Topic: Addictive Behaviour

Reposted as requested.


Addictive Behaviour

A Story for D-Man, by B.

As the bells rang for noon break Alisha sighed, stretched and began to slowly pack her textbooks into her bag, half-dreading what was coming next. Already the muttering had begun, low, suspicious, angry; a few girls at the back of the class were staring, some in pity, some in disgust, as Alisha resignedly stuck up her hand and said, "Ms. Iothanes? May I be excused to go and tend to my mother?"

Her teacher looked up, the faintest expression of distaste on her patrician features, before dismissing Alisha with a curt nod. At that the schoolgirl grabbed her belongings and fled, grey flannel skirt flapping around her coltish legs.

The spartan corridors of Halore's senior school flew by as she ran pell-mell through the crowds of students, cheeks wet with bitter tears. Stupid, she chided herself. How long has mom been sick now? How many times have you had to do this? It never got easier, though; in fact, if anything, the midday absence only got harder as the years went by and more of her school-mates learned why she had to skip third and fourth periods each day. Even in the throng of pupils heading to the cafeteria or study halls Alisha could feel their eyes on her, judging her. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right...particularly because, most probably, every family in Halore had a relative who'd been touched by the Great Demons somehow, and they'd simply dumped them in some Regena asylum like so much trash. Just because Alisha loved her mother, just because she cared for one of the Changed, she was reviled and shunned by the goodfolk of the town. No-one even bullied her at school, though she didn't doubt that more than a few of her peers would've liked to, as if being cruel or playing pranks might somehow infect them with whatever foulness she carried. Instead they made the young woman an outcast with cold stares and rustling whispers, and somehow that was worse than any insult or beating.

Alisha stopped by the fountain to compose herself, scrubbing her cheeks with her hanky and tugging a comb through her unruly black hair. She stared at her reflection in the water; a lanky girl of seventeen with soft grey eyes and a slow, sad smile. She sniffed again, stuffed the hanky in her pocket and had just turned to leave when a high, lilting voice rang out across the courtyard.
"Hey Alisha, wait! You said I could come today, remember?" Alisha tried to stifle a sigh as she looked round to see Ren Tokai dashing towards her, all curly red hair and nervous energy. The short, freckled girl was carrying what appeared to be two thick leather-bound tomes, with hints of gold and brass chased across the covers...spellbooks. Ren skidded awkwardly to a halt and shoved her thick glasses up her nose with one slender finger. "Please Alisha, you said today!"

She wasn't sure quite when Ren had started showing an interest in what she did every day at noon, but she guessed that it was about the time that she started taking Advanced Magic classes after school. She'd gone from being another distant, wary face to a tremendous pain in the ass in a week flat, cornering Alisha whenever she could to question her about her mother's 'condition'. It made sense, of course; the Changed were made by demons, and demons were just about the most magical things around, which meant that Ren...who'd taken to sorcery like a duck to water...was immensely interested in them. She'd even apparently set aside the common Haloren loathing for Alisha Katora in her quest for knowledge and been pestering her non-stop for months, both in and out of school. Alisha had finally invited her over to see her mom just to shut her up, though she was heartily regretting it now. In addition to the spellbooks, both of which looked like they'd been 'borrowed' from the school's secure library, Ren also had a large leather bag overflowing with channelling wands, mana lenses and all manner of other magical paraphernalia. Seeing Alisha glare at her, the girl gave a sheepish little shrug. "I wanted to be prepared. Kainden's Occult Guide says that you can learn all sorts of things about essence flows from a proper study of the Changed, so I -"

Alisha stepped in close, cutting the other girl off with a glare. "My mom is not your fucking lab rat, Tokai. Got that? She's just...sick. You come over, you look, you don't do anything to her with your little toys." Ren looked hurt.
"But you promised, Alisha. You promised I could see her...and I need these to really see!" The redheaded mage-to-be fished out a complex set of blue crystals than gave off a soft, hypnotic hum. "They won't hurt your mom, they'll just let me understand what happened to her a little better!" Alisha held her glare for a moment longer, then gave a long, deep sigh.
"Alright, but just the lenses. I see one fucking wand or...or anything else I don't like, you're out of there." Ren's round face was split by a huge grin as they set off into the city proper.

