Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

"I fear, this is no cooincidence! Most personnel hid in their locked appartements. If someone unlocks the doors, they aren't safe anymore."

*DING* something came with the elevator. I put my hand around the gun in my pocket.

The elevator doors opened and inside was..


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

The ding of the elevator i didn't listen the first time, but the second ding after Miranda talked i listened, i saw that Miranda is preparing something in her pocket

I say mentally again to Claire

Claire be careful with the elevator, we don't know if the elevator has enemies or allies, put behind Miranda and Alex

I ask to the rest of the group

Is here someone that have a spare gun or a weapon to use it?

Staying in the back of Miranda and Alex in case of danger waiting that the elevator opens its doors

I contact mentally with "My Mistress of Inner Voices" asking her or them

Would we (Claire and me) be in danger when the elevator's doors open or not?


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: TrekkiGurl63

Kinsley had finished climbing the stairs and opened the stairwell door into the hallway. She slowly stepped out and found the others watching the elevator as the doors slid open.

She stopped in her tracks as she remembered the first monster she had encountered. She looked over the group and saw that some had transformations already.

"Hello." She said quietly as the elevator doors slid open fully ...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

When the doors of the elevator opens almost totally, behind us we are listening a hello

I don't know if turn me to see the woman that is behind us or follow my eyes in the elevator, after turn back to see the woman and say to the woman that is behind us

Hello, quickly, we don't know if...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

The inside of the elevator is splatered with cum. Laying on the floor is a girl. It will be impossible to identify her now though as her head dissolves into her shoulders, a large vagina forming in it's place. On the floor next to her is a heavy book and a squished creature the size of a rat.

Then suddenly two blurs shoot out from the elevator.


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

Suddenly in the elevator we see a transformating girl that we don't indetify because her head is dissolving into her shoulders, and a vagina is appearing in the place of the head

Next to the girl transforming in the floor full of the cum is a dead creature of the size of a rat and a heavy book, but when we are going to take the book looking after the girl...

...Two quickly movings go out of the elevator, my first reaction is deal with the identify of the creature that did these quickly movements

After the examination of the rest of the group, i will investigate the origin of the quickly movements very slow, with the question to the group

!!holy god¡¡ What were the origin of the movements? did it go out of the elevator and where it has gone?

After, i will see if the creature is really dead and after the girl, if the girl is alive still, i say to the group and i will take the heavy book very carefully and examinate it


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

I didn't see the new girl; the elevator doors got my full attention. The scene was to bizarre for me, to fully comprehend it.
The former girl still moved and out of her vagina it SPIT something at us. The first glob hit the wall besides deckard, and the second one gone in the direction of the stairwell. I didn't see if it hit something, though.

With a shriek i tried to turn around and run to the stairs, but i still wasn't used to the new weight distribution and fell. I discovered new level of pain, when my changed butt hit the ground. Now i knew for sure, where my testicles went.

Kyle didn't hesitate and fired some rounds at the girl. The bullets hit her and the walls of the elevator turned red. Before it died, the monster managed to spit out another glob which seemingly hit...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

The situation that i saw wasn't the real, i saw all the situation in my mind like a third eye, i didn't know if it was an idea of my "inner voices", but the real situation was different.

In these points it was different to my imagined situation, the quickly movements that i saw, was in reality shoots of cum that one impacted near to Deckard, it was an opportunity failed to transform Deckard, and the second glob of cum was in the direction of the stairs, it was the situation of the new girl

I forget the new girl when i saw the glob of cum flying, and my first reaction was hitting the floor, and kyle shooted to the girl transformed in the elevator, with its last action the monster girl spited other glob of cum and hitted partially my lumps and my mouth-vagina while the other parts of the glob hit...

When i saw my lumps changes, i said "¡¡Shiiiiiit!!" and falled into unconsciousness while my body suffered new changes...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: TrekkiGurl63

Kinsley froze when she saw the girl lying on the floor in the elevator. Her head gone and replaced by a vagina making it impossible to tell who she was. Most of the others were looking at the elevator and hadn't seen her leave the stairwell yet.

