Topic: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

I have a new story out that will be relevant to your interests.  You can find it on my Deviant Page.

http://randomking.deviantart.com/art/Th … -579433154


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Weird, I can see a "download" link on the right on your other pdf stories, but not on this one. Is there maybe an option that needs to be set? As of now, can't read it smile


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

annon wrote:

Weird, I can see a "download" link on the right on your other pdf stories, but not on this one. Is there maybe an option that needs to be set? As of now, can't read it smile

It should load into an in-browser .pdf viewer.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Hope to see more of it.

5 (edited by annon 2015-12-23 08:24)

Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Firefox didn't work for me, but Chrome was fine. Will read it in great interest


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

I liked it.  It was definitely a good introduction to how people react to the aftermath of the puzzle box curse.

I of course would totally steal all of the chapstick I could find for fun and nefarious purposes, but I like that kind of transformation.  Mina's "weekend of fun" made me smile.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Good work! Mostly i skip directly to the transformations in such stories, but this one is well written, too. I hope it will continue soon.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Is there any way we could get a version just posted in the forums or something? I am legally blind and I can't use PDF files very well.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Sure thing.  Here you go:

The Ballad of Maggie
A Puzzling World Story
by Randomking

“Boom!  Head shot!”  It was Sunday, and Maggie was getting the last bit of relaxation out of the way before a rather grueling week of coursework would begin.  She needed to blow off steam.  Actually, she was really hyped up.  It had been a while since she had engaged in some silly digital violence.
“Ah, come on!” her roommate complained.  “I fucking had you that time!”
“Oh, bullshit!  My sniper perch was perfect that time.”
“Alright.  Maybe it was, but I think next time, I’ll not handicap myself with my lower arms.”  Beth had been altered by something or another a year ago, and her legs had been replaced by a pair of arms.  It was both a handicap and an asset.
“Maybe next weekend.  I needed that, though.”
“Well, when you have to dump a boyfriend for cheating, it helps to kill things.”  There was a pause for reflection.  Then, “Are you dropping by the grocery story tonight?  I could use a few things.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.  I guess I could use the fresh air, though.”  What was with her?  Since she dumped her boyfriend on Friday, she had been really frisky.  Maybe she just needed a new squeeze.
“Yeah, you were a bit more fierce than usual with the double katanas.  A walk would do you some good.”  They gathered some shopping bags and the pushcart and got to the door.  Given her lack of legs, Beth had to piggyback on Maggie.  Sure, she could use her wheelchair, but it was just easier to do this with friends.  Beth had long thought that something about her own transformation had made her more affectionate.  Something about hugging someone with all four of her arms made her feel really cozy and connected.  Oddly enough, most people didn’t seem to mind after an embrace or two.
They clambered out of the apartment as they planned their week, Maggie getting a lot of exercise from the haul.  And how.  She walked like she was training for a speed walking competition, almost breaking into a jog.  Beth had to complain a few times about the rough jostling to get her to slow down, but they got there without any spills.
The market itself was a nice mid-range place that advertised a lot of organic and natural foods but also had a good selection of inexpensive produce.  They made good time, moving through the aisles efficiently, Beth hanging off of the side of the cart like a monkey to grab the various items.  At the checkout line, Maggie found herself to be more flirtatious than usual, and she even gave the cashier her number.  Beth didn’t think he was handsome or clever enough to warrant such attentions, but she conceded that Maggie’s behavior was normal for a recently singled girl.

Classes reconvened the next morning, and Maggie’s focus was really bipolar.  In one moment, she was furiously jotting notes-- and notes about her notes.  The next, she was looking over at some dude’s ass.  This was the weirdest rebound, she thought.  She hit the campus convenience store after her afternoon class and picked up a pack of condoms, since she realized that she needed to get a one-night stand out of her system. 
Then, she saw a little island by the personal items.  Oh dear, she thought.  It was one of those Be Your Sexiest!® things.  When all of the weirdness entered the world, corner stores, mall islands, and super markets would spontaneously gain a Be Your Sexiest!® rack of items.  Somehow, the stores’ purchasing systems would have their bar coding and inventory management updated to account for the items, and shopkeepers would hypnotically sell the goods, even after they had been instructed to refuse their sale.  Fortunately, the “products” did not have permanent effects, and someone even developed an app to track when a store carried them.
Given her mood, Maggie felt compelled to take a look.  All of the packaging featured lewd pictures and erotic slogans, and Maggie felt a sudden jolt of sexual energy.  If she was going to sleep with a random guy like she planned, some of these items might help.  She’d heard the horror stories, of course, but really, the only long-term effect of any of the Be Your Sexiest!® stuff was embarrassment, and these days, people tended to forgive you for some sort of bizarre impropriety.  There were various toiletries, sexual aids, and lingerie on the shelf.  Eventually, she picked out a razor with shaving gel, a pack of assorted condoms, and a dildo, since she could in fact strike out.  She even made sure to read the labels, since you never knew what these things would do.  They were generally vague, and people tended to complain that they understated the side-effects.  Her purchases were:

Be Your Sexiest!® Smooth and Beautiful Razor and Shaving Gel
We guarantee you have the smoothest and longest lasting shave that you have ever had!  This product will never nick your skin, and it handles so well that you will not want to put it down until you are glaborously fabulous!  Be ready to be fabulous!
Warning: Completely wash off the shaving gel, since hair growth suppressants in the shaving gel can cause various side effects.

Be Your Sexiest!® Transform Your Knight Condoms (6 Assorted)
Latex condoms are uncomfortable and so unsexy, so we created a magical material that practically disappears!  Cumsluts, rejoice, for this condom doesn’t stop the jizm!  It removes all biological pathogens and sperm, making sex safe and spoogetastically messy!
Warning: Without partnered sexual release, priapism may occur.  Erections may last as long as 48 hours or until external assistance is given.

Be Your Sexiest!® Guaranteed Orgasm Dildo (Blue)
Sometimes, a girl (or an adventurous boy) needs a good, hard fucking.  A finger can rub a clit for that nice orgasm, but only a phallus, real or rubber, can give you that deep down orgasm.  We guarantee that this dildo will not let you down!
Warning: Prolonged use can lead to vulva or anal discoloration lasting up to two weeks.

Back at home, Maggie set to work on her class assignments.  She was distracted, yes, but she was also a good student.  She had three papers to write for the week, plus one problem set.  Papers were getting easier and easier for her, since she became a practiced writer, but that problem set…  Maggie was not a math person, but even with her English major, she had to complete a math class.  It was frustrating, so she set it aside.  She needed to finish one paper for tomorrow.  By ten p.m., she was happy with her paper.  It was time to go to a club and get some strange.
Quickly, she showered.  She pulled out the new razor and set to work.  That box was right!  The razor easily did the job in one pass and left a pleasant tingling sensation in its wake.  As she worked her armpits, she found that she could be as careless as she wanted, because despite the unearthly keenness of the blade, it wouldn’t knick.  After her pits, she went after her legs, and somehow the razor guided her hand over her snatch.  She generally kept a trimmed landing strip, but she was compelled to shave it bare, and suddenly, she was both proud of the job and awed by the power of magic.
In truth, it was her first real experience with magic.  Oh, she knew people who had been affected-- her apartment mate was one of them-- but it had never been personal before.  She followed those instructions about cleaning away the remaining foam, and she felt her skin.  Even going against the grain, it was utterly devoid of the slightest stubble.  It actually felt really sexy to her, and she realized that felt another compulsion-- show off. 
She hit her closet and found a party dress.  Yes, she had one, since her first roommate insisted on taking her clubbing when she was a freshman.  To be honest, she didn’t enjoy the experience at the time, but she was seeing Trey at the time.  She put on her most ridiculous push-up bra and started to pull up her panties when all of a sudden, her arms wouldn’t respond.  She let them drop to the floor, and she was back in full control.  A couple more tries showed Maggie that she simply could not make herself put underwear on.  Well, that was strange.
“Hey, Beth!” she called.
“Could you come here for a minute?”
Beth crawled into the room.  “Jeez, Maggie, cover up!”
“I, uh, can’t, so I wanted your help.”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
“I think it’s the razor I bought.  I used a Be Your Sexiest!® razor I got at the store,” Maggie said sheepishly.
“Oh.  Why the hell would you do that?”
“Look, I really want to get laid right now-- I think it’s a rebound thing-- so I figured that I’d use some of their stuff.”  Maggie’s face was flush.  This all might be a mistake.
“Uh huh.  It’s a good thing that it’s not permanent like my condition.  Alright, you want me to put the panties on you?”
“Yes, please.”
Maggie sat on the floor and lifted her legs, but once Beth got the feet through the leg holes, Maggie involuntarily struggled.  “Oh, come on!” Beth said.
“I…  I’m sorry.  I guess this stuff really puts the zap on you.  I guess I’ll go without.”
“You’re still going?”  At this point, Maggie could practically see Beth’s respect for her drain away.
“I think so.  Look, I don’t usually do this kind of stuff.  Just think of it as catharsis.”
“Alright.  Just make sure your hair and makeup is crazy, so no one will recognize you.”
“Good idea.”  Maggie put on her party dress, even though the skirt only went down about a third of the way to her knees.  She quickly put her hair in pigtails, caked on the makeup, and spritzed herself with this glitter spray she impulsively bought six months ago.  It was getting close to midnight, so Maggie rushed out, almost forgetting how exposed she was.  The late night air quickly reminded her, though, and she felt a rush of adrenaline and undirected passion.

The club was only six blocks from campus, and it was not too busy.  It was a Monday night, after all, and most folks had morning classes.  Still, Maggie bravely entered and headed for the dance floor.  The numbers were not in her favor, though.  That was a problem these days, since magic seemed to skew the sex ratio.  There were a few weird creatures that would feed on maleness, and some people used magical spells to curse men with unwanted femininity.  A girl couldn’t be too picky, so Maggie looked at her options.
There was one guy on the dance floor alone, and he was a terrible dancer.  He seemed to try, yes, but he was just failing badly.  Maggie figured she’d give it a shot.  Her mood was lowering her standards, but as she got closer, she realized he didn’t seem so bad.  He wasn’t a movie star, but he looked fine.  Maggie moved even faster when she saw a competitor also considering him.
“Wanna Dance?” she shouted.
“I already am!” he said.
“Riiight…  How about with me?”
“Oh.  Yeah, I’ll dance with you.”
Maggie moved close.  She was going to get this done.  Ordinarily, she wouldn’t take a risk, but she pulled his hand onto her waist and to get things moving.  The unnamed young man looked at her with a bit of a shocked look.  He was clearly unused to this sort of behavior in women, and Maggie only hoped that her forwardness was not too much.
After a half minute of awkward half dancing, he asked, “What’s your name?”
Great, Maggie though.  He doesn’t get the whole scene.  Well, no matter.  “M…”  She realized that she might not want to state her full name, but she finally decided to give it.  “Maggie.”
“I’m Josh.”
“Hi, Josh.  Look, I’m going to be honest.  I want to get laid tonight.”  She could barely believe she was saying this.  At the moment, she almost imagined the scene as being outside of herself.  “We can dance if you want, but I kind of want some action.  I hope I’m not being too presumptuous.”  Presumptuous? she thought to herself.  Aren’t I supposed to play dumb here?
Josh looked a bit shocked.  “Uh…”  His face’s color changed as fast as a cuttlefish’s camouflage-- his usual Asian tan to sheet-white to beet red.  “Okay.  I think I can do that.”
They continued to sort of dance.  Really, they just shuffled their feet, as neither was used to this.  Finally, Josh said, “Where?”
“Excuse me,” Maggie said.
“You want to…  Where do you want to do it?”
Right here, she thought.  She went ahead and put her hand on his crotch.  She could feel a bit of a hard-on in there.  He briefly flinched, but he was into it.  “Let me think, she said.”  She guided his hand to her hip.  They way his hand moved, it was hiking her skirt.  He was clearly clumsy in the moment.  Looking into his eyes, it was apparent that he realized her partial nudity.
“Okay,” he said.
“You can use your hands a bit here, you know.”  He obliged, evidently making sure that she didn’t just have a high waistband.  “Look, my place would be fine.”  He nodded.  “Let’s go.”  As they made their way off the dance floor, Maggie recognized a transformed girl from one of her classes.  She had two sets of legs and a sort of torso in between them.  Maggie hadn’t realized it before, but she evidently had six breasts along that torso.  She had great control of those four feet, since she managed to dance with them.  The other girl and guy with her were trying to keep up.  Evidently, the girl noticed her, too, and she winked.
Great, Maggie thought.  It was then that she noticed that her skirt was bunched up, and she pulled it down.  I should feel embarrassed, she thought, but I’m not.  I’m on a mission.