"Oh, thank-you so much Alisha. I can't tell you what this means to me! To get to study Great Karma's work up close! Even Kainden only did that on seven separate occasions..." Alisha let her little 'friend' prattle on, sinking back into the mild depression that marked her life. In truth, she was actually relieved to have someone else to let in on her personal nightmare, even if Tokai was only being nice to her out of some misplaced sense of scholarship. She'd been doing this on her own now for four long years, ever since her dad had finally up and left. He couldn't face what his beautiful, loving wife had become, so he'd just dumped her on his thirteen year-old daughter and skipped town. Fortunately she'd been looking after her mother for a while anyway by then, but still; she'd had to grow up fast, get used to dealing with things that'd make the toughest adventurer wince, while fast becoming her home town's most hated pariah. It'd been one hell of a childhood.

* * *
The house was walled and gated, with big iron padlocks engraved with several gently shimmering runes.
"Binding magic," Alisha said as Ren peered curiously at them. "If mom ever got out of her room, she couldn't get through the gate or over the walls." That'd cost her nearly all their savings, but she dreaded to think what would happen if her mother ever escaped her confinement. No doubt someone would 'put her out of her misery', and she couldn't stand that; even with everything, her mom was still her mom, and she loved her...almost as much, sometimes, as she thought she hated her. The locks cracked sharply as Alisha opened them, and the faint tang of ozone hung in the still air. A small, weed-choked garden led up to her modest house, dotted here and there with brightly coloured flowers. The ruins of an old lean-to lay heaped against one of the walls, scarred by axe and fire. Ren shivered as she looked at it.

"Is that where... I mean, where your mother, she...?" Alisha gave a shrug.

"Yeah, that's where my mom summoned Karma." Her sarcasm was thick, bitter. "My dad tore it down after mom began to change, to stop her from getting any worse." She still remembered, as a child, watching her mother beating her swollen, changing fists against her father's chest, whimpering and begging in a thick, clotted voice. She'd screamed for more of the demon's seed for days, her howls bestial through the walls as she warped and mutated, locked in her bedroom.

Ren seemed almost disappointed with the house itself; it was almost depressingly normal, with kitchen, bathroom and bedroom on the ground floor. A central staircase led off the main hall and up to a solid wooden door, studded with locks and draw-bolts; a few pairs of wading boots, some aprons and facemasks lay in a pile nearby. Alisha gestured to them as she dumped her schoolbags on the floor. "Put some of those on...and if you've got any cuts or anything, for Freya's sake keep them covered." Ren looked curiously at her.

"Is your mom...infectious, then?"

"I don't know. You want to test it, huh? Go in without them, see if you start growing a cock out your forehead?" Ren quickly and nervously strapped on the protective gear as Alisha did the same, and then both girls walked slowly up to the door. Alisha slowly undid the locks, placed her hand on the handle and stopped.

"You sure you want to do this?" Ren nodded wordlessly. The taller girl turned the handle and shoved the door back.

Even through the masks, the smell was overwhelming; a thick, heavy, animal musk that set made their nipples tingle and pussies burn. Ren whimpered as she took a step forwards, her eyes adjusting to the reeking gloom. Everything, walls to ceiling, looked to be covered in a thick layer of syrupy cum, squelching wetly underfoot and hanging in great glistening ropes from what she guessed was furniture; a wardrobe, a table, a chair, shapes dimly visible under a thick coating of gently steaming jism.

"Oh...oh gods... I never...even...gods." Alisha strode past her guest, booted feet moving surely through the sexual slick as she walked to the huge double bed that dominated the room and bent tenderly over the bloated, distorted figure that lay, moaning and whimpering, upon it.

