Topic: Belial: Changes in the Air
Belial: Changes in the Air
By Von Krieger
Esther groaned as she shifted in her sleep. She rubbed absently at the sore spot upon her backside, the discomfort easing her out of her dreary haze of unconsciousness and into a twilight state between waking and dream.
She sighed softly as her touch brought relief and then not merely relief but pleasure. Her sleepy mind wondered why her tailbone ached so badly. There had been the protest rally the previous day where she, her sister, and several other students from Madam Dominia's School for Pure Girls had attended to shout slogans and wave placards outside the unpleasant place that had popped up near the nice section of town.
She couldn't quite remember what happened, and though pure in the flesh, the students of Miss Dominia's were not above sneaking a few sips of alcohol in celebration. Perhaps she'd gone back to a classmate's apartment and had fallen asleep on an odd piece of furniture?
The young woman yawned and shifted around, feeling the large, soft mass that she was lying on beneath her. She had likely fallen asleep on a beanbag chair.
Esther sighed contentedly as she massaged the tender spot. She felt much better now that she'd rolled over, no longer with her tailbone jammed against a spot where the beans were compacted or something. Her hips began to buck gently, instinctively as she began to rub the aching spot harder and deeper.
A warm wetness leaked from Esther as the unfamiliar sensation of arousal crept into her. It flowed not merely from her sex, but from the place where she rubbed upon the base of her spine. Esther groaned in annoyance at having popped a blister.
Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to wear her nicer clothes to the rally. They weren't really suited for moving around in. After all, even now her feet ached from the previous day's exertion. So did her back for that matter.
Everything seemed kind of hazy to Esther. She couldn't quite recall what had happened. She recalled going to the protest, joining in with a crowd of others who felt that the Regina shelter smack dab in the middle class section of town was an unwanted nuisance at best, and outright dangerous at worst.
After all, the organization catered to those whose bodies had been altered into the very expression of the deviant thoughts and desires that went through their heads. After all, Demon Seed needed fertile soil in which to grow. That was what Miss Dominia taught, after all.
Esther moaned as her fingers found an unpleasant knot in her muscles, a rather large, hard, solid protrusion of muscle that must've been the result of all the walking around she'd been forced to do yesterday. Her mother had not wanted to risk one of her carriages getting... dirtied by some deviant's overly sexualized body coming too close and doing what gigantic sex organs tended to do.
The young woman shuddered, recalling an event occurring the previous spring where a student at the school had her deviance come to a head and transform her into some sort of hideous bovine-lizard thing. She'd gone lust-crazy and after attacking her roommate had gone on a sexual rampage. Esther shuddered once more as she thought of her own violation.
The sex-crazed pervert had spilled her seed on the balcony, and the foul fluid had dripped down and stained one of Esther's favorite dresses with its presence as she walked beneath.
She was rather thankful that such was where it had ended, as she'd recognized the slight glow of the stuff and had run screaming back into her room and managed to strip off the tainted garment before it had a chance to soak through. She had, unfortunately, never been able to forget the scent of it.
Another shudder wracked Esther's body as she unconsciously recalled the scent. It was... familiar for some reason. It had a weird, almost floral quality to it that tickled at her mind. Oh right! Some inconsiderate woman had forgotten to put on her perfume at home, and so had spritzed it all over herself and the people standing around her.
Esther had gotten a goodly blast of the stuff to the face and had tried to ignore it at first. But it had soon dried to a sticky film upon her face and she'd excused herself from her friends to wash up at the restroom in the park.
The park was the reason for the protest. After all, it was in the center of the city and lacked proper gates, though it had walls. She didn't have a problem with the middle class walking the streets and admiring the beautiful houses and estates that they would never have, but it also allowed the dregs of society to do much the same.
Esther snorted, or tried to as the sound was turned into a quivering moan of pleasure as she moved on from working the knot to massaging the aches out of her wrist and forearm, which had gotten achy from holding one of the many protest signs that had been made up beforehand during Arts and Crafts classes at Miss Dominia's and distributed by the students.
The young woman shuddered again at the thought of the park. She'd never been to the southern side of it, and to her surprise the facilities were just as well taken care of. She supposed the merchants and horse traders ought to be thankful that families like hers paid the groundskeepers to maintain the entirety of the park in such a magnificent state.
Not to mention the wretched poor who couldn't afford indoor plumbing or the bathhouses and were forced to use the stream that ran through the park. Thankfully the spring-fed flow headed southward so that the scrubbed off filth and potential taint of the transformed stayed well away from proper people.
Esther grinned as she recalled one of her favorite places in the park, a secluded area just off one of the nature trails where a pond burbled up with fresh, cool water that made a wonderful place to swim (and tan) in the summertime. Esther muttered to herself about the warming flow upon her back and down her legs. Her friends and herself had decided that they'd be heading to the park to do just that the following afternoon. She grumbled at the carelessness that had led someone to place an open bottle of tanning oil near where she'd fallen asleep, as it had obviously fallen on her as she'd shifted around to relieve the aches and pains of her body.
She sighed happily as she moved on from her wrist to... what? Her leg? Her thigh? It felt too muscled to be one of Esther's skinny arms, but not quite solid enough to be a leg. Whatever it was, it seemed to rather appreciate having the aches worked out of it and it had been absolutely coated in the slick tanning oil. Had it been sitting out in the sun? Was that why it felt so warm?
Esther stroked her aching limb faster and faster, then added a second hand into the mix, assuring that it was most certainly not her arm. She arched her back at the delicious sensation of the massage, delighting in the way it felt. Her body had begun to move in response to the sweet sensations of Esther working out her pains, as well as a new set of pleasant sensations that had nothing to do with Esther's hands, but rather something to do with her front.