Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: New House, Familiar Faces

The highly polished marble steps glistened in the midday sun. They led up to a set of ten foot tall wooded french doors that were ornately carved with cherubs holding flowers which encircled two large ovals of frosted glass set in the center of each door. In the center of each glass pane was a bold upper case G printed in gold leaf. 

As Jen ascended the steps to the landing, she half expected to see a stereotypical snooty valet waiting to ask her what business she had in such a place or to shoo her off the property. She just couldn’t believe that this was her house. Just as she placed a single foot on the landing, both doors open widely before her. 

“Welcome home, Mistress!”

Lisa and Toy rushed out to meet her. The duo were wearing matching costumes of snow white latex that hugged their bodies tightly. Both had red crosses located in the center of their breasts which matched the crosses on their white caps. Their thigh high white boots clicked against the marble. The living love toys flanked her and each gently took one of her arms into theirs. Jen was annoyed when she realized that they were both taller than her now, and the added height from their boots allowed them to tower even higher over her diminished form. 

“We could feel you were under an incredible amount of stress at school,” Lisa said on her left. “So we thought you might want some sexy nurses to kiss it and make it all better,” Toy chimed in from her right. The two moved together, guiding Jen through the massive front entry. 

The inside of the house was just as decadent as the exterior. Whereas the house Jon had left this morning was a mansion blending traditional and modern aesthetics, the house Jen had returned to could only be described as a palace. The main hall that Jen was standing in seemed to stretch on and on and on. There were various doorways along the side walls that led to unknown rooms. In the distance Jen saw a massive staircase that split off to the left and right as it ascended to the next floor. On either side of the stairs, Jen saw that there were no walls. The hall extended even further beyond what she could see from where she was standing. 

Jen’s head swam. The previous house had been filled with an unknown number of rooms that still needed to be explored. Now she was going to need to start from scratch and learn how to navigate the titanic property. Lisa and Toy must have felt her anxiety rising, because they pressed their soft bodies against her even harder. “Mistress, can we be of any assistance?” Lisa asked sincerely. 

“Any assistance at all?” Toy added, her voice dripping with lust. She pressed even harder against Jen, practically toppling the girl over. As Toy’s crotch pressed against Jen’s thigh, she started to rub against the leg. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and her eyes glassed over as she humped her mistress. Lisa let out an adorable giggle. “You must excuse her, Mistress. I altered mind a couple hours ago to make her a hyper nymphomaniac. She can only think about sex at the moment. It has been quite amusing. And perhaps it’s just what the doctor ordered,” Lisa said with a wink as she shook her chest, emphasizing her costume. 

Jen felt herself flush as a fire awoke in her crotch. Her dick was rapidly hardening and based on how obscenely her skirt was tent-poling, she was sure her cock had once again grown right out of her panties. But that wasn’t all she felt. She felt need radiating forth in warm waves, a tingling that gave her goosebumps. She instinctively squeezed her legs together and felt a slick wetness dripping onto her balls that were still tightly cradled in her panties.

Her mind raced. She wasn’t just hard, she was WET! Jen thought back to her encounter with Pervert after she had first become a girl. The pure physical bliss that had erupted within her from having so many erogenous parts stimulated at once was overwhelming. She could barely registered what had happened at the moment, unable to recall all of the ways she had been pleasured. But she recalled all too well her previous life when she was still Jon and how enthusiastically he had enjoyed his sexual conquests. Probing wet folds with his eager fingers, tasting their sweet musk, nibbling on clits, filling them with his hard-

Jen gasped as a new sensation pulled her out of her haze. Toy’s humping had become much more enthusiastic, most likely due to the large dick that was growing out of her own crotch and causing her latex dress to ride up. The mindless, lust addled expression on her face was shocking. But what truly shook Jen to the core was the realization that the only reason Toy would have grown a cock… was because Jen wanted her to.


With a single command, Toy froze completely. Jen pulled away from the sex crazed creature and was shocked to see that Toy remained frozen in place, even though she was leaning at such an angle that she should have fallen flat to the floor. Just as Jen had commanded, she had frozen mid-hump and would remain as such because it was what her Mistress desired. 

Jen looked at Lisa who tilted her head in silent acknowledgment, simply content to await her own set of commands. 

“Lisa… just take me to my room.”

“Of course, Mistress. I shall take you to your chambers immediately.” 

As Lisa stepped forward, Jen noticed her glance down and take in the sight of Toy’s exposed dick. There was a bead of precum that had dribbled out of the tip and was slowly running down the length of her shaft. Lisa smiled wickedly, clearly enjoying her plaything’s plight. Without another word, Lisa began to stride further down the cavernous hallway, the walls echoing with the sounds of her heels on the wooden floors. 


Jen was thankful that Lisa was intimately familiar with the layout of the transformed house. Jen had followed her down the great hall and was initially surprised they had moved right past the grandiose staircase. When they had stopped in front of a door that was smaller than many of the others which peppered the walls, Jen was shocked to find it was an elevator. Lisa let her Mistress enter first before following after and pressing the button for the top floor. The elevator seemed antiquated but its movement was smooth and silent as it ascended to the fifth floor. The short trip ended with a small jostle and the tone of a small bell. As the stepped out, Lisa stood beside the door and let Jen walk past her, but did not move from her position, instead waiting quietly at attention. 

“Um, Lisa, weren’t you going to take me to my room.”

The buxom blonde tilted her head in confusion. “But, Mistress, I followed your instructions. The top floor is all your private chambers.” Jen let out an enraged shriek, causing Lisa to step back in shock. 

“Ok, enough of this shit! Lisa, honestly, what the fuck happened to my house?!”

The latex clad love toy’s arms dropped limply to her sides and all tension left her body as she entered into the questioning trance. “When you made your wish for the house to be modified last week, it changed to fit Jon’s aesthetic. The current house reflects the preferences of the your current self. Jen is much more elitist and pretentious than Jon was and the house reflects that. The only thing you specified was the basement was designed to be a high-end night club, so that has remained.”

One fucked up misworded wish and my life keeps fucking changing! Jen raged internally. Her social circles, her home, her history, her whole life was just as altered and unexplored as the house! Even in her own home she couldn’t escape what she had done to herself. 

“Lisa, forget my outburst just now,” Jen commanded solemnly. Lisa exited the trance, briefly reverting to her shocked expression, before that too melted away and she returned to the docile doll that was patiently awaiting instructions. 

“May I be of any further use, Mistress?”

A gurgling sound filled the room and the pair looked down at Jen’s stomach. She had left the cafeteria in such a rush that she had never even gotten a single bite of food. 

“Or perhaps you required assistance from Judy, instead,” Lisa offered with her trademark pleasant smile. Jen sighed, not even knowing who “Judy” was, but she assumed that she would bring her food. “Sure, whatever,” Jen spat out, her voice filled with annoyance. Lisa curtsied, paying Jen’s sour tone no mind, and proceeded to step into the elevator and shut the door. A gentle hum of motors faded downward and Jen was left in a hallway that stretched ahead of her, much smaller than the main hall but still extensive. Doors dotted the walls to either side and there a set of double doors at the far end of the hallway. Not knowing where any of them led, Jen walked the length of the hall and opened the double doors. 

The bedroom Jen stepped into was eerily familiar. It’s layout was similar to the bedroom Jon had woken up in this morning, but with pronounced differences. The bed was still in the same location, as was the fireplace with the coffee table and couch in front of it. On the far wall, a set of double glass doors exited out onto a balcony. That was where the differences ended. Whereas Jon’s bedroom had been masculine and stately with rich wood and leather throughout the room, Jen’s bedroom was plush and feminine. Tones of white and soft pink filled the room with plush carpet replacing the hardwood floors. The bed was still massive, but it was round with four posts surrounding it. Cream curtains with rose gold trim waiting to be pulled back to hide the bed from the rest of the room. 

The changes did not just stop with the decor, though. The layout of the room was subtly different as well. The door on the far end of the room which had led to Jon’s private office now matched the glass double doors and also exited to the balcony which was significantly larger and stretched at least the entire length of the room and was furnished with a set of outdoor furniture. The door to the left that had led to a walk in closet was gone, replaced by a white wardrobe. And finally the door that had been to the right which led to a massive bathroom was replaced  by a large vanity with three mirrors. 

Jen slipped off her high heels and kicked them towards the wardrobe. As her feet pressed flat against the floor, she was simultaneously aware of how plush the carpet was and how much shorter she immediately felt. She looked to her right, crossed the room to the vanity, and plopped down in the plush chair in front of it. Her beautiful, but disheveled, reflection stared back at her. Streaks of dried eyeliner ran down her face, her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was slightly flushed. She let out a heavy sigh and the three Jens staring back at her did likewise. Looking to the vanity, she spied a stack of neatly folded white wash cloths. She grabbed one and wiped off her face. She was a little startled to see more than just eyeliner rubbing off onto the now soiled cloth, realizing she was wearing more makeup than she initially realized. She searched the table top until she found a bottle labeled as a “makeup remover” and doused a fresh cloth with the solution before vigorously rubbing her face. 

The reflection that met her where she finally pulled her hands away was still a stunning beauty. The makeup had highlighted her features, but she was still incredibly beautiful without it. The high cheekbones, plump lips, smooth skin were naturally hers. She stared into her reflection, feeling despair rising in her. School, home. Makeup, no makeup. She was still Jen Gibson. She couldn’t go somewhere else or wipe that away. This was her now. 

She looked further down her reflection to her clothes, stained with makeup and still showing off her vast cleavage. With yet another sigh, Jen stood up and began to remove the sullied garment which exposed her bra-clad breasts. Jen reached behind her and started pushing and pulling. Since getting the stone, Jon had gotten a lot of practice taking off girls’ bras. However, this was the first time ever Jen had to remove one from herself. After what seemed like an eternity of fumbling and uncoordinated tugging, the last hook finally released and the undergarment slid down her arms. 

The first thing Jen realized was just how fucking heavy these things were. The next was how good it felt to let them out of their padded prison. She looked into the vanity mirror and got a good look at her topless form. Just as she had expected, the breasts matched the pair Mr. Burton had grown each time her has ogled her. Despite herself, Jen had to admit her tits were flawless. They were firm and perky, with perfectly smooth skin capped by light pink, suckable nipples.  

As she hefted her impressive chests, she was rewarded with a pleasant buzz radiating through her body. She had groped her tits a couple times since getting them, particularly when Pervert had been going down on her. But that had been through her shirt and bra. Now that she felt her hands directly on them, experiencing the sensations of fondling and being fondled, it was reawakened the smoldering fire of lust between her legs. 

Jen puller her tits apart and looked down between her opened cleavage to get a clear look at her dick once again lifting up the front of her skirt. With a huff, Jen dropped her tits, momentarily wincing at the pain while also watching as the hypnotically jiggled and swayed. After a moment, a throbbing further down once again pulled her attention to her crotch. 

“Well, guess it’s time to take a closer inspection down South,” she muttered. She hooker her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and panties, then swiftly pressed down.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Chick Chats with Her Dick

Getting undressed was more of a challenge than Jen expected. Being unfamiliar with women’s clothing, she didn’t realize the skirt had clasps she needed to release to allow her enough slack to work the waistline past her rounded hips and enhanced ass. Add to that the fact that her dick was at full mast and was sticking out of one of the leg holes of her panties complicated her wardrobe issues.

With a frustrated growl, she gave a firm push. Her skirt ripped as it stretched over her shapely assets and she felt the lace of her panties slide across the top of her dick before it bounced back up. Her cock let out a giggle as is wobbled from the momentum before coming to rest, standing at full mast between her feminine legs.

Jen stared in shock at her nude reflection in the three mirrors. She twisted her hips to get a better view of herself. Her body was even more enticing than she would have imagined. Her toned stomach, shapely hips, full tits, and round bubbly ass were exquisite. She was absolutely gorgeous and drop dead sexy. The body was a flawless example of feminine beauty… except for the foot long cock and full scrotum proudly on display between her legs.

The image was unsettling to her. Both because it seemed so impossible that such a vision of womanly beauty would have such an absurdity male appendage, and because she could feel her arousal being further flamed by the sight of the hard rod. She couldn't help but reached up and cupped her left breast while her right hand reached down to grasp the shaft. Small, soft, delicate fingers gripping her cock made it twitch in her hand which now felt totally foreign to her. Her memories recalled Jon’s large, rough hands firmly grabbing his meat. Not these soft, dainty ones she now possessed. Looking up from her crotch and back up towards her reflection rewarded her with the sight of the beautiful girl stroking her dick and fondling her tits. Jen and her cock let out simultaneous gasps of arousal, and Jen felt a slick wetness traveling down her legs. Her mind was going into sensory overload when a voice caught her attention.

“Fuck, Jen. Usually when you’re this horny there’s someone around for some fun. Don’t keep me waiting. Who is it this time?”

Jen looked down at her penis, its mouth and face already coated with the wet sheen of precum it was drooling. Jen could only look at the impressive tool in silence, trying to fight back her wild imagination as she pictured her self getting impaled by the raging hard-on rather than using it to fuck someone else. Her expression must have been unusual, because her dick seemed to break out of its lust and looked up at her with concern.

“You, ok?”

“No. I am definitely not ok.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m a girl!”

The expression on her cock’s face shifted from concern to confusion. “Um… yeah? I mean, what else would you be?”

“A BOY!” Jen shrieked.


“I used to be a guy! My name is Jon Gibson! At least it WAS until that stupid stone turned me into this!” she bellowed, gesturing at her body.

Karyn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She went back and forth between looking up at Jen’s face and staring at their combined reflection in the mirror. She stood fully erected between her best friend’s legs, just like she had wished for. But according to Jen, she was actually some boy name “Jon.” Karyn was no stranger to the reality warping powers of the stone. She had experienced them first hand. From Jen’s behavior, Karyn knew she had to be telling the truth. But try as she might, Karyn could not recall any memories of “Jon.”

“Shit…” was all Karyn could manage.

“Yeah. Shit. It’s all shit. I can’t believe this happened to me! I was having a good time with the stone, but this is not what I had in mind!”

Karyn felt herself soften, dread cutting through her arousal. “Wha… what do you mean?”

“I was making wishes all day. It was a blast. Didn’t even need to wait to get to school. I started the day by changing some girl into my dog and then gave her a dog dick for good measure.”

Karyn’s jaw dropped. “M-Miranda?! She’s a person?”

Jen shrugged. “She used to be. Besides, it was a little payback for Amanda.”

“Amand- oh no… you didn’t.”

I didn’t. It was Miranda who turned her into a dog in the first place. One of the wishes made at the party last Saturday. Amanda stole Miranda’s boyfriend or something. Well, now Miranda has the right body and equipment to be Amanda’s boyfriend. Now they’ll get along better then ever.”

Karyn listened on in shocked silence. The family dogs… were people. And Karyn had no idea. Nobody did. Not even the dogs themselves. The only one who did know was Jen. And by they way Karyn’s body was beginning to harden again, not only did Jen not see anything wrong with it… she enjoyed it.

“There was also Anal Bitch,” Jen said. Karyn’s eyes widened. She had just seen her. Hell, they had just fucked her! Did Jen change her on her way out?

“Wha… what did you do to her?”

Jen smiled. She actually smiled! “You didn’t notice?”

If Karyn still had her own blood and not Jen’s coursing through her veins, it would have run cold. Jen didn’t change her after we had sex… she was transformed before we even started!

“No,” Karyn whispered in disbelief. Jen’s smile widened to an impish grin, mistaking Karyn’s horrific shock for riveted curiosity.

“It started with Zoe. Kim was making her life hell and Zoe made a wish. Well, Kim was also under the power of the party wish and was transformed into Zoe’s ass. It got me thinking, so I replicated the wish on a couple of her classmates and wished to be able to fuck them right away. Didn’t realize that I basically turned them into the school’s communal fuck toy. But it keeps her ass full and lets everyone else blow off steam, so it’s basically a win-win.”

A person… is now trapped as a butt? Shit! Two people!

“I changed their names just for the fun of it. Didn’t even bother to find out what their real names were. Then there was also turning Ms. Lee’s civics class into a sex class, making it so everyone who was in the class first period would swap privates with anyone they got off during that time of they day, made it so Zoe and Anal Bitch don’t shit like normal person, and changed that creeper Bobby into an assistant for Anal Bitch.”

Karyn felt sick. The world was spinning and if she still had a stomach she was sure she would be throwing up. Instead, a surge of precum erupted through her body and oozed out in a long stream towards the floor. Jen was ruining people’s lives, and not only was she listing off her victims like she was reading a shipping list, she was getting off on it!

“And then that BITCH made me change myself into a chick! At least she got what she deserved,” Jen raged. Karyn was too horrified to dare ask what had happened to that poor girl, buy she knew it couldn’t be good. Jen was a monster! This was not the person Karyn remembered. The best friend she knew was kind and giving, an adorable dork, a loyal companion to her only-

“Of fuck.”

Dread filled Karyn. There was one big change to Jen’s life: Karyn. They were best friends. Each other’s only friends. They were there for each other, always helping one another. They looked out for each other and didn’t let the assholes at school get to them. When Jen accidentally made Karyn her dick, she realized what a mistake she had made and worked hard to find a way to reverse it. But now, Jen was alone in the world. She had no support. She didn’t have any hard lessons that taught her to respect the power of the stone. Instead, she was an angry girl with the power of a god lashing out at anyone who crossed her for her own amusement. And Karyn’s wish had caused it.

“Karyn is normal!”

Silence filled the room. Jen raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. Karyn felt exposed under Jen’s gaze, wiggled her phallic body as if hoping to jumpstart her transformation back to her full human form. But nothing happened. She was still a penis. It was then that she remembered her wish from that morning: she wished to be a penis again for a week like she had been the previous week. That meant the escape mechanism they had come up wouldn’t work.

Karyn was trapped until next Friday.

“Who’s Karyn?”

“Um… me?” she offered sheepishly.

“Oh great! I turned into the kind of girl that names her cock! Fucking perfect. Did I name my tits, too?!”

