white to pink before swelling pads of fat lifted the new nipples away from her. Below, a tail stretched out between Eleanor’s extended legs, her plumping pussy beginning to reorient itself along the changing topography of her groin.

As Eleanor’s spine elongated it became more flexible, allowing her to twist to face Daphne. The taur had been nearly two heads taller than her wife a moment ago, but now they were almost eye to eye. Eleanor smiled, her lips beginning to moisten and change color. Daphne reached for her, but in a swirl of movement the serpentine woman had swept around her, a thick coil thrown around the taur’s midsection and squeezing softly. Boobs were running down Eleanor’s front now, each pair bigger than her unchanged ones had been.

Beneath, the muscular snake body was pushing the brunette’s legs aside, and soon they were merging into it with a feeling like sinking into warm mud. The hard corner connecting her back to her legs had softened as her spine took over from her hips, and now her tail was winding across the floor as it grew. The thick layer of pillows beneath were soft despite their waterproof coating–they weren’t the fluffiest things in the house, but they were perfectly comfortable, and damn easy to clean too.

Eleanor leaned into Daphne’s side and gave her a somewhat loose kiss on the cheek before her wife turned and reciprocated on the mouth, tongues entwining as Eleanor’s lengthened. Daphne loved feeling Eleanor’s facial changes up close, as her wife’s teeth receded and her jaw softened. Her lips stretched vertically, becoming thicker and looser as more folds of sensitive skin emerged beneath them. Daphne finished the kiss by running her tongue up the fresh pussy on Eleanor’s face, provoking a yelp and a giggle by flicking the nose as it shrank into a sensitive clit.

Beneath, Eleanor’s hips were the base for a larger mound, splitting open into a flower eight inches long. Daphne’s pussies–both of them, front and rear–were relatively modest despite their size, puffy slits that concealed most of their interior behind plump outer lips. Eleanor’s, on the other hand, concealed nothing, thick folds of pink-flushed velvety skin rippling from end to end.

The brunette stretched as her change finished and uncoiled from Daphne’s upper body to clear some space. She twisted side to side, feeling gratifying pops from vertebrae all down her long body. Her dick, a two-foot prehensile length of pink muscle, emerged from the top of her enlarged pussy and flopped heavily onto her rows of tits before she slowly drew it back inside. She let herself relax, finally, breathing in and out through the soft lips of her pussymouth with a sigh of contentment. She laid her head on Daphne’s back.

“I can’t even express how nice it is after spending the whole day on your feet to just not have feet anymore,” she said. “This is the best.”

“Stop, you’ll make me jealous,” Daphne teased, leaning sideways onto her pillows. While their living room could theoretically be used baseline, they’d set it up to accommodate their second shapes, which in Daphne’s case included a cushioned frame at an angle, suitable to lean her upper body on without having to fit her enormous lower half on anything so impractical as a couch.

Eleanor slithered up onto her wife, coiling herself in a loose heap on the back of the taur’s larger lower body. She liked using herself as a pillow for things like this, and leaned forward to rest her chest and chin on the looped coils of her
breast-padded body. “Ready when you are.”

Daphne was using her lower arms to mess with the remote, scrolling through episodes until she found the one she wanted. “Let me know when you want the popcorn.”

“Mmmm.” Eleanor settled deeper into place.

Daphne hit Play, and a ship appeared against glittering stars and an alien planet.

.           .           .

An hour and change later, Eleanor set a bowl aside, loose kernels rattling around in the bottom. She ran her tongue around her teeth and gums, checking for any bits of popcorn left in her mouth before she let it change again. She’d reverted her face while eating–anything more solid than a smoothie was more uncomfortable than pleasurable with a pussy for a mouth, and being noseless wreaked havoc on her sense of taste. The rest of her remained in her second shape, years of practice making it easier to maintain such a partial change. Her boob-lined body was coiled around both Daphne’s torsos in a loose, serpentine hug.

Satisfied, she let her mouth change back into a pussy, her jaw slackening as her lips stretched vertically and her nose pinkened into a clitoris. On-screen, a negotiation with aliens was going dangerously awry, but Eleanor hadn’t been paying much attention recently. She’d been getting hornier for the last twenty minutes, a subtle buzz of need at the edge of her awareness. From the looks of things, she thought, eyeing the half-erect cock at the end of her wife’s tail, she wasn’t alone in that. Without the popcorn to distract her, she was having a harder time ignoring it.

