Topic: Rebirth

By Cheeseguy

Shiwa chuckled quietly to himself, as he watched the man silently writhe on the ground, cum spurting vigorously from the massive swollen shaft that hung from his face, just under his eyes... he had changed the man's cheeks into enormous balls, and his arms into cocks. The man was helpless, as he stared in horror at his now throbbing arms... his shirt sleeves had long since torn away with the thickening of the shafts... one was buried deep inside the enormous cunt that had formed on his stomach, the other in-between his abundant cleavage. Shiwa hadn't even asked the man's name - one moment he had been taking his afternoon jog, the next... he was doubled over in pleasure as his chest exploded in growth. While Shiwa was pondering what to inflict on him next, he heard approaching footsteps. He quickly ducked behind a tree, dragging his victim with him as he went... causing the man's back to arch in pleasure as the many breasts he had developed on his sides rubbed against the thick undergrowth. Shiwa grinned in anticipation as the figure drew closer. As the demon was about to unleash his dark magic, something stopped him. The girl continued to draw closer, unaware of what had been about to happen... Shiwa noticed that she was humming a lively tune as she walked. Now that he thought about it, the girl looked familiar... "Now where do I know that voice from?" Shiwa wondered to himself; he watched as the girl's raven color hair cascaded down her back as she walked down the footpath; the sensual bouncing of her bountiful breasts, the... Shiwa shook his head, he just had to find out this girl's name before he started his work on her, but something held him back... something from his life before his fateful visit by the notorious demon Karma.

Shiwa had once been a quiet barkeep; he lived an average life, and made a modest living in the city of Zojira; but his private life was something completely different. Shiwa was a transformee addict, every dime he spent that wasn't on the absolute necessities in life went directly to into the coffers of a man known only to the locals as Davy Jones... his houses of pleasure were well known in Zojira, and almost as frequently avoided - many of the locals despised these establishments, but were too afraid to speak against them. Shiwa on the other hand sought them out. He bought time with the most extreme of the transformees, not bothering to hire any but the most warped of the attractions. Unbeknownst to him, Karma frequented such houses as well, and he had been watching Shiwa for weeks before approaching him as a tavern patron. One evening, a large hooded figure had approached him, demanding a drink. He had turned to serve the figure, but before he was able to... he had been caught in Karma's spell. The unspoken bond between an avatar and his sire was more then enough to provide Shiwa with all the information he needed. Shiwa had exploded in power as all of his frustrations and desires manifested themselves at once. Karma watched on, but couldn't help but chuckle as his newest ward began to come into his own - he had chosen well. The lowest tippers were the first to feel his wrath, screaming in pleasure as the tavern erupted in a mass of writhing, warping flesh - people had spilled from the tavern doors, limbs and torsos still swelling from his magical bombardment, collapsing in the street as their bodies were violently altered.

Shiwa grinned in remembrance of that day... of course, it had all been months ago, but it seemed like so much longer. He shook his head as the he realized that the girl was almost out of sight. "Thwack... thwack... thwack," Shiwa turned to the source of the sound... Shiwa chuckled as he turned to the source of the noise, his victim had apparently recovered enough to try to escape. "Now now then... I didn't say you could leave yet! How very rude of you." the demon stated as he turned, "I'm terribly sorry, but I have to cut our little session short, but trust me... you will be entertained for a while yet before you begin to miss me!" Shiwa's claws were enveloped in an unearthly light as the man fell to the ground once again, his pants on the verge of bursting as multiple tents rose in it's crotch, his running shoes becoming strained with his growth as a thick clear fluid began to leak from them. Shiwa peered down the path, he could still just make out the shape of the naggingly familiar woman as she strode further toward town. Without a sound, he rose from the ground, and began to follow her, dodging behind trees as he went.

Before long, Shiwa was running out of places to hide as he continued to follow the woman, who was still apparently oblivious to his presence. Luckily for him, the woman's apparent goal was the richer, less built up side of town. The estates on the edges of the city were still sparsely wooded, giving him just enough cover... whoever lived here - they could afford the very best. The aristocratic air of the neighbourhood reminded Shiwa of his old apartment... it had been nothing like this at all. His small one room apartment had been woefully run down... he had enjoyed exacting his revenge on his landlord. "My my, and where are we going?" He muttered to himself, as the woman began to approach the front walk of a particularly imposing mansion. She rung the doorbell, and waited.