“No! I mean, I don’t know! It’s my- I mean, you always called me Karyn.”

“Not anymore. I didn’t give my cock some stupid name when I was a guy and I’m not about to start now. You’re just my cock. And you’re the only thing about me that is normal! The rest of me is completely female except for you. How the hell are you even still here?! The wish should have- Oh… a wish.”

Jen’s eyes widened with realization and Karyn froze.

“Jen, I-“

“Of course! Wishes can’t be reversed! Last week I let you make a wish and you gave yourself more inches! And you can’t undo wishes. Wow. If you hadn’t made that wish, I’d probably have lost the last part of my real body. Fuck, that was close.”

Karyn didn't know if she should be relieved or terrified. If she could turn back to human, all of Jen's memories of their previous reality and friendship should come flooding back. But if she only learned the truth without remembering it an embracing it, there was no telling what the current Jen's reaction might be. Karyn could only imagine how this Jen might lash out if she was improperly exposed to the truth. She needed Jen to remember Karyn as she was, not just have the revelation dropped on her like a bomb. Her only hope was that if Jen remembered her, the real her, that her friend’s real personality would come back. Because the Jen that existed now was a danger to everyone within the range of the stone’s power.

“Listen, Jen, could I use the stone? I think I have an idea that-“

“No! No way! I’ve already become this and I’m not gonna risk anything else happening to me!”

“But I-“

“Fuck! I said NO! Sometimes I really wish that you were quiet like the other guys’ dicks!”

Karyn’s eyes went wide as she waited for a flash, but none came.  She timidly opened and closed her mouth, feeling her tongue slide over her teeth and lips, coating her mouth with the lingering precum that was still in the back of her throat. She was relieved to find that her mouth had not been turned into a piss slit or her head turned into the glans of a normal penis.

“… I’m sorry,” she whispered quietly, scared to provoke Jen’s fury but desperate to make she she still had her voice.

Before Jen could reply, a bell chimed at the end of the hallway. Jen looked through the open door and saw the elevator doors part and a young woman step out. She was Asian, her black hair pulled up into a professional looking bun, a chef’s coat and apron hugged her slim frame. She strode forward on stiletto heels which gave the short girl a couple inches of height over Jen.

As she approached, Jen quickly became aware of her exposed body and frantically crossed her arms in an attempt to cover her new body. Looking around the room, she could only see the tatters of her ruined outfit close at hand. She was just about to lunge for them when the girl spoke. “Don’t worry, Miss Gibson, this is far from the first time I’ve seen you between outfits. Now, Lisa says you seemed famished. I have prepared a lunch of roasted chicken with a honey drizzle and sautéed vegetables.”

Jen’s stomach responded for her as it gurgled at the idea of food. She couldn’t help but blush in her mounting embarrassment. “That, um, sounds lovely.”

“Would you like to eat on the couch, or in bed?” the girl asked politely.

“Bed! Definitely the bed!”

Jen dashed across the room and dove under the sheets, thankful for the opportunity to hide her body. She was so preoccupied with the feeling of her plush ass and the weight of her tits on her chest that she hadn’t even noticed the newcomer had moved to the side of her bed. Only when she pulled up her apron and exposed that she was wearing nothing on the lower half of her body did she draw Jen’s attention.


Jen was cut off as the girl gracefully climbed onto the bed and straddled Jen’s chest before pressing her dripping wet gash into Jen’s mouth. The act caught Jen off guard and as she tried to mumble a question into the muff its flavor filled her mouth. Instead of the musky tang of an aroused pussy, Jen tasted chicken, spices, honey, olive oil, and fresh vegetables dancing on her tongue. Her hunger overrode her confusion and she began to eagerly lap away at the slit. The more she ate the girl out, the more and more satisfied she felt.

After several minutes, Jen’s lapping became more lethargic. The feelings of a soft bed, a warm body pressed against her, and a full belly calmed her enough to forget her troubles for a moment. All of the stress of her new life was momentarily forgotten, and she passed out in exhaustion. Knowing her work was done, the girl climbed off of the bed, produced a napkin from her apron, and gingerly wiped her juices off of Jen’s face before leaving the room, making sure to gently close the door behind her.

Under the covers, Karyn wiggled her limp body, struggling against the inevitable as she tried to pull away from her host.

“Karyn is normal. Karyn is normal. Please, please let me be normal.”

But it was no use. Karyn had gotten her wish. She was now a dick.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

wow this got dark fast O_O


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Heading Home

The ringing bell triggered a wave of pandemonium. It was Friday and the last period was over. The halls were flooded with students and faculty eager to begin their weekend. In his classroom, Mr. Burton casually teased the hard nipples capping his perky C cups. As the busty student he was fixated on left the room, his breasts automatically deflated and returned to his normal male chest. He readjusted his shirt, not registering that the buttons had been popped off when his chest had exploded outward into a pair or large D-cup tits during third period, and moved to his desk.

He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small paper bag. As he reached inside for its contents, a small voice shouted up at him.

“Please tell me it’s not another granola bar!”

Mr. Burton looked down at the cage sitting on his desk and the tiny girl inside it. Although Karen was only a few inches tall, her attitude was just as overinflated as ever. Even being reduced to a literal teacher’s pet had done little to curtail her entitlement.

Mr. Burton responded by pulling a granola bar out of the bag, earning a sour scoff from the pint sized princess. He ripped the wrapper off of the bar and dropped it onto the floor of the cage. The size of the bar dwarfed Karen, easily big enough that she could have crawled onto it and use it as a bed. She approached it and gave it a dissatisfied appraisal.

“It doesn’t even have fruit pieces this time!”

Despite her disappointment, she reached out and pulled a handful off of the bar and began to chew the oversized collection of grains.

“Just pace yourself. That has to last you a whole weekend,” Mr. Burton stated cheerfully as he threw the wrapper in the trash. Karen responded by flicking him off with her free hand. She was more than aware that this would be her only food for the next few days. It was more than enough, but days of nothing but granola bar got really old really fast. Add to that the boring monotony of sitting in an unused classroom, having to go almost three days without having her cage cleaned, and being stuck in the dark when the sun went down all made her detest weekends.

Nothing to do but eat, sleep, run on her wheel, and play with herself. Granted, that was basically what she did even when there were people around, but the activity of the school day at least broke up her boredom.

Mr. Burton continued his end of the week routine. Sign out of the computer, gather the book reports to grade over the weekend, check Karen’s water bottle, and head for the door. He looked back at his pet taking another handful of granola and gave a little wave.

“Have a good weekend, Karen,” he said sweetly.

“Fuck you,” Karen said through a full mouth.

She watched as her owner flipped off the lights and closed the door. The sound of keys and the latching of the lock signaled her weekend had begun. Nothing to do but settle in and wait for Monday.


Anal Bitch quivered as she felt the hot load fill her tight asshole. Slut Ass was greedily swallowing it, and she could feel it moving up into her bowels. She gave a content sigh and gently pushed the guy away from her.  His dick slid out of her back door with a loud pop and a moan of protest from Slut Ass.

Anal Bitch sympathized with her ass. Anytime she didn’t have something fulling her, she felt empty and needy. Butt plugs and toys only went so far. Feeling a hot, rock hard cock filling her perpetually aroused ass was the only time she felt any true relief. She was lucky to have landed such a perfect job as the school’s Anal Stress Servicer. She got to spend all day getting plowed by students in desperate need of stress relief.

But now it was the weekend, and she had two full days off. While the free time was nice, she was disappointed to miss out on a readily available supply of partners literally lining up to fill her sphincter. She turned around, thinking about offering her last patron another round, but he was already rushing out the door. She let out a huff of disappointment. Nerdy boys were always so eager to fuck, but they were always too nervous to carry on a conversation with her and would inevitably rushed off.

It’s a shame, too. He was actually pretty well hung, she mused remorsefully to herself.

She reach behind her and wiped her hand up her ass crack. Like the good little asshole it was, Slut Ass hadn’t let a single drop escape its plump lips. It even gave her fingers a playful kiss as they ran across it. Anal Bitch gave it a playful tap, sending a pulse of longing through their shared body. She was just bending over to pick up her yoga pants when a knock came at the door behind her.

“Hi, Jaqi!” Slut Ass called out merrily. Anal Bitch stood up, smothering Slut Ass’ mouth between her butt cheeks and turned to face the new visitor. “Afternoon, Jaqi,” she said politely.

“Hello, Anal Bitch,” the newcomer said cheerfully. “Ready for the weekend?”

“Getting there. Just wrapped up my last servicing of the day. Just need to get dressed and head home.”

“Any plans for the weekend?”

“None, at the moment.”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my place.”

“Oh. Well, that might be nice. What did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking of stripping you naked and furiously making out with your ass.”

The two stared at each other in silence for several moments until they both started to giggle. None of them saw anything at all unusual about their circumstances. The power of the stone had altered all of them beyond recognition.

Slut Ass had been a normal girl before she had being warped into a perpetually horny asshole and was fused to a classmate’s body. Even her and Anal Bitch’s original names had been wiped from all of reality as a whimsical joke.

Much like Anal Bitch and Slut Ass, Jaqi was also a combination of multiple people. Two students and a teacher had been fused into a single person, with all of the physical and mental traits Jon found most desirable in them being used to create the new person. She had also been altered by the stone to have her sexual fetish change each day.

Today, her greatest sexual thrill was to eat ass. This had caused ripple through reality, leading to her and Anal Bitch becoming well acquainted as they indulged each other’s desires. However, come the next morning, Jaqi’s fetish would shift again and their relationship would disappear into the ether.

But at the moment, they were eager to share each other’s company.

“I like the sound of that. I hope your tongue doesn’t get a cramp,” Anal Bitch said playfully. She turned around and presented her back to the beautiful woman before bending over again to retrieve her pants. In her current position, her butt cheeks spread enough to fully reveal Slut Ass. Jaqi strode forward and gracefully fell to her knees before the ample posterior. She planted a sloppy wet kiss on the asshole’s plump lips which the girl-turned-body-party enthusiastically returned. Jaqi’s hands rested on the plush asscheeks as she pushed deeper into the face hiding in its crack. Their tongues danced and Anal Bitch hummed in pleasure as she felt the pleasure from the teacher making out with her sensitive ass radiate through her.

Without warning, Jaqi pulled away, a strand of saliva extending between her mouth and Slut Ass’ mouth. Its expression showed it was still tingling with the pleasure of having a tongue teasing its insides. A wall of spandex covered its face as Anal Bitch pulled up her yoga pants.

“Tease. Slut Ass is going to be aching the entire way back to your place.”

“That was the idea,” Jaqi said with a wink. “Let’s go.”

The pair stepped out into the hallway. Anal Bitch didn’t even bother locking her door, since the room was practically empty of anything of value. The only thing she needed for work was her juicy ass. Just outside the door, Booby looked up at them from her place on the floor.

“Heading out, you two?”

Anal Bitch nodded. “Yep. Another week do-“

Her voice caught in her throat as a noticeable bulge slid up her esophagus. She opened her mouth wide and a large, pink, silicone dildo slid out. She grasped the saliva covered toy firmly and gave it a yank, dislodging it from her throat.

“Excuse me. As I was going to say, another week down.”

Booby and Jaqi eyed the toy longingly, the power of the stone filling them with a desire to pleasure themselves with it. Anal Bitch smiled and handed the dildo to Booby, knowing she’d be coughing up something she could give to Jaqi before the night was over.

“Here you go, Booby. Have a great weekend!”

“Thanks, Anal Bitch! Have a fun weekend, you two!”

“Oh, I’m planning on it,” Jaqi said with a sly grin. She gave Anal Bitch a hard slap to her ample posterior, causing the girl to gasp and then giggle. As the two walked away arm in arm, Booby didn’t pay them any attention. She was too enamored with her new toy. It would help pass the time since she was planted to the hallway floor and wouldn’t have anything else to do until Monday when a new lined gathered to fuck Anal Bitch in her Slut Ass


The school parking lot was absolutely gridlocked. Everyone fighting over every inch of asphalt, all with the goal of making it out of the parking lot as quickly as possible. Tara stared out the passenger window at the bumper-to-bumper traffic and wondered if this was really better than taking the bus. When Katherine’s parents had gotten her a car, it had seemed like the best thing ever. Sure, it was a piece of junk, but it was a car! No more waiting around at a bus stop on rainy days, having more time in the morning, and not having to deal with the crowds of classmates taking up all the good seats.

That was all great in theory, but was the trade off really any better? Instead she now had to deal Katherine constantly being late to pick her up, no air conditioning, and parking lot congestion.

Could this get any worse?

The sound of a CD feeding into the radio made Tara’s heart sink.

It’s worse.

The sounds of rapid techno beats poured out of the car’s few working speakers, joined shortly by a guitar, then drums. Tara pinched the bridge of her nose, knowing what was coming next. The music built, growing louder and louder, until it paused for a beat. Next to her, Katherine took a deep breath. A beat later, the music erupted at full tilt, this time joined by five female vocalist singing their hearts out.

In Japanese.

That didn’t stop Katherine from trying to join in. J-Pop had become her recent obsession, and she listened to it constantly whenever she was driving. Much to Tara’s chagrin. The driver was trying to sing along, but between her terrible sense of keeping the beat, not knowing what the actual words were and trying to just sound them out phonetically, the overly enthusiastic singer constantly jumping between the different tones the five girls in the band were all singing at, and the car’s terrible speakers, it was nothing but a mess of squawking gibberish.

The rest of her car woes Tara could have dealt with, but not this. She had often requested a change of music, but Katherine would just assure her that she hadn’t listened to it enough to realize how great it was. Maybe that was even true, but she’d never know with the sound of Katherine butchering it every time she turned it on. 

“Geez,” she whispered under her breath, “I wish she at least sounded like them.”


Instantaneously, the sound in the car was much different. Ten voices sang out in perfect harmony. Five from the radio, five from Katherine. As she sang, five voices flowed out of her one mouth, all perfectly mirroring the performance of the group on the radio. It was almost like two radios right next to each other playing the exact same album. Tara sat back and listed to her friend, glad that she was singing instead of-

Half of the vocals stopped as Katherine turned and looked at Tara. Her mouth began to move, but the sound of five voices speaking over each other at different volumes and speeds made her impossible to understand. Tara held up her hand, signaling her to stop, before reaching over and turning down the radio.

“Katherine, please, you know it’s difficult to understand you if you don’t harmonize.”

Katherine mouthed “sorry” before clearing her throat and taking a breath. “Do you want to go to the mall?” she sang out in five voices, all with a thick Japanese accent. Tara smile. “Sounds like a perfect start to the weekend,” Tara replied with a smile.

If we ever get out of this parking lot…


Slut shuffled her way down the sidewalk, lost in a shocked haze. The things she had done today replayed over and over in her mind. She had performed sexual acts she had never even imagined before today, much less would have considered doing. Each time she found a new low of self deprivation, she would find a new way to demean herself even more. And when she reached a particularly debaucherous memory, she would feel her legs quiver and her pussy spasm. She had already cum three times on the walk home, leaving puddles on the sidewalk in her wake.

She had considered not going home. Running away. Better her parents never know what happened to her rather than see what she had become. But then her new impulses kicked in. She could feel her brain rewiring itself. She wanted them to see what she was. Needed them so see. And so, like well used sexual zombie, she shuffled home.

As she reached her front door, she briefly considered sneaking in, going upstairs, and getting cleaned up before her mother spotted her. But wouldn’t it be so much more wicked if she saw you in all of your spent glory? a voice in her head urged. The voice had whispered to her all day, making suggestions to further denigrate herself. The more she fought the desire to demean herself, the more the desire consumed her. The voice had even convinced her to abandon her memory of her old name. Now, she only saw herself as “Slut.” She couldn’t fight it. Fighting it only made her want to listen to it more. Before she even realized that she had opened the door and stepped inside, she found herself letting out a yell.

“Mom! I’m home!”

The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor made her freeze in place. Her mother stepped around the corner and took in the sight of her daughter. Her hair was a mess, ruffled with the telltale signs of heavy petting and caked in dried fluids. Her makeup was smeared and disheveled. Her shirt was barely hanging to her, stretched out by clawing hands and covered in stains. Her skirt was pulled up to expose that she was not wearing any panties. She wore only one shoe.

Her shame was on full display. She braced herself for her mother’s judgment, and the new levels of pleasure it would ignite within her.

“Hi, Sweetie! How was school?”

Slut was shocked. Of all other reactions she had expected, she had never even considered this. She was covered in cum, reeked of sex, and her arousal was clearly dripping down her legs. She looked like she had just stepped off of a porn set, and her mother was simply smiling at her warmly.

She was trying to think of an explanation, some sort of justification for her current state. She tried to think of anything when the voice directed her again.

Tell her. Tell her everything her dear, sweet daughter did at school today.

“Well, the day started pretty slow. Went to first period and it was boring. Went to the bathroom after that and ended up fucking someone. Don’t even remember who it was. That lasted all of second hour. After that I got pulled into a random classroom and got gang banged. I had every hole filled with cock. I was doing my best to finish off the rest of the class with my hands. I even got a couple guys off with my feet. I gave one of them my shoe as a memento. I got everyone off except for five students, but I ran out of time.

“At lunch, I deep throated a hot dog after I had it shoved inside my cummy pussy. Then a girl asked me if I’d rather eat something else, so I spent the rest of lunch munching on her delicious slit in front of everyone. I made it to my next class, and Mr. Levi asked me to suck him off. I made sure to take my time and make it last. I edged him so long the class ended and I kept sucking him off for the next class period, too.

“He blew the biggest load ever into my whore mouth. I couldn’t even swallow all of it. See this stain here? That was all of his gooey jizz that dribbled down my chin. After that, I went back to the bathroom. When I got there, I bumped into this shy girl who told me she had never had sex before. I offered to get her off but she said no. But the guys in the bathroom next door were a lot more eager, so I got to be fucked in the ass again. I love the feeling of having my tight little hole stretched out. So now I’m going to go upstairs and finger myself while I shove the handle of my hairbrush up my back door.”

