Topic: Seven Days to a New You Transformation Day 2: Wendy and Natalie

We're rebuilding our contestants from the group up and it's time for you to choose how Wendy and Natalie will be getting around from now on.  Each of our lovely contestants will be subjected to one of the top two choices.  Also, don't forget to vote for the modifier in the other poll.

The current forms of our lovely ladies are:

Natalie: Punk hyper shemale with blue and purple adornments

Wendy: Hyper female with lots of white and silver


Re: Seven Days to a New You Transformation Day 2: Wendy and Natalie

Different from my vote, Wendy had become hyper female. As I voted, Natalie had become hyper shemale.
I voted "anus-woman" as "phallic" would change them to become more similar. I had missed the voting. Logged in to the forum for very little days in each month always missed many fun activities.

I was a member of the zetaboard old forum.
I do not know why I could not register at the no-ip forum before, only it was possible now.