“You’ll have to be quiet.  My roommate is probably asleep or trying to get to sleep.”
“Sure,” Josh responded.  He looked around the apartment, still cluelessly bewildered.  Maggie grabbed his hand and tugged him into her room.
“Did you bring a condom?” she asked.
“I really wasn’t expecting any action.”
“Right.  Let me see.”  Maggie grabbed one of the Be Your Sexiest!® condoms.  “I picked this up today, but I should warn you that it’s a Be Your Sexiest!® condom.  As long as I help get you off, it doesn’t look like there will be any negative effects.”  Josh had an apprehensive look, so Maggie continued, lowering her voice into a purr, “And I will get you off.”
“Isn’t the whole point of condom usage to prevent bad stuff?” he asked.  “I mean, will these even work as condoms?  That magical shit seems pretty dangerous.”
“Look,” Maggie said, her sexual frustration now fully in the reins of her rational self, “The package says, ‘It removes all biological pathogens and sperm.’  These things can be misleading, I’ve heard, but they don’t lie.”
“Alright, what the hell.”
She unwrapped a “Strawberry Cream” condom while he disrobed.  She hadn’t used a condom in a long time, since she and Grant were fluid-bonded-- she really hoped he used a condom with the tramp he cheated with.  She was all for safe sex, and she preached it on social media.  She wasn’t going to be a hypocrite.  She read somewhere that guys would dig condoms more, if the woman put it on and tried to make that sexy.  It had been a while, but it seemed like a fun thing to do.
The condom was a bright red one with soft beige bumps that looked like they were supposed to simulate strawberry seeds.  She took a moment to admire his dick.  It was a handsome phallus, she had to admit.  It was a nice size that she could imagine penetrating her.  “Mmm…”  He shaved.  That was nice.  Her ex-boyfriend demurred at that suggestion a while back.  Come to think of it, he used rather misogynistic language when he did, but Maggie was blinded by love at the time.  This set was all nice and smooth, and she gently caressed him from the shaft down to the ballsack, making sure to linger a moment before she began unrolling the magical rubber down the link of his cock.
Once the ring reached the base, the sorcerous transformation began.  The latex, or whatever stygian material substituted for latex, absorbed into his skin, but the bright red strawberry color remained, and the “seeds” became bigger, as if they were designed to act like stimulative ridges.  His cock head warped a bit to look like an actual strawberry fruit, and then a tuft of leaves sprouted around his penis’s base.  She stroked it again.
“How does it feel?” she asked.  The weirdness of the situation only fueled her lusts.
“It’s like the condom isn’t on,” he said.
“Great, let’s fuck.”
“You don’t want oral?” he said, looking maybe a bit disappointed.
“I am so revved up right now.  I just want you in me.”  She then doubled down on the dirty talk.  “Don’t make me beg.”
He clearly wasn’t sure if that was code for making her beg, but banging her seemed really enticing.  She pulled off her dress and unsnapped her bra in seconds, then she lay on the bed, her legs wide open in unquestionable invitation.  He was gentle, and he took care to line things up, but Maggie wouldn’t have it.  She practically forced him down and used all of the weak leverage her position allowed her to set a frantic rhythm.  He was in, and she could feel his whole length.  Each stroke made the strawberry seed nubs massage her pussy walls.  Still, she needed more.
“Mmm…  Roll over,” she ordered.
After a couple more thrusts, he managed, “Okay, yeah.”  Now, she was in her game.  Why had she taken the passive position?  She needed to be in charge.  She had been in charge up to this point, and lucky Josh was just along for the right.  Well, Grant was dominating in bed, and Maggie couldn’t complain then.  Right now?  She reveled in her wanton dominance.  Rocking her hips, she ground her clit into his pubic mound and drug his length through her inflamed cunt.  She intended to stifle her orgasmic cry, and ordinarily she would have used a pillow, but she was on top, and her pillow was a yard from her face.
“Oh, fuck yeah!” she yelled a lot louder than she intended, but she was a woman possessed.  “Give it to me!”  He was into it now, too, having caught up to the intense stimulation that this insane rendezvous provided him.  He cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipples, causing her to gasp again and scream as a second wave of pleasure crashed over her quivering frame.  He bucked, as he started spilling his seed.  She could feel the first two pulses of ejaculation, and that combined with the new attention to her tits, boosted her into an immediate and unprecedented third orgasm.  At this point, she was utterly unaware of the screaming and lewd swearing that streamed from her mouth.
That third one did it, though.  Her strength suddenly left her, and fatigue washed through her now aching hips.  A strong odor of strawberries overwhelmed the room, and looked down at a wide-eyed and stunned Korean-American man.  He looked a bit uncomfortable, so she dismounted, and what seemed like a pint of bright pinkish red runny goop spilled out of her pussy.  She looked down at his magically demented member to see that the little leaves around the base were wilting, and there was even more goop oozing out of his penis.
“Uh, did it break?” he asked, still too dazed to intone it with the appropriate level of panic.  Postcoital endorphins also put a damper on any sense of proper concern.
“Uh, no.  The package said that you still get the cum.  Apparently, it’s a lot of cum.”  She brought some to her mouth.  It tasted like strawberries and cream, alright.  Her bed was a royal mess, too.  There was so much semen that there wasn’t just a wet spot; there was a little puddle.  “Um, get off.  I want to prevent this from getting too bad,” she said pointing at the pool of pinkish jizm.
“Oh, I got off.  By the sound of it, you…” he started to quip, but a loud rapping came at the door.
“What the hell, Maggie!” Beth screamed.
“Quick, get dressed,” she hissed at Josh.  He looked down to his penis, which he was happy to see returning to normal.  Still, there was a problem.  He saw the bathroom and figured he’d clean up a bit first.
Maggie opened the door.
“Jesus Christ, Maggie.  Since when were you a nudist?”  Beth sniffed.  “What?  Did you fuck on a quart of strawberries?”  Beth then crawled into the room.
“Uh, privacy?” Maggie proposed meekly.
“Given your volume, I think you’re past that point tonight.  I was trying to get some sleep, you know.”
Maggie always tried to be a good housemate.  Really, her sense of courtesy was generally quite good.  A wave of guilt and shame washed over her.  It wasn’t about the sex, though.  She was kind of proud of her initiative and apparent sexual prowess that she showed.  It was about mistreating Beth, whom she really liked.  “Sorry.”
Beth stared at her face for a full minute.  It was flushed, and the sweat, smeared makeup, and running glitter combined to make her look beyond sorry.  “Look, wash up, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.  You’ve got to walk me in anyway.”  She turned to go back to bed.  “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.  I’m really sorry.”
“I know.”
Josh staggered out.  “I’m sorry,” he said.
“For what?” Maggie asked.
“You said to be quiet with your roommate.  I should have found a way to help.”
Maggie snorted.  “That’s sweet, but you should head back.  I need to figure out what the hell to about my bed.”
“Do you want my number?” he asked.
“Sure.  Leave it on my desk.”
He found a post-it and a pen.  “It was fun.  I’ll see you around,” Josh said.
“Yeah.  See you around.”

“He was nice, at least,” Maggie said.  They were walking toward campus.  It a was a slower pace than usual.  Maggie’s thighs, hips, and abdominal muscles were quite sore.
“Like, MRA nice guy?” Beth asked.
“No, no.  I mean an actual nice guy.  I feel kind of bad for kicking him out.”
“Eh, you apparently really needed to get laid.  I haven’t gotten any action since the accident, and I don’t think I’ve ever needed a fucking as much as you did yesterday.”
“I know.”  A brief gust of chilly wind kicked up Maggie’s skirt.  She almost fell over keeping it down.
“Still no panties?” Maggie asked.
“Yeah, I looked up internet reports on Be Your Sexiest!® shaving supplies.  They keep you from wearing panties for a couple of weeks.  You can start wearing knee length skirts and normal shirts after twelve hours, though.  I can put on a full skirt in a couple of days and pants in a week.  At least, I don’t need to shave for two or three months.”
“Huh.  You make it sound like it’s almost worth it.”
“I’m on the fence right now.  I have to admit that I feel really smooth.  I might have shown a whole club my pussy last night, though.”
“And I was starting to feel special about seeing it last night.”
“Look, I am really sorry.  I didn’t mean to disrespect you.”
“I know.  I’m not too mad.  It was out of character for you.”
“Yeah, but I still feel like getting some more, maybe this weekend.”
“You calling Josh?”
“I don’t know.  I wouldn’t mind another tumble with him, but I feel like sowing my wild oats.  I’m not ready for another relationship now.”
“Okay, so long as I don’t lose anymore sleep over it.”

Maggie sat down in her Early British Novels class and sighed.  After the long walk carrying Beth most of the way, it felt good to relax her sore muscles.  She was ten minutes early, so she drew her phone to check on the news and other things, but she sensed a figure nearby.  She looked over to see the four-legged woman that she saw in the club the previous night.
    “Hey, I’m Nichelle Schmidt.  I think I saw you last night.”
Great, Maggie thought.  More stupid consequences of last night.  “Uh, yeah, I guess?  What’s up?”
“Well, I’ve seen you around campus with that girl with arms for legs, and I thought you might be interested in joining my club.”
Well, that took an unexpected tack.  “What club?”
The fellow student reached into her purse to pull out a card.  “I run the Society for the Acceptance of the Transformed here.  We’re all about making sure that transformed people keep their rights and have good lives.”
“I’m not transformed, though.”
“Right, I know.  We recruit non-transformed supporters, too, and you hang out with… what’s your friend’s name?”
“Okay, cool.  You hang out with Beth, and that means you don’t discriminate.  Plus, I’m, like, 80% sure you had used a Be Your Sexiest!® shaving kit last night.  Your kitty was smooth, girl.”  Nichelle kept her voice a bit low for that last part.
Now, the embarrassment that she didn’t feel the last night came rolling in.  Red-faced, Maggie said, “Um, and why is that important?”  She checked the room to make sure that they didn’t have an audience.  Things were fine.
“Well, if you’re willing to dabble in magic, you’re probably going to do fine with our group.”
“I thought that the transformed learned a hard lesson about not dabbling with magic.”
“A lot of us, yes.  Me?  Well, let’s just say that not all transformed are the victims of some curse.”  She winked.
Slightly stunned, Maggie asked, “You did that to yourself?”
“Kind of.  It’s a long story, but here’s the thing…  Are you for gay rights?”
“Of course.”
“Well, I don’t think we should discriminate against people because of who they love.”
“Okay, a pretty stock answer.  Do you think gay people have a choice about their sexuality?”
“For the most part, no.  I guess some of the magic stuff might affect things, though.”
“True, but back when people were really debating the whole gay marriage thing, some people insisted that it was important that gays didn’t have a choice about who they could love, right?”
“Well,” Nichelle continued, “would it matter if they did?”
“Probably not.”
“The same thing goes for the transformed.  If someone chooses it, the Society platform is that the person should be given the same respect as someone who didn’t choose it.”
“Are you suggesting that I want to be transformed?”
“No, no.  I mean that you were willing to play with magic, and everyone has some idea of the risks.”
“I thought the Be Your Sexiest!® stuff was never permanent.”
“That’s mostly right.  I’ve heard of addicts to it, though.  There can be permanent effects for them.”
“I didn’t see that on the internet.”
“You probably didn’t look long enough.  Anyway, magic is always risky.  If you’re willing to play with it, I don’t see a problem.  You should come and talk to us.  We’re meeting Friday night to talk about ourselves.  It’s going to be a getting-to-know-you kind of meeting.  For some, it’s kind of like therapy.”  Nichelle then backed off and found her seat on the floor.  Maggie looked her over.  At the club, it was clear that she had six breasts on the middle torso area.  It looked like the clothes she wore in class tended to drape, so no one would be able to tell that.

“Oh good, you’re here,” Beth said.  She took off her gloves that she wore for mobility.  They were tough leather with hard rubber pads and made for durability, but they tended to get a little gross, just as the bottoms of shoes do.
“Yup, how was class?” Maggie asked.
“I’m managing the shit out of data.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“It’s all IT jargon, so you wouldn’t get it.”
“Uh huh.  Hey listen, I met this chick in class today, and she wanted to know if we wanted to join her club.”
Beth’s eyes narrowed.  “What club?”
“The Society for the Acceptance of the Transformed.  She gave me a card.  It’s in the top pocket.”
As Beth rooted around the pocket, she said, “Yeah, some dude asked me about that about two weeks ago.  I figured he was just a creepster.”
“Well, she said it was about helping people like you.  I think it might be interesting.”
“Interesting?  That’s not how I like to think about my condition.  I haven’t really met many of my kind, though, so… why not?  You weren’t planning to do anything but get laid on Friday, were you?”
“Hey, I’ve got all weekend.”  Maggie wasn’t totally sure she wanted to wait until the weekend.  Self control, she told herself.
“Why are you wanting to go, anyway?”
“Well, the girl who talked me seemed really nice.  She also mentioned that she saw me at the club.”
“Okay, that’s weird.  She didn’t blackmail you or anything?”  Beth only heard silence, so she continued, “You know, a dark cult of transformation, using leverage to get fresh victims.  That sort of thing.”
“Heh.  No, she said that she thought I was using that magical razor and said that those interested in magic are welcome to come.  I think she could teach me some things.”
“What things?” Beth asked.
“I don’t know.  She seemed wise, somehow, you know?  She talked about how magic was risky but that it wasn’t all bad.  You probably find that offensive.”
“A little, yeah.  Look, it’s okay, though.  We’ll go, and we don’t have to go again.”

