Topic: On the Nature of Dragons - by Melliflox (with illustrations by Watsup)


Links to PDFs:
http://d.facdn.net/art/melliflox/storie … agons1.pdf
http://d.facdn.net/art/melliflox/storie … nsch.2.pdf
http://d.facdn.net/art/melliflox/storie … nsch.3.pdf

Another line of stories following the story of the Dragon Cuntboy Knight, an old character concept from 4chan that's been portrayed multiple times in writing and art. Melliflox has taken it upon himself to fix the dearth of DCBK stories.

Although this could be seen as a "simple" TG dragon transformation as a whole, in reality it is a more a dragon monstergirl TF for the most part. Furthermore, the excellent writing, the slow physical and mental transformations, the inclusion of said transformations in sex, and other transformation aspects such oviposition makes this pass the bizarre threshold in my eyes, and thus worthy of mention here.

For more DCBK stories, see: http://legendsofbelial.no-ip.info/viewtopic.php?id=1804