Within several moments, the large doors began to open with a creak, as a handsome man stepped out with a bundle of flowers... Shiwa couldn't quite make out what the pair were saying; he slowly creeped along the side of the house, the grass flattening against the ground as his levitation spell affected the air around it. "... thanks...beautiful...restaurant......dinner" Shiwa grumbled in frustration... the man was so soft-spoken, he could barely make out what they were saying! The demon drew closer to the couple, as he weaved a net of camouflage around himself. "So, where would you like to go Liana?" - "Liana!" Shiwa muttered to himself, a little too loudly... the girl turned, a look of confusion on her face, "Hello?" She called, scanning the area... there was no one else around. "Did you hear someone Davven?" She asked, turning to the man. "I didn't hear anything... your probably just imagining things. Now, which restaurant did you want to go to....?" Shiwa's claws were clutched in anger, as his eyes began to glow blood red... Back when he had still been human, Liana was the only person that had ever been kind to him, and now this bastard son of a rich man was being condescending to her?!


Re: Rebirth

Every night, Shiwa had served dozens of rowdy workers, tolerated numerous bar fights, and put up with the most offensive conditions... but somehow, whenever she was there, sitting in her corner table in the back of the room with a quiet smile on her face, he didn't have a care in the world. He had never been very assertive; right before he had worked up the nerve to talk to her, she moved away... in fact, that's what started him on his deviant path - the loss of his only object of affection... and now here she was, being taken from him again by a rich boy! Shiwa gritted his teeth in anger, consciously clamping down on his rage. "So then the cafe it is, I've always wanted to try that place... are you sure it's ok?" Liana asked, turning to Davven, "Don't worry about it, my dad owns the place... We'll be taken care of," he stated smoothly, putting his arm around her shoulder as he lead her down the long path. Shiwa's eyes were almost aflame with barely restrained power, "Don't worry Davven you'll be taken very... very good care of..."

Davven couldn't believe his luck... the day he had laid eyes on Liana, he could barely restrain himself. He had found the girl working at a small hotel, just outside the city limits. Apparently, she had been working as a porter, taking the more affluent of the hotel patrons on tours of the city. She had immediately been taken in by his gifts and compliments, to the point where it was almost pathetic. On their first date, he had taken her shopping at the most expensive shopping center in the city, and now... he was taking her to the most expensive cafe in the city. Davven lead her down the path, as they made their way to the cafe. "So, did you grow up around here?" Liana asked, trying to break the uncomfortable silence... although it was obvious that no one was around, she couldn't help but notice an eerie feeling that they were being watched. "Erm... yeah, I've lived there all my life." he replied... rubbing his chest, his nipples were strangely sensitive today. After several minutes of walking, the pair arrived at the restaurant. A hearty waiter greeted them at the door, "Welcome, my good sir! Why didn't you tell us that you were going to be dropping by today?" The man said, as he ushered them through the door. "Don't worry, I'll alert the kitchen right away... it won't be long, ho ho, it won't be long at all!"

Shiwa snickered as the pair entered the restaurant... he was already having fun. He had already cast one of his favorite varieties of spell on the boy. This one was a particularly slow acting transformation, it was barely noticeable at first, but by that evening, he was in for a very rude awakening. "Now... how to get in without attracting too much attention..." the demon wondered, he hadn't come fully into his powers yet, so unlike his master, he was unable to mentally divert attention away from himself... and he couldn't just waltz into the place. "Ahh... perfect!" He said aloud, as he spied an alchemical shop not half a block down the street. Shiwa shimmered momentarily, as he cloaked himself in the illusion of his old human self. Chuckling to himself, he began to concentrate on the cashier inside... who immediately started shifting uncomfortably on her seat. Within moments, the woman knew something was wrong, as her pants began to stretch and burst. She fell forward, yelping in surprise as her arms suddenly began to pull into her torso, becoming fatter and more rounded with each passing second.

