Topic: Sisterhood of the Vulva - by Tsceri

Twenty-five years ago a woman named Mary Celeste had a shocking revelation; transformations tend to happen to women more often than men, and result in additional penises far more often than vaginas. As such, the penis : vagina ratio across the whole of Assiah had become dangerously unbalanced.

Celeste had been an alchemist in a fair-sized town prior to her revelation, and having accidentally given herself a cock while studying her trade as a young woman she knew what an unreleased manhood could feel like. In her book, The Verities of the Vulva, Celeste described how the realization shook her to the core, how the knowledge that extremely transformed penis beasts could be in such discomfort for the majority of their long days kept her awake at night. Over the next several months she removed herself, more and more, from normal society and town-life, pouring herself into her writing and alchemical dabbling.

Her book ended up being a four hundred and fifty page philosophical, moral, and alchemical thesis on her new views. Specifically, it revolved around achieving contention and harmony through the giving of pleasure through the self. It details how she believes the healthy, clear-minded individual, man or woman, can achieve the greatest possible good in their lives by becoming an entirely female sexual being, a creature's who's purpose is to receive pleasure and give release in the most thorough and efficient way possible.

The day she unveiled her book, she drank a specially crafted D-cum elixir in public. Its instantaneous effects were to transform her mouth into a pussy, cause her hair to gather into two dozen arm-length sinuous tentacles, each blossoming into its own womanhood, and inflate her breasts to a massive size. She called the elixir a Potion of Devotion, and details its ingredients and preparation within her book. The initial changes will vary with the ultimate uncertainty that haunts all mortal alchemy, but the potion continues changing the recipient, adding pussies, softening the body, and growing breasts until the drinker eventually becomes entirely immobile, a living altar equipped for the devotions of even the most penis-covered transformee. She has spent her time, ever since, traversing Assiah and spreading her words.

Her book contains directions for assembling over a dozen potions, each with the aim of converting the drinker into something suitable of receiving and sating a multitude of cocks at once. By far, its most common use is by lovers of the recently transformed, often boyfriends or husbands who change themselves to accommodate their feminine partner's sudden influx of penises. Transformations listed in the Verities of the Vulva range from an extremely weak d-cum elixir that can transform testicles into a single vagina, to the extreme. On the extreme end, Verities details how to assemble an elixir that will transform any who drink it, man or woman, into a Lilac Sister; an immobile plant-based being of soft flesh, boobs, and dripping pussies. Occasioanlly they will retain or grow a shapely hour-glass figure above the trunk their fused legs create, but just as often Lilac Sisters are spherical atop their stems. Regardless, their bodies turn a bright green (to faciliate the photosynthesis they now carry out) and their surface area above the pillar of their trunks will become almost entirely vaginal mounds and breasts (many of which will have pussies in lei of nipples). The sole exception will be the area that used to be the head, which will always retain the transformee's eyes, with their original spacing and orientation. The eyes are the only part of their new bodies a Lilac Sister can move, and through which they can communicate with the outside world. Most describe their current state as peaceful and fulfilling, living the life of selfless giving they had imagined when reading Verities. Transformed and untransformed alike use the sex-trees Lilac Sisters become, making them popular gathering spots in many towns.

Perhaps the single most used potion listed in the Verities is actually most popular among women. The concoction radically alters the drinker's internal organization, making much of their bodies more elastic under certain conditions and relocating a number of organs to the base of the breasts, vastly increasing their size. Most importantly, their pussies swell and grow until the vaginal mound dominates all space between the legs, bulging out a few inches on either side as well. The changes equip them to have normal, vaginal intercourse with gigantic penises, up to the size of a Freyan peniswoman. Their hips are now capable of detaching, like a snake's jaw, and spreading their lower portions to fully accommodate such an insertion, their largely empty abdomens stretching wildly to fit over such colossal shafts. While in intercourse their bodies can be stretched to over twice their original length, vertebrae detaching as newly elastic flanks spread tight over the penis. Many have commented that women in such position resemble living condoms. While stretched their lower spines and hips are naturally disassembled, prohibiting any meaningful movement from their legs during and immediately after intercourse, but their bodies will retract and reassemble within an hour of ending relations, provided nothing else occurs to arouse the potion-taker.

Celeste's book has become the foundation of a philosophy that almost borders on the religious. Although loosely organized, a network of fans and sisters communicates with each other, discussing the book, its lessons, and how best to apply themselves. A fair number of sisters have donated themselves as tools for release in wards and zoos for the massively transformed. As a whole, their philosophy revolves around doing good, facilitating the transformed, past and present, willing and involuntary, in finding happiness in their new forms.

Mary Celeste herself has postponed the final stages of the Devotion Elixir she took by merging with two untransformed devotees, but she little resembles the woman she once was. Over thirty feet long now, her body resembles a slug-like being composed mostly of massive breasts, each baring at least one pussy like a jeweled amulet. Her head has become a single large breasts, her eyes still human and emotive atop the original pussy her mouth had become, and beneath the mane of pussy-tipped tentacles that runs over much of her back. Content that her message has spread enough to persist without her, she has set her course north and west, crawling to Karma's Realm with her dozens of undulating breasts gliding atop a stream of vaginal lubricants she herself creates. She plans to become an oasis somewhere within the realm, offering herself eternally to those bearing the transformations of Karma.


Re: Sisterhood of the Vulva - by Tsceri

I don't understand any of that.  Please, try again.  Hell, post it in German, if your IP address is accurate, I think a couple of people on the site speak German.


Re: Sisterhood of the Vulva - by Tsceri

Why German. There could be couple of people. But most of them don't understand German. You can use google translator. It works fine.


Re: Sisterhood of the Vulva - by Tsceri

His IP shows as German.  Figured that was his language.