That evening, Maggie had an evening Documenting the Theater film class.  Beth was doing the dishes.  She had a sort of monkey bar thing installed, so she did them upside down.  It worked for dishes, but unless she got an asbestos suit, she wasn’t going to use it for cooking over the stove.  “She rocks…  She flips!  And she sticks the landing!”  Arms didn’t weigh as much as legs, so Beth could accomplish unusual feats of acrobatics.
She went past Maggie’s room when she caught a strong whiff of strawberries.  “Again?” she said.  The laundry basket was overstuffed with Maggie’s bedding, and it wreaked of strawberries.  Something about that smell…  Oh dear, Beth thought.  That magic shit has a life of its own, doesn’t it?  Beth wasn’t asexual or anything, but her romantic self-confidence took a big hit after the accident, and she just really didn’t tend to think about sex much.  Last night was a different experience, though.  She saw Maggie naked and oozing erotic energy.  She could remember that enflamed pussy and tousled hair.  The smell brought her back, but it seemed to contain a bit of its own aphrodisiac properties.
She started to leave when she saw the spilled contents of Maggie’s shopping bag.  That dildo…  Beth once considered getting a sex toy, but she could be pretty handy on her own.  Plus, she was raised in a conservative household.  But there is sat unopened.  Maggie owes me one, anyway, she thought.  Beth grabbed it and brought it into her own room.  She unwrapped it and looked it over.  It was blue with blue speckles in it.  It had a phallic shape.  Well, sort of.  She’d never seen a dick like it, not that she was all that experienced.  The head?  Was that what it was?  Well, the head was kind of long, and it had these little flappy flanges coming up the base.
She closed her door and stripped down.  She then closed her eyes and remembered her last boyfriend.  He was a loser, but there were good times.  One of those times worked for her.  It was when they discovered doggy style.  She thought it would look stupid, but it felt great.  Yeah, there we go, she thought.  She lubricated, and she started to insert the fake phallus.  “Mmm…”  It had been a long time since anything but a tampon had been in there.  The stretching felt nice, and she went slow.  “Ah,” she said, laying back. 
She used her upper arms to play with her substantial tits.  They weren’t this big before the accident, but since they were not especially abnormal, few knew this.  Only she knew that her nipples were pretty sensitive.  For most women, squishing breasts was uncomfortable, but since the accident, she actually liked them getting squeezed.  It was one reason she liked hugs so much.  Now, she could mash them and tweak them.  Her lower arms started working the dildo, and it felt pretty good.
That said, she was always a clit-centric girl, so she stopped thrusting the toy and used her lower fingers to tweak her love button.  The dildo kept her filled, and the breast-play and clit play combined got her moaning.  She trembled, mouth agape, making little inhalations with hoarse moans.  “Oh, fuck yeah!” she shouted as her clitoris lit up.  She felt like she was having an orgasm in each breast, too-- not just her nipples but her whole set of boobs.  She came pretty hard.  It was sweet, and she lay back a bit. 
“Okay, time to play some games,” she said to herself.  She started to pull the toy out, but when it was almost there, it stuck.  “What the hell?”  She tugged harder.  By the time she was using all four hands, it kind of hurt.  It slid in and out okay, but when it reached the last inch or so, it just stopped, like it was glued it.  She looked at the package.  “Oh, shit.  It’s magic.”
She read the label.  The warning was about prolonged exposure.  She reread the package.  It said nothing about getting stuck.  Then, the door to the apartment opened.
“Hey, Beth, I’m home!”
Fuck, should I tell her?  Yesterday, I saw her hoo-haw.  What the fuck?  “Hey, Maggie, I think I did a dumb thing.”
There were a couple of light thuds and then, “Shit, did you know my room still smells like that strawberry jizz?  What did you say?”
“I said, I think I did something stupid.”
Maggie was at her door.  “You need some help?”
“Um…”  Beth’s heart raced.  This was pretty ridiculous.  “Yeah, the door’s open, but promise you won’t laugh or get mad.”
“Okay.”  Maggie cautiously opened the door and beheld the her naked friend awkwardly sprawled out on her bed with a blue dildo most of the way out of her twat.  “Okay, you decided you were lonely and started playing with my impulse buy.”
“Pretty much,” Beth said.  “This sucks.”
“What’s the problem?”
Beth started to cry a little.  “It won’t come out!”
“Did you read the package?”
“Yes, it didn’t say anything about this.”
“Okay, hold on.”  Maggie turned to Beth’s computer.  “I found a webpage that talks about these things.  Hold on…  Here we go.  ‘The package only warns about discoloration, but the real “danger” is hinted at in the product description.  You have to get off primarily from penetration.  For some, this is difficult, but the magic makes it possible for those kinds of people.  The longer the dildo stays in, the more discoloration there will be.  The discoloration appears to be in proportion to the added internal sensitivity.  If you can’t get off now, wait, and try again.  Walking may be awkward.’”
“Walking is always awkward for me.”
“True.  Let me take a look.”
“I guess that’s fair after last night.”
“This will make us even.”
“Yeah, no hard feelings.”
Maggie gave the dildo a tug.  It stuck.  She pushed it in a bit, and Beth squirmed.  Her inner labia were now an artificial color of blue.  There were even reflective blue flecks in them.  Another tug, and it was apparently still stuck.  “I don’t feel comfortable fucking you with a dildo,” Maggie finally said.
“Uh, right.  Look, I’m a bit too scared and pissed off right now anyway.  I think I’ll keep it in for a bit.  They said it would get easier to finish the longer it stayed, right?”
“Yup.  It says here that the discoloration can last up to two weeks, but that’s only in extreme circumstances.”
“I’m not showing off my crotch anyway… unlike some people here.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.  Let’s shoot at each other for a bit.  It will get our minds off of things.”
“Okay,” Beth said as Maggie left the room.  She found her panties and stuffed the dildo all the way in.  That felt better than penetration usually did.  It still stuck out a bit, so there was a slight bulge in the panties.  She put on a shirt and her specialty shorts.

A couple hours later, Beth returned to her room, having bested Maggie in most matches.  Once again, she disrobed.  “Great,” she muttered.  Her pubes were bright blue.  She used her hand mirror to see that her whole crotch was blue like the dildo, all the way from her anus to her entire pubic mound.  Once again, she assumed her jilling off position and got to it.  The dildo glided so smoothly now, as it seemed to keep so much of her juices in her vagina.  “Wow…”  It was like her cervix was a second clitoris.  She grabbed her pillow and screamed into it, as she guided each thrust to pound her newly sensitive inner cunt.  Pretty soon, her mind was filled with images of being fucked senseless by a faceless man with an enormous cock.
Slam!  She was pretty sure that she was drooling.  Pound!  Was that pussy juice running down her ass?  Slam!  Yep, it dripped.  Furiously, she forced the magical toy to bang her white hot cunt.  She orgasmed alright.  And she kept orgasming for at least five minutes straight, when she gingerly withdrew the dildo.  In her addled mind, Beth considered whether it was worth it.  She hadn’t really lost anything, except some dignity maybe, and the only one that had any dirt on her about it was someone she had just heard getting fucked the night before.  It was a bad idea to play with magic like that, but orgasming like that was catharsis.  Would Maggie want the dildo back?  That would be weird.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