Delicately, she reached out and picked up Daphne’s wrist-thick tail. It twitched and the cock at the end of it stiffened further. Daphne straightened a little. She was still watching the screen, but Eleanor could hear her soft intake of excited breath and feel the torso under herself lift minutely as the immense dicks beneath it began to engorge as well.

With exquisite care, Eleanor brought the tail to her pussified face, her muscular tongue extending to its full length as she ran it lightly around the glans. Daphne shivered excitedly. Eleanor’s face was starting to moisten, beads of her lubrication slicking its vertical lips.

One side effect of Daphne’s, well, prodigious endowment was that it took a little bit of time for them to get in working order. Eleanor started helping the process along, caressing her wife’s cocktail with her tongue. Her appendage was long enough that she could coil it around the flexible tail two, even three times, wrapping them together before luxuriantly drawing them apart. The dick was getting less flexible by the second.

As their foreplay continued, Eleanor could feel the wetness of her lower pussy begin to seep grool between the piled coils of her body. She began to contract, shivering as her boobs dragged gently across one another. Somewhere below her, Daphne’s large lower cocks were nearing full mast, throbbing with the inhumanly strong beat of her lower torso’s heart. Daphne had begun to make low noises, not quite vocal yet, with every one of Eleanor’s oral caresses.

The serpentine woman’s hips finally emerged from her piled body to bring her genitals back where they could be of more use. The enormous flower of her pussy left a snail-track of its fluids across the smooth expanse of Daphne’s hindquarters. At its peak, the clit began to push forward at the tip of the wetly-emerging length of Eleanor’s tentacular member.

The tail was as stiff as it could get, throbbing with the same lust that inflamed the lips of Eleanor’s pussymouth. Eleanor brought the two close enough together that she knew Daphne could feel the tantalizing heat of her facial lips on the glans, but held it tight to prevent the straining tail from making contact. For a moment it seemed like she might go all the way, but…

“Put it in, you tease!” Daphne said, as her wife withdrew once more. Eleanor smirked with her eyes and planted a labial kiss on the tail’s glans, prompting a small burble of precum.

“No,” she said smugly. “Not until you're - whoOOP!”

A large hand grabbed the section of tail coiled around Daphne's midriff and pulled, dragging half a dozen feet of Eleanor's many-breasted body with it. Her emerging dick lashed impotently as it was pulled away from Daphne’s rear pussy, followed a moment later by Eleanor's head and shoulders.

“Noooo!” she wailed as Daphne efficiently pulled her hand over hand, hauling her away from the lust-slicked head of the cocktail.

“Are you going to do it, or do I need to take things into my own hands?” Daphne asked, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked, staring down at her serpentine wife. Eleanor was flat on the floor, pinned down by one of Daphne's large forelimbs.
She crinkled her eyes into a cheeky grin, her gaze drifting downward to the side-by-side pink heads of Daphne’s lower cocks.

“I can take things into myself just fine,” she said. Her tangled tail unfurled from where Daphne had dumped it and lashed out to coil around the taur’s lower abdomen, rows of tanned breasts rubbing along the massive dicks as Daphne stood up. She shivered as her shafts were smothered in pillowy boobflesh, trying to keep the intensity of the feeling from getting the better of her.

She reached down with her upper torso’s arms, cupping Eleanor's face and rubbing a thumb against the plush mound of her wife's pussyface. Eleanor was sopping wet, her eyes fixed on Daphne's front pussy even as she lined up her large lower cunt with the twin battering rams below the taur’s underbelly.

“Left or right?” she asked, somewhat sloppily as her mouth’s arousal began to overwhelm her enunciation. She moaned in pleasure as Daphne rubbed circles around the clit that replaced her nose. Slick fluid flowed down her chin and onto her topmost pair of tits.

Daphne considered the taut and straining need of her lower equipment through a mild fog of arousal. “Right,” she said, and then gasped in pleasure as Eleanor flexed her coiled body and pulled her pussy down onto Daphne’s right cock. She fit perfectly, a thick and muscular sleeve of soft lust-slicked flesh swallowing Daphne's dick almost to the hilt. The shock of the sudden penetration after several minutes of edging nearly got the better of Daphne, but she rode the wave without losing control. For her part, Eleanor could feel the titanic rod stretch her serpentine interior nearly to capacity, her core filled with the feeling of its rock-hard heat.