Her mother looked at her with shock and disbelief. “Wait a minute…”

Slut squeezed her legs together, loving the reaction she had gotten out of her mother. Yes. Yes, tell me what a whore I am!

“Are you telling me you actually made it to two classes today? Oh, Sweetie! I’m so proud of you! That might be a record! Don’t let me hold you up. Go enjoy your hairbrush and I’ll send any visitors that stop by up to see you. I’ll make sure to prepare something you can eat while even if you’re preoccupied, just in case.”

Slut was so shocked that even the voice was momentarily silent. “Th-thanks, mom.” She walked past her mother, unable to believe what had happened to her. Just this morning, life had been normal. And now… now this was who she was. And nobody else, not even her own mother, thought anything of it.

Finger yourself in front of her, the voice whispered. Slut let out a groan as her hand snapped between her legs and three of her fingers entered her slick cunt.

“Have fun, Sweetie,” her mother called after her.


Chad burst through his front door and quickly locked it behind him before running down the hall to his room. He had at best forty-five minutes before his parents got home so he had to work fast. He entered his room, cursing the fact that his door didn’t have a lock, and threw his backpack in the corner. He darted to his closet and opened the door to reveal a heap of junk. While it look like it had been haphazardly tossed inside, it was actually meticulously placed to make a hidden cache that could be easily accessed by moving aside a couple shirts and rotating shoe box so it would keep the pile from collapsing. He pushed aside a stack of titty mags and reached for his prize.

The plastic shopping bag he pulled out rustled in his hands. He moved to the bed and turned the bag upside down, spilling its contents. He let the bag fall to the floor and shifted his attention to the pink pile of latex now sitting in the middle of his bed. He grasped it, gave it a couple flicks to spread it out, and flipped it over. Finding the valve, he quickly started to blow as quickly as he could. Breath by breath, the form begun to expand. Limbs took shape, mounds filled out, and the form became erect. After several minutes, the blowup doll was ready.

Its body was bubblegum pink, its hands and feet were barely defined stumps. Its tits were massive and capped with painted on nipples that were flat against the plastic. Between its perpetually spread legs was a gaping hole that barely resembled a actual vagina. Only two things stood out about the love toy: how absurdly cheap it was, and that it was topped with a guy’s flesh and blood head.

“Dude! You look super pent up, bro,” the doll said. Chad was already rapidly discarding his clothes, the task made more difficult by how lightheaded he was from inflating the doll as quickly as possible.

“I have been horny all fucking day,” Chad said as he moved back to his hidden compartment. “Allison Myers?” the doll asked knowingly. Chad returned with a bottle of lube.

“Watching her shower after gym class always gets me so turned on. And it’s the first class of the day. I get to have that image in my head all day. And getting to see her again in the last class of the day only brings it back in full force!”

“That’s what I’m here for, bro. I can be your Allison.”

Chad slathered his dick with a copious glob of lube and moved towards the bed, both him and the doll completely unaware that only hours ago they had been best friends. After Dylan tried flirting with an unreceptive Jen, she had wished for him to become his best friend’s blowup doll. He now existed as a toy to relieve Chad’s built up frustrations.

Chad lined up his prick with the waiting hole and clumsily slid it in. “Dude! You’re so big,” the Dylan-doll exclaimed. In truth, Chad was considerably below average, but it was the only dick the transformed love toy had ever experienced. Besides, a good doll should make sure to pleasure its owner as much as possible, both his junk and his ego.

Chad began to furiously pump away, the sounds if heavy breathing, a creaking bed frame, and the rubbing of latex filling the room.

“That’s it! Fill me up! Fill up your Allison!”

The encouragement triggered Chad and his body froze in place, burying his pecker to the hilt and emptying his load into the doll. He took short, heavy breaths as he rode the wave of orgasm. He had barely lasted over a minute, and couldn’t help but imagine that he’d be a huge disappointment to Allison if he ever did manage to get between her legs.

But for the moment, he was pleased with his lack of staying power. That meant he had plenty of time to-

“Chad! We’re home! Come help get dinner started!”

“Shit!” Chad hissed. His parents were home early! He quickly withdrew from the doll and swiftly popped the valve where its bellybutton would be. The air rushed out of the toy with a loud hiss as its body lost definition. He wiped off his dick with a dirty sock before hurrying to his closet and concealing his hidden compartment. The doll continued to deflate as he rushed to redress himself.

He grabbed the doll, which was now completely flat except for Daryl’s normal looking head, carefully gathered it into a ball, and chucked it under his bed for a temporary hiding spot. He brushed his hands through his hair, hoping that he didn’t look too disheveled or flushed from cumming only a couple minutes prior, and stepped out of his room.

Under the bed, the Dylan-doll hoped its owner would remember to clean it out before it got too crusty again.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Friday Afternoon

“Sorry we couldn’t meet up this weekend, babe. Trust me, being with you would have been so much better than going with the family to my grandparents’.”

Kayleigh smiled into the phone. “I wish I could have seen you, too. The week’s finally done and we don’t even get to spend any of the weekend together.”

“I know, but I’ll be spending the while time thinking about you.”

Kayleigh couldn’t help but blush. She loved how Trevor fawned over her. “Really?”

“Of course! Weekday, weekend, home, grandparents’, doesn’t matter. I’m always thinking about you.”

“I bet I can guess what you’re thinking about,” she teased. A melodramatic gasped sounded on the other end of the line, making her giggle.

“How can you suggest such a thing? You’re funny, smart, and amazing. But the fact that you’re beautiful is a huge bonus.”

She looked up towards her bedroom mirror, taking in her reflection. The girl looking back was short and thin with curly, fire red hair that refused to be tamed. She had no hips or chest to speak of, especially not when compared to most of the other girls in school. She had actually been shocked when Trevor asked her out a couple months ago.

“I don’t know about all of that, Trevor.”

The voice on the phone became serious. “Kayleigh, I keep telling you, you’re more amazing than you give yourself credit for. I wish you saw yourself the way I see you.”


Kayleigh sat transfixed, her reflection drawing her undivided attention. Her eyes danced across her features. Her wild hair framed her round face perfectly. Her green eyes were hypnotic. Her cherub cheeks and button nose were dusted with freckles. Her t-shirt clung to her wonderfully thin body, her perfect little boobs making enticing mounds underneath it.

She was so damn hot.

“Kayleigh? Kayleigh? Are you there?”

Kayleigh looked down at the phone in her hand, annoyed to be torn away from admiring herself. “Uh, yeah. I’m here. Who was this again?”

“Uh, yeah, it’s Trevor. From history class?”

“Oh. Right. Was there homework or something?”

“No. No, I just, well… I was wondering if maybe you’d, you know, like to go out sometime?”

Kayleigh looked back at herself. She was obviously a catch. Anyone would want to have her, after all. But… she couldn’t see herself being with anyone. Everyone else didn’t ignite any kind of spark in her. Nobody else was… her.

“Um, sorry, Trevor. I’m… not really interested.”

“Oh,” the disappointed voice replied.

Kayleigh flipped the phone shut without another word. The call had been nothing but a distraction. It was the weekend, and she had herself all to herself. She stood up and approached the mirror, staring deep into her own eyes. She closed her eyes and leaned in, pressing her lips against the smooth glass. Her lips looked so soft, so kissable. How she longed for a way to experience the thrill of kissing herself.

She pulled away, the mirror smeared with the outline of her puckered lips. She slowly, sensually, pulled her shirt up. The act caused her hair to flow and rustle. She loved how unique her hair was. But it was her chest that drew her attention. One of the girls at school had called her the president of the itty-bitty-titty-committee, but she didn’t know shit. Kayleigh’s boobs were perfect. They didn’t sag or wobble all over the place. They were perfect handfuls. She proved it by stripping off her bra and cupping them. The thrill of getting to hold such exquisite tits increased the flames of lust within her.

She rushed to the bed, making sure to look back to catch a glimpse of her tight little butt. She kept watching as she pulled down her pants and panties, loving the sight of her little rosebud and her lips peeking out from between her legs. She spun around and hopped on the bed, spreading her legs wide. The fiery red bush around her coochie matched her hair, and it drove her wild.

She reached down and parted her folds with a finger, feeling her arousal coating the digit. She hummed to herself as she slowly worked her finger in and out of herself, basking in the joy of being able to finger such an amazing slit. She pulled the finger out, and brought her hand to her face. She took a deep breath, savoring her aroma before wrapping her lips around the wet finger. As she sucked, she moved her other hand between her legs.

She looked at herself in the mirror, feeling so lucky that she was such an amazing, wonderful, sexy girl. She loved herself.


“What a day,” Brad said with a huff as he plopped down on the couch. April sat in the middle of the couch, sliding against her boyfriend and snuggling into his chest. “‘Day?’ Try ‘week.’ I thought the weekend was never going to get here.”

“I’m sorry, but did you get randomly picked for a demonstration in front of the whole class?”

“I don’t see what you’re complaining about. You did great! Even Madame Lee was impressed.”

Brad shrugged. “She was probably just being nice.”

“‘Nice?’ Brad, you sucked her off like a pro. Even swallowed and everything. I was so jealous.”

Brad perked up and looked down at her. “Really?”

“Mmhmm. Watching you go to town on her got me so hard. Hell, I’m getting hard now just thinking about it.” The small girl spread her legs. Within the confines of her tight denim jeans, a bulge was protruding down her right leg and was noticeably lengthening. Brad instinctively squeezed his thighs, feeling his libido awakening at the sight. “How about you give me a demonstration?”

“What if your parents come home?”

April waved a hand dismissively. “Tonight is ’date night.’ They’ll be gone for hours. Besides, this is us being good students and getting started early on our homework.”

Brad needed no additional encouragement. He stood up and April followed him, her erection pressing firmly against her pant leg. “I can’t wait to get out of these,” she said, unbuttoning the skinny jeans. Brad shook his head.

“I can’t believe you even fit in those. Why do you keep wearing them?”

“I haven’t heard you complaining,” she replied before sticking her tongue out at him and smiling. She pulled down the zipper and raised her hands up behind her head. She would let Brad do the honors. She knew how much he liked that.

Brad reached forward, hooked his thumbs in her empty belt loops, and shimmied the pants down. As they peeled off of her, inch after inch of dark girthy flesh was revealed. As the pants dropped past the tip, the freed monster shot up, wobbling in anticipation. Brad licked his lips, not even bothering to remove her panties, and lowered his mouth over the erect cock.

April moaned, one hand moving down to her chest, the other resting on the back of Brad’s head. He slowly bobbed up and down, listening to April’s grunts an moans. “So who’s is better: mine or Madame Lee’s?”

Brad pulled back, the cock popping out of his mouth with a wet slurp. “You really need to ask? You’re so much bigger.” April smiled. “Good boy. That’s the right answer,” she said playfully before pushing his head forward.

Brad continued to work his magic, April’s approval evident by her increasing volume. Brad was just getting ready to pick up the pace when April’s fingers clenched his hair, stopping him.


He looked up at her.

“What do you say we try something… different? I was looking ahead in the syllabus and thought we might try something… advanced.”

“What were you thinking?”

April side stepped and walked behind Brad. She gently pushed him forward so he was still on his knees but his upper body resting on the couch. April hugged his waist, reaching for his belt and zipper. She quickly undid his pants and began to pull them down. Taking her lead, he shifter his legs to let remove his pants. They did the same for his boxers, revealing the dripping pussy between his legs.

Like April, the skin tone of his privates did not match the rest of her body. But as where April had a mammoth black dick protruding between her alabaster white legs, Brad had a tan pussy with dark lips between his. The two were unsuspecting victims of Jon’s wish from first hour.

Not only had Ms. Lee’s civics class become a sex class, everyone who had been in the room at that moment was cursed to swap genitals with their partner whenever either of them reached orgasm while they were in that classroom during first hour. While Brad had been eating out Madame Lee, April had been going down on Grant Jefferson, captain of the basketball team. When Madame Lee and Grant came, they switched body parts with Brad and April. Now, April had a cock that belonged on a 6’7” black guy and Brad had an asian woman’s slit between his legs. 

And nobody saw anything unusual about that.

April stripped off her panties, relishing the sensation of her heavy balls dangling freely beneath her rod. She moved behind her boyfriend and rubbed her tip against Brad’s folds, teasing him. He let out a hum and pushed back, urging her forward. She placed one hand at the top of his ass, gripped her shaft in the other, and slid forward. Brad let out a high pitched moan as he felt himself being filled. “April! You’re so big!”

“And you’re so fucking tight,” she growled as she thrust forward again. The two started slow and sensual, but soon Brad’s moans and cries urged April on, and she couldn’t resist but increased her pace and force. Soon, she was slamming her proud dick into her boyfriend’s sopping wet cunt while he moaned like a bitch in heat.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Keep doing that! Keep-“

Brad’s body quaked. His toes curled, he squeezed the couch cushions in his hands, his body twitched uncontrollably, and he let out a series of short gasps as his eyes rolled in his head. Watching her boyfriend cum sent April over the edge, and she stuffed as much of her shaft into him as she could before her own orgasm hit a moment later.

A torrent of jizz was unleashed into the stuffed pussy. It soon began to leak out and drip on the floor between the two lovers. But they paid it little attention. They were basking in the afterglow, their bodies still entwined. Eventually, April’s dick went flaccid and she pulled it out of Brad, causing more cum to drip out of his used folds. April sat on the floor, watching as Brad turned over and sat on the floor with her, leaning up against her the couch behind him. April watched as her seed kept dripping out from between her boyfriend’s legs. It made her feel… proud.

“Maybe we should see what else Madame Lee has planned for this semester,” Brad said, still trying to catch his breath. April smiled, crawled to him on her hands and knees, and gave him a kiss.

Unfortunately, when looking ahead at the lesson plan, April had skipped right past the section covering “protection.” As a result, she had unknowingly just impregnated her boyfriend. It would still be weeks before any signs would begin to show, but by the time there’s no telling who would have to deal with it. After all, they had class with Madame Lee each day of the week, and whenever someone during class made Brad orgasm or vise-versa, they would swap with him, and so on, and so on. Melinda Lee’s pregnant womb would continue to be passed around the class, and whoever possessed it would believe that it had always been theirs.


“Barb! I’ve told you to stay out of my closet!”

Barb jumped and spun around, caught red handed with a fashionable white top still in her hands while an empty hanger swung accusingly in the open closet. She froze like a deer in headlights as the taller girl walked forward and snatched the garment away from her.

“C’mon, Cassandra! I got a date tonight with Dan! I want to look good!”

“As if I care! You keep taking my clothes and stretching them out! Go find something that will actually fit you and stop taking mine!”

Barb’s composure withered under her sister’s onslaught. It was true, Barb was bigger than her sister. Not that Beth was fat, but her extra pounds made her look practically obese next the her rail-thin, cheerleader sister. The two could not have been any different: Cassandra was prim and poised, Beth was relaxed and frumpy. Cassandra was an accomplished athlete, Beth was a book nerd. Cassandra was a knockout, Beth was plain.

“Cassandra, please. This is the first time I’ve been asked out. I want to look good. Could I please-“


Tears welled in her eyes and she bolted from the room and retreated to her own bedroom. She went to her disheveled closet and looked over her options, knowing what she would find: nothing. Nothing fashionable, nothing cute, nothing complementary, nothing enticing. Nothing.

Meanwhile back in Cassandra’s closet, there was nothing but amazing clothes! She just needed one top! Anything would be better than what Beth had available.

“Dammit, Cassandra! I wish you would let me borrow whatever I wanted!”


Beth’s eyes dried immediately and she casually turned and walked back to Cassandra’s room.

“Hey, sis. I’ve got a date tonight, so I’m just gonna borrow a few things.”

Cassandra perked up and spun around, worry on her face. “Wha-what are you taking this time?”

Beth nonchalantly strolled to her big sister’s closet and began to rifle through the clothing. She went from one end to the other, but seemed unsure of herself. Beth finally gave a small shrug.

“Well, first things first, I guess. I need to borrow your fashion sense.”

Cassandra let out a sigh. She instantaneously lost all knowledge of fashion, outfit combinations, and trends. At least she had already dressed to go out. She wouldn’t have had the foggiest idea about how to put together the killer outfit she was currently wearing now that her fashion sense was gone.

Meanwhile, Beth was no longer casually going through the closet, but was going straight for specific articles. She tossed a top, a pair of pants, a fashionable belt, and some shoes onto Cassandra’s bed. Beth followed and spread the ensemble out to get a better looks at it. Even at a casual glance, there was no way it would fit Beth. At least not as she was. Cassandra started to get nervous and looked at her younger sister.

“Beth, is there something else you can wear? I was going to go out with some girls from the squad tonight and-“

“Sorry, sis. I really wanna make a good impression on my date. Don’t worry, I’ll give everything back in the morning. Now let’s see… I’m going to need your BMI, your height, your shoe size, you can keep your boob size but I want the perkiness of yours, that cute way you sway your hips when you walk, your soft hair along with its length, and your flirting skills. Hmm… aaaaaand your french kissing skills too. I’m expecting this date to go well.”

Cassandra reeled as her body shifted and her mind lost entire archives of techniques and memories. She felt her clothes get tighter, her shoes loosen, her hair shriveling up into an unkempt bird’s nest, her boobs sag, and all of her sexuality and confidence evaporate. She basically looked like and older version of her sister. At least Beth had kept her eyesight this time.

“Oh! And your perfect eyesight!”

The world went fuzzy and Cassandra saw a blur enter her field of vision, she reached forward and accepted Beth’s glasses. She put them on and the world came back into focus. She looked down and saw her amazing outfit being stretched out by the frumpy body she now possessed.

“You might want to get those clothes off before you ruin them. If you still plan on going out, you can borrow some of mine. I’ll even pick something out for you that looks decent. But let me know soon. I need to get dressed and do my makeup before Brian gets here.”