The two friends showed up at the North Classroom Building for the meeting.  They wound their way into the basement to find Nichelle chatting with a young man.  “Hey, I’m glad you guys came.  There are some rules, though, okay?”
“Alright,” Beth said.  “What rules?”
“Well, for now, the club is pretty much ladies only.  My boyfriend Chris is going to stand watch outside.  There are some creeps out there.”
“No problem for us,” Maggie said.
“Right.  Because a lot of the transformed can look normal most of the time, we have a rule about meetings like this being all nude.”
“Nude?” Beth asked, suddenly considering the state of her groin.
“Yep.  Look, for some, it’s just more comfortable.  It helps us talk about things, too.  Everyone is curious about us, even each other.  Different transformations look different.  It’s not so bad; just make sure not to leer at us freaks, okay?”
“Uh…  I’m not so sure about this,” Beth said.
“Me neither,” Maggie said, “but I think we should do it.  I assume you have a no camera or cell phone rule?”
“Of course.  Oh look!  There’s Britney and Joy!”  Two normal looking women walked down the hall hand-in-hand.  Maggie and Beth looked at each other, shrugged, and then walked into the door.  The club had put up a set of dividers to separate a dressing area from the main area.  They quickly disrobed and went into the main room.  It was a classroom with rolling desks and.  The club modified it by adding a few bean bag chairs, large pillows, and a towel rack.
Beth took a bean bag chair, while Maggie pulled up a desk next to her.  Already, several women were in the room, some of them obvious transformees.  Others looked pretty normal.  Both girls decided not to ogle and chatted nervously.  A couple minutes later, Nichelle entered and said, “Okay, let’s get started.  We’ll tell our own stories, okay?  Then, we’ll need to elect leadership.  I’m founding president, but it’s only a temporary position until the club can elect a new leader.”
There were ten of obviously transformed people and four other not-so-obviously transformed people or just untransformed at all like Maggie.  “I’ll start,” Nichelle continued.  Nichelle reclined on a large pillow near the whiteboard so that her lower torso lay sideways, and her upper torso was upright.  Her extra six breasts were clearly visible, as were her two vulvas, one between each pair of legs.  “My name is Nichelle Schmidt.  I’m a junior majoring in political science.  Okay, so my own transformation was two years ago.  I tried some of the Be Your Sexiest!® pantyhose.  It makes your legs longer and gives your this really sexy walk.  The trouble is that when you sit still, you kind of have to put your legs in a sensual pose, or you get really uncomfortable.  That got me into some trouble in class, you know?
“Anyway, I thought the leg effects were kind of cool, and I decided to see what others were saying.  Sure enough, there is this group of amateurs working with magic, and some of them had figured out how to pick apart the magic in Be Your Sexiest!® stuff.  They used some spells they made, and I thought it would be neat to try them out.  Well, I worked up a little ritual on the pantyhose, and it backfired.  That’s when I grew the extra set of legs and pussy.  At first, this was a big problem, you know?  I had to find clothes, tell my parents…  Shit, they didn’t take it well and still don’t.  It worked out okay, though.  I learned so stuff about magic, and I try little things from time to time.
“Like these boobs here,” she pointed at her six lower torso breasts.  “I was trying to get a bigger rack-- don’t judge me, okay?  Yeah, I kind of screwed that one up, too, but it’s okay.  I’ve made it work with my boyfriend, and now I like them.  I’ve been thinking about getting more below the original pair.  I mean, more freakishness wouldn’t do much to me at this point.  So, yeah, that’s me.”
This girl is a bit nuts, Maggie thought.  She seems alright, but she’s missing a screw or two.
At that point, one of the girls walking in from earlier spoke up.  Disrobed, she had a penis-like organ jutting from her crotch and laying against her leg.  “Hey, I’m Britney.  Um, senior in philosophy.”  She coughed.  “I have STFCS.  It’s this disease… a contagious disease that makes boys into girls and makes girls grow a big clit.  I looks like a penis, sort of, and it kind of works like one, I guess.  I’m not really sure where I got it, but it turned my boyfriend George into Joy.”  Joy raised her hand, a half smile on her face.  “There were a couple other guys I dated that got transformed, too, but they don’t go here anymore.  Okay, about my thing…  Well, I’m horny a lot.”
Joy nodded vigorously and said, “Forgive her, if her when she gets a boner.  I’ve got to fuck her, like, three times a day, or she gets really frustrated, and she gets mopey or mad, or she gets, I don’t know, sad maybe?  It’s not her fault, but I like fucking her, so it’s cool.”
“Yeah, like she said.  I get horny a lot, but it’s okay.  I get fucked, and that’s still a lot of fun.  I’ve talked to a couple of others like me, and they said that it never feels like a chore, even if their lovers get a bit tired.”
Nichelle asked, “Is school okay?”
“Yeah!  It’s great now.  I mean, at first, I couldn’t manage things very well, and I talked with a counselor.  He showed me how different handicapped people cope, and we treated it like that for a while, and we did okay.  Then, I learned how to juggle things better.  Actually, I think it makes me a better student, because I was never this organized.”
“What did your parents say?”
“Um.  Well, that’s hard.  They think they raised a slut.  I guess they’re kind of right, but at this point, I have to stay monogamous, because I don’t want to spread this thing around.  That’s hard, because I, like, see a bunch of hot chicks in this room, and I just kind of want to… Sorry, I got carried away.”  Her enlarged clit got bigger, raising a bit on its own.  “Um, yeah, it makes you like girls, like, a lot.  I still like to look at boys, but I don’t want to spread this thing.”  The erect organ seemed enormous on her female frame.  The tip of it reached the bottom of her cleavage.  When she slouched to indicate she didn’t want to talk anymore, it briefly caught under her left breast and sprung loose.  It then flopped a bit and came to a rest on her left nipple.  She sat on her hands.
Joy seemed mesmerized by the thing and, smirking, looked back to the room.  “So, yeah, I’m Joy-- I used to be George-- a senior in history and communications.  Um,  I slept with Britney in a one night stand.  Then, two weeks later, I felt really sick and then became a girl.  I don’t really want to be one, but the experts I talked to said that there was no way back.  Boys who magically turn into girls don’t even respond to hormone therapy, and surgeries get magically reversed, so here I am.  I think I’m still a guy at heart, you know?  I like all of the old stuff, like action movies and first person shooters.”  Beth and Maggie looked at each other and rolled their eyes at that.  “I do okay, though.  My parents are pretty cool with things, except that they don’t like that I’m still with Britney.  They don’t get all that.  Uh, let’s see.  Yeah, I find occasional magical stuff that helps me keep up with Britney’s needs, because that’s, like, intense.  I like that part, though.”
“What kind of magic stuff?” Nichelle asked.
“What?  Oh, there are a few things that help.  I have a little supply of Be Your Sexiest!® lube that works pretty well, but you have to avoid addiction.  That happened once, and it wasn’t a good time.  Well, it kind of was?  But not for my grades.  There’s this vulva peach tree over at Terrance Park, and I can use that, but I was told not to use it too much.  I also have a recipe I’ve been working on using some little magic bits from different places.  It sort of works, but dosing is stupid hard.”
“We’ll have to compare notes later,” Nichelle said.
“Um, okay, I guess.”  Joy’s expression reflected the discomfort with Nichelle’s magical predilections that the most of the room seemed to share.
The room’s attention switched to the next desk where a small woman sat.  She seemed a little annoyed that she would have to speak, but she started, “I’m Wyona, a freshman.  I haven’t gotten a major yet.  I’m un…  What was it?  Un…”
“Undecided?” Joy offered.
“Yeah, undecided.  I used to be Wyatt, but this summer, I was skinny dipping in a lake with my buddies, and this stupid monster attacked us.  It used its, uh, what do you call them?  Tentacles, yeah.  It used those to grab our parts.  Most got away, but I’m not a fast swimmer.  It grabbed my dick and totally sucked me off.  Then, it made me what you see now.  That’s pretty much it.”
“But you decided to come to school,” Nichelle said.
“Yeah, I did.  I mean, I was going to go somewhere else, because my girlfriend was going, but she dumped me, yo?  Yeah, that sucked, but what can you do, right?  She wasn’t  mean or anything, and it wasn’t her fault or nothing.  My folks were cool, though.  I told them the whole story, and they said they did some skinny dipping when they were kids, so they just said it was an accident, and I wasn’t in trouble or nothing.”
“Okay, Brandy, right?” Nichelle said, turning her gaze to the next person.
She was the only one in the room with any clothes on.  She had a pair of plastic panties on.  “Hi, I’m Brandy.  I’m a freshman, too.  I want to be pre-med, I think.  Yeah, so…  I was in high school last year, and I made out with this boy under the bleachers at the football game, right?  Well, I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, or I wouldn’t have done it, because I’m not a bitch or anything.  This fucking bitch, though, she thought it would be funny or something to curse me.  She had some spell she found somewhere, and she cast it on me.  Now, my pussy puts out pheromones.  Like, a lot of them.  I can’t take off panties like this in public, or we’d all be fucking on the floor in, like, five minutes.  They’re crazy shit.  They make you want to fuck anyone.”
“Whoa…  What happened to the girl that did this?” Joy asked.
“She got in trouble, and she’s in juvee now.”
“Right.  What do you do about your, you know, thing?”
“Oh, shit.  Yeah, so I’m not immune to my juices, and they’re always going.  I have this mask I can wear, but it only works for a bit.  Usually, I just take ‘em off in the shower, and then I totally have to, you know…  Well, I have this waterproof vibrator.  Anyway, if I cum and then dry off fast enough, I just put on a new pair.”
“Can you, like, bag your scent?” Joy asked, a hopeful look on her face.
“Why would I do that?”
“I’m looking for help for me and Britney, right?”
“I guess I could.  I’ll see what I can do tonight.”
The next one in line went ahead and jumped in.  “So, I’m Chelsea, a Junior.”  Her enormous boobs had drooling vulvas instead of nipples.  Their inner labia splayed out, and the clitorises stood up proudly from their hoods.  “I’m a French major; my project is about how the French are adapting their words for new magical phenomena, since the Académie has to approve works.  It’s really cool how they’re dealing with things.  Anyway, about three months ago, I was backpacking in Belgium, and I found this big tree.”  Chelsea, as a rule, liked to gesticulate when she talked, and she was utterly unselfconscious about how this made her incredibly elastic breasts bob around, bouncing and wiggling.
“Ungh…” Britney moaned, apparently involuntarily.
Chelsea stopped.  “You okay?”
“Uh…” Britney tried.  “I, uh…”  Her grand clitoris looked slightly bigger than it had been just a minute before.
Joy said, “She really needs to get off.  We can leave.”
“It’s cool,” Nichelle said.  “Go ahead and do that for her now, and then she can hear everyone’s story.”
Britney looked surprised, and she shuddered, her hips rocking as if on their own accord.
Joy smiled.  Apparently, she got some sort of pleasure in breaking barriers with her girlfriend.  She gripped the base of the great organ and pulled it into her mouth.
“Oh my god!” Britney cried.  Her eyes were as wide as a comedic cartoon character, and her hip undulations became uncontrollable bucking.  Joy’s fingers went from the base of the clitoris into the folds of her quivering labia and then into the vagina.  She rammed her fingers in and out as she expertly mouthfucked the end of the clitoris.  The stunned room watched in amazement as Britney quickly orgasmed.  Her voice rose to feminine screams, and Joy tried to take in as much as she could until she had to release Britney’s cocklike appendage from her mouth.  Still, a couple of spurts of what looked like semen erupted from the end.
“It’s okay.  It’s why we have towels and cleaning spray,” Nichelle said.  She was already on her feet, getting those things.
“I’m sorry.  Britney said, her face red from both euphoria and embarrassment.  “I, uh…  I just…”
“It’s okay, baby,” Nichelle said.  “Society will have to accept more than just our presence at some point.  They’ll have to accept our sexuality.  I mean, we can’t be expected to starve ourselves or make ourselves ridiculously uncomfortable.  People will have to get used to seeing naked parts and maybe even some public sex.  The people in this room, they understand it at some level, I’m sure.”
“Shit,” another glob of cum flicked from her softening clitoris.  “I mean, okay, yeah…”
“No one disrespects you for that in here.”
“Okay, thanks, I guess.”
“Right.”  Nichelle was helping Joy wipe down the area.  “Okay, Chelsea, why don’t you continue?”
    “Sure.  That was kind of hot.  Alright, so there was this tree there.  My hiking group thought it looked funny, because it had this big part at the base that looked like a pussy, and there were these knobs on it that looked like tits.  Well, I got down to pose for a picture of me licking the tree cunt, and it spurted sap all over me.  Within an hour, I had these babies.”  She lifted her boobs proudly with her hands.  “Yeah, the pussies on them are always wet, but it’s so much fun to play with ‘em, even though a lot of guys are kind of freaked out by them.  I just put some absorbent pads in my bra, and I make it through the day just fine.  My old boobs were normal size-- I wore B or C cups, depending on the brand-- and they would hurt if I bounced them.  These, though?  I wouldn’t even wear a bra, if I didn’t need to use the pads.”
Nichelle nodded.  “You sound like you prefer the new you.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.  I mean, these suckers get more attention that I’d usually like, and I’ve freaked out a couple of dudes.  Now, I make sure to make sure that a date knows that I am transformed first.  I don’t say what my transformation is, but I want to make sure that I don’t get another freak-out situation.  That makes life harder, but you know, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.  That’s my philosophy.”
“Alright, Jennifer, wasn’t it?” Nichelle said to another woman.
“Yeah, I’m Jennifer,” she said.  She was in a bean bag chair, her legs spread wide to accommodate her titanic pussy.  The mound alone jutted from her crotch several inches.  Her pussy lips curtained out nearly to her knees, and her clitoris was the size of her fist.  “I am a sophomore in geography.  This happened to me this summer when I was at home.  I saw that there was this vulva peach tree in the backyard, and I heard somewhere that they could be trouble, so I decided to cut it down.  I was alone, so I got our chainsaw and got at it.  Those things must be conscious or something, because it fucking attacked me like those apple trees in ‘The Wizard of Oz.’  Those peaches splattered all over me, and one really juicy one hit me square in the face.  I ran into the house to shower, but I guess it was too late.  Now, I’ve got this giant cunt.”
“Do you cope okay?” Nichelle asked.
“Well, yeah.  I mean, I got this seamstress to help me out, and now I can hide it in a skirt.  I’ve learned that I have some muscle control over it.”  Without moving anything else, she waved her labia around and made her clit bob and circle.  “It’s kind of a fun trick, and I found out that my orgasms are out of this world.  I think that I might have some sort of mind power with them, but it’s a little hard to focus when your whole world becomes pleasure.  And, I don’t get many dates.  Actually, none, since I’m a bit afraid to even try that game.”
“Mind powers?” Maggie asked.
“Yeah, like I think I have telekinesis or something.”
“There is so much about magic that we don’t understand,” Nichelle said.  “Anything else you want to mention?”
“No, that’s it.  Just me and my giant cunt over here.”
“Right.  I never caught your name,” Nichelle said, addressing an enormous woman sitting cross-legged on the floor.  Maggie was pretty sure that she had seen the woman somewhere before.
“I’m Petunia,” she said in a powerful but feminine tenor.  “I am a senior in sports medicine.  I was on the basketball team, but I got kicked out.”  She must be at least seven and a half feet tall, Maggie thought.  Her body was powerfully muscled with visible corded sinews and perfect tone all over, even when she sat there, relaxed.  Her bosom was quite large and firm with small nipples poking out erect.  “I’m sorry, it’s hard for me not to be loud.  I was cursed by a teammate my sophomore year.  She put something on my towel, and at first, there was no problem.  I thought someone just put shaving cream in my towel or something.”
“That night, I went to fuck my boyfriend, and when we came, it was super-amazing.  He kept coming and coming, and we were doing great.  When it was done, though…  He was a she, and I was taller and stronger.  We, uh, broke up.  I still found him… her?  I still found her attractive, but she was all freaked out and wanted her space.  I was hurt, because I thought she found me ugly.  Anyway, my ball game got awesome.  People thought I must have juiced or something, and that bitch who cursed me must have been pissed.  I was stronger, faster, had better reach.  Yeah, I was kicking ass.
“Well, a couple of months after the accident, I thought I’d play the field some more, and I tried to date this new dude.  He was on the hockey team, and I thought he was super-hot.  Yeah, when I fucked him on, like, the fifth date, it fucking happened again!  He became a she, and she thought I did it to him!  I said, shit no, it wasn’t me.  I don’t play with magic!  Well, I thought, fuck her, right?  She can go play on the field hockey arena, the dumb bitch.  The third time it happened, though, I found out she was right.  Fuck, right?  I mean, it sucks that I can’t go and fuck a dude, because they won’t be dudes anymore, but look at me!  I was the ultimate baller.  I could fuckin’ slam dunk.  Bam!”  The room shook at the strength of her voice.
“Then, I thought, I can go fucking pro.  Another boost, and I’ll be the best fucking basketball player the WNBA has ever seen.  Shit, I might be able to be the first NBA player, you know, compete with the men.  I found the weaselest asshole on the men’s team I could fine, you know?  This dude, I fucking knew he had hit some bitches.  Well, he had it coming, and I could do it.  I fucking seduced that motherfucker, and then he was a she, and she was stupid pissed, but I was bigger than she was now, and she got scared.  She told the school, and the laws and rules didn’t do shit about this situation, but they could kick me off the team for illegal enhancements.”
“You don’t do that anymore, do you?” Nichelle asked.  She looked a bit rattled, and Nichelle was pretty much never rattled.
“Do what?  Turn guys into girls?  Nah, I quit.  See, one of the things that happens when I do that is that I take a little of their sexuality.  Now, I see women like most straight dudes do.  I’m probably more like lady-boner over there now.”  She pointed to Britney.  “ I guess I’m a lesbian, right?  Well, it’s cool now.  The first three dudes?  They were accidents.  That last one had it coming, whether I wanted to be stronger or not.  It is not cool to beat up women.”
Joy spoke up.  “It’s taken me some time, but I don’t think being a woman is a punishment.”
Petunia laughed.  “Well, not to you.  But it was to him.  I made it a punishment.”
The room was silent for a moment, until Nichelle spoke up again.  “Alright, Mina and Talia, what’s your story?
Two women shared a bean bag chair, one of them holding the other.  “I’m Talia, and my mute lover is Mina.”  Mina had a vulva running vertically where her mouth and nose should be.  Talia, by all appearances, was unaltered.  It was pierced in several places: through the clitoral hood and six points along each labia.  “We were lovers before Mina’s transformation.”
“First, what are your majors?”
“Oh, sorry.  I’m a European history major, senior year, and Mina is a music major.  She specializes in piano.  She’s also a senior.  Yeah, so ours is a tragedy made good.  We discovered some a Be Your Sexiest!® stash last summer, and we got the chapstick.  We were hanging out in Arizona, since Mina was playing at this nightclub, and I tagged along as a waitress.  Anyway, it was dry, and I’d read that the Be Your Sexiest!® chapstick would really help, and way it put this big pussy on your face sounded like fun.  Mina is a sub, and we made a weekend of it.  If it looked like it was wearing off, then we’d re-apply or just apply it right over her pussy face.  We made this awesome game of it, and it was so hot.
“Well, work time came around again, and it didn’t wear off.  It turns out that we did exactly what we were not supposed to do.  She was stuck.  I think we could have broken up, because I knew it was my fault, and Mina knew it was my fault, but we made it work.  We learned some sign language, since Mina can only make a couple of sounds.”
“What sounds?” Nichelle asked.
“Go ahead, honey,” Talia said.  She caressed Mina’s abdomen.  Mina made several sensual groans, like a woman desperate for sex.  “That’s mostly it, I’m afraid.  I do my best to make it worth her while, though.  I have to say that she she is improving her piano skills rapidly now.”
“Okay, Amrita, can you tell your story?”  Nichelle asked.
“I can, though there is not much to tell.  I am Amrita, a sophomore in computer science.”  She was a small woman of dark complexion.  She had two more pairs of small breasts under her original pair.  Each was topped with a mahogany brown nipple that stood two inches from wide areolae of similar size.  “About 2 months ago, I was working on my friend’s deck-- I’m really hand with a nailgun-- when I encountered a boob-mouse.  They’re these breasts that walk around on little legs and sometimes attack people.  I tried to shoo it, not know what it was.  There’s this mouth on the underside, and it bit me.
“Boob-mice have a paralyzing bite, you see.  I fell backward, and it jumped onto my left breast and started sucking, making my nipples big.  It did the same with my right and then sucked on my chest below that, so I have what you see here.  It was scary, but each time it did that, I orgasmed.  When it was done, it stood there for a few seconds, vibrating.  Then, it split into two and ran away.  Now, I have these.  They are not too bad, but they are really sensitive, and they’re hard to hide.  My friend made a custom padded bra that covers them all, and makes me look like I have bigger boobs instead of big nipples.”
“What did your parents say?” asked Nichelle.
“They do not know.  I am not sure what to tell them, but I do not see them often, since they are in India.  I am sure that they will not quite understand.  For now, I work on my degree, and I am doing well.”
“How about you, Maggie?”  The conversation had gotten to them now.
“I’m Maggie, a junior in English.  I’m not transformed.  I’m just here for my friend Beth.”
Nichelle pressed, “But you are a little transformed now, right?  You’ve used Be Your Sexiest!® stuff, right?”
Maggie blushed.  “Yeah, I used their razor once, and I fucked a guy the other day with one of their condoms.”
Nichelle said, “Oh, I’ve been meaning to try their condoms.  How was that?”
“Uh…  I…  It was fine.  It was a bit messy, though.”
“Do you like the razor?  I’ve been a bit nervous to try it, but I’ve been thinking about trying to reverse engineer the magic.”
“It’s a nice shave, yes, but the exhibitionism was a bit much.  I’m not a prude, but I want some degree of modesty, you know?”
Nichelle nodded.  “Absolutely.  What is your story, Beth?”
“I’m Beth, third year in Information Technology.  About a year ago, I was at this scuzzy dive bar in Baltimore with my boyfriend, and he thought that he would surprize me with some breast enlargement pill he bought from a self-described witch.  Well, he managed to get me to take the pill, telling me it was ecstasy, and this happened.”  She pointed to her body, showing her large breasts and her arms for legs.  “I dumped his sorry ass, right?  I mean, that was really shitty.”
“How is it fitting in?” Nichelle asked.
“Well, I’m kind of handicapped and gifted at the same time.  My general mobility is not so good, but I have extra hands, and I can climb really easily.  I also have these larger breasts now.”  She cupped them for emphasis.  “There is more to it that that, though.  They feel good when they’re squished and squeezed.”  Maggie was surprised at that admission; she had only ever known about the leg and arm situation.  “I know it’s weird, but that’s the way it is for me.”
“And what do your parents think, Beth?”
“They’re okay.  I think they wanted to put a hit out on my ex, but they’re over it now.”
“What about the blue crotch?”
“Oh, this is embarrassing.  I, uh, accidentally used a Be Your Sexiest!® dildo, and it can discolor you.  I think it will go away.”
“And you, Ann?” Nichelle said.
“It’s Anna.  I’m a history major.  Sophomore.  I chose my fate.”  She had three heavy breasts in one row and a second set of arms that seemed to fidget with her nipples and pussy as a matter of course.  She occasionally shooed them away.  “When I was in high school, I saw this porno of the sexy chick with three tits, and it stuck with me.  I did my research and figured out how to make it happen for me.  Well, my mom was really pissed, but I was really happy about it.  I think I liked the attention.  Then, I realized that they were kind of heavy, and I thought that could hold me back.
“I figured out how to add a new set of arms.  They’re super-useful, but if I don’t consciously control them, they like to fondle things.  It makes dating kind of hard with the mixed signals and all, but it’s fine.  Then, I saw this other porn with a chick who had a tongue that came out of her pussy, and I figured out how to do that, too.”  A six-inch tongue snaked out of her snatch and waved around before withdrawing.  “That was good, but I botched the spell, and there wasn’t enough room in my pussy for the tongue and a dick, but I found another spell that turned my anus into a new pussy.”  She stood up and bent over to display this alteration.  “This one turned out to be pretty great, because I just don’t poop anymore.  It just goes away somehow, and the only other effect is a little bit higher libido.
“Anyway, I like to mess with magic, and I collect spells and stuff, so if you want to experiment, I’m happy to help.”
“I see that we need to compare notes,” Nichelle said.
“Have you ever changed someone else?” Talia asked.
“Mmm…  Yes.  My roommate last year.  She wanted bigger breasts.  I cast that spell, and she’s got bigger breasts.  There was a little problem, I guess.  Her boyfriend came to watch, which I was totally cool with.  As the spell makes the effect, her mind opens up to suggestion, and he didn’t know it.  She was getting off on the whole thing, and he was a bit too encouraging.  He said, ‘You just love big tits, don’t you?’  Well, she’s had a raging breast fetish ever since.  She eventually dumped him and started dating a chick with big boobs.  It worked out for me, though, because he’s my boyfriend now.”
“What about your family?” Nichelle asked.
“They think I’m nuts.  I probably am, but I stay positive.”
“Okay, so that’s all of us for the first meeting.  Now, we need to elect officers and sign this paperwork for the university.”