She lost her grip on the counter, as her fingers began to shorten, and become thicker, as each changed into a large fleshy nipple. The cashier's legs followed suite, as her pants were reduced to tatters... her legs becoming enormous and fleshy while her feet were absorbed into the swelling pink flesh of the small forest of nipples that were bulging into being near the bottom of her swelling limbs. Now no more then a collection of breasts connected to a large bloated torso, the woman rolled out of the shop and into the street, her screams quickly becoming muffled as a massive throbbing penis began to push it's way out of her mouth... panic immediately ensued, as window shoppers and store patrons ran in the opposite direction of the shop. Shiwa took advantage of the pandemonium to slip inside the restaurant, as the doorman gawked from what he and the onlookers apparently considered to be a safe distance... unaware that the culprit was no more then three paces away.

"And what will you have sir?" The waiter asked, "I'll have the tenderloin... medium, yes - thank you" Davven confidently replied... it was the most expensive item on the menu, and he was making sure Liana knew it. "And for you?" the waiter asked, turning to her. Before Liana could respond, people suddenly began to stream from the restaurant. "What the hell is that?" Davven said, getting up from his chair and peering out the window. The waiter followed, then replied calmly, "It appears to be another Demon Cum accident sir... the third one this week. You should really ask your father to buy that awful place, I'm constantly worrying that some may... well, never mind; And what will your lady be having today?" - "The same" replied Davven, turning back to his table. "Very good sir." The uncomfortable silence that followed was beginning to annoy Davven... he didn't have anything particular in common with the girl, but she was simply too gorgeous to let go so soon. "I'll have you by tomorrow" he chuckled quietly to himself, as he stared down the expensive blouse he had bought her the previous day. Just then, he felt a particularly strange pang of sensation, coming from his chest. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." he muttered, as he rose from his chair to make his way to the men's room. Davven went from stall to stall, ensuring no one was around before finally turning to the door, and locking it firmly behind him. "What the hell?..." Davven muttered as he removed his shirt, his nipples appeared to be slightly larger, and to top it off, the flesh around them looked slightly swollen too. "Probably nothing" he said, as he prodded them experimentally, wincing occasionally as he went.

Shiwa grinned as Davven excused himself... now was his chance! He strolled up to Liana's table sat down, and propped his head up on his fist. "Hello beautiful... long time no see." he chimed, as Liana looked up, totally taken aback. "I'm... sorry? Who...?" Shiwa's heart fell, he shifted his position uncomfortably... he hadn't felt like this for years - Despite all his power, he was still becoming accommodated to being a demon. "It's me, Shiwa... you remember me, don't you? I used to tend bar in Zojira." - "I'm sorry... yeah, I remember you, the waiter" She stated, her voice falling as she recognized him. Is that all she thought of him as? Shiwa wondered, just a waiter? He was beginning to fall into a dangerous mood. "Can you come back another time?" Liana whispered, as she noticed Davven returning from the restroom, barely audible over the bustle of the busy restaurant "I'm kind of busy right now..." She began to giggle, "There's this great guy, that..." She stopped short, as Davven glared down at them, "Your in my seat, get out before I have you thrown out!" he stated loudly... Shiwa turned slowly, barely containing his boiling rage, as he began to get up. "Certainly" replied the demon, grinning menacingly... letting just enough of his fangs show to force Davven back a pace in surprise. Shiwa rose, and began to walk away calmly... When he was confident that he was no longer under their scrutiny, he quickly shifted his illusion into that of a waiter and sat down just out of view... simmering in anger and jealousy.
Davven sat down, slightly shaken from what he had just seen... did that man have fangs? "Oh well," he told himself, trying to laugh off the experience. "People have strange things done all the time, what a nut case!" - "Do you know that guy?" Davven asked, turning to look. "Hmm, I think so... he used to live near me, don't worry about him, he wouldn't hurt a fly." she snickered, as she turned to the waiter, who was approaching their table with a tray. "Ahh, our food is ready." said Davven, quickly backing away, allowing room for the steaming plates. The two ate in silence for the majority of the meal... but Davven did appear to be enjoying himself very much... the food was tasteless and bland.


