Topic: The Shifter - by Multibreast
The Shifter
By Multibreast
The way I feel is the way I am.
I know not from were my power came. I know that I had wanted it for a long time. Maybe some unknown alien power had read my thoughts. I had been wishing for the power not only to transform myself, but to transform others as well. I do not know who made my wishes come true, nor do I care. I am only happy that I have it, the power that is, to transform myself and to transform others. I also know that I am probably not the only one with this power. Some of the creatures which dwell in the underworld of the transformed have come to me asking if I was the one who transformed them. I tell them that it was not I who transformed them. What I told them was the truth. The changes that occurred in their bodies were not my doing. The dwellers of the underworld know about my power. They may know of others who possess powers such as mine, but they don't tell me any names, nor do I ask.
The monsters I see beg me to change them. They want to be like they were before. They want to be completely human again. I ignore their requests. I don't care about the them; besides, I like them better the way they are. I have never cared about others, which is probably why I was a criminal in my former life. The life I had before I realized my power. I violate others. I may steal or murder on a whim. I have no guilt, and I have no fear of being apprehended, not anymore. I live by my own set of rules. Rules which most mortals wouldn't understand. I have no guilt of the rapes I commit either. It's not the type of rape that people normally associate with the term. I don't sexually violate men, women, or children. Such actions are foreign to me.
I am not interested in humans at all. I'm not interested in animals either. I'm interested in the creatures who fall somewhere in the middle. I love the lifeforms who are not animals, but not exactly human either. Such lifeforms wouldn't exist, not without me, or people like me. I make them. The people I choose to change are my subjects, and I am their master. They will do whatever I tell them to do, not because I threaten them, but because they depend on me. I use no chains or weapons to control my subjects. They follow my commands because they are afraid not to follow them. The only weapon I use to control my subjects is hope: their hope. They all hope that I can lead them, lead them back to the way it was before their transformation. They depend on me to change them back to the way they were. I will never change them back.
Some of my subjects choose to be transformed. Some even track me down and ask to be changed. Unlike the of creatures of the underworld, I usually oblige them. I want them changed, and they want to be changed. These transformations are the consensual ones. Even though they wanted to be changed, they are just as dependent on me. Many leave me as soon as I'm done transforming them, but they all return. Many beg to be changed back, deciding that they don't like their new bodies. Even the ones happy with the transformation come back. Before any subject leaves me, I tell them that they have a home with me. It seems that its a better home than they can find anywhere else.
The other transformations I do against the will of those I choose. These transformations are the only rapes I commit. I take their bodies, not sexually, but entirely. I take their old body and violate it in a way that they can never forget. No amount of counseling can reverse the violations that I make. As for the sex, and I do have sex with them, all of them, it's always consensual. Some times it takes months, but eventually everyone I transform willingly makes love to me. It is love. I do love the creatures I make. I care nothing about creatures made by others like me, and I care nothing for humans, but I love the people I transform. I love all of them. My subjects often beg to be changed back, but like a loving parent, I must refuse them. I know what's best for them even if they don't. Just as a mother would not allow her young child to smoke a cigarette, I can not allow my subjects to change back. I love them too much to allow that.
One may wonder why I call them "subjects" and not "children" instead. That name, however, would be inappropriate, because I already have children. The children that were conceived by some of the sexual unions between me and my subjects. I have seen hundreds of my children born. I have even allowed a few of them to live. Don't look upon me as a baby-killer though. I would want all of them to live, but I let the mothers decide whether or not they should survive. As much as I care about all the products of my love, I could not permit the child to grow up with its mother hating it. It would be too difficult for the child, and I could not subject a child to a mother who despised it. Plus, it is the mother who would take care of it. As much as I would like to see it grow, I cannot limit myself to one family. I have too much love to give. It is my duty to liberate the people I see from the confines of their ugly human existence.