“That was a trip,” Beth said.
“No kidding,” Maggie replied.  “Do you want to stick around this thing?”
“Well, I volunteered for secretary, so I guess I’m in until the end of the semester.  I think it will be good for me, so long as it doesn’t turn into weird-ass orgies or something.  I felt a bit better about my situation, you know?  I mean, we both got naked!  Naked!  And we didn’t really embarrass ourselves.”
Maggie laughed.  “That was weird, but I ended up not minding it.  I mean, I only had one naked pussy.  Some had more than that.”
“Right?  And can you believe that a weirdo like Nichelle or Anna has a boyfriend?  I’m starting to think that I might not be so hopeless after all.”
“We’ll get you hooked up, alright?  This weekend, we will get you laid, and you’ll love it!”
“Whoa, whoa, one-night-stand-Maggie.  I’m too honest a woman for that.”
“You can be honest about being a hussy.”
“Yeah, yeah…  Oh, I meant to tell you, remember the chick with the clit-penis-thing?”
“I’m trying to forget some of that.  Why?”
“That Be Your Sexiest!® dildo looks like her clit.  I thought it looked weird, but I guess I’d never seen a clit like that before.”
Maggie contemplated that for a moment.  “We can look it up when we get back.”

11 (edited by LamiaWoman 2016-01-03 19:02)

Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Gotta admit, I find the concept of the world's aftermath to be a charming little scenario.

Had a concept of a girl, who after all was said and done, was a fan of Hammelis and got quite a few interesting spells and things to help her live out her fantasies.  The end result is she's either herm or shemale, and she convinces the two guys to "share" in a special way.  Taking turns each as the other's vagina (for whatever reason, she likes girls when all is said and done) for a set period of time and then they swap places, allowing the aforementioned girl to enjoy the intimate company of two people, each in turn.  Until the protagonist figures out how to delay the shifts for longer and longer periods of time between the appointed times.

Many transformations ensue, and it's discovered by the protagonist that various "be your sexiest" transformatives can inhibit the switch if used before they swap in their sleep, and given their temporary effects (at first) could result in a few rather wild romps.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Great sequel, would have been nice to see some of the men-turned-women taken further than just the base TG.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Flicker wrote:

Great sequel, would have been nice to see some of the men-turned-women taken further than just the base TG.

ditto.  What hapens when one of the TGs decides "Fuck it, might as well enjoy it since i'm stuck with it?"


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

I'd love to see more of this world in general. Very well executed.

15 (edited by Terranvoid 2016-01-10 03:59)

Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

LamiaWoman wrote:
Flicker wrote:

Great sequel, would have been nice to see some of the men-turned-women taken further than just the base TG.

ditto.  What hapens when one of the TGs decides "Fuck it, might as well enjoy it since i'm stuck with it?"

I would be there. I would also bet the physical transformation in that case would cure me of a few health issues. If not, further transformations would.

Yep. Transformation as health care I can't get RL.

Twitter! Occasional images & chatter when I write.
Now Inactive F-list Profile: https://www.f-list.net/c/terra%20blackwell/
Play my Legends of Belial Text Adventure: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13966557/
Read my Interactive Fiction: http://www.writing.com/main/interact/it … te-Control


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Terranvoid wrote:

Yep. Transformation as health care I can't get RL.

That right there is a hell of a story concept. I might have a crack at it.

Well, you know what they say; "When in Rome, do the Romans"


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Terranvoid wrote:

I would be there. I would also bet the physical transformation in that case would cure me of a few health issues. If not, further transformations would.

Yep. Transformation as health care I can't get RL.

"We can cure your health problems make you feel good and improve your sex life all in one shot... But we have to transform your body to a feminine base frame with potential side-effect including, but not limited to any one or more of the following...

1: Hermaphroditism
2: Polymastia
3: Extraneous limb growth
4: hypertrophy of the genitalia
5: multiplication of genitalia
6: Increased sensitivity
7: Increased Sex Drive
8: transformation of any body part into a sex organ
9: Animistic/mythic style transformation
10: need to sustain oneself on physical energy generated from sexual contact and orgasm...

and so on...

"Fuck it, anything's better than living in pain.  Sign me up, Doc."


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Throw in smoking hot, busty, multi-orgasmic, and really easy to orgasm on the feminine base frame.

First hit will probably fix my respiratory system.
Then we'll keep at it until the TMJ joint in my jaw is no longer fucked up.

Twitter! Occasional images & chatter when I write.
Now Inactive F-list Profile: https://www.f-list.net/c/terra%20blackwell/
Play my Legends of Belial Text Adventure: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13966557/
Read my Interactive Fiction: http://www.writing.com/main/interact/it … te-Control


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

The Ballad of Maggie Part II
“I’m tellin’ you, Beth, this could be a double date!”  Maggie had to raise her voice over the machinegun fire.
    “Shit.  This guy has an aimbot, I think.  But I like being in my dorm room!”
“You said it yourself!  Seeing how Nichelle and Anna had boyfriends made you realize that you could, too.”
“Right!  So I get the lesson from the afternoon special, and all of a sudden, I want to turn my life into a constant pursuit for boys?  Shit, I’m tellin’ you-- that guy’s got an aimbot.  Well, no.  I’ll take that moral of the story and turn it into an excuse to flirt.  I mean, swiping left and right just doesn’t seem that romantic, right?”
“Maybe, you should ask the guy with the aimbot out.”
“Him?  Nah, I just want to slash his tires.  Oh, come on!  Headshot with a dinky pistol from that range!  I’m reporting him!”