Re: Rebirth

"Umm, are you alright?" Liana asked, breaking the silence. "Your lips look...swollen," she commented, looking more then a little worried. Davven reached up... Liana's statement was confirmed, as his hands came into contact with his mouth, his lips were indeed swollen to almost twice their normal size, and they were feeling strangely smoother then normal... He wasn't too worried - his family doctor was the best in the business, whatever was wrong could wait until he'd finished the evening... although the bulging flesh was producing the strangest sensations he had ever felt. Davven paused, trying to come up with an adequate explanation..."Perfect!" He thought, as he replied, "Oh, its nothing serious... its just a small allergic reaction to something in the food, this happens now and then; it's not dangerous, I just need to take it easy for a few hours." he said, putting down his fork. "I need to get home" Davven said, patting his pockets, "I seem to have forgotten my medication! Would you like to... join me?" Liana blushed, "Certainly, I guess; I did have other...." - Davven interrupted, "Good then, it's settled!" he said, rising from the table.

"Waiter! Bring my coach, I will be riding home this evening" Davven called. Shiwa recognized his chance, as he slipped into the kitchen, "One moment sir!" The exasperated waiter called back, as he reached for the keys to the parking garage. Shiwa doubled back to Davven's table, still cloaked in the illusion of a waiter. "It will be just a moment for your coach, sir... there seems to be a problem." He walked off without waiting for Davven's reply, ignoring his protests as he chuckled mischievously to himself. Shiwa creeped through the unlocked door to the service entrance, finally - Someone to vent his frustrations on in private. The parking garage was poorly lit... his footfalls seemed muffled by the low ceilings, as he approached his victim.

The man sighed, as he finished preparing the car... although it was one of the most expensive within the local market, the car hadn't been used in at least a year, and the tires had been completely flat. The waiter was interrupted by a sudden bulging sensation on his lower back... followed by a ripping sound. Sighing in annoyance, he stood back up "Damn it all... if its not one thing, its another, these things are expensive!" the waiter paused... an unfamiliar jiggling sensation was coming from his back, followed by an even more unfamiliar itching. He reached back to scratch... when his eyes went wide. A massive pang of pleasure knocked the man to the ground, as his hand came in direct contact with the hypersensitive nipples growing from the enormous pair of still enlarging breasts. Shiwa chose that moment to step from the shadows... in full demon form. The man squealed in terror, as he back-pedalled against the wall, wincing in pleasure as his erect nipples scraped the cold floor. "Please... pleas...mmffff...fff..FFF!" The man cried, as his hair fell out, and his head began to soften... his mouth and nose quickly merging together into an engorged nipple, his head quickly fattening into a single enormous breast... "I'm in no mood for nonsense" Shiwa waved at the man dismissively, as he approached the car. The waiter climbed to his feet and began to run, when Shiwa gestured in his general direction... causing the man to fall suddenly downward... his legs suddenly deflating and swelling... becoming another pair of fat breasts, which the man rested upon... eyes wide in horror and arousal, he began to paw his way forward, pulling himself along the ground in desperation. "I thought I told you to STAY PUT!" Shiwa yelled, turning, as he blasted the man with a sudden spell... seconds later, the man stopped moving, his arms thickening, becoming fleshier, as they slapped heavily on the chilled concrete floor... his shirt finished ripping to shreds as the base of his arms swelled enormously. The change cascaded down his arm, enveloping his fingers and hands in swollen flesh. Shiwa calmly walked over to the door of the car, and got in. He grinned as he pulled out of the garage, pulling up to the front entrance - it was almost time.

"Ahh, our car is finally ready." Davven stated, tapping his foot impatiently as the long silver vehicle pulled up to the waiting area... the finish was tarnished! He would have to remind his father to fire the mechanic. "It's about time!" Davven scoffed, glaring at the driver as he climbed into the back seat of the vehicle ahead of Liana, leaving her to travel around to the other side. "I'm sorry, sir" the driver spat back... "Davven was so taken aback by the venom of the comment, he chose to ignore it - after all, drivers were just as easy to replace as maintenance staff. As the car pulled out from the parking lot, Davven moaned quietly in the back seat of the car... his lips had continued to swell; they had inflated to over four times their original size, and were sticking out almost 2 inches from his face. "Are you sure your alright?" Liana asked, glancing at him warily... "I'm fine..." Davven replied, but he was beginning to have his doubts. Luckily for him, the drive home wasn't very long at all... they climbed out of the car, and began to walk toward the house. Several moments later, Davven's nipples began to throb once again... as he looked down, he could them poking through his shirt. Liana turned to him, wondering why he had paused, "Look, are you sure you shouldn't go to the hospital? Your really beginning to freak me out..." - "The hospital in town? Hah, I have better doctors on staff!" he replied... Davven wasn't nearly as confident as he sounded... but the evening was almost over, all he had to do is make it through the next few hours, and he would have bragging rights!