She was walking forward when sudden movement from the elevator caught her attention before she felt something hit her in the chest. Kinsley looked down and watched the glob of cum soak into her shirt and then skin underneath.

Kinsley couldn't stop starting at the spot on her chest as she started to feel something weird happening to her body...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

Kinsley ripped her shirt from her body, but it was far too late. Her whole chest burnt like fire. She felt how her breasts slowly inflated, while in between them another lump formed.

She touched her growing breasts, felt her stretching skin... it felt great! She never before experienced much joy from her breasts. They were simply too insensitive. But now, she understood what other women meant with breast orgasm. She was on the verge, but before she could climax, the growth stopped. Kinsley looked at her new rack. "H-Cup, or a little bigger! Being a three-breasted freak wasn't too bad, compared to what happened to the others." she thought.

But the burning returned. Now it concentrated on her nipples, and it was much more intense than before. The sensations forced Kinsley to her knees.
The nipples surged forward, quickly they were as big as her thumb and grew even bigger. She grabbed the nipples and felt how they inflated, grew longer and harder. They felt like....

She looked at her breasts. Her nipples changed into thick 10" long cocks. Mechanically she started to give herself a hand-job on the outer breasts.

It felt so good! She moaned and closed her eyes, rubbing faster.

When the orgasm finally came it was a release. Thick streams of cum ejaculated from all three cocks.


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

As Ashley slumped to the floor her changes were already underway. The lumps under her arms grow rapidly tearing holes in Ashley's shirt. Stopping when they are slightly longer than her arms. The tips split into two "fingers" about 4 inches long. Her nipples can be seen growing through her shirt. The reach almost two inches and then become much thicker until they split. And split once more making three long nipples on each breast.

Though not visible to others, the tongue in her mouth/vagina also grows significantly longer its tip mushrooming. A small slit forming as it finishes reshaping into a cock. The "milk" in her breasts becomes addictive and mildly infectious. And lastly small spots of her skin starts to change color.


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Kyle quickly wipes his eyes. He didn't notice the small amount of cum that splashed off Ashley and hit his face until it started to burn. His eyebrows fall out and his eyes change color to red as pupils become veritcal slits. His eyes now decidedly reptilian.


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

Very very slowly i recovered my consciousness after the fallen to the floor, i remember the changes, in special the lumps, i see that tha lumps are not there, but yes there are "arms" a littler longer that my real arms, with two "fingers" en each new hand or tentacle or similar

Other changes are the nipples of my three breasts, it are more big, and thicker, in total, i have three loooooong nipples en each breasts, addend nine nipples in my body, with E-F-E cups of each breast

If i concentrate, i will control a little the movements of my new "fingers and arms", but i notice a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig change in my mouth-vagina, and it's just the tongue of my mouth-vagina, also changed and was more long to a cock or tentacle cock with a slit in the tip, and it's moving freely

I know but i dont know how that my "milk" of my breasts are from now on addictive to the person that drinks ir and is also mildly infectious, with other minor changes of smalls spots in my skin changes color like this

Besides that, i see that the new girl of the stairs and kyle are transforming like me, in the case of kyle a small part of the glob that hit me, impacted in his face and his eyebrows felt out with the changes of his pupils that are like the eyes of a reptile of color red and vertical

The girl of the stairs also suffers the changes of a new breast between her normals breasts and her size or cup are growing, but her nipples changed to three cocks (thick 10" long cocks). I see that she mechanically started to give herself a hand-job on her breasts

And she finally the orgasm with the cum ejaculating from all her three cocks

More tranquil by my part and with my consciousness returns to me, after i was exhausted of my transformations i said between panting of orgasm

...Alex?... I am..., well, less than... before, but well of... ... moment, Miranda are... ... you okay? are here more... ... .... people changes or... ... ... ...