Frustrated at the lack of moral support, Maggie went back to her room.  There was probably something fishy about how the date would have to be a double one, so maybe she was better off.  The weekend turned out to be a bust for partners.  Maggie had tried the club thing again, but the results were farcical. She hit a frat party, but it was a really bad scene, and Maggie prioritized rescuing an unconscious drunk girl from near certain abuse. 
Maybe technology was her solution all along.  When she was dating Trey, it just wasn’t an issue.  Now, here she was looking at pictures and poorly worded comments from inept suitors.  Why should she be picky?  She was just looking for some peen!  “There we go,” she said.  “I bet he’s as dumb as a rock, but he’s got muscles on his muscles.  I could go for that!”  She swiped right and ding!  She immediately requested a chat.
Maggie: Hey.
Simon: yo baby
Maggie: I’m looking for some NSA action.
Simon: i can take you into space like an astrinot
Maggie: Okay.  When do you want to meet?
Simon: my shift in the gym is over in 20 im closing so meet me here
Maggie: Campus Life Gym?
Simon: yeah baby
Simon: just knock at the door and il let you in
Maggie: Okay.  I will see you in 20 minutes.
Simon: COOL
Maggie: You got condoms?
Simon: we keep condums in the mens room
Maggie: Great!  See you.
Simon: il be reedy
Maggie realized that this was a bad idea.  She may have previously insulted the intelligence of rocks, but there were other rocks that needed getting off.  As she put on a quick outside outfit, she said to herself, “Oh, astronaut, as in NASA astronaut.  Right.  One more A, and no strings attached is a space agency.”

Outside the Student Life Services Center, it was a bit cold, so Maggie held her coat in close.  It took about five minutes after knocking for Simon to open the door.  Yeah, Maggie let her lust get the better of her.  The dude worked in the gym, and it showed.  Musclebound wasn’t her thing, but this situation seemed kind of fun-- kind of a bucket list thing.
“Hey, girl!  What up!”
“Let’s see if we can get you up,” Maggie said, laying it on thick.  She figured subtlety was not called for.
“Shit.  That ain’t no problem!”  He brought her past the check-in desk and into the main weight lifting area.
“So, where should we do it?” she asked.
“Um, like I like, you know, doggystyle.”
“Wuff.  Yeah, and we’ve got some equipment here that could make that easy, right?”
“Heh, you’re funny.  Yeah, I could set something up, right?”  He set to work rearranging the weight machines so that Maggie could use the bars as handholds.  She did not want to acknowledge the cleverness.
“And you’re smart,” she said, immediately praying to the goddesses of feminism for forgiveness.  “Let’s do this.”
They disrobed, ogling each other the whole time.  He was already semi-erect,and Maggie relished how juicy her pussy felt.  “You got the condom?” She asked.
“Yeah, yeah, right here!”  He waved around the little packet.
“Perfect,” she said.  “You want me to put it on?”
“No, that’s a man’s job.”
“Uh huh.”  There would be penitence to the gods of feminism later, she was sure.  She climbed into the rigged apparatus and looked back at her partner.  “Go ahead!  I’m not into foreplay tonight!”
“Awesome!” he shouted.  She felt him enter, and it felt splendid.  He thrust good at hard, and she let out an involuntary yelp.  “You like that, you little slut, don’t you.”  He started in on the dirty talk.
“Oh, yeah.  I… Oh! want your cock!”
“No, sluts like you need my mighty cock!”
“Oh, god…  Yeah, I need it.”  She was going to feminist hell now, but he had strength and stamina that drove a pretty hearty penis home.  Each thrust kind of hurt, but in the moment and in the gym where hurting was supposed to be good, this was perfect.  “Fuck!”  She came, and he kept going.
“Does baby need daddy’s dick?”
“Yeah, keep going!”  Daddy’s dick?  Ew, but mmm…
He kept slamming.  “Yeah, you dirty whore.  Take it!”
This was like a bad porno movie, but there he was, using all of the dirty talk cliches.  It became clear quickly that he was reaching his endgame, which was alright.  Maggie was pretty sure that she had come at least twice.  “Take it, dirty whore” became his mantra as he evidently came.
Maggie felt something run down her thigh.  She was wet, but that seemed to be a bit much.  She looked back and saw the condom lying on a barbell unused.  Her passion turned quickly to rage.
“What the fuck!” she yelled at him.
“Yeah, that’s right, baby.  A good fuck.”  He was still in his dirty talking daddy character.
“No, I mean it felt good, but why is that semen running down my fucking leg?”
“Heh, fucking leg.  You bet it got fucked.”
“No, you fucking stupid gym rat.  Why did you ejaculate in me?”
“‘Cause that’s what fucking is, bitch.”
“I told you to put on that condom.  Why is it over there are that weight?”
“Condoms are downers.  I like fucking without them.”
“I don’t want a disease, you asshole.”
“Well, that’s your problem.  I stay in shape, disease-free.”
“What the fuck!  I’m out of here, and I’m going to get tested.  I suggest you do that, too.  Oh, and I’m leaving the black ball on your profile.”
“Ah, now you don’t need to do that!  I can get you some free training lessons!”
“Fuck you, I’m out of here.”  Maggie threw on her clothes as she walked out of the gym, her blood up, her anger ready to explode from her system.  She said a little prayer to the goddesses of feminism, but she knew it wouldn’t be enough.

“And then, the bonehead said exercise would keep him safe!  My god!”
“Calm down, Maggie.  Seriously, what is with you?  You shouldn’t want a guy like that, anyway.  What were you thinking?”  Beth really didn’t like the fact that she had to get out of bed for this crap.
“Sure, blame me!  He’s the one who pretended to put on a condom.”
“Right, right, and you didn’t just go and find the easiest looking he-man you could find?  It wasn’t your fault, but you were reckless, okay?  Get tested tomorrow.  You’ll be fine.”
Maggie showered and went to bed.  She couldn’t sleep, though.  He was such an ass to her, and now she had the sword of Damocles hanging over her head.  Plus, she was pissed at Beth.  She slept around, but hadn’t the world gotten over the idea of the woman being at fault?  Simon was the guilty party, and she did not consent to condom-free sex.

Bleary-eyed, Maggie was sitting in the waiting room at the campus clinic, which was part of the same building complex as the gym.  She had sunglasses and a kerchief over her head, since she was ashamed of herself.  It was stupid, too.  She knew she shouldn’t be ashamed, but there she was.
“Hey, it’s that normal girl from the meeting!”  The voice jarred her out of her fugue.  That was loud (and embarrassing) or at least it seemed loud.
“Huh?  What?”  Maggie looked up to a very powerful looking bare and feminine set of abdominal muscles.  She looked up some more and then immediately recognized Petunia, the veritable Amazon from the Society of the Acceptance of the Transformed.  “Oh, hi,” she said meekly.
Petunia sat next to her, holding her own left arm gingerly.  “Sprain, I think.  What are you in for?”
Maggie paused.  “Um, STD test.”
Petunia stifled a laugh.  “You?  I figured you would always make sure it was wrapped up?”  The woman seemed a little loud to Maggie, and Maggie blushed hard.
“Shit, girl?  What’s the problem?”
“Well, he faked putting on the condom.”
Petunia’s lips pursed together.  Her nose flared.  Her eyes narrowed.  “No pregnancy test?”
“Uh, well, it was just last night, so a test wouldn’t work, and I’ve got an IUD.”
“You should get a morning-after pill.”
“Yeah, I’ll ask for one of those, too.”
“Fucking right, you will.  You tell me who he is.  I’ll make sure he can’t do it again.”
Remembering how chilling Petunia’s story about sucking away men’s masculinity was, Maggie wasn’t sure if she meant beating him up or fucking him.  “It’s alright.  I, uh…  Revenge isn’t the way to go here.”
“Uh huh.  Well, don’t let ‘em step on you.  You need any help with the asshole, and I will be there.”
“Okay.  You like to crusade, don’t you?” Maggie said.
“What do you mean?”
“You want to be a hero or something, for womankind.”
“I guess, sure.  I mean, I’m an athlete, or at least, I used to be an athlete.  We’re all about heroics.”
“But what you said, back at the meeting.  You targeted someone hitting women.”
Petunia gave her a long, hard look.  “Yeah, I did.  I wanted that little bit of extra strength.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t target just anyone, right?”
“I didn’t want to hurt anyone innocent.”
“Of course not.  I guess you don’t feel guilty about what happened.”
“I don’t, no.  People have told me that I should, that it wasn’t my place to punish.  It’s a wicked world, girl, and I have no problem being wicked.”  At this point, Maggie could sense that Petunia’s leaning in was for a little bit more than privacy.
“Whoa, whoa,” Maggie said quietly.  “I don’t swing that way.”
Petunia backed off.  “Sorry, babe.  I, uh, have the drive of, like, four dudes.  Not really, but I get into it like a dude sometimes.  I’m sorry.”
Maggie giggled.  “It’s alright.  I’m flattered.  And, here’s the nurse.”

“So far, the whole suite of STI tests are negative.  You’ll need to come back in a couple of weeks for a follow-up and a pregnancy test.  Since you’ve got an IUD, I do not recommend the morning after pill, because the side-effects are not worth it.”  The nurse practitioner handed Maggie a folder of printouts.
“The whole suite?  Did it include HPV?”
“Of course.”
“But I’m HPV-positive,” Maggie said.
“Sometimes, it can hide, and these tests aren’t perfect.  I’m sure that it will pop up again in the next test.”
Maggie saw some movement along the floor and turned to look.
“What is it?” asked the nurse.
“I’m not sure.  I think it was a bug or something.”
“We just had the building-- whoop!”  The nurse practitioner was suddenly and frantically patting her body.  “There’s something in…”  There was a buzz-saw-like noise coming from her scrubs, and bits of fabric started falling out of her top.  “I, huh,” she went on nonsensically.  “Excuse me.”  As she opened the door, there were various female screams and yelps coming from all over the building.
Just then, Maggie felt tiny insectoid feet scrambling up her legs, and she too began furiously beating her clothing.  The creatures, whatever they were, amassed around her chest, and she could hear chewing.  Fearing that she was to be devoured, Maggie stripped off her top in time to see perhaps a hundred dime-sized beetles masticating her bra.  It took only a few seconds after that before the whole thing disintegrated, and Maggie instinctively covered herself.
She could make out hurried but indistinct conversation throughout the floor.  As she put her top back on, she also saw dozens of women outside trying in vain to remove the strange pests from their clothes before covering themselves.  It was already a warm morning, so it wasn’t like they were wearing layers.
The nurse returned.  She had her arms crossed over her chest.  “So, um…  I hope you’re okay.  We may have a new set of cases to look into.”

Some took the situation better than others.  Lot’s of women tried to cover themselves.  Others didn’t bother.  Maggie saw Anna from the meeting walking along the quad, and she wasn’t bothering trying to cover up.  She certainly gathered attention.  Maggie herself gave up as she made it to class.  Then, just about every mobile device in the room lit up in a cacophony of beeps, chimes, and buzzes.  Maggie checked her phone.  She received simultaneous texts and emails from the university.  She opened the email.
Dear students,
We are presently dealing with a new pest problem.  So far as we can tell, the invasion of brassiere eating insects (known as bra beetles) was not a prank or attack but was a magical-natural event.  Previously, these same creatures infested an office building in New York City, so they are not unprecedented.  We know the following things about them:
They eat bras.  That is all that they eat.
They will only eat bras that you wear.
Every time they eat a bra, after the first, the victim’s nipples will get permanently longer, so do not attempt to wear bras.
Exposure to the juices or dried carcasses of dead bra beetles causes temporary obsession with fondling breasts.
They infested the office building for three weeks.
We anticipate putting up with these pests for that length of time.  We do not know the extent of the infestation, though they appear to only stay in an area and do not often travel with people.  If you see boob beetles, leave them alone.