Liana gasped, as she entered the foyer of Davven's mansion. The entire room was clad in white... in contrast to the blue carpets leading up the winding staircase, it was quite a striking effect. The room was partitioned off into three sections... a massive dining area accounted for a large portion of the room, it was filled with a long table and almost innumerable ornate chairs. Directly in the center of the room was an entertainment arcade, which held a small fortune in furniture alone - whereas the left portion of the room, the entryway, seemed to be entirely dedicated to holding coats. "Wow!" Liana exclaimed, looking for something to say... she was tired of putting up with Davven's inane babble , all she wanted was for the evening to be over so she could grab what she could and be out of there. She had met her current mark in a small hotel - at the time, she had been posing as a tour guide... the money was good, but the patrons of that particular hotel hadn't exactly been high class. When Davven had came around, she thought that it was a dream come true... she had quickly found otherwise as the man never stopped talking about himself! It had been the worst the previous evening, he had taken her shopping... he didn't seem to mind that her tastes were more expensive then his, if that were possible. Today's date was made even worse by the appearance of a bartender she used to know... she used to use his tavern as a base from which she cased potential marks. The money had been better then average, but after a while... he was ogling her every time she entered the place. Before long, she had taken enough... and moved on. She had just spotted a particularly valuable looking set of dinnerware... when Davven approached her from behind, nuzzling her neck with his nose. "Care to... come upstairs with me?" He asked, as he walked to the staircase. Liana rolled her eyes... "Why not, did you take your medicine yet?" she called after him... if that's what it took to get him off her back, she could play along.


Re: Rebirth

Davven climbed the long staircase, calling for Liana to follow him. She didn't suspect a thing! He laughed to himself in anticipation... he was getting hornier and hornier by the second, his erection threatening to burst from his pants at any moment. When the pair reached his bedroom, Davven ushered Liana inside and closed the door. It was getting to be late evening, the ordeal at the restaurant had taken much longer then he would have liked. "Would you like to watch a movie?" he asked, as he bent over his formidable collection, picking out a romance... this one always did the trick. "Sure, why not" Liana replied, picking a seat on an oversized chair near his entertainment center. She sighed inwardly as he sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder, as he set the movie to play with the press of a button, and dimmed the lights with another.

Several minutes into the movie, Davven felt like he couldn't wait any longer, he reached over to kiss her... but as his lips met hers, he almost shrieked as he jumped with a start; the sensation had been electric, and his lips were feeling stranger then ever... She looked at him strangely, by the dim light of the playing movie... it looked as though his lips had swollen even larger, and a strange looking knob was protruding from each side of his mouth. Davven mumbled an excuse, and shied away from her to prod experimentally... every time his finger met with his mouth, he almost couldn't' bear the sensation, his lips were now protruding past his nose, as they seemed to throb in the darkness. To make matters worse, his nipples were throbbing harder and harder... before long, he couldn't help but rub his lips - he was almost embarrassed... but the room was dark, and it wasn't as if she could see him. He shivered as the strangely erotic sensation rippled through his mouth ... suddenly, he felt a wet dribbling down his chin... and he was feeling more and more aroused. Liana chose that moment to reach for one of Davven's hands, taking it, and placing it on her side, under her shirt... He shuddered in anticipation as she looked over to him, guiding his hand to her chest - the movie now totally forgotten, Davven was having the time of his life as he cupped her bountiful bust in his hands, when an intense burning itch passed through him... centering on his face. Shuddering in the after-effects the strange sensation, he rose out of the chair, and tried to mumble an excuse... only to find he couldn't move his tongue! He quickly walked in the direction of his restroom, leaving Liana staring in shock.