Cassandra watched as Beth gathered up the clothes on the bed and moved quickly out of the room, her hips swaying hypnotically as she left. Cassandra let out a defeated sigh and began to removing her clothes while trying to not stretch them out further.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Rude Awakening

A soft, persistent ringing broke the silence of the still bedroom. In the bed, a figure stirred. Droopy eyelids parted and the sheets rose as a heavy breath filled waking lungs. A gentle, feminine moan on the exhale caused a stirring in Jon’s cock. He could feel his naked rod hardening and pushing up on the soft sheets. He tried to remember through his sleep addled memory who he had gone to bed with. Lisa? Toy? A random fling? Didn’t matter. The voice sounded sexy and he couldn’t wait to hear it moaning again.

He smiled and turned over, expecting to find an available lover laying next to him. A shifting weight on his chest and long hair brushing against his face roused him more from his slumber. He cracked open his eyes and looked down. Two massive mounds filled his vision. He smiled wider and reached towards the heavenly flesh. Two small hands entered his vision, and when they firmly grasped the tits, a jolt of pleasure radiated through his chest.

Jon’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. He felt the weight on his chest shift with him and watched as the breasts came to rest, pointing proudly outward. He felt long hair dance along his shoulders and back, causing him to shudder.

“What the-“ he started, but it was the feminine voice that spoke his words. Her words.


Memories came rushing back. Her wish, her body, her embarrassment, her new reality. She wasn’t Jon anymore. She was Jen.

The gentle chime drew her attention away from her body.

“What the fuck is that?” she asked in frustration.

“Attention, User,” a cold, mechanical voice announced as the pinging ceased. “A visitor is at the main gate.”


“Affirmative, User.”

Jen looked around, unable to spot the cheerleader-turned-android. “Where are you?”

“My hardware is currently located in your personal study. I am utilizing the estate’s home interface, as per your current preferences.”

Jen looked around the room, the sound drawing her to a series of small speakers that were cunningly concealed in the walls around the room. “Attention, User. A visitor is at the main gate,” the voice repeated.

“Who is it?”

“Fiona Chambers.”

“Fiona? Who the hell is-“


Confusion and shame burned away as rage ignited in Jen’s soul. That bitch had tricked her. Betrayed her! Convinced her that they were friends only to throw her to the wolves and humiliate her! Jen may be stuck as a girl, but Fiona would end up as something much worse!

“Send her in,” Jen said in a cold, malicious voice.

“Affirmative, User.”

The room returned to silence. Jen pulled back the covers and stood up. Her tits and cock swayed with her movements. She moved to her discarded clothes, checking the purse to make sure the stone was still there. A devious grin spread across her face as she spotted the magical object.

What should I do to you? Perhaps Pervert would like a friend to join her in being an uncontrollable slut? Or maybe I should make you a tampon. Oh! Maybe I’ll just turn you into a cloud and watch you float away!

“Uh… Jen?”

Only when the voice spoke up did Jen realize she was actually beginning to cackle maniacally. She looked down between her cleavage and saw her cock looking up at her with concern. “What are you planing?”

“Just a little payback on my dear, sweet friend,” she responded. The look of terror on her penis’ face caught her off guard. “Jen! Please! I don’t know what happened today, but just hear her out. This could all just be a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding?!” Jen snapped. Her prick seemed like it wanted to recoil, but it was firmly mounted in place.

“Just… please. Before you do anything that can’t be undone. Please, just listen to what she has to say. I doubt she came here to gloat.” Jen considered its words. It would be so easy to just fuck with her. Make her pay for what she did. She felt calmness pass over her, and gave a huff.

“Fine. I’ll listen to what she says. Maybe she will give me an idea of what I can do to her as an ironic punishment.”

Her cock’s expression softened, but it still seemed stressed. “Thank you. Also, you should probably get ready before she gets here.”  Jen attention shifted back up to her exposed chest and she let out a huff. She was still standing naked in the middle of her room. She looked at the tattered clothes she had ripped off earlier and realized they were unwearable.


Looking around they room, Jen spotted the wardrobe placed where the door to the walk-in closet had been when she was Jon. She threw the purse on the bed, wanting to keep the stone within easy reach, and moved to the wardrobe. When she opened it, she was disappointed to find it filled with sleeping attire. Nighties, various pieces of lingerie, and a robe made of sheer, rose pink silk.

Jen considered using the stone to wish for clothes, but she was still scared about making wishes directed at herself. What if she accidentally made it so she could only wear one set of clothing? No, better not risk it. She grabbed the robe and threw it on. The material felt good on her soft skin, but it clearly outlined her nipples and dick beneath it.

It doesn’t matter. Fiona won’t be around long anyways. At least not as she is.

Jen’s devilish smile returned. She walked back across the room, planning on sitting on the large couch by the fireplace. However, she caught sight or her reflection in the vanity and it gave her an idea.

Maybe I’ll turn her into some makeup. A tube of lipstick? Some eye shadow? Maybe a bottle of perfume. Yes, that might do wonderfully.

She moved to the seat in front of the mirrors and sat down. She looked over all of the various bottles and cases, trying to memorize them so she knew which one was Fiona after she was changed. The ding of a bell sounding in the hallway beyond her closed doors pulled her attention away from the cosmetics. The elevator had arrived on her floor. She didn’t hear the elevator doors open, but did hear the sound of footsteps moving closer.

tap tap

A gentle, timid knock sounded from the door.

“Jen. It’s me. Can I come in?”

“Come in,” Jen commanded. The door knob turned and one of the double doors opened slowly inward. When it was just wide enough, Fiona timidly stepped in.


Upon seeing her face to face, all of the memories of the cafeteria flooded back. Jen’s composure cracked. She frowned deeply and stared daggers at Fiona. The girl recoiled and looked away.

“What the FUCK, Fiona?!”

She reacted as if she’d been slapped. “Jen, I-“

“You what?! Didn’t get enough fun earlier and decided to stop by for more?!”

“I- What?! No! I was worried! About you! That- I didn’t do that!”

“Oh! So you didn’t set me up?! ‘Sorry you’re having a bad day! We’ll get lunch with the girls! Your friends will cheer you up!’” Jen shouted mockingly. Fiona’s mouth quivered as tears filled her eyes.

“It’s not like that!”

Jen scoffed and rolled her eyes, she erupted from her chair and moved to the bed. She picked up the purse and turned to face her so-called friend. “You know what? I don’t believe you in the slightest. And now, I’m done with you.”

She flipped the top of her purse open, the stone exposed to her. From the door, Fiona was weeping hysterically, as if knowing how much danger she was in. “Jen! Please! What can I do to make you believe me! I’ll do anything! There has to be something I can do to prove it!”

Jen hesitated, her fingers almost on the stone. She looked up. “Ok. You want to prove it? Fine. Fiona, honestly, why the fuck did you treat me like shit in the cafeteria?!”

Fiona’s demeanor instantly changed. Her hands unclasped at her chest and fell limply to her sides. She stopped sobbing, but residual tears still streamed down her face. She looked blankly into Jen’s eyes.

“I didn’t treat you like shit. I was trying to help you.”

Jen froze. She knew Fiona was telling the truth. She had to while in the questioning trance. But Jen couldn’t believe it. She had purposely brought her to that table of bitches!

“How could you tell me those girls were my friends and then let them do that to me? Is that what best friends do? How does that help me?!”

“I never said they were your friends. They’re just who you hang out with. And we’re not best friends. You’re my best friend. And I was trying to distract them with prom so they’d leave you alone. Instead, it gave them something else to mock you about. I didn’t want that.”

Jen stared at Fiona. She replayed their conversations through her head and realized she was right. She only ever called them “the girls” and never “friends.” And what did she mean they weren’t best friends? She closed the purse and put it on the bed behind her.

“Fiona, can you explain all of this to me?”

“You’re my best friend, because I don’t really have any other friends. We met in elementary school and hung out together, but you were always better than me. Prettier, richer, more popular. I was always in your shadow. I was like an accessory to you. As we got older, it only became stronger. People didn’t see me. They saw the girl who hung out with you. You’re my best friend, but I’m your lackey. I’m window dressing to you.

“You care about your image. Your social status. You hang out with those girls because you all boost each other’s prestige. You’re all super catty to one another, but you’re the queen bitch. They’ve got nothing on you and they all know it. I thought meeting up with them would be no big deal. You’ve always taken charge and put them in their place before. This was the first time they saw any weakness in you, and they went after you. When I saw what was happening, I tried to intervene. But it backfired. By the time I got the guts to chase after you, you had left school.”

Jen was fighting back tears. This wasn’t the life she wanted. She remembered being a nerdy boy with no friends. The type of guy who girls like this picked on. And now she was one of them.

“What am I going to do now?” she asked morosely.

“Whatever you want.”

Jen looked at Fiona, who was still locked in her trance. “What do you mean?”

“You can do whatever you want. You’re beautiful, beyond rich, everyone adores the ground you walk on. You have the world on a silver platter.”

“Do… do you know about the stone?”

“No. You wouldn’t dare trust me with something like that. I’m completely clueless about it. But even without it, you have everything you need to do whatever you want.”

Jen reflected on her words… and realized she was right. Sure, she was a girl now. But she was also super hot. It would take a little… a lot… to get used to it, but she was better off than a lot of others who had been transformed. She was also richer than she could have ever imagined being in her original life. And she still had the stone.

“I believe you.”

Fiona immediately returned to crying before her sobs caught in her throat. “Wha-what?”

“I… believe you, Fiona. I know you didn’t want to hurt me.”

Fiona let out another sob, but this one was of relief. She rushed forward and gave Jen a hug, catching her off guard. She awkwardly wrapped her arms around the girl and patted her back. Between her legs, her dick started to firm up. Fiona must have noticed it too, because she stopped crying. After a moment, she bashfully pulled away and looked away with a blush.

“Thanks for stopping over,” Jen said while also looking away. Fiona looked up at her and gave a small smile. “Sure. What are friends for?” Fiona must have caught the slight pained expression on Jen’s face, because her smile evaporated. “Do… do you want me to leave?”

“I… I really don’t know what I want.”

Fiona gave another kind smile and took Jen’s hands in hers. “Well, I think I know what you need.”

Jen’s heart raced at Fiona’s touch, and she felt her cock beginning to press against robe.

“Hey, V.I.C.-E.!” Fiona said, looking upward. Jen couldn’t tell if she was trying to talk towards the speakers, or was trying to look away from her rising bulge.

“Responding, Guest-Fiona,” came the synthetic voice through the speakers.

“Tell Renee to load up and head up to Jen’s room.”

“Acknowledged, Guest-Fiona.”


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Friday Evening

“Welcome to General Burger, home of the Four Star Burger.  May I take your order?”

Evan stepped up to the counter, barely able to look the clerk in the eye. It was just his luck that it would work out this way. Three clerks, and a line of hungry customers on a busy Friday night. He had been so focused on the menu that he hadn’t noticed who was working, and by the time he did it was too late to leave without making things awkward. He had quickly counted the number of customers in front of him and relaxed when he thought that he would be called up to a different teller. But one customer was taking her sweet time and the next customers ended up being a group. That left him coming face to face with Gwen.

She had given the franchise standard greeting and was now staring at him. Waiting. His words caught in his throat. He’d had a crush on her ever since he’d spotted her walking down the hallway at school. She had long brunette hair, soft features, and amazing lips. He always felt himself melt whenever she walked past him. And now she was staring at him.

“I… I, um… I…” he sputtered.

Gwen cocked her head slightly, wonder what the hell was wrong with this guy. She thought she might have seen him around school, but she couldn’t be sure. He just looked like any other scrawny guy. She’d seen dozens like him already since she had started her shift. They all kind of blended together.

“Would you like to have the Four Star burger?” she offered. The strange guy nodded enthusiastically.

“A combo?”

Another nod.

“What to drink?”

Another nod.

Gwen stared at him for a moment before glancing down at her screen. She punched in the code for a diet, caffeine-free soda. She didn’t know if the guy was having a rough day or was about to have some sort of medical emergency, but she didn’t think he needed any sugar or caffeine at the moment. She composed herself and look back up at the weirdo.

“That’ll be $7.85.”

Evan extended a shaky hand with a $10 bill in it. As he passed it to Gwen, their fingers touched.

And that was all it took for Gwen's wish induced transformation to take effect. Evan had gone to the party hoping to get enough liquid courage to ask Gwen out. Instead, he had watched her from afar all night, cursing his own cowardice even as his longing grew more and more lustful as he downed drink after drink. He final spoke his desire into a half filled glass off beer before he passed out:

“I wish I could make her totally wet just by touching her.”

The wish Jon had put in place changed an off-handed desire into reality. As Evan and Gwen’s fingers touched, a ripple of electricity seemed to flow into the girl. She started twitching and quivering violently. She barely had time to moan a throaty “Oh!”

And that’s when she melted.

Gwen's entire body instantaneously converted from flesh and bone into liquid. And not just any liquid, but her own grool. Her body lost definition as her gooey mass lost all stability and she dropped like an overturned barrel of lube. She splattered against the counter and the floor in a wet slap, drawing everyone’s attention. Evan looked down at his hand, the money damp with a slimy sheen. He dropped the money and backed away.

A slighter older guy came forward, most likely the manager, and he approached the counter while being careful not to step into the puddle Gwen had become. “Sir, I do apologize for the inconvenience. I see you were ordering a Four Star burger combo. This one’s on us.”

Evan was trapped in a shocked gaze, his eyes transfixed on the Gwen-puddle. Her empty clothes were soaking up the fluid she had become. He barely registered a tray of food being handed to him with a clean ten dollar bill and being told to “Have a good night.”

As he shuffled to an empty table, his mind ran wild. He never would have imagined Gwen suffered from Sudden Personal Instantaneous Liquid Transmogrification. Whenever Gwen interacted with a particular stimulus, specifically any physical contact with Evan, she would immediately transform into a person-sized glob of feminine lubricant. Of course, such a thing should not be within the realm of normal possibility, but the power of the stone made such a condition a normal occurrence. Nobody thought it strange that Gwen was the only case of such a condition in the entire world.

Evan sulked as he sat down. Shit, I blew my chance with Gwen. And what’s worse, I wanted a chicken sandwich!

Back at the counter, the manager assessed the situation. There had to be over a hundred liters of liquid all over the floor and counter. He looked back into the kitchen area and waved a worker over.

“Hey, Aaron, jump off of prep for a bit and help me out here. Get the mop and clean all of this up. We need to keep it all together. That apparently speeds up the recovery process. Anything that you used to clean this up, and anything she is touching that you can easily move, all needs to be kept together. I’ll see if I can call someone in to help us out.”

The overworked, underpaid teen shuffled back to the maintenance room. As he snapped on the light, the mop let out a shriek and began blinking her assaulted eyes.

“Fuck!” it cried out. “Can’t you assholes give me a little warning?!”

Aaron ignored the mop. It was always a bitch. He grabbed its wooden shaft and grabbed a mostly clean garbage bin before stepping out of the room. As Aaron and the cleaning supplies came behind the counter, the mop’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “What is that smell?”

“Gwen,” Aaron grunted.

“What did she spill now?”

“No. It’s Gwen.”

Aaron slapped on a pair of gloves and reached in the puddle, removing all of the soaked clothing which dripped with a pungent, viscous slime. As the articles were dropped into to bin, the reality of the situation dawned on the mop. “You’ve got to be shitting me!”

Aaron only responded by stripping off the gloves, chucking them into the bucket, and picking up the mop before slapping its head into to gooey mess. A couple days ago, the mop had been a girl named Vanessa. She was pretty, popular, and she knew it. But she crossed the wrong fast food employee and had been reduced to just her head on the top of a mop pole. Her once beautiful hair was now soiled by every mess one could imagine in a fast food restaurant. And now that included a girl who had been converted into a pool of her own juices.

Aaron made quick work of Gwen, wiping the girl up as best he could. She was now sitting in the dark in the maintenance closet, everything that could be collected was now in the garage container. Her clothes, the towels and gloves that cleaned her up, and the $10 bill Evan had left behind with the ooze that had once been her fingers. Even Vanessa’s head was left submerged in the bin so that any globs of Gwen straggling in her hair was included in the blob. With luck, Gwen would be back to normal by some point Sunday afternoon.

She was already making great progress. Nobody could tell, but the most primal impulses of Gwen’s mind were already beginning to resurface. And at the moment she only had one desire:

Finding that boy and getting him to touch her again!


Amy was practically ravenous as she furiously kissed her girlfriend. The pair had gone to her house right after school, made small talk and chatted with her mom, welcomed her dad home from work, and wished them a good evening as they departed for dinner. As the rumble of the car engine disappeared into the distance, Amy had pounced on Liz. The make out session started in the kitchen, where Amy pulled Liz in for a deep kiss. She then pulled her over into the living room and pushed her onto the couch so Amy could sit in her lap, straddling her.

As she bucked her hips and dry humped her girlfriend, she could feel the growth in Liz’s pants coming to life. Liz responded by reaching up and massaging Amy’s right breast while her other hand reached behind her and gently traced its way up and down Amy’s spine, causing her to shudder eagerly. She gave Liz a particular deep kiss before pulling away slightly and whispering into her lover’s ear.

“I’ve been missing you all week.” Amy felt a noticeable twitch in the lap she was sitting on. “And it feels like you’ve been missing me, too.” She licked Liz’s earlobe.

“S-stop teasing me. Your room. Now!”

Amy purposely rolled her hips as she was getting up, getting in a little more teasing. She could see from the noticeable bulge in Liz’s spandex running pants that she was inspiring the desired effect. Amy offered a hand and pulled Liz up, which the seated girl eagerly took. Once standing, she tightened her grip on Amy’s hand and dashed down the hall, practically dragging Amy behind her. The following girl didn’t mind though. She loved how strong and assertive Liz was, and she particularly enjoyed how take charge she was when she got worked up. Like now. Amy was openly giggling as Liz pulled them into Amy’s bedroom and onto the bed.

Like a pair of magnets, the two instantly came together as soon as they hit the mattress. Hands searching, lips dancing, tongues probing, bodies writhing. Eventually, Liz’s moans turned to telltale grunts. She was beginning to get uncomfortable. Amy knew this to be her cue as she pulled away and grabbed the waistband of Liz’s pants. She took a moment to appreciate the massive bulge straining against the material before yanking the pants down in a smooth, practiced tug.