And thinking to my "inner voices"

My Mistress? are you okay? My Mistress?, ¡¡My Mistress!!


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

As the pain faded, my attention was directed to my surroundings again. Someone was moaning and Deckard was pale with shock. The glob missed him by a hairbreadth.

i turned my head and looked at the new girl, who kneeled masturbating a near the stairs. Ashley lay on the floor, still changing.
With some efford i got up.

Meanwhile Ashleys changes stopped. "...or...?"

"I'm okay, i guess." i answered Ashley. She seemed to be still nearly k.o. from her orgasm.

Deckard still didn't move. "We have to get out of here! It's too dangerous!" i said to Deckard. He seemed overstrained with the situation, but the he pulled himself together and said: "Maybe you right! MacLeod! Check out this Shepard-Girl, Jessom you the newcomer. If they still can move, lets get out of here!"


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Stay calm We are unhurt Borrow our control, our discipline Give Deckard our gift The Gift of milk The Blonde one knows how


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

Between mind fogs, i listened to Deckard said to MacLeod check me if i am a sex-mindless monster

With many efforts of concentration, i recovered some or the most part of my human mind and conscience, i got up and say with efforts before MacLeod would see me

I... am... okay..., really... i... am... okay...

The... voice... of... Miranda... served me... like an anchor... to return to... my humanity and... conscience...

Thanks from my... heart, Miranda...

I support on a wall near to the elevator breathing with effort the changes

While in my mind, i listened a loud and loooooong guffaw with only these words

Stay calm We are unhurt Borrow our control, our discipline Give Deckard our gift The Gift of milk The Blonde one knows how


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

I approached to the Blondie woman "Claire" and say to her with my mental contact

If you listen me, move a hand

Listen very carefully, i would give my gift "my milk" to Deckard, they said to me that you know how, say to me and i will help you to take revenge of Deckard

¡¡Obey me!!


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Recovering from my on shock, I do my best to help Miranda up while Kyle and Jessom help the others. I don't notice as my vines reach for the dead creature in the elevator, falling short.

"I don't want to be insensitve, but this is only one of many reasons we should avoid the elevators" I say once Miranda is on her feet.

Suddenly feeling a little hungry I pull out a protein bar. Dark chocolate rasberry, yum. After I take a bite I notice it tastes strange, very bland. When I try to swallow, I end coughing and spiting granola crumbs on the floor. Breifly confused I try to swallow again with an empty mouth. I can't. My esophagus is gone. That's what happened to my throat. I can no longer "eat", I have to rely on my plant-self for sustenance now. But then why am I hungry?


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

"Yes, you are right. Inside we are trapped and..." suddenly i notice the confusion in Alex faces.

"What's the matter?"


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Claire lifts her top left breast to Ashley's ear so the other's won't hear.
"Deckard is usually careful and his suit is magic. It literally repels dirt and grime. That probably "saved" him just now. But if you can give him some infected cigarettes, he won't know until it's too late. But you must be careful to not make him suspicious."

Claire then waddles over to the stairway door and holds open it for the others.


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

I blink to her, to do her that i understood her words, and thinking with Claire after i felt that my mind was changed complety, so from now i am or we are (Claire and me) very loyalty to "inner voices"

Us must be very careful with him, us must find a cigarette pack to infect it with our "gift"

Seeing my surroundings area, i see that Claire opens to us the door of the stairs and walking with her and the rest of the group, i say to the group near to the stairs

Do you found any cigarette pack or do you have any pack that is in excess?, that is i am very nervous and the cigarettes i reassure


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

Jessom approached the newcomer carefully. He couldn't see the womans face, and wasn't sure how she'd react.

The bare naked breasts, with the three dripping cocks, fascinated him, the were so alien, yet so sexy! "Did i really thought that?"

He shook his head, as if he tried to shake of this thought.

"Are you okay? What is your name?"