"Mom? Mom, are you awake? It's me, mom, Alisha." Ren blinked, surprised at the tenderness and love in her friend's voice. The groans grew deeper, and then a heavy, clotted voice:

"Auuuugh... Alisha! Mmm... Fuck, please... Me, fuck!" Another deep, gurgling groan and then a warped mockery of an arm swung up, laden with ripe, bulging breasts and thick veins, fingers sausage-thick and bulbous at the ends...cocks, thought Ren, all cocks...and made clumsily for Alisha, seeking to drag her into bed with her monstrous mother. The girl darted back, a smooth, practised movement, before continuing in a stern tone.

"Mom, no. You don't mean that, it's the d-cum talking. Look, mom, I've brought someone to see you. She's a...friend, from school, called Ren Tokai. Ren, come and meet mom." Alisha beckoned the other girl forwards, and Ren stepped up to finally meet the infamous Mrs. Katora.

Some of the sex-beast's formerly human self was still vaguely recognisable; there was a head, a body, two arms and two legs, with the occasional feature untouched by Karma's potent cum to mark Alisha's mom as having once been something other than a pile of bloated sexual organs. A bright blue eye stared out of a face masked by thick, swaying penises and tumescent breasts with a lush, sensual mouth just below; her left arm, though pock-marked with little forests of cherry-red nipples and half-formed dicks was still largely intact; her right leg sprouted dozens of ripe, firm tits, each capped with several painfully erect teats, but her bare foot was unmarred save for a single plump breast that hung from the sole, dancing and shivering as she writhed in deranged orgasm. Everywhere else was a profusion of massive, rope-veined cocks and monstrously swollen breasts of every size, of gaping, succulent pussies that jerked and slavered. As Ren watched, amazed and horrified, several cocks forced their way from between tightly-packed tits with rubbery stretching sounds, spurting jets of cum fitfully into the air, and her lower torso twisted, split and parted into a vast, cavernous cunt, topped with a painfully-engorged clit that pebbled and swelled with tiny nipples even as she watched. Mrs. Katora jerked and moaned as these new and terrible mutations wracked her horribly distorted form, writhing helplessly as she became ever-more deformed.

"Guuuhgh... R-Ren..." The immense coiled dicks that had replaced the fingers on her right hand twitched and stiffened, and Alisha quickly dragged the other girl back as several irregular spurts of cum splattered wetly into the small lake on the bedroom floor. Ren's mana lens slid forgotten from her nerveless fingers as she stared into Mrs. Katora's sole remaining eye, watching as shame and fear battled with the insane, unnatural lust that had taken the woman over, body and soul.

"Uuuuoh gods, Ren... Alisha... So... GUH! So sorry... Please..." Quickly, Alisha moved to her mother's side, soothing and gentle.
"It's okay, mom, it's okay. I'll just take Ren downstairs now, I can see she's getting you worked up, and then I'll come back and turn you over. It's okay. I love you, mom." Ren couldn't take anymore; bile stinging her throat, she turned and ran towards the stairs, slipping and half-falling in the rivers of cum that flowed from the bed as she raced away from the squirming, pulsing sexual horror behind her.

* * *
Alisha expected Ren to be long gone by the time she finally finished tending to her mom, but when she walked into the kitchen she found the table littered with spellbooks and scraps of notepaper. Scraping sounds and grunts of effort echoed in from the courtyard, and it was then that Alisha realised what was going on. Walking outside, she saw Ren doggedly shifting the scorched debris that marked the place where he mother had cast her ill-fated spell, examining the blackened boards and charred ground.
"What the hell are you doing, Tokai?" Ren turned; Alisha was taken back by the look of intense concentration on her face.

"I don't think your mom performed a summoning...or at least, not on purpose. Who in their right mind would want to summon Karma, anyway? Look here." Alisha peered into the heap of debris; amongst the ash and bits of twisted wood were lines, symbols, carefully carved into the stone floor. "This isn't a summoning circle, Alisha; it's a focus, I think. It's supposed to channel energy into whoever uses it, only you see here? And here? The rune structure's all wrong. I think your mom was given a rigged spell; this looks like a simple fertility rite, but it's actually a demon attractor." Alisha stared at her. Ren sighed. "I'm saying that your mom was just trying to make herself more likely to have babies. She probably wanted to give you a little brother or sister...only whoever she bought the spell from was either a complete fool or one of Karma's worshippers, 'cause it was actually like a big magic sign that screams 'here I am, come and get me!' to any of the Great Demon's spawn. That probably explains the...changes, in your mother too. Karma's got a twisted sense of humor, and she's definitely more fertile now..."