Liz’s horse cock flowed out as it was released from its spandex confinement, its flat head already smeared with a thick layer of precum. Amy reached down and gripped the appendage in her hand, her fingers already barely fitting around it. Liz groaned as Amy gave it gentle strokes, watching transfixed as it throbbed and grew in her hand. Soon, the mighty shaft was at full mast, extending perversely between the toned girl’s legs.

Amy released her toy and quickly started pulling off her clothing. Liz took the opportunity to remove her own top as well. Once the two girls were completely naked, they moved together again, sandwiching the shaft between their bodies. Liz felt two pairs of breasts rubbing against her shaft and her girlfriend’s wet folds grinding against its base, the excited pussy dripping its juices onto her engorged nuts. The two were alternating between making out with each other and giving kisses to the flared head poking out from between their shared cleavage.

The ringing of a cell phone pulled the pair away from their fun. Amy gave a huff and reached for her discarded pants, fishing through them until she pulled out the noisy device. She let out a groan.

“It’s work. Fuck me.”

“If you insist,” Liz said with a cheshire grin. She gave Amy a playful push so she was laying flat on the bed. She stood up and backed away, giving herself the clearance needed to line up her throbbing animal meat with Amy’s dripping snatch.

“Stop! I need to take this.”

“So… take it,” Liz said, rubbing her cockhead against Amy’s entrance. “Take it all.”

Amy’s thumb hovered over the button. She smiled and gave Liz a small nod. She pressed the button as her girlfriend slid inside her.

“Hell-oooooooh,” Amy moaned into the phone. “Yes, hi, Greg. What? She what?! Wow… ooooh wooooow… Oh! No, I just can’t believe that happened. What? No, I can’t come in. Somethings in me. I’m mean I’m in the middle of something! Mmm… yeah, sorry… Good luck.”

Liz had been sliding more and more of her length into Amy throughout the call. She loved watching Amy twitch and shudder as she was stuffed more and more with rigid horse cock. “What was that all about?” Liz asked, not even looking away from the enticing vision of wet lips stretched around her shaft.

“Gwen from work had an… incident. She kinda… exploded.”

At this, Liz stopped inching her meat forward and her gaze snapped up, looking at Amy for any sign she was joking. But Amy only nodded, indicating that Liz had heard her correctly. “She ‘exploded?’”

“Yep. Turns out Gwen has SPILT. A customer touched her and bam! She exploded into a massive puddle of pussy lube. Apparently she was everywhere. They mopped up what’s left of her and have it in a bucket in the back room. They’re looking for someone else to fill in her for her.”

“Wow…” was all Liz could mutter.

“But that’s not the kind of ‘filling in’ I’m looking for tonight,” Amy said, wiggling her hips. The act earned a grunt from Liz who looked back down to where they were joined. “Fill me up, baby,” Amy whispered in a husky voice.

Liz needed no further encouragement as she slid in as much of her rod as she could. She quickly bottomed out inside of Amy even though the majority of her length was still exposed, her medial ridge still several inches away from the mound she was stuffing. Amy gave a high pitched whine and pawed at her sheets. Liz began to slide in and out of her lover, Amy’s cries egging her on. Soon, Liz was making her own noises, grunting and huffing like a stallion mounting a mare. It didn’t take long before Liz felt her pendulous balls clench and unleash their load into the quivering canal. There was no way Amy could contain all of the thick seed erupting into her, and a puddle of pungent fluid quickly leaked out of her, down her ass, and onto the bed beneath her.

The pair were panting heavily, both lost in the afterglow of pleasure. Amy was the first to move, extending a hand towards Liz. Liz took it gingerly, and Amy pulled Liz towards her. The shift made Liz’s softening member slide out of Amy, causing them both to shudder and more cum to flow out of her. Liz lay down next to Amy, the pair cuddling together.

The lovers knew they had very little time to clean up the mess and air out the room before Amy’s parents got home. But for now, the two were just happy to share a tender moment together as a couple.


Liz and Amy weren’t the only couple sneaking in some sexy time on a Friday night. A few blocks away, Tasha was getting pounded from behind by her boyfriend Tony. The two were going at it like animals in heat, with Tony thrusting into Tasha so hard she had to keep her arms braced against the bed’s headboard or else her face would be slammed into it.

And that was just how Tasha liked it.

“Smack my ass!”

The loud slap that filled the room was quickly drowned out by the guttural moan Tasha released as she felt the sting in her backside. Tony was a great guy and all, but he was quite timid in the bedroom. Even more so when compared to Tasha’s desire for mild masochism. He had gotten much better at following Tasha’s mid-fuck commands, but he didn’t really bring anything special to their fucking. He had to always be told what to do. It got so frustrating. The poor guy didn’t realize it, but this was Tony’s last romp with her.

It’s a shame, too. He actually has a pretty good dick.

The sound of heavy panting was mixing in with the squeaking springs and a creaking bed frame. The thrusts filling her were becoming more drawn out and beginning to slow as Tony was loosing steam. Tasha wasn’t nearly done, but she knew from previous experience that her soon-to-be ex was about to cum, pass out, or a combination of the two. She needed more stimulation.

“Pull my hair!”

Tony took one, shaky hand off of Tasha’s hips and reached forward. He reached into the loose, sweaty mess of Tasha’s hair, his fingers unable to get a decent grip on enough of it to give it a tug instead of just ripping some of it out. Tasha loved it rough, but not that rough! The slap she had given him the last time he messed it up was still fresh in his memory. He twirled and flexed his fingers, trying to gather up the loose locks.

“Pull it, you pussy!”

Tony growled. “Give me a second! Fuck, I wish your hair was a ponytail!”


Tony grabbed onto the thick wad of hair and gave a hard pull, snapping Tasha’s head back. She let out a primal groan as she felt the twinge of pain pull at her scalp. She pressed back and bottomed herself out on Tony’s prick. This was all too much for the young man who unceremoniously blew his load. The rush of euphoria mixed with his exhaustion and he lay back on the bed, his gasps becoming shallower and shallower until he passed out in post-orgasmic bliss.

Tasha looked over her shoulder at the pathetic form passed out in her bed. She let out a disgusted scoff and stood up. Her pussy ached, but not from the pounding it had been taking. It longed to cum. And so did the one on the back of her head.

Tasha reach a hand up to her bald head, running her hand across the smooth skin until it reached the base of her tail located at the upper center of the back of her head. The hair was dense and coarse to the touch, and her fingers running through it sent a tickle to buzz through her head. The tail lifted instinctively to reveal her other additions: the thick donut of a horse’s anus and a full mare’s vagina adorned the back of her head.

Tasha looked down at Tony with contempt. He had not even gotten off the pussy between her legs, let alone the one up top. What’s worse, the constant, mild buzz radiating from the back of the head told her she was getting ready to go into heat. She had considered giving Tony a reprieve and break up with him after this cycle was over so she could at least get some semblance of relief. But based on his performance this evening, he was more likely to end up just making her more frustrated than actually helping her.

“Wake up!”

Tony grumbled softly and stared to roll over. He lethargically reached down to scratch his junk, threatening to dislodge the filled condom off his softening dick and spill the contents all over Tasha’s bed. Tasha reach down and grabbed his balls, causing him to freeze and let loose a startled shriek.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself, because that was it. I’m fucking done with you. Tie that rubber off so you don’t mess up my bed again, and get out.”

Tasha released her grip and Tony quickly removed the soiled condom, tied it in a knot, and quickly dressed before slinking out the bedroom door. Tasha was pleased to see he had the good sense to take the rubber with him rather than leave it her her to deal with. At least he did something right.

Tasha moved to her dresser and opened the bottom drawer. Before Tony’s wish, it had already been filled with all manner of sexual aids and toys. But now, it also included an intimidating black dildo in the shape of a horse cock. She gathered up various implements from the drawer and moved back to her bed.

She started with attaching one nipple clamp, then the other, loving the feeling of metal chain  that connected them jingling against her skin. She then took the horse dildo and firmly attached its suction cup to her headboard. She picked up a pair of buttplugs and sloppily sucked on them until they were dripping with saliva. She reached behind her and firmly forced the intruder up her ass before reaching up and lifting her tail and easily sliding the second into her oversized horse anus. She reminded herself again that she needed to get a new, larger toy to properly stretch her head-sphincter out.

Tasha crawled onto the bed and spread her legs, inserting the large, egg shaped vibrator into herself. She grabbed the remote and set it to low. As it came to life with a mechanical hum, she hummed along with it. She could feel wetness running down her neck from her excited addition. She looked over her shoulder at her headboard and the large shaft drooping off of it.

Her toy was fun, but she wanted more. Even at a foot and a half long, it still didn’t properly fill her up. Especially when she was in heat. She looked at the dildo and her thoughts drifted to Liz. If the school rumor mill was to be believed, she was packing meat between her legs that put even this beast to shame. She wanted to feel that filling her up. But she was always doting on that bitch Amy.

Tasha lay back slightly to rest on one elbow while her free arm reached behind her and gripped the flat head of the dildo. Her ponytail lifted to give access and she lined up the toy with her dripping wet horse slit. She scooted back, impaling her head on the girthy shaft. She groaned as she felt herself being filled, paying no care to the notion that there was no way she should physically be able to take the length inside of her head.

She kept shifting, inch after inch filling her until she felt the large artificial ballsack press into her neck. She was already panting hard and she clumsily pawed for the remote on the bed. Uncoordinated fingers slipped and slid the dial to full. Tasha moaned as she pleasured her four holes. She wiggled and writhed on the bed, doing her best to fuck the back of her own head. She grabbed the chain bouncing at her chest and gave it a firm tug, causing jolts of exquisite pain to radiate from her tits.

As the sounds of squeaking springs and a creaking bed frame refilled the room, Tasha’s imagination ran wild. It wasn’t Tony filling her up, but Liz. She imagined the horse-hung girl pounding her head cunt mercilessly. She wanted that. Needed that! Her old and new instincts to be used and bred consumed her. She would get Liz to fuck her.

The only thing that stood in her way was Amy…


The loud cacophony reverberated against the garage walls as the jam session ended. The lingering chords still screeched out of the amp as the single onlooker began to clap enthusiastically. “That sounded amazing, you guys!”

Michael unslung his guitar and placed it on the stand next to him. He strode forward and wrapped his arms around the spectator. “I know. We’re rocking better than ever. At least I am. These guys still have a lot to learn.”

The three remaining band mates grumble to themselves as they listened on. The longtime friends had stared the band a couple years earlier, and they were… not good. At all. But they all loved music and jamming was a fun excuse for meeting up. Michael was the lead guitarist and singer. He had always been a bit of a douche, but it had gotten worse once he started dating Ellen. He had become downright insufferable since he started bringing her around to rehearsals.

While two of the musicians looked on in disdain, one looked on in jealousy. Johnny strummed a couple cords on his bass guitar, carefully stealing glances at Ellen. When Michael first brought her around, she and Johnny had been able to have a brief conversation and Johnny had immediately become smitten with her. She was cute, bubbly, and like the same bands as him. They had been talking like old friends before Michael butted in and pulled her away, shooting Johnny a glare as he did so. While the rest of the band hated Ellen’s presence because of how it affected Michael, Johnny hated it because he was forced to watch them schmoozing.

“Alright, babe. We’re almost wrapped up. We’re just gonna play one more song. Then… I’ll play with you.” Ellen let out a giggle, the band let out a groan, and Johnny let out a scoff.

“I wish I could play with her,” he scoffed under his breath while tuning his bass.


Where Michael and Ellen had once been standing, Michael now stood alone. He finished downing his water and turned back to the bank. “You guys up for one more?” The drummer and rhythm guitarist gave nods and move back to their places. Johnny strummed his bass, giving it a test.

“Sounds like you have me turned perfectly,” the bass said. Johnny smiled, pleased with the compliment. He had no idea that he had just changed his crush into his bass guitar. The head stock was still flat, but it was painted with a face, Ellen’s face. It could still move and speak, but it was nothing more than an intricately illustration on the flat wood. The tuning keys were silver, matching the previous Ellen’s earnings while the head and neck were the same color Ellen’s skin had been. The lower portion of the body was flared out and the upper section was less pronounced, mimicking Ellen’s curvaceous hips and modest bust. The pickguard was a vivid purple, the same color as the top she’d been wearing. The bridge was a metallic pink, the same color as the clit piercing she had previously had.

Johnny adjusted the tone and volume knobs, causing the new Ellen to shutter since they used to be her nipples. He picked a string and Ellen felt as if she was in heaven as the vibrations coursed into the bridge her pussy had become. As Johnny started the bass line for the next song, the instrument basked in the glow of the experience. Johnny was enjoying himself as well. He loved playing with his guitar.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Zoe's Date Night

Zoe tapped the steering wheel impatiently, waiting for the massive estate gates to open. She needed to get inside. Now! She had two reasons for wanting to get home as soon possible. The first was sitting next to her. Athena looked stunning in her tight top and flowing skirt. Zoe had been unable to keep her eyes off of her girlfriend throughout dinner. And that dinner had led to the second reason she needed to get to the house. Her stomach was gurgling fiercely and Zoe regretted pigging out as much as she had.

As the gates slowly parted, Zoe briefly considered telling Jen she should have a faster motor installed, but she knew her sister all too well. Jen no doubt selected this speed specifically to slowly reveal the sprawling grandeur of the grounds to incoming visitors. Jen was constantly prone to dramatic flair. Unfortunately, Jen’s theatrics were costing Zoe time she didn’t have. As soon as the gates parted enough, Zoe pressed on the gas and shot through.

Once inside the estate walls, Zoe flipped on the high-beams. She wanted to fly down the expansive drive and get to the house as soon as possible, but she had to be cautious for Amanda and Miranda. The family dogs had free reign of the grounds and it was not unheard of for them to be running around even this late. And so, the already lengthy drive towards the main house was painfully prolonged.

Zoe pulled up to the main door of the house, and threw the vehicle in park. She knew she was going to get an earful from Mercedes about parking in the roundabout and not bring the SUV back to the garage, but she was already going to chew her out for taking a vehicle without permission from Jen.

In for a penny…, Zoe thought ruefully.

As Zoe stepped out of the SUV, the cool spring air caused a shudder to ripple through her. She hugged herself, rubbing her bare arms and felt her exposed nipples harden. To Zoe, and everyone else, it was perfectly normal that she would walk around in public almost completely naked. The only articles of clothing she was wearing consisted of a few pieces of jewelry, her tall goth boots, and her backpack. This was the result of Jon using his abilities to alter reality and make it so Zoe had always been a nudist. Jon had removed her clothing to get a better look at her transformed body during first period earlier that day, but the magic had rewritten reality so everyone believed Zoe had never worn a shred of clothing her entire life. The very concept of wearing clothes never had, nor ever would, occur to her as she currently was.

This suited her “companions” just fine because it gave all of them an unobstructed view of the world around them. Even though the four girls had been reduced to body parts on Zoe’s body, they all appreciated being able to see what was happening around them and were so glad Zoe didn’t cover them with ridiculous things like clothing.

Zoe’s collection of body parts weren’t the only ones enjoying her lack of clothing. Athena stepped out of the passenger door and stole glance at her best-friend-turned-girlfriend’s assets, just as she had done the entire time they were together. And Zoe’s various parts were keenly aware of the attention they were getting from their new lover and were all responding eagerly to her lustful leering. Zoe’s left boob, Amber, would give Athena a wink when they made eye contact. Tiffany, Zoe’s right boob which had previously been a giddy cheerleader, giggled flirtatiously. Between Zoe’s legs, Sarah would lick her lips seductively which sent shivers through Zoe and all the other girls since her mouth had taken the place of Zoe’s pussy. At Zoe’s rear, Kim’s eyes were glassed over as the former bully was enthusiastically sucking on the buttplug that filled her constantly aroused mouth that now filled the roll of being Zoe’s asshole.

For as bizarre and freakish as Zoe’s body had become, it was nothing compared to Athena’s. Zoe had offhandedly wished that Athena was able to satisfy the needs for Zoe and all of her parts. Now, Athena‘s body was constantly shifting and warping to be equipped with whatever carnal desires Zoe and her parts were fantasizing about. Through their dinner, Athena’s body had changed uncountable times as Zoe and her assets each daydreamed about what they would want to do with Athena once they were all alone with her.

Currently, Athena’s body was roughly human. Two arms, two legs, and a head. But everything about her body had been twisted by the desires of five different girls cravings for dick. Each of her fingers had been replaced with a cock, and each was different. Some were long, some were girthy, some were circumcised, some were curved. Her breasts were replaced with two, massive penis glans that were each the size of a melon. Her once long, flowing hair was gone and in its place was the flared mushroom of a cockhead capping her head like a fleshy crown. Within her boots, her legs ended not in feet, but in two huge penises that were large enough to walk on. And between her legs, hidden under her skirt, were two massive tubes of cock flesh that were dangling down to her knees. She was little more at the moment than a walking collective of cocks.

But even with Athena’s form being reduced to a freakish assembly of misplaced manhoods, everyone perceived her as looking completely normal. And once Zoe and her parts’ passions shifted to something new, her body would adapt to accommodate with nobody even recognizing a change had ever occurred.

“Who’s car is that?” Athena asked, pointing one of her penis fingers towards an outdated coupe also parked in the turnabout. Zoe gave it a passing glance as she hurried up the steps. Nature was calling and she was in no position to delay answering it.

“That’s Fiona’s. I’m surprised Jen let her in.”

The school rumor mill had been running wild that day. First with the news that Zoe and Athena were now a couple, then with whispers about Jen having some sort of a fight with her clique at lunch and running clear off the school grounds. Zoe felt conflicted. On one hand, Jen’s supposed outburst had taken the spotlight off of her and Athena. At least mostly. But she was still concerned for her sister. She hoped that Fiona’s presence was a sign that the whole rumor was something small blown out of proportion, or that Fiona was here to help Jen through her troubles.