I deal with one subject at a time. From that subject's transformation through the development of our relationship until the time we finally make love, I focus all my attention on only that subject. The development of the relationship is built on a deception. I always admit to my subjects that I have the power to transform, but I lie about my ability to use it. In the cases where I must rape my subject's body, I tell them that I was recently given the power to transform both myself and others from some strange man who granted me the power and then disappeared before I could ask him how to use it. I pretend that in my in a first attempt to use the recently acquired power that I changed both myself and the subject into a creature of my desire. I then tell the frightened subject that I'm having trouble changing back. I say that I know the power is still within me, but that I need more practice to use it properly. I take the subject back to my liar. I then "practice" my power on her. It is always a her. Whether or not the subject I choose is male or female, they are transformed into a female version of the creature of my desire while I transform myself into the male counterpart. That way, she might become pregnant after we eventually have sex. If I didn't need to move on to other subjects, I might take on the role of the woman myself, but I just don't have the time with all the new subjects I must find.
My practices at changing the subject back into the former body are of course never successful. Over the course of several weeks, the subject will occasionally see her new body slightly begin to change into a form similar to the old, human body as I "practice" on her. These slight reversions always last only a few seconds before the subject returns to the body I have chosen. It's not much, but it's just enough to keep the subject's hope alive, and keep them dependent on me. After the first couple of weeks, the reversions become more and more rare, until eventually they disappear altogether. I continue to "practice" my transformation skills on the subject at her request, but I continually try to convince her that the changes are probably permanent. Eventually she comes to understand that she can never go back, and that I am the only other one that knows her "agony." I pretend to share her pain at being transformed. This shared pain has an amazing ability to bring the subject and I together romantically. After we do finally make love, I tell her the truth, including the fact that I will never change her back. I then bring her to my other lair where my past subjects reside. I spend time with all of them until I leave in search of more subjects. Even though I tell the subjects that I will never change them back, they never leave me. They know that I am their best hope. Plus, they are not aware of any other place where they will be accepted. I don't tell them of the other places I have seen where transformed beings dwell.
With the consensual transformation it's much easier. I don't have to lie. I simply change them. Eventually they come back to me. Like my raped subjects, they seem to know nothing of outside transformed beings or of the people who transformed them. It would seem that most people that transform aren't as available as I am. Rumors of my existence are heard in many places, which is fine by me. I enjoy it when people come to me in search of transformation. They come to me with transformation requests, and I grant them, at least, I close as I can. Some wish to be male. I agree, but during the actual transformation, I turn them into female versions of whatever they desire. Because the consensual subjects know of no others transformed beings like themselves, I don't need to be so sneaky in my relationships with them. Eventually, they all come to realize that I am the only one who can satisfy their sexual desires, and my creatures do seem to have ravenous sexual desires. Maybe it's because many of them are partially animal. Maybe they have animal passions too.
I now sit in my lair looking upon some of the many creations I have made. I will eventually move on to a new transformation, but I must not forget about my old lovers. Many strange and varied creatures share this dark and forbidden home with me. They do all share one feature in common, however. They all have many breasts. Everyone here has at least three. Many have much more. Ever since I became a "shifter," my desires have changed, but that one passion has remained constant. That passion is multiple breasts. I have made all my subjects multi-breasted. Some individuals look like normal humans other than their extra breasts. Others are multiple-breasted creatures partly human and partly animal. I've made centaurs, satyrs, catpeople, werewolves, and many other people who have transformed into a form which is part animal and part human.
I lie in the middle of the room with my nine breasts arranged in three sets of three. Several of my subjects make love to me. Sucking one of my nine breasts, or one of my three large penises extending in a triad from the area just below the middle breast of my third set. An eight-breasted satyr has her soft goat legs wrapped around me as she suckles the milk from my large top middle breast. A four-breasted woman sticks her tongue in my mouth as she kisses me, finding it difficult because of the pig snout which occupies the area once inhabited by a human nose. I see the six breasted mermaid pop her head out of the pool I constructed for her, her long, red hair soaking wet. She flops onto the floor and crawls over to the orgy. The water dripping off of each of her six nipples. She finally makes it over to me and caresses one of my breasts with her wet hands. I run my hand down the curve of her back to her waist were her scales begin. The three-breasted centaress walks over bends down her human torso, wanting to suck upon one of my three penises, but finding that all of them are already taken by three of my other subjects. Not wanting to disappoint her, I feel the change. A fourth penis emerges near the other three. As she gently sucks, I run my hand along the soft fur of one of her horse legs.
This orgy is only one of many I may choose to have. My shape will change, but all of my subjects will stay as they are. My form changes constantly while I am here with my old subjects. I am a shifter, and the way a feel is the way I am.