The two girls began to walk slowly back to the house, Ren lost deep in thought.

"Alisha... I think it might be possible for us to undo some of your mom's transformation, or at least diminish her, ah, cravings a bit. I can adapt the focus we saw outside to actually do what it's supposed to, only in reverse; drain off sexual energy rather than channel it."

"Really? You...you can do that?" Alisha's face lit up with delighted awe. Ren nodded sharply.

"Yes, yes, I think so. I'll need some time to prepare and to make sure I get everything absolutely right, or we could wind up making things worse...but I think I can help." Alisha grabbed her friend's hands, clasping them tightly in front of her.

"Please, Ren. Please, help my mom! I'll give you anything, just try to make her better again!" Ren smiled gently as the other girl hopped excitedly from one foot to the other.

"I'll try. But I'm only a novice, Alisha. Nothing might happen at all...but I'll give it a go. I'll need a few things from home, and then we can get started." Alisha wrapped her up in a huge, crushing bear hug and then raced back inside, eager to tell her mom the good news. Ren watched her go, her expression unreadable, and slowly sucked the last traces of Mrs. Katora's sweet cum from her fingers.

It took the better part of a week to get the focus set up; together, the girls shifted Mrs. Katora's bed to the centre of the room, the mutated sex-beast groaning and whimpering as the slightest movement rubbed her gargantuan cocks and steely nipples against the sheets and set off another wave of terrible orgasms. Then they had to wipe away enough of the cum-lake to get at the floor, which was no easy thing when fresh gallons of the stuff kept spewing forth from Alisha's mom at random intervals. Still, they persevered, and eventually a gentle, spiralling pattern spread out around Mrs. Katora's recumbent form, runes glowing softly. Almost at once, Alisha noticed that her mom was calmer, her body changing less. She was still a freakish sexual monster, but she seemed more at peace with herself and even managed, after a few days, to hold coherent conversations for minutes at a time. Alisha was thrilled, particularly as Ren was now spending pretty much all her time over at the house...she had a friend, a real friend, for the first time since her mom's transformation.

Ren, for her part, worked hard to strengthen and expand on the focus, as well as win Alisha's trust. She knew that the girl had had a hard time at school and at home, and quickly broke down her resistance with kindness and, of course, the improvements in Mrs. Katora's condition. It wasn't all manipulation...Ren genuinely liked Alisha...but her hunger for the arcane consumed her. She'd tasted power, real power, when she had licked her hands clean of that potent seed after slipping over on her first trip to Alisha's house; the wild, elemental force of pure fertility magic. It'd drawn her in, made her act against her own better judgement and take a taste of something that could...and would, if she had anything to do with it...change her forever. Soon, she was being left to tend to Mrs. Katora on her own as Alisha took more time for herself and that was when Ren indulged, exploring the sex-beast's body and milking her for both pleasure and research. Running her small hands over the huge, jutting dicks and pulsating breasts that studded Mrs. Katora's body, stroking the gaping cunts that sprouted across her belly and back, gently massaging the gigantic pussy that split her from asshole to chest and, of course, kissing that perfect mouth and revelling in the long, thickly muscled tongue that forced its way down her throat... It was the ultimate fusion of learning and pleasure. Her brain burned with new knowledge, drunk in with the rich cum that was her addiction, her life. And when the changes began, as she knew they would, Ren welcomed them as a sign of her growing understanding and power...