A loud gurgle and a lowering weight in her guts pulled her thoughts back to the present. Whatever was coming was coming fast! She opened the door and strode forward with brisk, purposeful steps. She had to make it up to her bathroom now! Seeing her distress, Athena took it upon herself to close the front door behind them and rushed to catch up. As they moved down the main corridor, a figure caught their attention. Nadia was standing in the middle of the hall, dressed up in some sort of fetishized nurse’s uniform. She was completely frozen in place, leaning at such an extreme angle she should have fallen to the floor with nothing to support her. Her face was locked in an expression that screamed wonton desire. And between her legs, a penis was lifting up her latex skirt. The shaft was dripping precum like a broken faucet, and the two family dogs, Amanda and Miranda, were licking away at the puddle it was making on the floor. Zoe only rolled her eyes as she breezed past the frozen love toy, Athena’s gaze turned to look back at the bizarre scene as she tried to keep up.

“Zoe… your sister’s a little weird.”

Zoe only gave a small huff as she kept moving, not even bothering to attempt to figure out what game Jen was playing with her toy this time let alone try to explain Jen’s unorthodox appetites to Athena. This was far from the oddest form she had seen either of Jen’s living love toys take.

The elevator ride was excruciating. Zoe’s legs were crossed the entire time and she could feel something beginning to push the buttplug out of her back door, much to Kim’s delight. As soon as the elevator doors parted just enough to accommodate her, Zoe dashed forward towards the door leading to her quarters. She practically kicked the door down, ran through the massive room towards another door on the far side of the room, and burst through before slamming it shut behind her.

Standing in her bathroom, Zoe didn’t see anything unusual about its unique layout. Granted, it was quite opulent as one would expect from such a luxurious house. Enormous marble counter top, a shower with the walls being compromised of more water jets than tile, a bathtub big enough that it could accommodate multiple people, a toilet with more features than most cars, and a large shiting trough.

In addition to having four girls being reduced to her most intimate body parts, Zoe had also been transformed so that she no longer pooped like a normal person. But the change was not borne out of sympathy for Kim’s new roll as Zoe’s ass, but rather out of sheer amusement. Now, Zoe’s body could produce anything as waste, and it was always something random. Most times, whatever Zoe passed could not possibly fit down a toilet. So, the trough became a necessary fixture in her bathroom.

Zoe quickly moved to the edge of the trough and squatted over it, the bottoms of her legs resting on thick padding that rimmed the lip. If Zoe was had been aware of her nudity, at the moment she would have seen it as a blessing to not worry about getting her pants off. She had barely made it. She didn’t even have time to reach behind her and pull out the buttplug Kim was sucking on before the large lump in her bowels surged forward. The plug was forced out and fell to the bottom of the trough with a loud clatter. Zoe let out a strained grunt and the object reached Kim’s lips. The ass-girl’s eyes rolled with pleasure and she let out a muffled hum as she was exquisitely filled to her limits. Slowly, Kim’s lips parted and opened wider. And wider. And wider. Soon, the mouth that took the place of Zoe’s anus was opened unnaturally wide. With a final groan, Zoe pushed and felt the blockage pass from her rear where is slammed into the trough with a reverberating thud.

It took Zoe a few moments to compose herself. She took deep, shaky breaths as she felt Kim’s mouth retract back to normal. Or at least, what they both perceived as normal. Zoe stood up just enough to shift over and sit onto the toilet next to the trough. Zoe slightly spread her legs and flexed muscles between them, taking control over Sarah’s mouth and opening it wide as she released her bladder. If Zoe knew what she was putting her former tormentor through, she would have felt giddy with revenge. Instead, all either of them felt at the moment was relief.

As Zoe continued to relieve herself, she looked over into the trough. There, sitting on the bottom next to a chrome buttplug, was a solid gold brick. Zoe let out a small hum. Not because she was amazed that such a thing had come out of her, but out of relief that she wouldn’t need to clean herself up afterwards. She still had flashbacks to the time she had crapped out an enormous cloud of glitter. Even after using her bidet at full blast, it had taken a week to get all of the stuff off of and out of Kim. As an added bonus, she could sell the brick off tomorrow for some bonus spending money.

Soon, the stream coming out of Sarah’s mouth eased to a trickle. Zoe blotted both of the mouths taking up the openings between her legs, and flushed the toilet. She reached into the trough and recovered the plug before quickly shoving but into Kim’s mouth. Zoe knew how needy her ass was, and it was better to shut her up as quickly as possible before she started whining again.

Zoe moved to the mirror and fumbled with her hair, trying to gather her composure. Even though she thought nothing strange about how her body worked, it was still embarrassing to know her girlfriend was just on the other side of the door and had undoubtedly heard her shit a brick. As Zoe teased another stray strand, a voice broke the silence.

“Come on, Zoe! Stop wasting time! You’re hair looks fine,” Amber urged. Her other tit jiggled, as if trying to nod. “Yeah! Athena’s waiting for us! Fuck, I can’t wait for her to play with us again. She knows how to treat us right,” Tiffany added in, her nipple-nose becoming harder in anticipation.

“Don’t remind me,” Zoe huffed, looking downward in the mirror to make eye contact with her chest. “She probably just heard all of that.” Zoe looked back at the gold brick and felt a wave of embarrassment crash into her. The thud the brick made probably could have been heard all the way upstairs on Jen’s floor.

“What’s the big deal?” Sarah asked between Zoe’s legs. “We’ve used the bathroom around Athena plenty of times. It’s perfectly normal.”

“But now we’re dating! I don’t want her to think of me doing… that!”

“Oh please. A gold brick is no big deal. Remember that time when we were at the amusement park with her and you passed a baseball bat?”

Zoe had actually forgotten about that particular memory and was now mortified to remember how she had actually shown it off to Athena and they had snuck it into the batting cage to be used by unsuspecting visitors. It had become a huge joke and they even hung loitered around long enough to watch someone use it.

“That’s not helping the situation, Tiffany,” Amber chastised. “Zoe, listen, Athena knows you. She’s into you. This is no big deal. Stop keeping her waiting and get out there. We all want to be played with!”

All of her parts started voicing their eagerness, even Kim who was enthusiastically mumbling around the plug that was filling her. Zoe let out an exasperated sigh and moved to the door. She took a deep breath and turned the knob.

The sight that welcomed her caused all of her concerns to evaporate. Athena was laying on the bed, sprawled out completely naked. She was smiling coyly, letting Zoe take in the sight of her exposed body. The mushroom glans that her breasts had become were purple and puffy, increasing in size as blood flowed into them. The cock crown that her head had become had also deepened in color and was visibly throbbing in time with her heartbeat. All of her fingers were completely erect to the point she had lost all dexterity in them. She was rubbing her penis-feet against Zoe’s silk sheets, leaving trails of pre-cum behind. The twin cocks between her legs were at full mast, extending proudly outward from her crotch.

Zoe was frozen in awe. She did not see a sexual freak. She instead saw the most stunning vision of erotic beauty she could imagine. She watched transfixed as Athena reached forward with one hand and the index cock wiggled slightly as if she was trying to used the turgid member to beckon Zoe to her.

“C’mon, sexy. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Zoe shuffled forward, her eyes darting across all of her girlfriend’s assorted shafts. All of Athena’s dicks were beginning to gather beads of pre-cum at their various tips as Zoe moved closer, lustful hunger filling her eyes. As she approached the bed, Zoe reach forward and took Athena’s outstretched hand. Her fingers interlocked with the finger-dicks. The were firm and warm as they pulsed in her grip. Athena clenched her hand as best she could with the assortment of hard-ons that had replaced her fingers, and pulled Zoe onto the bed next to her. The two stared deeply into each other’s eyes. They had been friends for so long. And now, they were so much more.

Zoe leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on Athena’s lips. Athena returned it with the same tenderness, basking in the feeling of Zoe’s lips on her own. However, the gentleness quickly eroded in the presence of desire. Zoe’s kisses became deeper, fullerer, and more passionate. Their tongues dances as Zoe reached up and her fingers delicately traced the ridge of the glans that capped Athena’s head. The cockified girl moan deeply, never breaking the kiss, as euphoria flooded her.

Lacking the dexterity to caress her lover, Athena lowered a hand to Zoe’s crotch. Sarah eagerly took two of the penis-fingers into her eager mouth and began to suck. The feeling of having her erogenous mouth double penetrated by two of Athena’s modified fingers was amazing, but what Sarah wanted most was to be a fully stuffed pussy. Immediately, reality shifted and instead of having a hand with five penises instead of fingers, Athena’s entire hand was replaced with a massive cock that stretched Sarah’s mouth to its limits. The pussy-girl’s eyes rolled as she felt herself filled to the brim with delicious dick.

Zoe let out a groan that was echoed from her unattended parts. Out of nowhere, Athena instantly had two more arms which she used to fondle Amber and Tiffany. The two tit-girls both moaned in pleasure. Zoe moved her body, straddling her girlfriend and sandwiching Atherna's two enormous dicks between them. As they pressed their bodies together, Tiffany and Amber began to kiss and lick the misplaced dickheads that Athena’s breasts had become. With her remaining original arm, Athena reached behind Zoe and began to paw at her ass. Sensing her intent, Zoe reached behind herself and quickly pulled the buttplug from Kim’s mouth. To Kim and Zoe’s relief, it was quickly replaced with the thumb-cock on Athena’s hand. Kim sucked greedily on the cock before Athena withdrew it. She quickly offered Zoe’s ass her index cock-finger, which Kim latched on to enthusiastically. This continued, with Athena withdrawing a dick-finger and then offering the next one in line. Kim had five different dicks taking turns plowing her aroused mouth.

Zoe basked in the pleasure, her entire body alight with sensual fire. As Zoe began to twitch and quake, Athena began to moan and shudder. Neither breaking their passionate kiss, the two continue to stroke and fondle. A sharp inhale from Athena and the pulsing of her head-cock in Zoe’s hands was the only warning Zoe got before enormous ropes of cum erupted out of the top of Athena’s head and her cock-breasts. Thick, musky seed ejected upwards before raining down on the two of them while twin jets fired from her chest and splattered thick globs of cum across Tiffany and Amber. None of the transformed girls payed it any mind. It was the first of many orgasms they would be experiencing this night.

As Zoe pulled back to take in the expression of unbridled lustful euphoria on Athena’s face, she briefly mused that the maid was going to have her work cut out for her in the morning.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Fiona's Wish

The sound of tipsy giggling filled the room. The dark room was illuminated primarily by the flickering flames in the fireplace. Jen sat with her legs up on the couch, her robe barely cinched as it hugged tightly around her curves. Each drink had dulled her discomfort to her new body, as well as making her forget to readjust the garment to conceal it. Fiona, sitting in the chair which had been pulled over from the vanity, seemed unbothered by the expansive display of cleavage Jen was showing more and more of as the pair continued to drink. She only seemed to pause when Jen would cross her legs or readjust the bulge at her crotch. After the first hour of listening to her “longtime” friend’s rambling, Jen realized her first assessment of Fiona had been true. The girl was a natural chatterbox.

Fiona had given a moment by moment recounting of how the rest of her day had gone. Jen noticed Fiona had glossed over what happened in the cafeteria after the incident with the girls, but she suspected it wasn’t anything Jen would have wanted to hear so Fiona had omitted it. Fourth hour was comprised mostly of her moaning about a test and detailed descriptions of the cute boys in the class. Although she did mention that the teacher, Mr. Levi, got head from Pervert (or “Ass Muncher” as Fiona had named her). Apparently the slut-ified girl had kept sucking even after the class ended.

By the time Fiona had gotten halfway through her recount of fifth hour, her words were beginning to slur, her eyes were glassing over, and her giggling was increasing. Jen was feeling quite buzzed as well. Jon had not had much experience with drink, and it appeared her new body had an even lower tolerance. But that didn’t stop her from tipping back drink after drink. Each time their cups reached the bottom, they were dutifully refreshed. Jen took a peek at Renee standing attentively off to the side. The living drink dispenser was dressed in a pair of black slacks and flats, giving off a distinctive waitress vibe. From the waist up, however, she was completely naked. She had all eight of her drink filled tits exposed for easy access. When she had first arrived, each had been filled to capacity with an assortment of boozes. Now, her boobs were all different cup sizes from the continuous sampling Jen and Fiona were partaking in.

“Oh! You’ve… GOTTA hear aboud sixsh hoa’!” Fiona slurred. Jen looked into her empty cup and gave a lethargic wave. Renee dutifully stepped forward and presented her chest to her employer. Jen reached forward and grabbed a random boob. She held her glass in front of the nipple and gave it a firm squeeze. Renee let out a pleasant hum as deep amber whiskey sprayed out. Once the cup was half filled, Jen eased up and the flow stopped. A single drop hung on the nipple, and Jen couldn’t help herself but to lean forward and lick it up. A moan escaped Renee’s mouth as Jen’s tongue ran across the sensitive flesh. Jen pulled back and gave another small wave, dismissing her. Renee stepped back and resumed waiting at attention.

I can get really used to this, Jen thought.

She turned her attention back to Fiona and found her leering downward. Jen followed her gaze and saw the blonde head of her dick had shifted out from under her robe when she had shifted forward to taste Renee. She casually moved the hem back, covering herself. This caused Fiona to look up and blush deeply.

“I’m all ears,” Jen said carefully, forcing herself to not slur her words as well. Jen leaned back into the couch. She was actually enjoying herself with Fiona, but she was particularly pleased with the attention she was getting from the cute girl. Taking the opportunity to escape the embarrassing situation of being caught peeping, Fiona took a large gulp from her own glass and leaned forward in her chair.

“I got some revenge far ya in gym classh,” she said with a mischievous smile. Jen raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “So, you know I have gym with Phoebe,” Fiona continued. The girl paused as if wait for a reaction. After a couple moments of silence, Fiona got a confused look. “Ya know… Phoebe?”

Jen gave a shrug, unsure of how to respond. Fiona gave another drunken giggle. “Damn, Jen, how much have you had? Phoebe! You know… from lunch?”

Jen’s booze addled brain tried to process the information she was getting. There had been a handful of girls at the table, but the two that really stood out had been those bitches Penny and Veronica. Then there were the two sitting next to Veronica, and-

“Oh! Tha one with tha phone!”

“Right! She’z in classh with me an I totally god back at her fo yah!”

Fiona took another large gulp from her cup. “We were playin dodgeball. Lil’ miss gossip mill god herself removed inteninal… intentinal… on purpose so she coul play on er phone. I just sho appened ta missh a throw and it slammed right inta er on the bleacherz. I’m pretty sure I broke er phone!”

She let out a giddy cackle and took another swig. Jen sat back, her mind replaying the scene at lunch and imagining the girl getting slammed out of nowhere with a big red ball. Soon, she was giggling along with Fiona.

“Shtill, don’t make much of a diffrence,” Fiona griped into her cup.

“Whad makes you shay that?” Jen asked. Fiona gave her a suspicious glance. “You know er dad is a big time exec ad a tech company. She’z alwayz showin off er new gadgets. All I probably did wash do er a favor an gave er an excuse ta get a new phone.”

New phone, Jen mused. Suddenly, a wonderful idea blossomed in Jen’s booze addled brain. She new exactly how to get back at the first of her tormentors. “Fiona, you’re a genios,” she slurred as she stood up from the couch. She wobbled over to the bed and fumbled to pick up her purse. She flipped it open and grabbed the stone.

“I wish that girl Phoebe from today lunch was my cellphone!”


Jen smiled contently as she look back inside her purse. Sitting at the top of the purse’s contents was a cellphone that had not been there before. She pulled it out and examined it. It was a flip phone with small black antenna and casing was mocha brown. They matched Phoebe’s hair and skin, but these were glossy plastic. Jen hooked her thumb into the phone and flipped it open with a flick. The inside almost passed for a normal phone. Almost. It had the standard layout of buttons and the four-way navigation buttons with a confirmation button in the middle. But it was… off. The middle column of numbers was not aligned with the outer two, and the control pad was lower, in the center of the lower half of the phone. And it was rounded. The lower portion of the phone was Phoebe’s ass, and her former sphincter was now the navigation controls. Tilting the phone slightly, Jen checked the charging port and it’s unusual shape confirmed her suspicions that it was the former girl’s pussy.

The upper half of the phone was a standard display screen, along with the usual readings of time, date, and signal strength. But the wallpaper was Phoebe’s pretty face. She was staring forward with a neutral expression, as if her photo was being taken for an ID. However, as Jen looked at it, she was surprised to see it blink. Jen pulled up the settings menu and saw an option labeled “Interface Settings.” A quick peruse showed her she could adjust Phoebe’s personality and responses to inputs, just like when Vicki had been transformed into a computer. She grinned as she activated “Pleasure Response” and flipped the phone-girl’s Personality from Neutral to Horny Slut. Backing out to the main screen, Phoebe’s face had gone from staring straight ahead to flushed with her eyes unfocused and glazed over. She appeared to be in an animated loop of breathing heavily and her eyes fluttering. Pressing the confirm button in the center of her former ass caising the former girl to shut her eyes and let out a silent moan. Jen giggled at the girl’s plight and flipped the phone shut, shoving Phoebe’s face into her own ass.

Jen turned around to look at Fiona, who was groping at Renee’s tits for a refill. Renee, however, was looking around the room in confusion. “Did… did anyone else see that?”

“See wha-“ Fiona started before her gaze fell on Jen. In her rush to get to her purse, Jen’s robe had come completely undone and she was standing exposed. Fiona’s eyes were locked on the voluptuous penis hanging between Jen’s legs. Jen smiled an slightly swayed her hips, causing the impressive cock to swing like a pendulum.

“See something you like, Fiona?” Jen teased. Fiona nodded in silence, then blushed furiously as she looked away. Jen moved closer, but instead of pulling her robe shut she spread it open wider. The girl’s embarrassed expression was adorable, and Jen was reveling in it. “I’ve seen you glancing at me. It’s ok. You can have it if you want.”

Fiona shook her head, her eyes shut as if trying to block out what was happening. “It’s… it’s not what you think!” Jen smiled at the girl as she moved closer, like a cat with a mouse she was enjoying toying with her.