Davven winced as stiff pangs of pleasure filled his mouth... he couldn't even open it without almost screaming in pleasure. He flicked the bathroom light on, squinting with the sudden brightness, when he caught sight of his mouth, he almost fainted. There, on his face... was an absolutely enormous horizontal pussy, it was twice as wide as his mouth had ever been, and it's bulging lips were almost three inches wide each... but that wasn't all, he twitched in pleasure as a massive throbbing bulge began to protrude from each side... he reached up experimentally, grabbing one between his thumb and forefinger, the lips immediately began to visibly convulse... he reared back in pleasure as the cunt began to orgasm, his knees buckling as his eyes watered. Davven tried to call for help... but found he couldn't even so much as twitch his mouth any longer, he could barely move his head for fear of triggering another of the massive orgasms... when the burning sensation returned. Davven leaned forward, still drooling cum, as he felt his chin began to inflate... within several moments, a large pair of testicles was dangling just below his still-throbbing pussy... and the transformation was just beginning. He sunk to the floor, shuddering in fear...as his nipples continued to throb more and more insistently... he stared down in horror as his shirt was tented out further and further... he tore it off - only to find that his nipples had begun to flare out, quickly growing longer, as long penile shafts began to throb and swell forcing them to stretch further.

Davven shuddered as he pulled himself up, looking in the mirror. He groaned as his nose began to stiffen... the tip quickly becoming bloated as his nostrils sealed shut... thick veins rising to the surface of the growing shaft as it grew up and out of his face - within several minutes, the shaft had reached a length of over 15 inches, as it stuck out aggressively from the center of his face. A ballsack quickly began to swell in underneath the length, as large testicles dropped in... the too-large sack positioning each wobbling ball on top of one of his mouth clits before he could react. Davven gasped as another white hot orgasm seared through his consciousness, as the slit again began to convulse in orgasm, cum pouring from his mouth... when it finally subsided, Davven looked in the mirror once again, only to see that there, on each of his cheeks, was another throbbing patch of flesh... it loosened quickly as a massive series of swellings began to develop, as yet more balls began to grow in each sack. The sequence seemed to cascade up his head as his hair began to fall out in clumps, starting from his scalp, and ending when it reached the back of his neck, the next stage of the transformation quickly manifested as his entire head was enveloped in a throbbing sensation, as ballsack after ballsack after ballsack began to bulge out. Davven watched disbelievingly in the mirror as his entire head felt like it began to squirm... out from under every ballsack, a thick cock was beginning to grow... the bloated tips began to push up the sacks of balls, as the flacid lengths began to spurt precum as they grew in, swelling larger and thicker with each passing second.

Liana was all too happy to see Davven go, she immediately sprung from the couch, grabbing everything of value as she went. When she reached the far corner of the room, she shrieked, as Shiwa stepped out of the shadows, illuminated by the dancing light of the television ...clad in the guise of his former self. "So after all that time... this is all you are." He whispered, his voice was deadly calm. "Ooh, Shiwa, you scared me, how did you get in here anyway?" - he didn't respond immediately, he began to pace around her in circles, like a predator stalking his prey. "It seems that neither of us are as we seemed" he growls, as he drops the illusion in a shimmer of magic, he stands before her in full demonic visage.

Liana takes an involuntary step back, as recognition glimmers in her frightened eyes "Oh my GOD, I'm sorry Shiwa, I didn't mean tooOOOO!!!" She shrieked, as she fell to the ground... all the strength seemed to have left her legs, Shiwa's claws crackled in demonic light, as an intense burning sensation filled her lower body - her pantyhose quickly bursting, as her legs became more fleshy, and rounded - the skin loosening as her feet and legs lost definition, expanding thickly in the fleshy sack. Liana looked down in horror, arms splayed out behind her as she tried to pull herself off the ground... instead of legs, the smooth skin of her toned stomach now connected directly with an enormous throbbing ballsack, each quickly reaching the size of a large beach ball as they continued to swell. "DAVVEN!!" she screams... only to hear Shiwa respond, "He can't help you, I have him quite occupied in the other room... you see, he's feeling a tad stiff!" He turned to Liana, chuckling; "Or perhaps he can, you two seemed so mismatched at first, perhaps you were made for each other after all!" He gestured at Liana idly, causing a now familiar resurgence of the burning sensation... this time centered on her lower torso, as he strolled casually to the restroom door.