She flexed, and then again, pumping herself a full yard along the shaft. Her long torso was almost entirely muscle and all of it was devoted to the heaving engine of their lovemaking, external muscles driving her motion and internal ones rippling to engulf the cock within.

Daphne threw her head back in ecstasy, fondling her rows of breasts with one hand while the other brought Eleanor's head to her crotch. Eleanor didn't miss a beat, her flexible tongue pouring forth as she ground her face-pussy into her wife's eager cunt. Soft labia slid against one another as her tongue pushed forward, seeking the spot inside that would drive Daphne wild.

Their libido began to pulse in rhythm with the pistoning of Eleanor's spine as she drove herself up and down her wife's dick like a sinuous cocksleeve. Each wave rose higher than the last, building and merging until with an inarticulate cry Daphne came, the cock buried within Eleanor erupting into a torrent of cum.

Eleanor pulled herself as far down the shaft as she could, her pussy-mouth twitching and gushing as she felt the behemoth inside her pump out gallon after gallon of spunk.

Slowly, the torrent eased. The oversized cock softened and began to slip out of Eleanor's cunt, followed by a flood of white liquid. The serpentine woman began to uncoil from her lover’s lower torso and withdrew her tongue from Daphne's pussy, both of them panting with their exertion.
“That was… exactly what I needed,” Eleanor sighed. She began to collect herself, dragging rows of tits through the puddle of pale goo slowly leaking from her engorged lower pussy.

Daphne lifted her wife's head to her own, bringing their foreheads together and locking eyes. She smiled, the alluring scent of Eleanor's pussy drifting from her face. “I bet it was,” she said. She let the pause linger, feeling the cool, sticky wetness of Eleanor's recently-filled lower pussy press softly against her own crotch. She continued. “Are you up for round two tonight? Because we still have three fresh dicks between us…”

Eleanor laughed. God, she was so cute when she did that, Daphne thought, watching her pink inner lips flutter.

“Oh, absolutely,” Eleanor said. Daphne felt a squirming beneath as her wife's prehensile penis reemerged from her pussy, her clitoris extending at the tip of a muscular, tentacular appendage.

As the dick slid wetly between their interlocking breasts, Daphne didn't hesitate to pull Eleanor into a deep and passionate kiss, losing herself in the silky folds of her wife's pussy. Her nose rubbed against Eleanor's nose-clit as Eleanor returned the kiss with gusto. The serpentine woman withdrew her lower body slightly, lining up her prehensile dick before gently sliding into Daphne's forecunt.

Daphne gasped and moaned as she slowly licked and sucked at Eleanor's clit, their kiss as deliberate and sensual as the rhythm her wife was building below. Instead of the rapid enthusiasm of the first round, she was taking it slow, luxuriating in long and gentle thrusts. While not as large as the battering rams of Daphne’s lower body, Eleanor's flexible cock was still far too big to be taken fully by anything less than a Change-enlarged cunt, providing a soothing pressure all the way through Daphne’s abdomen. Getting fucked with a flexible dick was an entirely different feeling to a traditional stiff one, but Daphne wouldn't have it any other way. She squeezed it playfully with her internal muscles and felt the answering flex as it slid smoothly back and forth.

As they entwined, hands dropped from cheeks to each other's rows of breasts, feeling each other's panting and tremors of lust. Beneath, the thinner end of Eleanor's long body was curling dexterously around her wife's ignored left dick, beginning its own rhythmic motion.
Entangled, the two women rode the slow swells of their arousal. Hands caressed soft titflesh as Eleanor continued her languid thrusts, while above they continued their intensifying makeout session.

In a lull, Daphne withdrew from the kiss, feeling sticky strands of her wife's nectar stretch between their faces before silently breaking. Lifting one hand to grasp Eleanor's elongated tongue, she entwined it with her own. Though not as sensitive as the rest of Eleanor’s face, the tongue was an erogenous zone of its own, and she thrummed in ecstasy as Daphne applied every ounce of her oral skill to it, kissing and sucking without breaking eye contact.

Eleanor whined, pinching and rolling her nipples as the rolling tide of her lust began to slowly wax once more. Daphne, synchronized, curled her tail and parted her own rear lips with its throbbing cock-head, the as-yet-ignored honeypot needy and soaking wet. Its juices were pouring down over her balls.