“So, you don’t want my fat cock?”

“Yes... No! I mean, I don’t-”

“Fiona,” Jen said softly. She reach a hand forward and gently cupped the girl’s cheek. The contact startled Fiona and her eyes went wide as she looked straight ahead at the hardening dick in front of her. It looked back with a hazed expression, sharing in Jen’s intoxication. “You have been very kind to me today. Just say it, and I can give you what you want,” Jen said.

“I… I want… I’m sorry, Jen. This is a big misunderstanding. You… can’t give me what I want.”

Jen felt the stone in her grip. “Try me.”

“I can’t. You… you wouldn’t understand.”

“Fiona, honestly, what do you want?”

“I want a penis!”

Jen stepped back in surprise. The question trance had activated, and she knew Fiona had spoken the truth. “You want a dick?”

“Yes! I want to know what it’s like! I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to have a dick. I’m jealous of the other dick-girls around school. Yours is so big that I can’t help but get distracted by it and imagining what it was like if I had it. I want to have a dick of my own!”

Jen snickered aloud. “How big do you want?”

“Big! Huge! Bigger than yours! Bigger than Liz’s!”

Jen thought back to Liz. True, the horse futa put even her package to shame. Jen looked down at the girl and couldn’t help but get a mischievous idea as Fiona looked back up at her with a look of primal desperation. If she wants a huge cock, who am I to deny her.

“Ok, Fiona. I’ll give you what you want. I wish Fiona had a piece of animal anatomy for a dick even bigger than Liz’s and that Fiona would love using it.”


As their vision cleared, the trio reacted to Fiona’s new body. Renee stepped back and gasped. Jen’s jaw dropped in shock before she started laughing uncontrollably. Fiona looked down… and screamed.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: How’s it hanging?

“… oh my god… oh my god… oh my god…”

Fiona was nearly catatonic. After her initial scream, she had fallen into a stunned stupor. Between the booze and the sudden shock, she briefly wondered if the appendage was some sort of hallucination. That delusion was quickly dispelled when she had eventually worked up the nerve to reach forward and touched the growth emerging from between her legs. It was the sensation of not only feeling her new addition in her hand, but of also feeling the touch of her hand through the new flesh that had truly overwhelmed her.

Sticking out from underneath Fiona’s miniskirt was an enormous elephant trunk. It was so girthy at the base that Fiona’s hips had been widened considerably to accommodate it, and she still had to spread her legs to give it additional space. In addition to its girth, it was easily as long as the girl was tall. It moved and curled as if it was in duress. Whenever it brushed against the carpet, the couch, Fiona’s legs, anything, Fiona would shudder and her breathing would waver.

“How… how is this possible?” Renee whispered. She stood at the far side of the room next to the doors leading out to the balcony. She had instinctively backed away from the scene unfolding in front of her as much as she could. She didn’t know what had happened and didn’t want to end up a freak like Fiona. Little did she know, she had already been warped by the stone multiple times over the previous week.

Jen’s laughter had died down to a drunken giggling as she looked upon the results of her latest wish. “Sorry, Fiona. Guess I should have been a bit more specific,” Jen snickered. Fiona and Renee turned their attention away from Fiona’s addition and looked at the amused girl.

“You should have been more what?” Renee gasped.

“It’s sensitive. Is… is it supposed to be so sensitive?” Fiona whined as the trunk continued to explore its surroundings. The nostrils were beginning to leak a clear liquid, which was pungent enough to be only one thing.

“Well… yeah! I mean, it’s your dick! It’s supposed to feel good. Sure, I had assumed you we’re going to end up with an actual dick of some sort.  An elephant dick, or a whale dick, or something. But look on the bright side: you still ended up way bigger than Liz!”

With that, Jen began to laugh heartily again. She casually walked over to her glass, threw back her head, and finished the dregs. She glanced over at Renee and moved towards her on uncoordinated legs, intent on getting another drink. Renee, however, opened the double doors behind her and fled out onto the balcony.

“Yo-you did that to her?!”

Jen reached the doors and looked at Renee through blurry vision. The girl was terrified of her. It was only then that the situation hit her. She had made wishes in front of them using the stone. They had heard her! They knew there had been changes! Jen looked down at the stone still in her hand. “Shit.”

She looked back up at Renee and saw that the topless, multi-titted girl was also looking at the stone. “Each time you said a wish… there was a flash. And… you were holding that.”

Renee took a hesitant step forward and stretched her hand out. “Jen… please. Give that to me. You’re drunk. You made Fiona a freak. I know you didn’t mean to, but we need to change her back. Please!”

Jen pulled the stone to her chest. “No. I-I only gave her what she wanted.” Renee pointed at Fiona who had both hands on her trunk. She appeared to be trying to control the wiggling appendage, but she was inadvertently giving her bizarre dick a handjob. A steady dribble of precum was leaking out of the trunk’s nostrils as she continued to caress it.

“You think that’s what she wanted?! Jen, please! We need to change her back!”

“We can’t. Wishes can’t be reversed. She’ll get used to it. Everyone does. ”


A horrific realization dawned on Renee’s face. She stared at Jen in terror. “What else- WHO else have you changed?” Jen remained silent, staring back at the terrified girl. “Oh fuck. Have… have you changed me?!” Jen held the stone tighter but said nothing. What could she say? What could she do? She needed to-

Renee howled and lunged forward. Jen responded by slamming the doors shut and locking them. Renee slammed into the glass and screamed. She rattled the doors and started banging on the panes. She looked around and dashed over to the patio furniture before grabbing a metal chair. Jen screamed and backed away. She needed to get away! She needed to escape and fix this!

She turned around and saw Fiona on her feet, trying to shuffle towards her. The added weight of her trunk-dick, the new gait of her widened hips, and the shifting balance as the trunk continued to whip around and threw off her center of gravity were making it difficult for her to move. “Jen! What did you do to me?! Please! Fix me!”

Jen was about to back away when the sound of a heavy slam and cracking glass crashed behind her. Not even bothering to look back to see how close Renee was from bashing her way in, Jen bolted out of the room. She heard Fiona call after her, the shouts drowned out by the continuing sound of metal slamming against glass. Sprinting down the long hallway, Jen reached the elevator and furiously pressed the call button. She heard the elevator begin to move just as the sound of exploding glass sounded from the bedroom.


Jen looked at the assorted doors lining the hallway and dashed for the closet one. She rushed through it and slammed it shut behind her. She latched the lock just as the sound of something, or someone, slammed into the other side. She heard Renee screaming and backed away. She need to do something! Her only hope was the stone.

“I… I wish…”

The banging intensified and Jen was consumed with panic.

“I wish nobody heard any wishes I made tonight!”


Jen found herself standing alone in a dark room. She had no idea where a bathroom was in her new house and had drunkenly picked a room at random to throw up in. She stumbled forward, trying to feel for a light switch, but her efforts were in vain as uncoordinated arms fumbled in the dark. Her legs felt heavy, and even in the dark the room was spinning around her. She sank to the floor, wretch, and collapsed in a heap next to the puddle. Just before she passed out, she cursed herself for drinking so much.

Standing in the hallway , Renee tapped gently on the study door. She had watched Jen stumble into the hallway and assumed she was going to the bathroom, but she had passed right by it and gone into the study. It wasn’t the first time Jen had gotten wasted and stumbled into the wrong room. Renee was just glad that she wasn’t the one who had to clean up whatever mess would be found in the morning.

Renee turned and headed back to the bedroom. Even though Jen was out of commission, she still had tasks to attend to. There was still a visitor on the premises, after all. She stepped back into the bedroom and blushed deeply as she took in the sight of Fiona. She had moved from her chair to the couch and her legs were spread wide, her massive dick reaching up to her face where she was gently planting kisses on its tip before opening wide and inserting it into her waiting mouth and sucking on it obscenely. Even completely sober, Jen’s friend always seemed preoccupied with her impressive member. A couple drinks would be enough to lower her inhibitions, but it was clear that in her drunken state her libido was  now fully in control.

Renee kept her composure and pretended not to notice. The display of auto-felatio was getting Renee riled up, but she considered herself a professional and would not let it interfere with her duties. The trunk pulled out of Fiona’s mouth with a wet pop as she eyed Renee.

“Did Jen pass out again?”

“Yes. I do believe Ms. Gibson is done for the night. Is there anything else I can do for you, Fiona?”

The pillar of meat between Fiona’s legs reared up, pointed at Renee, and sniffed the air. Fiona got a knowing look on her face and looked at Renee with a cheshire grin. “From the smell of it, there’s something we can do for each other.” Renee blushed, knowing that Fiona had sniffed out the aroused slit between her own legs. It was practically impossible not to get turned on looking at such an impressive member. Fiona stood up and moved towards her, her trunk-dick swaying hypnotically in front of her.

Renee was torn. She was on duty, and she should not even consider compromising her position. But… that dick was so big. So powerful! “I… my duties-“

“Are finished for the night. Jen is out, and I don’t need anything. At least not to drink.”

Fiona closed the distance between them, her strides confident if a little uncoordinated. Her trunk extended forward and dipped between Renee’s legs before rising upward. Fiona pressed against Renee’s mound with the broad girth of her dick, sensually caressing her womanhood and causing a noticeable wet spot to appear on her pants. Renee groaned as a quiver rippled through her body. Fiona flashed a drunken grin at the her.

“Ok,” Renee whispered. The trunk retracted from between Renee’s legs before wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards Fiona’s body. As the two pressed together, their lips met and they kissed each other fiercely. Fiona’s hands roamed over Renee’s collection of partially filled tits, various liquors seeping out of her hard nipples. Renee hummed from the dual pleasure of being felt up and having her dispensers draining. Renee reached down between Fiona’s legs and felt the leathery skin of the shaft’s base. It was so big, so warm, so firm. Fiona hummed at her touch, and she slithered the end of her cock down and used its dexterous tip to unfasten Renee’s pants. The modified waitress pulled her hands back and used them to pull down on the garment, letting it fall to the floor. Fiona pulled away from Renee’s lips, but continued to kiss her way down to Renee’s neck.

“Where should we… you know?” Renee asked in a whisper.

“The bed, of course,” Fiona stated plainly.

Renee’s eyes went wide. “In Ms. Gibson’s bed? She’ll be furious!”

Fiona gave her another deep kiss, pressing her body against Renee’s dripping tits, soaking her top. “She’ll never know. Just tell Rhonda to get to it after we’re done. It’ll be clean before Jen ever wakes up. I mean, you saw how drunk she is.”

Renee paused, considering her words. Sensing her resolve breaking, Fiona leaned in and whispered into her ear “Besides, doesn’t that make it more thrilling?” She unraveled her trunk around Renee’s waist and used it to give the girl a gentle push towards the bed. Fiona followed, discarding her own clothing. As Renee turned around and pulled the covers off of the bed, Fiona snaked the tip of her cock up and rubbed it against Renee’s wet mound. The girls moaned together and Renee practically jumped on the bed, spreading her legs invitingly, her resistance completely eroded.

Fiona took a moment to admire Renee’s naked form. She reached forward with her long trunk and ran it from Renee’s neck, across four pairs of tits, and down to her slit. She slid it in and started pumping, using her hands to rub the rest of her dick that could not possibly fit inside. Renee moaned loudly and pawed at the bed as she was fucked by the mammoth monster..

Fiona looked down with pride as Renee shuddered and twitched as the cock filled and moved around inside her. Fiona loved having such an impressive dick, and she loved using it.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

glad to see a new update smile


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Haven't done one of these in awhile, but was inspired by the last chapter to make a morph illustration:


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night

“So now what the fuck are we going to do?”

Brianna roller her eyes and took a final drag off of her cigarette before flicking it to the ground to join the collection of butts she had already discarded. “Quit bitching already. Seriously. This was your grand plan, after all.”

“Me?! Are you fucking kidding me? This is one hundred percent Riley’s fault.”

“Fuck off, Becca. You were the one who said you had a ‘fool proof plan.’ Yeah. Some plan.”

The trio of punks sulked in silence. Their Friday night was not going well. The series of events which had led to this moment had started a couple days ago on Wednesday night. Riley had smuggled a bottle of vodka out of her parents’ liquor cabinet and spent the evening with her friends. If the girls had known the consequences those actions would have led to, they undoubtedly would have chosen a different path. Current, the only repercussion they were aware of was Riley’s parents had finally had enough of their daughter’s antics and had installed a particularly sturdy lock on the liquor cabinet.

However, there were powers in play the girls could have never dreamed of. That night, there had not been three girls sharing the spoils of Riley’s petty larceny, but four. They had been join by Nat, who had downed more than an equal share of the liquor. Arriving home in a drunken stupor, she had been confronted by her frustrated mother who had offhandedly wished she her daughter was a proper lady. Unbeknownst to everyone involved, Nat’s entire life had been rewritten. Instead of hanging out with a group of delinquent rebels, Natalie had instead spent her Friday night doing her homework and had gone to bed early like a well behaved child should.

Even more shocking, Nat had not been the first member of their group to be altered. Jaqueline had also been a prominent figure in punk clique. Unlike the change which had affected Nat, though, Jaqueline had been erased from existence altogether. After being fused with two other girls, the essence that had once been Jaqueline now only existed as a part of Jaqi Pyon, the impossibly attractive high school chemistry teacher.

Unfortunately for the remaining Becca, Riley, and Brianna, they had no recollection of any of these events. Their only concern was acquiring more alcohol for some Friday night fun. After discovering the newly installed lock, Riley had reported back to her conspirators with the bad news. It was then that Becca had conceived of her “foolproof plan.” And so, after swiping her mother’s driver’s license out of her unattended purse, the three had headed off to the sleaziest liquor store they could find.

Unfortunately, the plan was not as foolproof as Becca had hoped. The elder clerk had been immediately suspicious when an unfamiliar face entered his store. The rundown countenance of the establishment meant only a particular clientele walked through his door. The slim girl in a white t-shirt with a faded band logo, plaid skirt, torn pantyhose, and black boots stood out like a sore thumb.

When she had arrived at the counter with a case of cheap beer and crumpled up dollar bills, the clerk greeted her warmly and casually asked for her ID as her punched a few keys on the register. Becca happily placed the license on the counter and gave the old timer a smug grin.

“Nice try,” he had said as soon as the ID was in his hand. Sure, Becca looked a bit like her mom, but there was no way the girl standing in front of him was a 44 year old woman. The clerk threw the ID into the open register drawer and slammed it shut before sliding the items on the counter back towards himself. The bastard had even taken the money, knowing that the girl could not report the theft without exposing her own crime.

Now, the trio were loitering against the side of the building out of view of the glass storefront. They were sober, poorer, and pissed. Becca was particularly infuriated, knowing she was going to have to explain to her mother where her ID had disappeared to.

“This is bullshit,” Becca muttered.

“The only thing that’s bullshit is your plan. Way to go, idiot,” Brianna muttered as she pulled out another cigarette.

“Fuck you. It could have worked,” Becca snapped back as she began to storm away.

“Not a chance in hell. There’s no way you’d pass for your mom,” Riley called after her.

“Seriously,” Brianna said before exhaling a cloud of smoke. “I wish you at least looked old enough not to get carded at this place.”


In the middle of the parking lot where Becca had previously been stomping away now stood a very different figure. The lithe punk girl had been replaced scrawny, disheveled woman who was clearly past her prime. Thick bands of gray streaked through her hair. As she trudged towards the building, Brianna nudged Riley.

“Hey, I have an idea.”

As the woman stepped onto the sidewalk surrounding the building, Brianna stepped forward. “Hey, lady. Listen, do you think you could-“

“Fuck off, kid,” the woman snapped as she moved past them without giving so much as a glance in their direction.

“Well fuck you, too!” Brianna shouted after her. Rebecca entered the store and moved towards the familiar cooler. She was tired after a long week of work and just wanted to get as plastered as possible before she had to do it all again on Monday. She grabbed her usual case of beer and was happy to see that Fred had already placed a handle of vodka on the counter from the bottom shelf.

“Anything else, Rebecca,” he asked even though he already knew the answer.

“Nah,” she grunted as she placed the exact change for the purchase on the counter. Fred took the money and opened the register. No need to card her. She was one of his regulars, after all. Rebecca silently picked up the bottle in her left hand, cradled the beer in her arms, and moved for the door.

Outside, the two punks were still waiting around. The one who was smoking blew a large cloud in her direction. She had meant it to be unpleasant, but all it did was made Rebecca want a smoke of her own. She’d light up once she got back to her apartment. She considered going back and telling Fred about the pair, but quickly decided they weren’t worth her time.


The wooden door swung open with such force the cloud of smoke billowed and churned in the confined space. The padlock clattered angrily as the door slammed into the exterior wall. The three occupants turned to stare at the silhouetted form standing in the door way. The only physical feature that could be made out was the voluminous plume of hair that crowned the figure’s head. One of the boys let out an audible exhale.

“Damn, Felicia, you scared the shit out of me.”

The boy had clearly been oblivious to the tense, ridged posture the interloper was posed in as she stared at the trio. But the cloud of smoke now pouring out of the open door was clear evidence that his perception was highly diminished. Felicia stepped into the shack, the dim electric lantern on the far side of the small room unveiled her expression as she moved closer. The boy didn’t notice, as his attention had already returned to the bong on the table.

“Chris, what the fuck?!” she demanded. Her head shook in rage, causing her curly afro to sway atop her head in response. The boy looked back, his brain slowly processing that he was not out of danger as he had originally surmised.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Chris! You said that you weren’t smoking anymore!”

“I’m not-“ The boy looked down at the bong and lighter in his hands. Even his addled brain could process he had been caught red handed. He decided to switch tactics and present an unbeatable argument. “It’s not a school night.”

“‘Not a school night?’ Seriously?! What am I, your mother? I’m your girlfriend, you dense fuck! We talked about this!”

One of the boys began snickering, both from Chris actively deflating in his seat and the potent chemicals flooding his system. Felicia’s attention snapped to the giggling stoner.