Three months passed. Ren continued to explore the depths of sex magic, bolstered by Mrs. Katora's cum. Everything she ate and drank was seasoned with it now; visions of throbbing cocks and lush cunts burned in her brain from dawn to dusk and left her perpetually horny. She was forced to use increasingly powerful spells to keep herself grounded, but that was no problem...the more she drank, the more she perceived. The old, dull Ren, who had loved mana spirals and high-three rune games would've been horrified by what was happening to the young magus, but the new Ren...sexy, obsessed and consumed with perpetual magical lust...revelled in it. Of course, there were downsides, as she was fast discovering. Her magic classes were so boring now, but she couldn't just skip them; someone would've noticed, started asking awkward questions, and if it was Alisha she might lose her access to Mrs. Katora and the wonderful things she was doing with the focus. The very thought horrified her, so she suffered endless lectures on the tedious minutiae of basic sorcery and first-stage alchemy. She knew what the demons knew, now; that real, true magic was in your breasts and your balls, not your brain.

And the mutations... Mrs. Katora's seed wasn't actual d-cum, but it was saturated with unstable fertility magic and given time would slowly transform anyone who came into contact with it. That Alisha had avoided serious contamination for so long was a tribute to her care in handling her mother, but Ren was big-gulping the stuff every chance she got, bringing forth thunderous orgasms from the sex-beast to feed her increasing hunger. Nipples were starting to sprout across her back and shoulders, and her tits had surged outwards so much that she'd had to start binding them up with mana-absorbing bandages to reduce their size and slow their growth. The painful ecstasy of her quivering, iron-hard teats trying to break free was a constant, if pleasant, distraction. She'd also had to start wrapping her feet up after the toes on her right foot had begun to bulge and swell, sending ropelike veins back into her calf as they changed into stubby, perpetually-erect cocks. As for her cunt, she feared that it would soon rival Mrs. Katora's as it slowly grew up past her navel and across her stomach, all red, puffy lips and gentle folds. Her clit was the size of an apple now, angry purple, and so sensitive... When she snuck away from school to masturbate shortly after it's amazing growth, she'd actually passed out from touching it. Thank Karma no-one had found her in the bushes before she'd gathered her wits and got back to class. Hiding the increasingly weird transformations with her clothes was becoming more and more difficult, as was remembering why she was bothering in the first place. The urge to run free, naked and powerful, fucking who and where she chose was increasingly strong, and the mutating girl often had to reign herself in when she was tempted to give in to it.

She couldn't fool everyone, though. One night, as she pored over new designs for the focus, there was a hesitant knock at her bedroom door.

"Come in!" Ren called out, distracted, and then turned in her chair as her mother, a tall, slim, brown-haired woman with an open, kindly face stepped in with a tray of milk and cookies.

"Ren, dear, you've been studying for hours." Her mom's gaze swept over the piles of notepaper covered with magical formulae and lingered on her daughter, warm eyes full of tender concern. "You work so hard at this magic..." She trailed off as Ren reached for the tray and her robe fell open, spilling her immense breasts out onto her lap. Unbound they were the size of medicine balls, laced with gently pulsing veins and capped with two three-inch dark red nipples that seemed to throb in time with her heartbeat. "Oh... Oh gods... Ren, sweetie, what have you done to yourself?!" Ren quickly covered her mammoth tits, cursing under her breath, but the damage was done and now she had a serious problem. She could guess where this was going, of course; her mom would call Regena, she and Mrs. Katora would wind up in some hospital for the sexually insane and Ren Tokai would spend the rest of her life desperately masturbating in a padded, magic-sealed cell. Fuck that. In one smooth motion she rose, stepped behind her mother and gently sat her down on the bed, placing the tray next to her school bag. Her mom continued to stare at her chest in amazement, mumbling and gasping, as Ren stroked her shoulders, coed soft reassurances and tipped every vial of Mrs. Katori's cum she had on her into the glass of milk. The stuff heaved and boiled as the seed mixed with it, and once it had settled a bit she pressed it into her mother's hands and said,

"Drink this, mom. You'll feel better." Still dazed, Mrs. Tokai lifted the glass and took a long, deep swig, eyes widening at the surprisingly sweet taste. She gulped down half of it before she spoke again.

