Topic: The Problem with Magical Bras - by Hawke … 20Bras.htm … 20Bras.htm
The Problem with Magical Bras
By Hawke
Hi. My name is Angela and I'd like to tell you my life's story up to now, including my recent problem. To begin with, I am 19 yrs old and a high school graduate. I stand 5'2" and have long flowing blonde hair. Now, I can just hear all the groans and stereotypes about how all blonde teenaged girls are some kind of "airheads". This is not the case. I happen to be very intelligent. A little naive at times though.
Oh yes, I also had a couple minor flaws. From the beginning of puberty until a week ago, I had no breasts. I mean, if I didn't have my long hair, I would look like a young man. I was always told that perhaps I was a late bloomer, but looking at the women in my family, I didn't have much to look forward to. My elder sister was like me, but grew to her present B cup size by her 15th birthday. Mom, well she was only a large A cup herself. I was hoping that if the "trend" continued I would have grown to a C or larger. No such luck.
So, one day about two weeks ago, in the midst of a depression spell, I hooked up with my best friend Samantha and we decided to go shopping. We wandered about the mall for hours, and we came across a small shop set back along a side hallway. Oddly, we hadn't noticed it before. It was a small magic and joke shop. We wandered in and the old woman behind the counter just smiled. We laughed at what we had seen: mirrors that screamed when you looked into them, trick cards, candy "pills" for all kinds of ailments, underwear for me to make them look more "endowed" and even bras to make women "bustier". That last one was kind of touchy, but Samantha bought one for me as a joke and said perhaps I should play a prank on my mother.
I took the gag gift home and opened the box. I examined the bra itself. It looked rather silky in the cups and the straps were some kind of elastic, but felt somewhat rubbery. I read the "instructions" that came with it. It said for the bra to "work" to wear it constantly for 24 hours. It would make any woman larger up top no matter what her size as the bra would stretch. Maybe that accounted for the rubbery feeling of the straps. I figured "why not" and so after my shower, I put the bra on over my nipples of my 'non-existant' breasts.
The feeling was almost undescribable. The closest thing I could describe it as a warm tingling but pleasurable feeling. One that I would never want to stop. By now, it was nearing midnight and I was feeling a bit tired, so I fell asleep. I awoke by midday the next day. I thought my clock was set to wake me, but I found it turned off. At the realization of my oversleeping, I sprung forward, but was recoiled by something. I looked down to see snuggly in the bra was two large breasts...MY breasts! As the bra stretched, I had no clue as to their size, but they had my sister beaten by a mile! This bra was definately magical. The tingling continued and I almost didn't want it to end, but I had to take a shower and get something to eat. It felt strange as I took the bra off to have a sudden heaviness, but also when I washed them to have such strong arousing feelings coming from them.
I wondered if they could get any bigger, when remembering the instructions said they'd fit any woman's size. Unsure if I'd want them bigger or not, I called up Samantha and said I had to go out and buy some bras and some looser tops and that I'd explain it all when she came over. She arrived about an hour later, and I didn't have to say a word. Her mouth dropped when I opened the door. "My gawd Angie! You're huge!", she finally sputted out. She timidly reached out, "they're real too!".
We went back to the mall and I was measured for a bra. Luckily as I never needed one before, the woman in the shop didn't recognize me. "Honey, you is one blessed gal!", she said in a slightly cajun accent, "you be a good whoppin' 40 FF". My mind raced, from bare nothing to a FF in only 24 hours?! And that feeling...when the magical bra was on, so stimulating. Oh, just to have it on again for even a few hours. Perhaps if I didn't wear it for the full 24 hours, no further growth would happen. Samantha wanted to buy one of the bras as well, but when we returned to that area, there was no hallway and no sign of the shop. We asked a maintenance man where the shop went and he told us there was never any shop nor any hallway there.
Samantha and I went out for the next two days and I was impressed at how many men were coming up to me asking me out and simply ogling my tits. I never felt such power over men as I did just then, before in my life. It was addicting. I now knew I wanted to be even bigger to make men simply erupt in their pants seeing me walk past them. I promised Samantha that in 2 days she could have her turn at the magic bra and that I was going to use it one more time and then wash it before giving it to her.
That was the day before yesterday. Late last night, I took my shower and once more put on the magic bra. I thought I had it firmly around my breasts, but upon waking up this morning, I found out I was wrong and to my horror, I wasn't bigger in the way I wanted to be. It seems as I slept, the bra pushed down from my tits to just under them and during the night, that area grew into two new breasts, equal in size to the first ones, complete with nipples and the same sensitivity. Great, now I have 4 breasts all 40 FF. I took the bra off and sighed. As the shop was gone, there was no way to contact the old woman to see if it could be reversed and now I was stuck like this. I washed the magic bra for Samantha and put on 2 pairs of my new bras and a shirt, which though it tried its best, couldn't conceal the new appendages to my torso. Samantha should be here at any moment, and I'll show her what happened to me and give her fair warning... that's one of the problems with magical bras, they never know when to stop or WHAT to grow...