University President Kathleen Tratt

Murmurs (and more than a few giggles) resonated through the classroom.  Maggie sighed.  She currently wore a long skirt and no underwear because of the Be Your Sexiest® razor and a tanktop without a bra because of the boob beetles.  She felt put upon, but as she sat back in her chair, she also felt pretty comfortable.
The professor still wasn’t there-- she was probably looking for a cardigan or something-- and Nichelle, the girltaur who headed the Society for the Acceptance of the Transformed sat down next to her.  “Hi there.  Interesting day, no?”
“You could say that, Nichelle.  I guess we’re all a little transformed today, right?”
“Not exactly.  I’d say that just about every woman here had a magical experience, though.”
“True.  Are you happy about that?” Maggie asked, immediately feeling a bit accusatory.
“Oh, hell no.  Do you have any idea how much specialty bras for six tits on a horizontal torso cost?”
“Oh, geeze.  Ouch.”
“Yeah, we’re a weird group, but we’re not some sort of terrorists out to give underwear manufacturers new business.”
“Oh, sorry.  Yeah, that’s not what I mean.  I’ve a had a rough day, that’s all.”
Nichelle grinned, “But you get to have it with all the sisterhood, unless they just don’t like to wear bras.”
“Well, yeah, and the sisterhood could help me with my boy troubles, too.”
“Oh, dear.  Want to tell me what happened?”
Maggie sighed.  For some reason, she had been open with Petunia, and Petunia was scary.  Nichelle wasn’t scary-- she was a weird busybody-- and she meant well.  Perhaps, this was the necessary penance for her feminist transgressions, so she told Nichelle the story, including how Petunia offered to help.  That last part got a laugh.  By the time she was done, the room was empty, since the professor had apparently decided to call it off.
“Well, that sucks.  I’m not sure I know what to tell you.  You seem to like to take risks, and I can’t fault you for that.  I mean, if you want some sugar, I know of some skilled ladies who can get you off, but I’m guessing you’re straight.”
“Yeah.  No chicks.”
“Well, if you’re ever interested, I have a recipe for something called Sappho’s Tea.  It’ll make you want to munch pussy all night.  It wears off in less than a week, and there can certainly be regrets, but if you need to get off in the straight-girl-unfriendly climate, it can help.”  Nichelle winked.
“Wait, but you have a boyfriend.”
“Absolutely!  I met him a couple of months ago, but I had a dry spell.  Anyway, it’s a fun little alternative.”
“Uh huh.  I think I’ll take my chances.  I just need to find better dates, you know?”
“Sure.  If you ever want any magic, you know where to come.”

When Maggie got home, she found Beth sprawled out on the sofa and the television stuck on a match over screen.  Beth’s shirt was off, and her hefty bosom sprawled almost as much as the rest of her.  “Hey, Beth!” Maggie said firmly.
Beth woke up.  “Hmm…” she moaned.  Then, she sat up.  “Hmm…  Your nipples look pokey.”
“Yeah, it was the boob bugs.”
“The boob what?” Beth asked.  She had her right breast in her hand and was stroking it.
“Boob bugs.  They eat bras.  Didn’t you get the message?”
Still groggy, Beth said, “Mmm…  Boob bugs…”  Her eyes opened more, and she looked down.  “Shit, so that’s what those were.  I killed, like, three of them before they scrambled.  Tough sons of bitches, too.”
“That would explain the breast fondling,” Maggie said.
“The what?”  Beth let go of her enormous breast.  “What?  Why?”
“The dead ones make you want to play with boobs.”
“Ah, yeah.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt yours.  Can I?”  Beth began crawling toward Maggie.
“What?  No!  Sit down.  Play with your tits, if you want.  I’m looking this up.”  Beth did what she was told, and no less.  Maggie had her tablet out.  “Oh, yes, boob bugs.  You didn’t each one, did you?”
“No.  I just squished a few.”
“Okay, this should wear off in a day or two.  Can you concentrate?”
“Concentrate on boobs?”
“I’m kidding.  Look, my tits are fun to play with when I’m not under the influence of dead insects.  Right now, it’s extra fun, and the only problem is that my lower arms don’t reach them as well, so I’m going to need to handicap myself by using my lower hands on the controllers.  Sit down and play.”
“Right.  I don’t think I want to sit next to a masturbating girl.”
“You know I’ll not only be playing with my lower arms, but I’ll also be distracted by my boobs, right?”
Maggie paused.  She needed to win something today.  “You’re on.”

It was really just too warm to be wearing sweaters, jackets, or even four layers of t-shirt, but Maggie saw a lot of her schoolmates in them.  Maggie kept it simple-- just one shirt.  Yes, her nipples poked out a bit, but she also did not have armpit sweat stains like some of the others.  A few of the guys treated it like a viewing gallery, while others were more surreptitious in their viewing habits.  She figured that the novelty would wear off in a few days.
Besides, she saw one of the girls from the transformed meeting, and she knew that this one was having some of the worst of it.  Maggie decided to play interference.  “Hey, Amrita!  What’s going on?”
The young woman took a moment to identify her.  “Margaret?”
“I’m Maggie from the meeting.”
Amrita apparently had a similar idea as Maggie did, because all six of her enormous nipples were barely covered by her t-shirt.  “Oh, right.  Maggie.  I couldn’t remember the name.”
“It’s cool.  You doing okay?”
“Oh, man…  I get enough attention as it is.  I relied on my specialty bras, but now?  Yeesh.  Anyway, I’m heading to my discrete maths class in Classroom Building D.”
“Hey, my Translating Truth class is there, too.”
“Look, I just want to help out.  I mean, it’s better when you aren’t alone, right?”  Maggie felt a lot of pity for Amrita, and she did want to help, so they talked about discrete mathematics (for Maggie, it was mostly figuring out why numbers needed to be modest) but it did go well. 
At the base stairs, both their phones sounded out alerts.  Perhaps worried that it was another campus alert, they checked.  “Nichelle wants to host a party this Friday,” Amrita said.
“Yeah, I got that, too.  You going?” Maggied asked.
“Sure.  I guess.  I need something to do besides…”
“Besides what?” Maggie asked.
“Um, be alone in my dorm room.  You going?”
“I’ll talk to Beth.  I’m sure she was cc’d.”
“Okay, maybe I’ll see you there.  Bye,” Amrita said as she bounded up the stairs.

Maggie: Beth says she’ll come.  Hopefully, the boob bug goo will wear off by then.  She managed to get talk her professors into sending her lecture videos, since she’s holed up in the apartment.
Nichelle: She can come regardless.  My boyfriend is going to bring some of his cooler friends.
Maggie: Sounds good.  Cooler?
Nichelle: He gets a lot of shit for dating me.  Some of his friends are okay, though.  He says that they can be trusted around the tf’d.
Maggie: Oh.
Nichelle: I’m just saying, in case you want some action.  You seemed kind of frustrated last time I saw you.
Maggie: I was.  Thanks.
Nichelle: np.  I figured that we could play with some safe magic stuff, too.
Maggie: That doesn’t sound like a good idea.
Nichelle: You don’t have to participate.  Some people might be curious.
Maggie: Okay.
Maggie: I’ll see you Friday.

