Topic: Foot and Mouth - by Lord Errington
Foot and Mouth
By Lord Errington
Foot and Mouth was the most deadly disease to hit almost all forms of domestic livestock. In Great Britain alone almost three-quarters of the dairy herds had been "culled" to try and stop the disease from spreading. The milk supply had almost been eradicated and scientists were desperate to find a cure and a way of increasing the milk production.
The Mistake
At the lab of Bovine Research UK, the two top scientists were females, Sarah Philips and Liz Newcomer, They were both in their forties, and were completely opposite in most respects. Sarah was grossly overweight and generally untidy about her appearance, but with a great outgoing personality, Liz on the other hand was slim, smart, and very reserved.
"Where is the h45," said Liz. "I left in on the edge of the Worktop."
"Not guilty," said Sarah. "I have not seen it since this morning I thought you had put it in the cooler."
H45 was the new wonder bovine hormone fluid, it was a man made concentrate, to injected into cows in small doses, with the hope that it would double the milk yield.
"Man I feel fucking rough this morning," came a voice from the other side of the lab," I was on the piss most of the evening at the Village Hall."
The noise was coming from Samantha the Lab cleaner; Sam was forty-five, tarty looking and well known to all the local menfolk. It was easier to say who had not "had her" than who had.
"I had two aspirins when I came in at seven, but they ain't working yet."
"What did wash them down with?" Enquired a worried Liz. "I dont suppose you used the jug of water on the worktop did you?"
"Yes and it tasted like piss," exclaimed Sam.
"Just how much of the "water" did you drink?" Questioned Sarah
"Almost all of it," said Sam.
"And do you feel any better?"
"No, and I am starting to itch all over."
With that, Samantha rubbed her hands vigorously over her ample breast and the top of her head. Suddenly she gave a scream and lunged for the door to the women's restroom.
"I've got a killing pain in my guts," said Sam. "Oh my gawd I've just shit myself." Samantha staggered into the restroom moaning and screaming with pain.
Both scientists quickly followed and were horrified with the site that faced them. Samantha was sitting propped against the far wall, her clothes were ripped apart and her naked breasts were growing larger. The whole restroom stank the same as a cow barn.
"For fuck sake stop it!" Screamed Sam, as she held her breasts in her hands. "They are going to fucking burst." Between her fingers her nipples were changing shape and becoming long cow's udders, milk was already starting to drip through her fingers.
"How fantastic she's already producing milk," pointed out Sarah.
Her toes were starting to fuse together, with her toenails growing and becoming harder. A fine layer of hair was covering the lower part of her body. Her breasts continued to enlarge with two large lumps appearing directly under them.
"Great, just look she's growing another pair of massive breasts directly under her first pair!" Exclaimed Liz.
"What's happening to me?" Cried Samantha. "I'm turning into some kind of fucking freak cow."
"No" said Liz, "not a freak but a you are evolving into a mixture of both human and bovine, I suppose one could call you a Humacow."
Samantha was screaming and crying as her body performed change after change. From her stomach grew a large single breast with four bovine udders, her bottom was also growing at an alarming rate with her vagina stretching both in width and length. Her feet were changing into hooves and from the base of her spine she was horrified to find a cows tail was emerging. On either side of her head she grew, two small lumps, as her ears seemed to grow a different shape.
"Please, you must be able to do something for me before it's too late," pleaded Sam.
"I am afraid it is already too late," stated Sarah, the amount of H45 you have in your body will take over many of your human cells and replace them with bovine, you will become 60% cow and 40% human."
"We do not know which parts of your body will change into cow," pointed out Liz.
Samantha's body gave a great heave, and a further pair of legs started to appear. She opened her bowls and covered the floor in cow manure. Her hands went to her head as she "sprouted" a large pair of horns. The transformation process forced her down onto her four legs, then her body bulk started to enlarge. In the next two hours, Samantha completed her transformation, her body was now completely cow from her midriff down. Her upper torso had become far more muscular with four large fine breasts, her hair rained down her back and her head was held high with the beautiful horns. Her looks had also changed, she no longer looked like an old tart, but now her looks were similar to those of a Grecian goddess. Not only looks had changed; she now had a confidence and purpose about her new form.