Re: Rebirth

Davven turned to the sound of the doorknob clicking, whimpering in the sensations as the dozens of now hyper erect dicks protruding from his face and scalp swung around with his head... it took almost 20 seconds for them to stop moving. Davven stumbled out of the room, as Shiwa grabbed him by the arm, shoving him roughly across the room directly onto Liana where he landed with a wet fleshy slap. Liana screeched, backpedaling as she gasped at the sensations as her former were drug against the dense shag carpet. "Oh come now, it's not that bad... after all, you didn't seem to have any gripes when he only had one." Shiwa chuckled, as he sat down on the floor directly next to his victims. "Ok then, fine..." He said, as he reached for Liana, " We can do you first." Shiwa stated as he laid a glowing claw on her arm. Liana gasped in arousal as her abdomen began to stiffen erotically, her cloths dissolving.

Shiwa watched hungrily as Liana's naked body shift. Liana laid flat on her back as she fought the sensations... she groaned as she looked up, her entire body was visibly stiffening as massive veins swelled to the surface of her elongating torso. Liana began to panic, pulling herself along her stomach, dragging the enormous balls behind her. "You just can't wait, can you..." Shiwa sighed, as he hastened her transformation with a sudden burst of magic. Liana's already potent arousal began to give way to a building pressure, as she drug herself along the thick carpet... before she had travelled more then 3 feet, the accelerating change had reached her chest and arms... her breasts were absorbed into her body, as her now cylindrical torso continued to thicken... her arms were beginning to become engulfed in the thickening flesh, as the terrified Liana started screaming - just as much from arousal as fright. The building pressure continued through her gut, quickly raising to her mouth as the puffy ridge of the glans began to develop around her neck - Liana's screaming gave way to a gurgling, then finally a thick spurting sound as her mouth began to compress, shooting load after load into the carpet as her head succumbed to the final stages of her transformation.

Liana laid on the carpet, as she felt her body begin to relax... she couldn't see, or move for that matter, when she felt a sudden wrenching sensation, she was being dragged! She groaned inwardly as the rubbing started to make her body stiff once again, when suddenly, an entire myriad of sensations bombarded her consciousness. Groaning, and still more then a little woozy... Liana reached up to steady herself, when her hand came into contact with a thick fleshy tip... with a sharp intake of breath, she tried to steel herself against the intense sensation... clamping down on it with all the willpower she had, only to loose the fight ... shuddering as the shaft began to spasm and pump. It was only then that she began to recognize the sensations... there was something hanging from her face, lots of somethings, in fact, as she felt the shafts bobbing up and down as she twitched and shuddered. Liana looked down, only to see a heavily muscled torso... and an absolutely enormous penis hanging from her groin! She had been merged with Davven! It was only then that she felt his groggy consciousness beginning to resurface... "Hello?" Liana thought tentatively, only to be blasted with an intense wave of arousal. She didn't have long to ponder her situation, as Shiwa was approaching them once again. "Already recovered, I see... no matter, I'm not done anyway... I may as well finish up" He chuckled, as the familiar burning sensation returned with a vengeance, thick fleshy lips began to develop haphazardly all over the pair's shared chest, as thick clits began to swell out of each slit. Liana began to writhe as she felt numerous swellings take form on her back, as row after row of breasts began to grow in. Thick veins began to pulse to the surface of her arms and legs, as all four limbs began to thicken, her hands and feet beginning to swell, as her digits became bloated; merging together. Rather then falling down, Liana found that she was able to support herself on the thick shafts. "Oh, don't worry... you'll be fine!" Shiwa sighed happily as he viewed his creation. "It seems that Davven couldn't quite take it all" he snickered, "But don't worry, he can still keep you company." With that, the demon turned, whistling happily as the last nagging doubt of his former humanity had finally been dealt with. Shiwa was in the best mood he had been in since his initial change, and he was intent on sharing it.