"Ren, honey... Please tell me those, those things were an accident! Tell me you're not using sex magic or...oh gods! You aren't taking d-cum, are you?" She raised the glass, took another drink; Ren watched her mom's slender throat working, sucking down the mutating milk and saw that, under her simple frock, her nipples were hard and pointed. Mrs. Tokai shifted uncomfortably, suddenly aware of a flush of...arousal? It must be the shock; Ren was right, another drink would help settle her. She drained the last dregs, and began trying to marshal her thoughts. "Ren... You know that your, ah, father... Your father and I, we, er, love you. We'll... Aaaaah... Get you help..." She trailed off as waves of delicious pleasure began to wash over her, reducing her mind to mush. Ren stepped back as her mother sank back onto the bed, moaning and shivering as she slipped off her house-shoes and wriggled out of her dress. The woman stretched across the duvet like a great cat, flexing her toes, lost in erotic bliss. Her breasts swelled in fits and starts as the overdose of magically supercharged cum got to work, quickly bulging from modest swells to huge hard tits. Mrs. Tokai whimpered as they spread past her navel, her nipples becoming immense teats; each was over six inches long and an inch thick, and was soon joined by several others on each boob. The helpless woman groaned with lust as she tugged at them, coaxing forth piss-streams of warm milk that splattered noisily on the floor.

"Ooooh... Auuugha...Oh gods... All... All over the carpet..." Tears ran down Ren's mom's face as she compulsively masturbated her immense breasts, her hands moving from teat to leathery teat stroking and tugging. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry..." Her eyes were clouded, filled with confusion and tears. "Can't stop. So good. Can't stop." Ren moved in, put a cool hand on her mom's brow, felt the two bony bumps that were starting to sprout from her temples.

"Ssssh. It's all right. Just let it happen..." The bumps pulsed and swelled and became horns, creaking as they pushed their way from Mrs. Tokai's head. She shuddered with pain and lust, panting as the rest of her body began to writhe with muscle. Arms, back, tummy, legs... She began to bulge and grow, thick and powerful, odd grunts and stretching noises marking the inexorable erotic expansion. Soon the demure housewife was gone, replaced by a twitching, moaning pile of breasts, horns and muscular beef, covered with snaking veins and bathed in sweat and cum. Ren stepped back in awe as her mother rose, dark and powerful, her body seemingly carved from damp granite, her face human still but brutish, primitive, and slipped one outsized hand into her sopping cunt. The cow-creature's bellow of lust shook the windows, though she quickly quieted when Ren put a slender finger to her lips and pushed her hand into her mother's bestial pussy, marvelling at the strength and depth of the transformed woman's vagina as her inner muscles squeezed and massaged her.

Of course, hours later as she lag snuggled in her mom's massive, powerful arms, she knew that her days of hiding were over. Mrs. Tokai's metamorphosis was too radical to be concealed, and from the rough grunts and throaty groans that were all Ren'd heard from her since her incredible growth spurt she bet her mom's mind wasn't in great shape either. Sooner or later she'd get out of the house, driven mad by her own incredible lusts, and that would be that. Her mind drifted back to some of the new designs for the focus... Maybe it was time to finally make her play. She looked down at her feet and absently watched them bulge and spread, her toes warping into delicious cocks and sending short bursts of cum streaming across the room. Yes, she thought as another delicious orgasm shook her changing body, it was time...

Alisha fought her way out of sleep feeling hot and groggy, her covers wrapped round her like a shroud and soaking wet. Dimly, she saw it was still dark outside; felt the air press in around her, thick and moist and musky. She tried to concentrate, but her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool. Gods, what was wrong with her? Did she have a fever? She slid out of bed, conscious of a sweet taste in her mouth as she groped for a lightstone. The thing flashed on, and the girl stifled a scream.