“Shut it, Kyle! You’re lucky I don’t tell your parents about how you’re hot boxing the backyard tool shed!”

“Well, you certainly sound like my mother,” Chris muttered. Feeling the enraged girl’s glare on him once again, he cursed his lack of a mental filter. It was time to go on the offensive.

“Baby, it’s just a little pot. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal?! Chris, I’m getting sick and tired of you bailing on me to get high. And then you actually do show up, you smell like a skunk and can’t even keep up with a basic conversation. I wish you weren’t such a fucking pothead!”

“Yeah?!” he snapped back. “I wish you were a pothead!”


The mood in the shed immediately switch. All tension was gone and the three boys basked in the cloud they had made.

“This shit you’ve got is the best, man.”

Chris blow out a voluminous cloud and smiled dopily. “Right? Perfectly dank. Thanks for letting me store it here. That reminds me, we need to get some more of it ready. Grab it for me, will ya?”

Kyle stood up and began moving a series of carefully stacked boxes to reveal their hidden treasure. Additional light from the grow lights flooded the room. Inside a carefully concealed hidey hole was a healthy pot plant. The distinctive lush green leaves were growing tall and full. As the plant was pulled put of its hiding spot, none of the boys paid any attention to the face on the terracotta pot it resided in. Felicia smiled silently as the trio fawned over her impressive crop. She felt them carefully clip some of the taller stalks, and was pleased it would allow her more space to grow.

She was a proud pothead.


“Alright, it all comes down to this. Make or break. Live or die. Do it.”

The gathered crowd leaned forward. The small, mousy girl nodded, adjusted her large glasses, took a deep breath, and opened her hand. A series of hard clicks filled the otherwise silent room until coming to a deafening silence.

“Nat 20!”

A series of cheers and applause filled the room. Isabella smiled widely, her glasses slipping lower on her nose as they always did. Unaccustomed to such attention, she shrank slightly in her chair. The boy next to her, Brennan, held his hand up. She blushed and gave him a limp high five. Across the table, Matt the Dungeon Master stood up.

“With a swing of her massive two-handed war axe, the orc barbarian dispatches the evil lich king! What does Ishima say?”

Isabella rose up in her seat, the freedom of role playing giving her uncharacteristic confidence. “Lich raise dead. Nobody left to raise lich.”

The table roared with laughter as Isabella deflated again and readjusted her glasses. The endgame was business as usual. Loot to divide, experience points to be distributed, and goodbyes shared. Isabella stepped out of house into the warm spring night and turned towards home.

“Hey, Isabella! Wait up!”

She turned to see Brennan jogging up to meet her. She blushed and looked away as he approached. “Hey. Um, can I, you know, walk you home?” Isabella gave a quick nod, and if she had been looking she would have noticed Brenna was blushing, too.

The two walked in silence for a block before Brennan cleared his throat. “That, uh, that was really cool. That lich almost wiped the whole party. Then you walked in and kicked his ass!”

Isabella gave a small shrug. “The dice liked me tonight. I wouldn’t have had the chance without the plan you made.”

“Don’t short change yourself. You spec-ed Ishima perfectly. You’re an awesome, badass orc.”

Isabella felt her blush deepen, hoping it was dark enough that Brennan wouldn’t notice. The two continued to walk in silence, both too nervous to make the first move. Brennan was internally chasing himself. He really liked Isabella, but he couldn’t bring himself to get the guts to ask her out. He was too much like his character, no bravery at all. He had hoped that Isabella might secretly be like her character. The orc barbarian Ishima was brave and direct. At times being incredibly blunt. But here, walking alone with Isabella, he couldn’t tell if she was the opposite of her character, or just not interested in him.

“I wish she was more like her character,” he muttered under his breath.


Where tiny Isabella had just been standing was now a massive muscular figure. Standing easy 7 feet tall, the orc was a mountain of muscle under her olive green skin. Her dark black hair was pulled back into a long braided ponytail that was adorned with metal rings and bones that clinked and she strode forward with strides long enough that Brennan was now power walking just to try and keep up. His position behind her gave him an unobstructed view of the orc’s ass as the only clothing she wore consisted of animal skins that barely covered her crotch and nipples. Without warning, she stopped and turned around, causing Brennan to almost run straight into her.

“Ishima still not understand human game, but Ishima is happy to play,” the orc said in a voice that sounded like a cross between a harp and gravel. Brennan looked up into the yellow eyes staring down at him.

“Oh, um, yeah?” Brennan croaked out.

The orc nodded. “Yes. Brennan is quiet. But during game, Ishima get to see Brennan is clever. And funny. Ishima like that.”

Brennan rubbed a hand through his messy hair. “Yeah, um, well I-“

“Ishima want to mate with Brennan.”

Brennan froze, his mind trying to process what he had heard. “M-mate?” The orc nodded. Brennan felt his blood run cold as adrenaline dumped into his system. Ishima’s mouth pulled back into a wide smile, her protruding lower tusks standing out prominently among her sharp teeth. Brennan thought that maybe she was messing with him, or maybe she was getting a kick out of his discomfort. But the he noticed she wasn’t looking at his face.

“Ishima think Brennan want to mate, too.”

Brennan looked down to where the orc was staring and saw his rock hard erection pressing against the crotch of his cargo shorts. He put his hands over his blatant arousal and looked back up at Ishima. She was still smiling her toothy grin.

“Brennan will answer Ishima.”

“I… I mean… y-yes. Yeah, I mean. I-I want to… mate.”

Ishima’s chuckle rumbled in Brennan’s chest. “Good. Brennan will show Ishima if he is clever at mating like he is with dungeons.”

The orc turned at returned to walking back towards her home. Only now there was a noticeable spring in her step. Brennan had to jog to keep up with her, his erection still noticeable in his shorts.



“Don’t stop,” Anal Bitch moaned into the pillow. Her legs quivered and her abs clenched as another orgasm began to build in her bowels. A pair of voices behind her hummed passionately but said nothing. The sound of wet slurping and heavy breathing filled the room.

Anal Bitch’s eyes opened lazily and she looked over her shoulder towards her plush posterior. She was lying face down, ass up on a large bed. Her enormous ass cheeks were spread wide, and she could only make out the top of the head that was smothered deeply between them. The pair of dancing tongues in her back door rolled and wrestled, each desperate to taste more of the other.


Anal Bitch’s eyes clenched shut as a tongue pushed deeper into her ass’ mouth. A throaty exhale escaped Anal Bitch as she reflected on the evening. As soon as they had entered Jaqi’s apartment, she had been unable to keep her hands off Anal Bitch’s rear end. They had only stepped into the landing far enough to close the door before Jaqi was on her knees and pulling down Anal Bitch’s yoga pants. She ripped off the strained panties concealing the face residing in her butt crack and began making out with it furiously like they were long separated lovers. They have moved down the hallway, Anal Bitch on wobbly legs and Jaqi on her knees, as the teacher made out with the aroused asshole.


If the face that was in Anal Bitch’s ass could remember her original life, she would have been mortified. Her life, her very identity, had been erased by a couple casual wishes. She now existed as a perpetually horny body part. She was not even a “she” anymore, but an “it.” But Ass Slut had no memory of that previous reality. Instead, it was in pure ecstasy.  It had been thrilled when Anal Bitch had told it she got the job as the school’s Anal Stress Servicer.

Of course the very notion of a school employing someone for the explicit purpose of being fucked up the ass was preposterous. But Jon’s wish to mess around with the newly conjoined duo without anyone caring had resulted in unintended side effects. And now Anal Bitch and her Ass Slut were popular enough that there was always a line of eager boys, and appropriately equipped girls, on standby to use the for the purpose they were hired for.

And Anal Slut loved it!

Its entire existence centered around being pleasured. Anal Slut needed it. Being constantly pleasured by a throng of willing partners was nirvana. It was excruciating to be awake all night while Anal Bitch slept, nothing but a butt plug or dildo to suck on to ease the rising desire that only a flesh and blood lover could satiate.


But while a dick was always a wonderful gift, Jaqi was something else. Something special. Their first encounter had enchanted Anal Slut. While many were lining up to stick a dick in Anal Slut’s eager mouth, Jaqi was the first that wanted to kiss it.


In the current reality, Jaqi’s wish produced fetish was to eat ass. And Anal Bitch had the best ass around. The first time Jaqi had leaned in, her eyes closed and her lips puckered, Anal Slut had been confused. But when their lips touched, and Anal Bitch felt a fire erupt in its guts. And when Jaqi slipped her tongue into Anal Bitch’s mouth, it fell in love.


They had gone at it for hours that first time. And tonight had been a repeat performance. Jaqi could not get enough of eating ass. And Ass Slut couldn’t get enough of being eaten. Anal Bitch’s groans and cries of pleasure mirrored the ecstasy Ass Slut was feeling. This was all Ass Slut lived for.


Jaqi’s hands roamed over the massive globes of flesh that encompassed her prize. The tongue dancing with hers tasted absolutely divine. She was so glad that Anal Bitch didn’t have to shit. Her ass, her glorious Ass Slut, existed only for pleasure. Both her own pleasure, and the pleasure of her lovers.


And Jaqi was in pleasure. The whole evening had been a symphony of erotic delight. She had cum more times than she could count, knowing that she had in turn brought Anal Bitch to countless orgasms. And they were now building towards another one. She could feel it in the way Ass Slut’s lips were quivering. Just a bit more and-


Jaqi reached down and pushed the head deeper into her greedy wet slit. She is turn felt hands on the back of her head as her face was pressed even harder into the musky cunt she was eagerly eating out. She didn’t mind the forceful gesture, and she knew exactly where to go to please her lover. After all, it was herself.

At the stroke of midnight, Jaqi’s wish imparted fetish had reset. A new desire for a new day. Her previous obsession with eating ass had not just dissipated, it had never existed. The countless rendezvous with Anal Bitch and her Ass Slut had been erased from existence. A new sexual focus rewriting the history of her life for the next 24 hours.

Today’s fetish had been inspired by Sydney. The power of the stone had turned Sydney into a hive mind that controlled a pair of identical bodies that she was obsessed with using to pleasure herself. To fulfill the fetish properly, Jaqi had become a pair of Jaqis. Both knew what there other knew, felt what the other felt, and wanted what the other wanted.

And Jaqi wanted herself. The two were one. And she knew exactly how to please herself.

As her pussy clenched and squirted onto the other hers face, she could feel and taste herself on her own face even as she was still lying on the bed. Without a word, the one that had been lying between her legs got up, crawled over herself, and straddled her own face with her still unsatisfied slit. She still felt the wetness of her last orgasm on her face as her other face began to feverishly eat her out.


Across town, Anal Bitch was curled in bed. In her sleep, she tensed momentarily before letting out a gentle, but passionate, sigh. Under the covers, pressed into the mattress, Slut Ass passed the long night sucking on the butt plug in its mouth. The orgasm was enough to slightly take the edge off, but it really couldn’t wait to get back to work on Monday and have an eager line of fat, juicy cocks waiting to fill it up properly.


Re: Chick for a Dick - by ekempo5000

Chick for a Dick: Chick is Cock

The light of the morning sun was slowly illuminating the silent room. The darkness of night bled away and shrank into long shadows as the dawn broke. As the sun continued its steady climb, a wave of light appeared on the wall across from the full length windows and began to reach down towards the floor.

As the wave of light moved across the hardwood floor, it crept up the bare legs of the mostly naked form lying in a drunken stupor. The figure was oblivious to the dawn, but the appendage between its legs was not. As light poured across her face, Karyn winced in discomfort. She tried to raise her arms to block out the oppressive brightness, but they fail to respond to her. In fact, she couldn’t even feel them.

A sickly, acrid smell emanated from somewhere close by. Karyn reluctantly opened her eyes, the intense pounding in her head making her desperate for that damn light to disappear so she could sleep off the intense sickness she was feeling. She was met with blinding pain that only made her feel like she had been run over by a bus. She groaned and tried to pull her sheets over her head, but her arms again refused to obey her. In fact, she didn’t even feel her sheets. Or her mattress. Whatever she was lying on was warm. Almost like-

Memories flashed back to Karyn. She reluctantly opened her eyes and braved the light. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a massive puddle of puke on the floor a short distance away from her on the wooden floor. She looked away and took in the sight of a pair of giant, feminine legs stretching away from her. Jen’s legs.

The previous day began to replay in her head. She had stopped by Jen’s, had seen her chance, and had wished herself back to being her best friend’s penis. But Jen wasn’t her best friend anymore. She was selfish and cruel. She had told Karyn a sample of what she had done with the stone, and it had horrified her.

And aroused her.

Karyn couldn’t help it, but the power of the stone had always intoxicated her. The previous week, she had even wished for Jen to be more open and excited to use the stone. And now it appeared she had created a monster. She was not the Jen she remembered. And according to Jen, there had not even been a Jen to begin with. “Jen” had apparently been “Jon” up to some point the day before.

And Karyn was now trapped as the most intimate body part of this complete stranger. Karyn had wished to be a dick like she had previously been, and that meant the escape mechanism they had developed would not work. She was stuck as she was until at least the upcoming Friday morning. All she could do was hope that when her wish ended she could get things back to normal.

Whatever “normal” was anymore.

But Jen had mentioned others that had been changed. Changes Karyn had seen but didn’t recognize. In a week she might be able to get free, but what of those others? Who were they? What had Jen done to them? Was there any hope for them? Could Karyn do anything about it?

As if Fate had heard her, Jen shifted and brought her right hand to lay on her lower abdomen. Her right hand that still gripped the stone. Karyn fought back against the hangover Jen had unwittingly assaulted her with. She needed to make a plan, and FAST! She could barely feel the hardness of the stone against her base where what used to be her ass was joined to Jen’s crotch. As soon as Jen shifted even slightly, she may lose her one chance at a wish.

But what to wish for? She couldn’t just undo everything Jen had done. Even undoing her own transformation into a penis had taken specific planning and wording. And she couldn’t make Jen remember her, because that would conflict with the wish she had made yesterday. But she had to do something. Something that she could use to her advantage when she changed back in a week. Something-

Jen groaned. The sunlight had worked its way up her sleeping body and was beginning to rouse her just as it had Karyn. It was now or never! Karyn had to make a wish!

“I wish that I knew everything that has been changed!”


Karyn's shout had sent her nausea into overdrive. She fought back a gag, wondering if she could even throw up as she was. Of course it couldn't throw up. People throw up, not cocks like it.

It accepted the thought before recoiling in dread. “It?” She had briefly thought of herself as nothing but a thing! Her head spun, but not from the booze in her and Jen's system, but from colliding realities in her mind. It wasn’t like before where she remembered two lives, her human life and her existence as a living penis. It was multiple realities where each change of the stone had changed something. Sometimes it was a small change, sometimes it was enormous. But they all made a separate reality. And Karyn was becoming aware of them. And she wasn’t just recalling them, she was living them. Experiencing them. She didn’t just remember. She knew.

Just like she had asked for.

She stared blankly at the legs extending away from her. Jen’s legs. She then recalled Jon’s masculine legs. Jon! She remembered Jon! She tried to look up towards his… her face, but it was blocked by twin mountains of tits. Jon didn’t have tits. Jen had tits. They both existed in Cock’s mind.

Wait… Cock?

Of course. That’s what Jon had always called it. Or sometimes Dick. Penis. Privates. Rod. It was all of those.

Karyn shook her head vigorously. Alternate realities were flooding her mind, stacking on top of one another. The act caused the room to spin and Coc- KARYN! Karyn opened her eyes and tried to steady her equilibrium.

She looked around and recognized Jen’s lavish study. She had visited Jen here plenty of times. No... she hadn’t. Jon didn’t have a study like this. Wait, that wasn’t right. Jon didn’t have a study at all. No, there was a study. Jen had fucked a cheerleader on the coffee table. Wait... the coffee table wasn’t a table. It was a girl who got changed into one! No, it was the chair that had been a girl! The girl...chair... chair-girl Jon sat in while he jacked off Cock while looking at porn on his computer. His computer! It was Vicki from World Studies! No. No it was V.I.C.-E. Cock wished the computer was human. Cock had always hoped Jen would fuck Vicki with it. No! She was not an it!

But it was. It was Cock. She was Karyn. Both.

She had made a mistake. It was loosing itself. Couldn’t keep realities straight. It had to fix this!

Jen whined and turned on her side, moving dangerously close to the puddle she had vomited onto the floor the previous evening. As she repositioned herself, her right arm stretched out and braced herself against the floor.

Cock watched on in horror. The stone was a full arm’s length away, but it might as well be half the world away. It was completely out of reach. Now how would Cock wish for a morning blowjob? Wait… was that what it wanted to wish for? No! Karyn needed to fix things. She needed to focus! She needed to get laid! NO! She wanted things to be back to normal!


What was normal?

Alternate realities assaulted her mind. Karyn. Jon. Cock. Jen. Person. Penis. Friend. Host? Which was real?!

All of them.

She was Karyn Black, Jon Gibson’s best friend. She was Jen Gibson’s penis. It was Cock. 

Cock looked around the room. She remembered Jon’s original room. This was so much better. She glanced between the coffee table, the chair, and the computer. She could now tell they all used to be human, but the only one out of the three she could remember was Vicki. Karyn had known Vicki, but Cock recognized all three of the items in Jen’s office. Jen had sat in that chair while she fucked a cute exchange student with Cock.

Cock hardened at the memory. She tried to remember the girl and did not experience any overlapping versions of reality. She had just been a normal girl that Jen had seduced. Jen was good very good at getting what she wanted. Not like shy Jon. He was so cute. Karyn had always had a soft spot for him. No wonder Cock had wanted to stay as his penis.

Cock let out a vapid giggle. Why had it been so worried? So many realities, and in most of them it has always been a penis. This was normal. It missed Jon, but it was so hot being attached to such a knockout like Jen. Maybe Cock could keep Jen focused on only using the stone on people who wanted to change. Or not. It was just another reality to add to the shuffle.

Part of it, the human Karyn part, fought against the thought. But right now, Cock just wanted Jen to wake up and have some fun.