"You've finished, how do you feel?" Asked Liz.
"Great and horny!" Exclaimed Sam. "I'm desperate for a fuck."
"I can understand that," said Sarah. "We also introduced an increase in the sex drive hormones so that the cow would want to mate constantly." You will also have greater and more powerful orgasms."
"Lets take you to the barn so you can have some fun." They led Sam into the breeding barn alongside the Lab, here they kept all the finest specimens of Bulls and Cows.
"Pick your partner," said Liz pointing at three or four Bulls in the nearby stalls. Samantha walked round them, with her tail held in the air, as each bull got a "whiff" of her scent they became agitated and interested in her.
"This one," pointed Sam to a mature brown bull. "Come on big boy lets see what you're made of."
"Can you manage this on your own?" Asked Liz. "I feel a bit of a headache coming on. I want to lay down."
"No problems," replied Sarah. "All this excitement takes it out of you, I feel a little "heady" myself."
Sarah took Sam into the breeding ring and then led in by the nose, an enormous bull. The bull first sniffed at Sam's great cunt, and then with one great heave jumped directly on to her back. The bull drove it's cock straight into her wet cunt and fucked her like she had never been fucked before, in and out went over three-foot of hard bull's cock spreading her hungry cunt. Samantha was no stranger to dick; she had seen plenty in her time, but none as large and as long as this. She felt it go deep inside her and enjoyed every inch the bull could spare. She looked directly into Sarah's eyes and "mouthed" thank you to her. Sam held onto the sides of the stall and screamed for more. The bull fucked her, harder and harder, she moaned with a sound that was pure bovine, they both came together, and then bull collapsed into a heap at the side of the stall. Samantha had never experienced an orgasm of such great magnitude.
Samantha let go of the stall and turned on the bull. "Don't stop now, I want more, line them all up, I want to shag their brains out."
Each bull was led in until Samantha had, had her fill. Her majestic body was covered with a mixture of sweat and Bull juice. When all the bulls were spent, she started to give the first one a "blow job" to start him up again. Sarah watched fascinated as Samantha literally shagged the entire herd of bulls over and over again and still wanted more.
"Don't worry I can find you plenty more randy bulls, unless you want me to try and revert the transformation," questioned Sarah.
"No you don't, but could you transform a man into a Humabull?"
"Yes, that's no problem, have you anybody in mind?"
"I like Joe the new lab assistant, any chance?"
"Consider it done," laughed Sarah.
The Farm
The Door burst open and in rushed Liz. "What did you do with the rest of the "water" from the Jug?" Liz questioned Samantha.
"I made your coffee with it."
"I don't fucking believe it!" Screamed Sarah. "Quickly, check out the dosage."
"I have and it doesn't matter how little or much we have taken, we will still have the same transformation only it will take longer."
Samantha started to laugh. "Serves you right. We will all be cows together, better start to find us a good supply of bulls before its too late."
Joe was the first; the scientist invited him to try their home-made elderberry wine, when he got drunk Sarah suggested he might like to sleep it off in the barn. Within hours he started to show a change in his makeup. Joe felt the need to be naked, he was also surprised how is cock seem to have grown, and he took pleasure in rubbing his hand along its length. He looked at a large Holstein cow, tied up in one of the stalls and the sight of its cunt made his cock harden, he walked up to the back of the cow and slipped his hand deep in the cows cunt, the cow moaned with pleasure and "backed" on to his hand. Joe found a packing case and placed this at the cow's rear, he stood on the case and inserted his cock right in the cows love hole. Fucking the cow was all that was on his mind; he was oblivious to the massive changes his body was making with every lunge of his cock. At the same time as his upper torso hardened, his body below the waist was taking the shape of a fine breeding bull. From his head a pair of great horns were produced to complement his enlarged ears. The first Joe noticed of his transformation was when he realised that his head was almost level with the cow's, by then it was too late. He shot his bolt in to the grateful cow, it was the finest fuck in his life, and no sooner it was over that he was hard and ready again.