As her tail pressed forward and started its own sloppy rhythm, Daphne added a fourth wellspring of lust to her building crescendo. She whimpered into Eleanor’s face as their kiss continued, Eleanor’s fluids running down her cheeks. She could

feel her tail pumping inside of herself as her wife’s cum-slicked tail slowly jacked off her lower cock and her serpentine dick filled her pussy. Her ears were filled with the soft, rhythmic squelching of their movement and Eleanor’s lustful panting, her mouth and nose with the taste and smell of her wife’s flower.

Daphne shuddered and bucked, her lower cock pulsing a bead of pre onto the boobs of Eleanor’s tail. The stimulation was rapidly overcoming her refractory period, and she started having to focus on not cumming again.

“Shh, shh. Not yet,” Eleanor whispered to her, eyes bright and mouth shiny and wet. The nub of her face-clit throbbed between them. “Hold on just a little longer…”
“Ffffuck,” Daphne moaned. “Too many… too many things at once!” She paused her tail for a moment, trembling as she got it under control, but then started it again, the sloppy noises resuming. “Ellie, I’m not going to mmm-mmAKE it much longer!”

“Hold on, baby. And then all at once, okay?” Eleanor’s midsection heaved and writhed as she began deepening and accelerating her pumps, the pink flesh of her tentacular dick slick with Daphne’s juices as it poured into and out of her.

“Eeelllieee!” Daphne cried, feeling the wave begin to build higher, past the point of no return despite her efforts, surging in all of her genitals simultaneously. “I’m–I’m–”

Eleanor drove harder, redoubling her efforts and pulling their faces together in a furious kiss as her hips gave a last one-two-three and…

The wave broke with a pair of muffled cries of ecstasy. Daphne felt her wife empty her load into her pussy just as the crescendo in her own cocks peaked, her tail and lower member erupting simultaneously to pour cum into her rear cunt and onto the floor. Eleanor’s boob-lined coils seized up with her climax, squeezing Daphne crushingly tight in a mass of muscle and titflesh. They held each other for an aching moment, riding the ripples and aftershocks together as they pumped jet after jet of cum into and onto each other.

Slowly, the flow waned, and the two women peeled apart. Daphne’s lower limbs were trembling as she rolled and fell to her side on a cushion, flanks heaving. Slick fluids glistened on the lovers’ breasts as they caught their breath.

Daphne took a long breath, filling both sets of lungs, and exhaled it the same way. “That was… wow.”

Eleanor giggled, slithering through the thick puddle of cooling liquid on the floor to drape herself loose and relaxed (and not a little slimy) over her wife’s recumbent form. “And here you were the one suggesting it.”

Daphne laughed. “I thought you’d be way too tired to do everything. I thought I might just get both the big boys off and count myself lucky. But, well, damn.” She relaxed a little further, relishing Eleanor’s soft–albeit sticky–weight. Eleanor, meanwhile, laid down in front of her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek with her floppy lips.

“Had a lot in me, I guess.” She snuggled in closer. “...Sleep here tonight?”

Daphne had to smile at the cheekiness of the suggestion. She gave a regretful sigh, the lines of Eleanor’s boobs jiggling gently as the barrel of Daphne’s lower torso deflated under them. “I have work in the morning, honey. Save it for the weekend.”

The black-haired woman cocked an eyebrow. “And also we are absolutely covered in jizz. If you’re that reluctant to do the clean-up, I’ll handle it, if you want to take a shower.”

“Pff… you see through me so easily. I should–noooo,” Eleanor pleaded as Daphne lurched, going to stand. She began to shed her second shape, her torsos shrinking into one another as rows of boobs faded back into smooth skin on her abdomen and chest. Her lower arms and tail both shrank into themselves and vanished as her pussies closed and her dicks began to contract. She stood up as a baseline woman–two arms, two legs, two boobs, one regular-sized penis.

Eleanor rolled onto her back, her long body flopping languidly. She huffed in displeasure before beginning to shrink, going almost all the way back to baseline, keeping only an extra two rows of breasts and an ankle-length tail. Daphne hauled her to her reformed feet, pulling her close and giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before pushing her towards the bathroom. “Toss me the fluid vac before you get in the shower,” she said, beginning to unfasten one of the pillows’ cases.

“For you, baby, anything,” Eleanor replied with a wink and a smirk tossed over her shoulder. Daphne smiled back, then tore her eyes from her wife’s swaying tail and back to the TV, where something was going disastrously wrong right on schedule.

“Captain!” yelled one of the crew. “The hyperdrive’s going to–” “Hush,” said Daphne, and hit the button on the remote.