Her room was awash with cum, seeping from the ceiling. Sticky rivers ran slowly down the walls and great heavy droplets fell from cracks and splits in the boards above. It was in her hair, her eyes, slathered across her skin...in her mouth... Alisha wretched and heaved, sprinting from her chamber and into the bathroom, where more cum seeped over everything. It filled the toilet, the bath, oozed from the taps when she ran them, eliciting a desperate sob from her as her body began to fill with slow, sexual heat. She could feel her top getting tighter as her breasts swelled, felt her fingers twitch and lengthen, her face begin to puff up... She was changing, just like her mother. What had happened? Why was the house bathed in her mom's mutating seed? Gathering her wits and scraping the worst of the mess from her eyes, she walked carefully into the hall, her bare feet slapping through the tides of syrupy jism. The front door gaped wide ahead; behind, the stairs were a gently flowing cum-fall lit by the flickering glow from the door to her mother's room, which hung ajar. As she slowly climbed towards it Alisha saw that the locks had been broken, burst apart by tiny branches that sprouted straight from the door's wood. It'd become fused to the wall, she saw, putting down roots, slurping up the cum that coated everything in a glistening film. The same thing had happened to the floor, boards warping as they turned back to living wood. A savage, sexual energy filled Alisha as she approached the doorway, and she whimpered as her right hand reflexively balled itself into a fist. As she watched, massive veins bulged in her forearm and her fingers fused together, swelling, softening, until her hand had been replaced with a huge pulsing cock. Pleasure shot through her as it came, making her gasp; testicles the size of oranges quickly sprouted out of her wrist and slapped painfully against her stiffening arm as tears of anger and ecstasy began to stream down her face.

Pressing onwards, Alisha stepped slowly into her mom's room and stared at the demonic tableau set out there. The lines of the focus shone with a brilliant golden light, falling softly across the shuddering pile of mutated flesh that sprawled across the bed. No longer even vaguely human, Mrs. Katora had devolved into a shapeless mass of throbbing breasts and jutting cocks, rent here and there by horribly swollen pussies that slathered and twitched in endless, fruitless orgasm. Dreadful muffled moans came from the creature, but nothing coherent or sensible; and Alisha knew that sexual insanity had finally claimed her mother. A feather-light touch on her neck made her spin round, suddenly aware of how ungainly her body was becoming...her bottom was swelling with ripe, firm tits, and her chest was heavy with them...and came face to face with the architect of this horror.

"Ren," she breathed, staring in shock at what her friend had become. Ren's cute, girlish face topped a body deformed by rampant sex-magic; a vast, swollen pussy swallowed her front and sides from breasts to knees, twitching in perpetual lust and framed with dark, luxuriant hair. Her arms and legs were bloated with huge, misshapen tits studded with nipples of every size, fingers and toes protruding from the sweat-slicked cleavage as long, hard dicks stiffened into uselessness, and her head was crowned with a forest of painfully-erect cocks, looking for all the world like some bizarre crown.

"Alisha! I'm so glad you're awake...though you've changed less than I'd hoped. You must have sort of natural resistance to the magic after all... Well, never mind. You're well on your way now..." Ren smirked lustfully and ran her sensitive cock-hands over Alisha's swelling chest, caressing each bulging nipple and making the girl moan with pleasure. As Ren massaged her, Alisha became distantly aware of a building pressure in her crotch; there was a brief crescendo of pain and then three rods of dark, aching flesh erupted from above her snatch, quickly rising and hardening until they sat level with her chin. A painfully tight ballsac fell in beneath them, testicles squirming and pulsing as each cock erupted, painting Ren with cum and making her squeal with delight. Alisha fought for control as the world bucked and swayed and incredible urges assailed her mind. Slowly, she battled her way back from the brink.

"Ren... W...why?" she managed to gasp, even as another massive orgasm drove her to her knees. The sex-mage hobbled forwards, whimpering with every step, and leaned in close, her cum-scented breath hot in Alisha's cheek.

"You can't imagine why, girlfriend. Hell, you had the gateway to godhood up here and never even knew it. The power..." Ren's head-cocks pulsed fitfully, spraying jism as she jerked and shivered. "The pleasure. That spell... The one your mom cast? It wasn't flawed, it just didn't do what your mom thought. It's designed to give the Great Demons a perfect sex-slave...warps them with fertility magic then calls in one of the Powers. Your mom got Karma, and he -" She stopped and plunged one deformed arm into her massive pussy, plunging it in and out with wild abandon. The sight and the smell made Alisha gasp for air as gallons of cunt-juice began to pour from between the other girl's legs. "He made her into a battery for fertility magic. I just rejigged the focus to shunt more and more into her until... Well, you can see for yourself." The bed began to creak as the sex-beast grew, its stentorian moans becoming more urgent. Cocks six feet long and three feet thick spewed rivers of seed into the air; hugely distended nipples leaked pungent cum. "Your mom went crazy hours ago; she's in no condition to control all that power. But me, on the other hand... I've still got all my marbles -" She considered her mutated body, what she'd done to her mother. "Well, most of my marbles, and I know how to channel magic. I'll fuse with her, and become as strong as an avatar...as strong as Great Karma, even!"