"That looked good," said a voice from a far stall. "I think you and I should have some quality time, don't you?" From the end of the barn appeared Samantha, to Joe she was an amazing sight, She had incredible looks, her horns were magnificent, but her four large breasts stood proud, any man would have died for them. She swayed her great body with a sexy roll, swinging her tail from side to side. Joe's mouth went straight for her udders; he drank in the warm milk and held them firm in his grasp.
"Fuck Me," said Sam "fuck me like you've never fucked anybody before."
It took the two scientists over six months to complete their transformations, Liz started her "changes" within the first week. It was obvious to them both that they must get themselves and their experiments hidden away as soon as possible, Sarah had inherited a small run down ranch, deep in the country, and they relocated there. Liz moved in with Samantha, Joe and seven large breeding bulls. Sarah who as yet showed no signs of changing, stayed at the lab to make future plans and work on the project. Liz felt her tit's every day for signs of change, and was not too surprised when on the fifth day she noticed her second pair about to appear. Being a scientist she decided to document her changes over the next few days :
Liz's Diary
Tues 10th June
I have noticed two very small lumps at my temples , I would suppose this will be my horns. My breasts are ow over DD in size and the nipples are also showing signs of growth. Under my breasts are the obvious start of yet a further two mamery glands. My vagina is on the grow and it feel's great. I found I like to masturbate constantly. I have also noticed that when I do, I keep thinking of the bulls out in the fields. No sign of a tail yet , but the end of my spine really itches. My Legs are getting a fine covering of down with my feet starting to thicken out.
Weds 11th June
No Change to breast or head today, but major changes to my feet overnight. Both my big toe and my first toe have "fused" together as have the other four toes, all the nails are forming as one, and the feet are taking on the apearence of hooves.When I opened my bowles it looked and smelt like cow shit, I think this indicates that my insides are also changing.
Thurs 12th June
My second set of breasts are now coming through in style. I would think that by tomorrow they will be the same size as the rest. My nipples are now changing to udder teats and I'm starting to express milk. At my temples the horns are taking shape. My ears are also growing.
Fri 13th June
I have a tall, it grew in the night. It's great and I have already learnt how to swish it. I'm also desperate for sex , I have spent all mornning watching Joe fuck Samantha and I want to be filled.
Sat 14th June
Bad night, in terrible pain, my body as elongeated and a small pair of legs are growing at the top. From my guts I have a large udder growing with four nipples. There is milk, shit and piss everywhere. Sarah came home and put me in the changing pen to await my fate. She is all excited about a delivery driver call Shane. She gave him a mega dose of H45 last night. He should be ready to serve me by next weekend.
Sun 15th June
Feel completly fucked, all my feet are now almost bovine. My cunt has dropped downwards and grown in size. I have a fantastic pair of horns and cows ears to match. All I could hear was screaming from the bull cahnging stall. I can only imagine that Shane is going through it! My lower body is also now almost coverd with hair. I bet I look a real site. My feet have now changed into hooves, and are all the same length. My back from the waist up is statring to straighten and look firm. My breasts look and feel magnificient.
Mon 16th June
Sarah brought me a full lenght mirror into the stall, I have now completed my change. My lower body is pure cow and already I can produce milk. My upper torso is useful. I have great tits all two pairs of them, fine horns and muscular arms to grab hold of bulls with. Sarah tells me that she has been up all night with pains to her chest, feet and head. I think she may well be on the change.
Tues 17th June
Watched a film of bulls and cows mating , found it hard to masterbate could not quite reach my cunt, need a bull. Walked down to the Bulls stall and looked over to see if Shane was "finished" yet. He is My-Oh-My what a big boy. Problem though Sarah did not check shane out to well. He would rather have Joe than me. My need is great. I will have to take to the fields. . .
Liz walked over to the far meadow, and wathched two young bulls grazing. The bulls caught her fragreance and were imdiately aroused. One of the bulls came up to Liz. Liz rubbed his head and nuzzled his mouth. The Bull moved to her rear and smelt her dripping vagina. He started to push her. She walked across to a tree and took a firm hold of it, at the same time lowering and spreading her back legs. The bull mounted Liz in a rush , thrusting his enormous cock deep in her wanton cunt. He took hold of her upper cows body with his strong front legs and rammed his dick in over and over agian. Liz was braethless. She had never expreinced sex like this before. It was a thousand times better than any human sex she ever had.
