As the mutilation of Chell's lower body slowed, she could feel her center of gravity begin to oddly shift into the fleshy mass behind her. The momentary calm allowed her to regain her senses as she swallowed her panic in a desperate attempt to escape. Chell struggled to kick what she thought was her legs, only to find they offered very little leverage against her restraints. The girl looked down and at first was unable to comprehend what the goo had done to her. With each voluntary command was not the movement of legs, but the shifting of a wrinkly bag of flesh that had been weighed down by two generous orbs contained within. Bracing her hands against the wall, Chell thrust her hips forward hoping to break free, only to find that separation was impossible. With each yank of her pelvis, she could feel a tension within the wall of flesh. Worse yet, Chell had become aware of the mass that bound her, able to sense touch as if it was a part of her own body. It then dawned on her that she was not being restrained by the fleshy mass, but rather she had become a part of it, with her torso sticking out of a sheath like opening that had been formed from her melded flesh! Before long, the goo that had mutilated her lower body started oozing up from Chell's sheath, coating her abdomen, breasts, and creeping over her shoulders and down her arms. Instinctively, Chell leaned forward as if trying to somehow pull herself away, only to find herself dangling with all her weight from the fleshy wall as the substance continued its relentless violation of her body. The burning sensation she had felt earlier once again resumed as the goo combined with her flesh, forcibly restraining the girl's arms and pulling her back upright as it threatened to enter her mouth and swallow her face.