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

I say to the group

Is here a WC? i have to go with my friend "blondie", if i miss in the way

When i listen where is the WC, i will go with Claire

In the WC, i say to Claire mentally

Drink a little of my "gift" before renowned like Claire, reborn "LustCum" from my "gift" and accep it without doubts...

And accepts without doubts her mouth-breast in my third nipple-breast


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Looking up at Miranda, "I'm hungry, but I can't eat. At first I liked what happened to me. Partly because the crazy lust went away. But the more I discover about my changes the more worried I become. At first I thought I was a somewhat plant-like human, but now I think I might be a plant that only looks human."

Realising I haven't seen my face since the change I turn on my laptop's cammera. On the screen appears my face. The green complexion I was expecting. The smaller nose and the hair that looks like fine vines and moss, while unusual doesn't shock. The fact that I can feel from my hair is surprising. But what disturbs me is my eyes. They so inhuman, solid green spheres, no pupils, only a little darker than my face. From a distance it would be impossible to tell if they were open or not, I can barely tell looking this closely.

Not able to look at myself any longer, I look to the stairs. The new comer Jessom is helping looks familar. I've probably seen her here before. I can't remember was she the one that works with my dad?


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

While we (me and Clarie) go to the WC, i listened the problems that Alex has, at first she enjoyed of the changes but now, is the opposite, she sees her like a plant with some or a fews features humans, that worry her much more

I think while go to the WC

Alex doesn't be used for our brood hive, because she almost is a big plant mutant, we only have to our brood hive Miranda, Kyle and Deckard

If nobody go with us to the WC, better to us


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

Alex was right, the changes were severe. But then i had an idea:

"This is a d-cum research station, right? I don't know much about the experiments, but the scientists must prepared an antidote. Nobody would experiment with such dangerous substances, without having a emergency plan. We just must find it. Probably your father has it."

I examined her body. "Maybe you need a kind of liquid food, in which you can put your tentacles. They remind me of a kind of roots..."


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: belriose2002

", if i miss in the way...."

"We will wait 5 minutes, then we will leave you two." Deckard barked. He gained back all the confidence, he lost in the attack minutes before, and looked arrogantly at Ashley and Claire.

"Jessom, what's the matter with the new one? Is she okay, or not?"


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

When i was coming into the WC, i listened to Miranda, first answering to Deckard

Don't worry, we will come back before your 5 minutes finish

And thinking again in the WC

Us must change Miranda before she find the antidote, for join us

Claire, Miranda must fall to the changes quickly, but not now for the moment, us have two or three enemies (Miranda, Alex and Deckard)

Deckard will be our priority for now, and later we will join the rest

Now accept my "gift" LustCum

In the WC, Claire inmediately i said "accept...", she throws to me and suck from my nipples and enjoying the moment but i am not changed, but Claire yes (for us, she is now LustCum) a little...


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

"Thank you for the idea." I retrive a bottle mineral water from my backpack. After opening it I offer the bottle to my vine-tentacles. They take it and bring the bottle up into me, the opening between my legs closing. It's a really strange feeling , but I slowly start to feel a little better.

"I'll check the progress reports for some kind of antidote or remedy. Maybe I can find which lab was being used. Then we could stop by on our way down." Hope creeping back into my voice.

"Miranda, Do you know her?" Indicating the woman with Jessom. "She looks famliar but I can't place her."


Re: The Facility, RP, repost

Original Poster: Darth_Lust

Ashley Shepard

Immediately when Claire or "LustCum" throw to me and sucks my nipples in my breast, i feel that her tongues of her two mouths changes to two cocks small like, and her ass changes more to provide more pleasure like a vagina and accept her new name as "LustCum" in our Brood hive, saying to her with a kiss long

Welcome to the Brood Hive, LustCum

Maintain while us change the group you name of Claire, but for me from now you are Lustcum...

After the moment of enjoy, we clean us waiting that they don't see the changes in Claire and go out again to meet the group