The other bull watched and waited his turn. Liz held him and put her tounge into his mouth. As the first bull fell out spent, the second moved stright in, but missed her cunt and went deep into her arse. Liz had never felt pain like it, but within seconds her pain had turned into the ultimate pleasure.
Suddenly she heard shouting. She swung round to be faced with a human male. Neither spoke for a moment or two.
"What the fuck are you?" Asked the male.
"Thought that might be obvious, I am a living genetic experiment," replied Liz.
More silence then the male spoke "you have lovely tits and a arse to die for." He said smacking her on the rear.
"Well thank you kind sir, I'm Liz. What's your name?"
"Gerry, this is my farm. "He gestured with his hand over the fields.
Liz lay down to rest her legs, and became a better height for Gerry, who she was already aching for. Gerry joined her and lay under the tree. He ran his hands over her enormous breasts and then gently lifted her tail. He slipped his hand right into her warm cunt and felt a happy responce.
"Hey that's naughty," said Liz. "But for fuck's sake don't stop."
"I guess you are from that experimental farm next door," said Gerry.
"Yep," she replied. "But lets not let that come between us." She smiled.
Liz put her arms around Gerry and gently licked his neck. He kissed her neck and forced his tonge down her throat. She ran her fingers through his hair and looked him straight in the eye.
"I bet you've never fucked a cow before have you?" Teased Liz .
"You're wrong there," said Gerry with a great grin on his face. "When you've got one like this, its all I can fuck."
With that he pulled down his jeans a and released the largest cock on a human Liz had ever seen. Liz's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Fucking hell, thats fucking inhuman!" And with that, she leaned over and started to suck and lick his member, Gerry held her down by the horns until she had finished the job.
"Fuck me and milk me!" Screamed Liz. "Jump up on that tree stump, and fuck me up my arse please, please."
Gerry did has he was told and stood on the small tree stump, that brought him up to the same height as Liz. His dick slammed in Liz's arse, and she managed to bend herself round to almost face him. Gerry's hands grabbed hold of her heaving breasts, he tried to put them into his hungry mouth.
"Later, when you've satisfied me," teased Liz. "You can suck them dry."
Surprisingly Gerry managed to do just that, and after three hours of nonstop shagging both creatures lay down in each others arms. Gerry sucked on Liz's contented tits and Liz gently rubbed his wand.
"How did you learn to shag cow's like that?" She enquired.
"When you live on your own farm, it comes quite naturally," replied Gerry.
"How long have you been on your own?" Asked Liz.
"Most of my life, the farm was my Granddad's. He dabbled with hormones. I was born with a small dick so Granddad injected it with B43 or something like that. I tried to fuck the girls at college, but it was too big and just hurt them. One night I was drunk and a bit horny. I saw this cow's cunt dripping away in the stall. I turned a milking bucket on-end and stood on it , that night I discoverd I liked fucking cows."
"Jeez!" Exclaimed Liz. "B43 is a hormone to expand the size of a bull's cock, that's why you are useless to humans but great for us girls."
And with that Liz pounced once again on Gerry's great cock.
Within weeks, Gerry and Liz were "married" and both farms became one. Liz soon was in calf and produceing a prize amount of milk. Sarah was by now deep into her transformation, and fucking bulls by the truck load. She had already converted one of the doctors at the lab into the finest specimen of Humabull, his main job was to keep Sam and Sarah well satisfied and this he did with pleasure. To keep all parties happy, the girls had bought a herd of prize Holstein bulls and cows. On Sarah's final transformataion, she was given a great party. The bulls lined up to serve her. One by one she shagged them rigged and then got herself in calf.
Seven years later, the farm now has over 30 Humacalfs. Sarah fell madly in love with a complete bull, and managed to convert her human top into pure bovine. She now is a complete cow. Her mind also changed and she lost some of her sex drive, however she has won best of breed four years in a row.
Liz and Gerry are now owners of the Ranch. Gerry who looks totally human "fronts" the business and keeps the public away. Samantha is still "queen" cow, and daily takes at least five bulls to satisfy her. And the entire farm produces up to 400 gals of milk per day.