Topic: An Unstable Relationship - by thatoneweirdo

Part 1: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22110571/
Part 2: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22138189/
Part 3: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23563183/

Based off this image: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16959616/


Re: An Unstable Relationship - by thatoneweirdo

Christina huffs softly and looks back over her shoulder at her rear end; the large brown-furred barrel brushing against her back, her rump tingling and warm.  She turned her head back forward and glanced at the two strong forelegs several feet out in front of her. 

She bit her lip, breathed in and focused her resolve.  Her rear had been pulled up and she was in an awkward position, her torso nearly horizontal to the ground, but she tried moving forward anyway. 

A sharp pain raced up her spine as she tugged forward; the flesh of her rump was stuck firmly in place.  As the pain lessened her motivation to try to pull away and return to her awkward position between Max’s Hind legs, she felt the massive body shift around her, the fur covered inner thigh twitching a bit as he adjusted himself.

“Ow! Hey that hurt!  What’s going on?”  Came the familiar sound of her brother’s voice in response to their shared pain.  Max lowered his still-human torso down and peered at her from between his forelegs. 

It had been about a month since Max had been cursed by a jealous witch who had caught him sharing in carnal passion with one of the mares in the royal stables and had cursed him by transforming his body into the shape of a massive centaur stallion.  The irony was not lost, however, when upon first seeing her brother’s new form, Christina, with whom Max had shared relations in the past, knew instantly that she would want to take full advantage of her brother’s new form, however, they had hit a snag.

“Max, something’s wrong” Christina said, the tone of her voice growing more fearful as her hands slipped around to feel for her brother’s mottled, slightly damp equine shaft.  However, upon finding the base of Max’s shaft, aside from eliciting another twitch from her brother’s strong hind leg, she could not feel the spot where his shaft entered her rear!  There was no seam, but a smooth contoured texture that blended from the damp, sweaty equine phallic tissue to the soft, supple flesh of her rump!

Christina immediately began to panic when she felt her toes beginning to go numb, and her legs beginning to grow weaker.  “Please no…” She mouthed to herself before looking forward toward her brother “Its fusing to me!  My legs, they’re growing numb!” 

Max could do nothing but stand and watch as he watched Christina’s rump changing slowly in coloration to match his own stallionhood’s color.   Her feet had begun to lift off the floor as her legs began to slowly loose definition and absorb up into his groin.  He felt the magical energy convulsing through their flesh in waves, absorbing her biomass and fusing it; repurposing it in his groin. 

Her legs’ musculature was being absorbed and repurposed to help anchor her body into its new place.  New ligaments and musculature was being formed between her spine and his pelvis, to help her remain suspended horizontally beneath her brother’s belly.  The area of fusion, which had originally been only as thick as Max’s shaft had now spread to nearly the entire circumference of Christina’s rear end which was becoming smoother and more cylindrical.  However, a bit of feminine curvature was still left in the base of her body and immediately below, the skin tones blended into that of equine penile flesh. 

As the last vestiges of her legs absorbed into her now smoothened, more cylindrical hips, her brother’s sheath, which was pushed back to the base of his shaft, had begun to thicken; the dark leathery flesh glistened in the light as it moved and engorged, sliding up the base of his shaft toward her hips. 

Christina was in pure shock as she was assaulted by a barrage of sensations that wracked her body.  The feeling of her brother’s blood vessels snaking their way under her skin, connecting to her own blood vessels, their influence causes hers to engorge in size a slight bit as equine blood was forcibly pumped into her body. 

Her skin, once wet with sweat from their lovemaking, was now replaced with the heady musk of an equine shaft.  Her hands slide up her belly and held over her breasts, slickened with the residue.  Her body began to lose tension and she felt herself slowly being lowered; her head picking up speed as it swung downward toward the floor! 

She screamed out, afraid that her head would hit the cool stone floor.  However, as she swung in her downward arc, her head cleared the floor by mere inches!  In her upside-down position, she looked over the rest of her body and watched as her brother’s huge sheath had begun to slide along her body, covering her hips and moving toward her navel, retracting her body toward her brother’s groin.  “Max, I’m scared.”  The girl whimpered softly.

Her brother huffed and panted, his shirt becoming damp with sweat.  He shifted his stallion portion around and felt his sister’s weight swaying between his beastial thighs.  Her body was slowly being pulled up into his groin, which was now altered to allow her body to be completely pulled up into him. 

Christina gagged a bit when the smell of the equine musk and sweat made its way to her nose as his thick, leathery sheath slid up over her belly.  Her hands had moved down instinctually to push down at it, but she had only succeeded in slipping her hands beneath the lip of the advancing sheath, trapping them under the tight flesh as it rolled up along her midrift.

Max arched his back and grunted when he felt her body mostly encased in his sheath “Unf… be still Chris…  I’m tender there…  Maybe.. ngff…”  His sentence was cut short when her movements caught him off guard.  The motion only aided her sheathing however, encouraging the thick musky mass of flesh to slid up over her shoulders, hemming her in.

She could see from the edges of her peripheral vision his thick dark sheath flesh, approaching the center of her field of vision.  He could feel the equine prepuce sliding over Christina’s cheeks, now part of the head of his new altered shaft.  “Chris…  you’ll be ok… I promise!” 

Christina barely even had a chance to make a noise before the thick flesh pulled across her face, the opening cinching shut and his body tugging her backward, hemming her in with rhythmic pulsations through the sheath flesh.  She had to clench her eyes shut to avoid getting the sweaty juices in her eyes and despite her efforts, it leaked into her mouthb, filling it with her brother’s equine flavor. 