Alisha knew even before Ren started laughing that she was, despite what she believed, hopelessly mad. She also knew she was too far gone to reason with...unless she stopped her, now, she'd go through with her plan. Alisha had no idea whether it would work or not, but the merest prospect of having her deranged friend become a sexual goddess filled her with fear. She gritted her teeth and straightened up, rocking slightly as the soles of her feet began to swell with budding breasts and her head continued to bulge and soften. She was aware of her neck thickening, rippling with muscle, of her hair slipping from her scalp in silky clumps. Her sight dimmed as her eyes were sealed behind folds of hardening flesh and everything from her nose on up became a huge, bloated dick-head. Turning, she waddled ponderously towards her mother. Ren, sensing something was wrong, lurched forwards, but her own rampant mutation had left her clumsy and slow.

"Hey...hey!" She yelled, desperately lumbering after Alisha. "What the fuck are you doing? Stop!" Alisha pressed on, wading through torrents of thick cum, picking her way forwards as her torso exploded with hundreds of swollen tits. Her back hunched, bulged and erupted with titanic rope-veined cocks; her once-slender form rippled as she mutated into little more than a limping mass of sex organs. Pleasure scorched her mind, reaching terrible heights as she pressed herself up against the warm, soft expanse of her mom, sighing pleasantly as steel-hard dicks and distended teats alike forced themselves into her myriad sopping holes. With awkward moans and echoing sighs, the two freakish creatures began to sex one-another. Cocks writhed like muscular serpents into wet and willing cunts; tits quivered and twitched and spewed forth great gouts of milky cum. Almost gone, Alisha squirmed forwards and pressed her dripping dick-head into the soft, wet confines of her mother's largest cunt. She shuddered as she felt her mom lovingly caress her distended skull, her mouth filling with cum as an orgasm boiled up from somewhere deep inside her. She let it go, flowed out and into her mom. Ren watched in horror as the two sex-beasts merged, her own bloated organs twitching in sympathy as they writhed in massive simultaneous orgasms.

"It was supposed to be me..." She whined, before a massive eruption of mutating seed crashed over her and swept her away.

It was, Lady Sari later decided, one of the worst magical disasters she had ever seen in her time with Regena. The town of Halore, swamped with what appeared to be d-cum and swarming with what was left of its inhabitants, warped into crazed sexual freaks and fucking everything they could run down. She'd seen a horse-man ten feet tall ramming his engorged stallion-meat into a gargantuan vagina with a woman's head perched on top of it; a pile of breasts covered in mouths but without one vagina that did nothing but beg to be fucked; a hugely muscled cross between a woman and a cow that had sexed three whole teams of Regena caregivers until they managed to sedate her, and then they'd had to deal with her victims' transformations into similarly-endowed hulking bovine mutants. They had a herd of them now. Sari couldn't think of a damn thing to do but send them south to Freya's zoo, as if they kept them in a care facility they'd no doubt overpower and transform the staff...at least in Freya's realm the keepers might enjoy it. Still, the strangest of all was the thing they'd pulled out of a small lake of cum at the centre of the devastation; a rippling mountain of stressed sexflesh, all cocks and cunts, that constantly muttered and cried to itself. 'Supposed to be me', it kept repeating...and strangest of all, it seemed to be building up some sort of sex-magic 'charge'. Sari had ordered the poor creature placed under her personal supervision, and in the privacy of her field tent studied some of its secretions. The cum glistened softly under her microscope, and the world seemed to grow very quiet as Sari absently dipped her finger into it and raised it to her mouth...


Re: Addictive Behaviour

This has been one of my favorite stories for a long time.