As she thrusted her head around against the constricting flesh, she felt a brief panic as she realized she wasn’t breathing! But due to the joining of their circulatory systems, she was required to breathe to sustain herself.  As soon as she realized she wasn’t fading, she thanked the fates that the curse allowed her to keep her lungs so she would still be able to speak, but then realization sunk in that she’d be obligated to answer to others about the reason that she was now in her current position. 

“That’s completely absurd!”  The young handmaiden said, “There’s no way that the prince and sister are disfigured like that!”  Eliza fanned herself with the sheet of parchment on which the letter of approval to the court position had been written.  The girl had been selected for the illustrious position of horse groomer for the royal court.

“But its true!  My aunt’s friend once saw them!  It was absolutely grotesque!”  Her friend Lucy said with vague sincerity that only could be expelled by someone who only half-believed her own gossip.

Eliza shot a disapproving look at her friend, writing off such a bizarre story as the perverted fabrications of her jealous friend, who had also applied for a position in the court and had been denied.  “You are saying that because you are a jealous hag”  She said with a giggle and after a look of false indignity Lucy broke the silence and started giggling.

“You know me too well Eliza, am I truly that transparent?”  The girl blushed and looked downward, her hands patting over her silk dress.  “How I pine to work in the royal court, even if it is only caring for the steeds…”  She then looked up into Eliza’s eyes again, “But there has to be something to those stories though.  Why else would the regent prince and princess be given such names?”  She pulled her fingers down as she recounted them “Prince Max the Horseblooded, Princess-Stallion Christina,  The Regents; Joint.  I’m sure there are others.  I know they aren’t formal titles but only gossip, but there has to be some truth there.”

Eliza simply reclined in her chair and looked down at the letter, penned in the court and stamped with the official royal seal.  As her thumb wandered over the wax seal, her eyes glossed over the words.  “A carriage will be sent in two days, bring only what is necessary, your wardrobe will be supplied and your needs catered.  Regards,  M”


Re: An Unstable Relationship - by thatoneweirdo

Christina woke to the all-too-familiar tensing in her gut, the feeling of gentle suspension suddenly dispelled by the sensation of blood rushing through her, pushing her from her new home toward the world. She stretched as much as she could within the cocoon of soft skin around her, bracing herself for the relative cold of the air outside.

The princess’ head slowly popped out of Max’s sheath, and all the sensations of the stable- light, sound, musk, cold- collapsed in on her. She shivered, the chill almost enough to draw her back in, and it was only by nibbling at her foreskin gently that she kept moving out.

Her shoulders slid out next, her breasts following quickly behind, gravity causing them to slip seductively from the foreskin.

The tap of bosom on prepuce was enough to cause Max's equine torso to twitch, and his head soon peeked between his front legs. “Good afternoon, beautiful,” He said with a grin.

Christina opened her eyes just enough to roll them, a grudging smile mirroring his. “Gods, even when we're joined you continue to flatter. My dear brother, now a narcissist.” Her arms slipped out, hands finally free, and she blew him a kiss before continuing. “Has Lucius made any progress?”

Max shook his head, hair jostling around beneath his head. “I fear not. He was by earlier, but only to see if perhaps it had improved overnight.”

Chris snorted. “It's been thirty-seven days since we… merged. If it was going to resolve itself, it would have.” She rubbed the join between her soft pink skin and the mottled phallic tissue where her hip once was, to make a point and to keep herself free of the sheath another minute. “And yet I still sleep wrapped in foreskin and musk.”

Her brother shuddered at the sensation of her fingers over her skin. “He had good news, however.” Smiling, he continued, “Surely it isn't so terrible, Chris? A life all about pleasure can't be that awful!

Despite herself, her smile met his. “Say that after washing the taste of horse piss from your mouth twice a day, we’ll see how you like it! Speaking of which, walk us over to the water trough?” As he cantered over, her breasts and sheath swaying beneath him, she recalled the original question she wished to ask. “You said the Court Wizard had good news?” When they reached the trough, the princess dipped her head, rinsing her tongue and taking a quick sip.

“That is such a weird tingle… Lucius mentioned Daisy was in heat, so they're bringing her into our quarters!”

Chris spat out her water, hands supporting her torso above the trough. “What!?” she coughed out. “How is that good news!?”

He grinned triumphantly, though she couldn't see it. “It's good news because the pheromones will keep me… at attention, if you catch my drift. Meaning…”

“...Meaning I won't be tweaking various bits to stay out of your sheath. Clever!” A spark of understanding twinkled in her eye. “Although… you have had issues with restraint in the past. With Daisy, no less!” She rapped the underside of his stomach. “I do hope you don't intend to experiment with our new form, dear brother. That’s how we ended up in this mess in the first place!”

“You have my word, Chris. We won't risk it until we know more.”

Three days after her letter arrived, Eliza stood in front of the stable, the sounds of sex emanating from inside. The carriage attendant had mentioned the princess’ mare was in heat, though surely the males were kept separate? She sighed- her first day on the job and she would be in trouble before she started!

The new stablemaid straightened her dress, intent on stopping the activities before the princess’ favorite mare became pregnant. From the sound, she may have already been too late- the stallion sounded exhausted, to the point of hoarseness. In fact- she blushed as she came to realize- the stallion’s voice almost sounded like a man’s in the throes of passion. Shaking off the thought, she leaned on the stable door, pushing in.