“This is a pretty nice apartment building,” Beth said.
“It is, and would you quit grabbing my boobs?” Maggie responded.
“Ah, but I don’t wanna quit.”  She did anyway.  As usual, Beth was riding on Maggie’s back, since she had arms for legs.
“That shit should have worn off by now.”
“I think it mostly has, but it definitely put me onto boobs.”
The two made their way up the stairs to the second floor and knocked.  They could hear some jazz piano music inside.  Nichelle opened the door to a fairly large apartment.  She wore loose silk that did not leave much to the imagination.  Mina, the woman with the pussy instead of a mouth and nose, sat at an electric keyboard softly playing.  Evidently, she did not feel the need to cover her face.  Her girlfriend Talia was talking to Nichelle’s boyfriend Chris.  A couple of guys she didn’t know were chatting with Anna, the three-breasted club member.
Beth hopped down and quickly crab walked around the apartment.  Maggie followed and learned that there was another good party room through a foyer.  There, she saw another guy she didn’t know talking to Jennifer and Wyona.  Jennifer had a huge bulging vulva that she presently concealed under a peach colored sundress. Wyona used to be male before an encounter with some sort of tentacle monster.  Chelsea and Petunia chatted with another fellow that Maggie did not recognize.  Chelsea evidently had to come up with a special solution to the problem of the boob bugs.  Her constantly dripping pussies that replaced her nipples on her massive breasts could not simply be covered by a shirt.  Chelsea wore a tunic of beads that only mostly covered her.  Petunia was very obvious about ogling, even if the guys in the room were very well-behaved.
For a while, Beth joined Chelsea and Petunia, and Maggie talked with Anna and the two other guys.  One of them turned out to be Anna’s boyfriend Kurt, and the other was unattached.  Eventually, some other people came, including Amrita, Brandy, Britney, and Joy from the club meeting.  Only one more guy came, and Maggie started getting concerned.  Still, the food was good, and there was some alcohol.
“Okay, everyone!”  Nichelle had wheeled in a little cart with baubles, bottles, and a tackle box.  “I thought that we could do a little bit of magic tonight.  I’ve got my stuff, and Anna was kind enough to bring a few things of her own.  I have a few potions, of course, and we have some spells.  Does anyone want to volunteer?”  She waited a moment.
“I do!” said a woman that Maggie didn’t recognize.  She certainly looked normal, though she was perhaps a bit older than most of the crowd, though still obviously a twenty-something.
“Alright, Abby!  What do you want?”  Nichelle spread her arms to accentuate her cart.
“Um, something discrete, I think.”
“Something discrete, sure.  You want something temporary or permanent?”
“Um…”  She coughed then chortled a little.  “I’ve tried a couple of temporary things, but if it’s discrete, I could try permanent.”
“Ready to move beyond those tats?”  Maggie could see that her bare lower legs and bare arms had a number of tattoos.
“Uh…  And piercings, sure.”
Nichelle laughed.  “Look at you!  Okay, discrete…  I have a spell that can give you a second pussy right next to your original.”
“Mmm…  That sounds naughty.”
“Speaking as a girl with two cunts, I can promise you that it can be really naughty.”  Maggie could see the usually unflappable Chris blush a little when Nichelle winked at him with that line.  “Okay, you have to get naked for this.  Clothing can really mess with magic.  I’m convinced that maybe half of the time, spells don’t work, because people wear clothing.”  With that, Nichelle began to disrobe herself.  “And, that includes the caster.   Better safe than sorry.”
“Sure, sure!” Abby said as she too took off her clothes.  Indeed, she had numerous tattoos all over her body.  She had several body piercings, including a nipple stud and a bellybutton ring.
“Good.  Make way for her on the couch, guys.”  Nichelle ushered Abby to the couch, as Brandy and another woman that Maggie didn’t know made room.  “Okay, so sit and spread your legs.”  After Abby complied, she continued, “Brandy and May, grab her knees, please.  She needs to be spread out for this one.”  Abby seemed to relish the attention paid to her now fully displayed pussy.  Nichelle riffled through her kit and produced a jar of something, a piece of canvas, a print out, and a dildo.  She spread out the canvas onto the floor in front of the sofa, revealing a strange pattern of arcane symbols.  “First, I’m going to use the magical law of contagion.”  She picked up the dildo.  “This dildo needs to first taste you, and you will need to cum for me.”
“Okay.”  Abby steeled herself, and Nichelle inserted the dildo.  She chanted under her breath as she worked it into and out of Abby’s pussy.  Abby reached for her own sex.  “Can I?”  Nichelle nodded, and Abby started working circles with her clit.  Before long, their rhythm matched, and Abby’s breath quickened.  Nichelle kept her pace, continuing her mysterious mantra.  A glow emanated from the penetrated hole, as Abby’s sexual energy peaked.  “Fuck, yeah!” she yelled, and she sped her fingers’ movements.  She bucked a bit as she climaxed.  “Oh, yeah!  Harder!”  Nichelle complied, quickening her pace and allowing her chant to transition into a shout.  Still, the orgasm went on, and the dimly lit room pulsated with light as the dildo blocked glow then allowed it to pass through according to the pace of the fucking.  The orgasm itself lasted perhaps two minutes before Abby all but collapsed.
“Now, I have your womanly essence entrapped in this rod.  I shall double it!”  She reached into the jar for something as thick as petroleum jelly, and she smeared it around the toy.  Then, she guided the rod back to Abby’s groin.  She pushed her vulva’s flesh to one side and pressed the dildo’s tip into the area of skin between that pussy and the leg.  It pressed in, slowly penetrating what should have been solid flesh.  Abby looked down, mouth agape in astonishment.  There was a slight popping sound as her hips flared outward to accommodate the new organ.  Soon, the dildo was inserted to its tip, and there was a bright flash of pink.  “It is done,” Nichelle announced.
“Whoa,” Abby said as she felt around her modified groin.  “I can’t tell them apart!”  Some people in the room breathed deeply, as they had been holding their breath for far too long.  A couple of people shifted uncomfortably, but everyone was impressed.  Maggie was stunned.  She had never witnessed a transformation before.  She hadn’t even bothered with the porn that was out there.  Abby pulled her clothes back on.  “Um, my underwear feels weird.  Plus, my pants are kind of tight.”
Nichelle responded, “Yes, yes.  I’m sure that the seams line up wrong.  Also, for the spell to work, it had to widen your hips just a little.”
“Okay, yeah.  I’m going to need to figure out what to do about swimsuits.”
“Probably.  You could always go to a nude place.  There are a few that are transformed-friendly.”
“I’ll look into that.”
“Okay, anyone else want to volunteer?” Nichelle asked loudly.
The room hushed this time.  After a moment, Talia stepped forward.  “I do.”  Mina moaned loudly, a look of concern in her eyes.  Talia looked to her.  “It’s okay, baby.  I want to help make you happy.”  Rapid sign language flashed between the two for a minute.  “Mina is going to stand by my side, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not.”
Talia stood tall, hands on her hips, and commanded her submissive lover, “Strip, cuntface.”  There was a gasp, but Mina complied.  “Present yourself, cuntface.”  The thin woman stood at attention before her dominatrix who had produced a length of silver chain.  Talia attached one end to a clitoral hood piercing on Mina’s facial pussy.  “Come along.”  Hands behind her back, Mina marched, as Talia tugged her forward.  Juices were clearly running down her chin.
“Alright, what would you like to try?”
“Well, I want to make sure that my poor cuntface can be pleased.  She has two cunts, but I have only one tongue.”
“Hmm…  I don’t have any good tongue spells.  What about you, Anna?”
Anna responded, “My last tongue spell didn’t go well.  I haven’t looked into anything more to do with tongues.”
“Let’s see,” Nichelle said as she went through a file folder.  “I have one that may help.  It makes your clit into something that can give pleasure.”
“Is it discrete?  At least one of us has to look the passable, I think.”
“It should be, so long as you don’t wear anything that’s too tight.”
“So, no public pools?”
“Now, now.  The public should see us and realize that we are not a threat, but no, you would need a very conservative swimming suit to go to a public pool after this spell.”
Talia leaned into Mina and gently stroked her facial labia.  At this point, Mina was trembling, whether from fear, shame, or lust.  “What do you think, cuntface?  You want me to be better suited to meet your base needs?”  Mina moaned loudly, closed her eyes, and nodded.
“Great,” Nichelle continued.  “Strip, face-face.”  That broke a bit of the tension in the room, and Talia exposed her muscular physique.  “Oh, dear.  No, this won’t work well with the pubes.”  Nichelle rummaged through her supplies and produced a razor.  Maggie recognized it as a Be Your Sexiest!® blade.
“Oh.  Well, then.  Cuntface, get to work!”
Just as Mina took the razor, Maggie interjected, “Wait!  That’s a magic razor!  You won’t be able to wear panties for two weeks!”
Nichelle looked a bit disappointed.  “Oh, her panties won’t fit well after this anyway.”
“What are you trying to pull here?” Talia asked.
“It’s a Be Your Sexiest!® razor.  It shaves really smoothly and quickly, but it keeps you from wearing panties for a couple of weeks.  You’ll be limited to short skirts for a day or so as well.  Don’t worry!  You’ll be spending your weekend with your girlfriend anyway!”
“Yeah, okay.  Cuntface, shave it!”  Mina moaned a bit as she set to work.  The blade practically drove itself over the area.  Curly hairs fell into the carpet, and Talia’s chocolaty brown mound sat exposed.
“Perfect.  Now, I’m going to need to draw some sigils around your clitoris.  They will direct the magical energies.”  Nichelle gingerly used a fine brush to paint several intricate patterns.  Satisfied, she said, “Now drink this.”
Talia drank down a small vial of purple liquid.  She began breathing heavily.
“Quickly, Mina!  Direct your vagina right over Mina’s clitoris!  Don’t drop down yet!  Just hover, okay?”  Mina nodded and did as she was instructed.
Nichelle began chanted as she waved her hands over Talia’s pussy.  “Now, Mina!  Rest your vagina onto Mina’s clit!”  She did, and Talia moaned and shuddered.  Mina cooed.  “Stay put!”  Talia started bucking, and Mina was riding her like a cowgirl.  “Good, good!  Once she cums, the spell is over.”  Talia thrashed and thrusted her hips, and it was all Mina could do to stay put.  No one could really see what was happening, because Mina blocked the view.  Talia reached her hands up, and Mina grabbed hold, guiding them toward her breasts.  Then, Talia roared in pleasure.  She went from bucking to almost vibrating.  After half a minute, she let her body relax, and Mina lowered her face into Talia’s for their own special kiss.
“Great!  I hope you liked that, Talia.  Okay, Mina, you can dismount.”  Mina pulled herself up, exposing Nichelle’s handiwork.  Talia’s clitoris was quite large, though it looked little like a clit.  Instead, it looked like the inverse of a woman’s vaginal canal, only not as long.  “Mina’s vagina was like a mold in this spell,” Nichelle explained.  “Now, Talia’s clitoris is perfectly shaped to fit inside.  It should be able to move a little, too.”
“Holy shit!” Talia exclaimed as she flexed it around some.
“Yeah, it’s kind of like a dick but not quite.  You should be able to rotate it for other positions.”
“Thank you,” Talia said.
“Oh, I love magic, but I think two big spells is my limit for the night.”  Joy, Britney’s girlfriend then approached Nichelle.  The two exchanged quiet conversation for a minute, as everyone else looked around uncomfortably or started getting their things.  Nichelle spoke up again, “If anyone needs any sexual release with some privacy, feel free to use my bedroom or the spare room.  Don’t worry; I have this really neat spell that cleans up sex messes.”  Joy smiled and tugged Britney along with her.
“What did you think of the show?” Kurt asked Maggie.
“That was different, you know?  After seeing that, I’m not sure what to think about magic.  Maybe it will make those women’s lives better, you know?”  Maggie brushed her hair back a bit.  Truth be told, she had been feeling randy for nearly three weeks, and all of that sex only put her more on edge, even if it was women.
“You’re not transformed, are you?” he asked.
“Hey, if you’re looking for a good time, my friend Vance is here, and I think he’s not really into the magic weirdness.  I mean, he’s cool and all.  He just wants to stick with normal women, right?”
Maggie felt a bit better at his mention.  “Really?  If he’s cute, I could go for some casual sex.”
“You’re forward.  I like it.  Vance might not, because I think he’s a bit old-fashioned, even if he’s not judgmental.  I think.  Hell, I don’t know.  Go ask him.”
Maggie looked over to Vance who was chatting with Petunia.  Given her voice, it was clear that the topic was basketball.  Vance himself looked pretty good.  He was a bit short, but he was well put together.  He wore a dapper sport coat and a pair of Converse Allstars.  “What the hell.  Thanks.”
She approached him and gave Petunia a knowing look.  She smiled and said, “I guess he won’t be my girlfriend after tonight.”
Maggie chortled.  “No, if he’s willing, he’s gonna fuck me.”
“Uh, you don’t even know me, miss.”  He suddenly looked pretty uncomfortable.
“Yeah, well, I just want some sex.  I’m done with the boyfriend thing for a while.  And,” she looked to Petunia, “I’m not talking about getting a girlfriend.  I just want some good and casual fucking with a side of no calling the next day.”
“Uh, I’m more of a committed and loving relationship kind of guy.”
“And I won’t get in the way of that,” she said.  Man, she was feeling aggressive.  “You don’t have a girlfriend, do you?”
“No, I mean, I’ve got a crush on…”
“Bah!  Crushes don’t get your dick wet.  You wanna fuck or not?”
“Uh…  I do, but…”
“But what?  Saving yourself for marriage?”  Maggie almost felt angry.  Her frustration was only getting worse.
“No.  Okay, let’s do this.”  He almost looked defeated.
“Great, now let’s go and get a room.  I’ve got a condom in my purse.”  She grabbed his and practically yanked him into the hall.  Loud sexual screaming emanated from the spare room.  The door was halfway open, so Maggie could see Britney fucking Joy doggystyle, her great expanded clitoris plowing away at Joy’s pussy.  Vance averted his eyes, and he nearly fell over as Maggie yanked him into Nichelle’s room.  “Give me your sock,” she said.
“My what?”
“For the door.  Give me your sock.  Then, you can give me your cock, okay?”
“Uh, right.  Sock.  Cock.”  He quickly pulled off his shoe and sock, and Maggie put it over the doorknob.  The room itself was interesting.  It was rather large for a bedroom.  The bed itself was big, bigger than a California king, but then Nichelle would take up a lot of space; it was really low to the ground, too.  There were several sex toys on the nightstand, and there was a dildo attached to the wall, just at the height of Nichelle’s rear pussy.  “This is weird.”
“Less talking.  More fucking.”  Maggie had never felt this desperate in her life.  She was already naked and getting onto the bed.  Vance stripped down, his penis half erect.  Maggie admired it for a moment.  It was a handsome one, and she expected it to get pretty big.  She got on her knees and put it into her mouth, getting it well-lubricated.  Vance gasped, as she forcefully sucked and licked around his cock head.  In no time, he was ready, and Maggie hurriedly put the condom on.  It was a normal one, not a wacky one.  She wasn’t going to go around with those in her purse.  Maggie lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide.  “In.  Now.”
“Right, right.”  Bewildered, Vance slid his erect dick into Maggie’s waiting hole.  He started gently to get the mood right.  Vance thought of himself as a gentle lover.
“Fuck.  Harder.  Don’t pussyfoot around!”
“Okay.”  Vance picked up the pace as he found his traction.
Maggie realized that the satin sheets might make things difficult, but Vance was finally hitting home.  Maggie reached down and worked her clit.  Vance stopped for a second, having not expected that.
“Keep going.  I’m going to play with myself, because I’m going to cum with you inside me.”
“Okay, okay!”  Vance had never met such a determined lover.  She seemed almost selfish, but he couldn’t complain.  He was balls deep in a crazy chick, and things felt pretty good.
Not much longer, and Vance was huffing and puffing.  He had the stamina, but Maggie was really demanding.  She was also really into it.  She bucked her hips and scratched his back.  She swore, cursed, and blasphemed.  In little time, she came.  She came really, really hard.  She was screaming so loud that Vance just knew that the whole apartment complex could hear her.  Then, urged on by her passion, he blew his load, too.
“Thanks,” Maggie said.  “I needed that.”  She put on her clothes while Vance stared in stunned silence.  “Maybe another time,” she said.  Petunia gave her a high five as she left the bedroom, and everyone else either avoided looking at her or gave her nods of encouragement.  Beth just said, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, I think so.  Hey, Nichelle, thanks for the party.”
Nichelle smiled.  “I’d say, the pleasure was all mine, but that would clearly be untrue.”

Maggie felt really horny again.  Her bed was drenched in sweat.  Something felt really off.  She tried to roll over, but something tugged on her weirdly.  “Ugh” was all that she could manage.  “Fine.”  She rolled onto her back and fought the blankets off of her.  Her groin felt really funny, so she looked down.  “Oh, shit!”  Her clitoris was huge and erect.  It looked like her dildo.  It also looked like Britney’s clit, and Britney said that her thing was contagious.  “Oh, shit.”  She needed help processing.  She needed help cumming, as she suddenly felt that need to find a woman and fuck her senseless.  “Beth!  Help!”


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

I like.

I like a lot.

I would, however, like to see a description of the characters besides the results of their transformations in places. 

Otherwise, I really like this


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

LamiaWoman wrote:

I like.

I like a lot.

I would, however, like to see a description of the characters besides the results of their transformations in places. 

Otherwise, I really like this

Thanks.  I'll look to do that.  I'm trying to avoid too much exposition, but if the characters' physical features seem too vague, then I'll work on that.  (I definitely avoid saying, "April had D-cups and a 28-inch waist."  Measurements should only maybe come up in conversations, when someone looks at a clothing tag, some other similar context.)

Given your handle, I'm going to assume you are female, but as they say, "On the internet, no one knows you're a dog," or a snake person for that matter.  If that is so, I want your honest opinion on how I am writing my female characters.  Do they seem to experience and react to the world in a way that seems consistent with you own experiences?  Do they approach sexuality in a way that you find plausible (given that some pretty weird shit is happening in the story?)  Anyway, what could I do to make them better?

22 (edited by LamiaWoman 2016-03-17 21:07)

Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Base skin tone, hair color, a general description like curvy, athletic, etc. Can allow someone a good base for their minds to fill in the blanks.  "Curvy" or "voluptuous " are usually good descriptions  to denote a woman with larger breasts. Athletic or lithe are good for that middle range with adjectives like willowy or stick-like for slight.

After that, most people will automatically  fill in the blanks in their own heads.

I agree with you that there is no need to deeply describe  cup sizes or the shape of the hips.  But certain description  like eye color, expressions, etc. Can go a long way to defining a character and how they carry themselves, act, etc.

But i like your story.  I have little  else to critique.  As far as personality goes, the gamut of personalities  runs as wide and deep as guys.  You get ncomfortable and prudish in men and women alike, it's  just that how these personality  traits are expressed differently.  Part of it is how we are raised.

A lusty guy might be forward, openly interested buying drinks, putting an arm over a girl who doesn't  object, all the things you might expect.  Women usually are more circumspect and subtle, even the sluttiest woman is more likely to hint (strongly) that she's  interested or place herself in very close proximity to someone she's interested in.  Morena baccarin in deadpool with deadpool would be a good example.  Saying "let's  fuck" openly in front of others  is the fast track to a reputation that can follow for a long time.

But as soon as things like artificial arousal, be your sexiest, magic, etc. Can easily be believed to warp behavior deeply from the norm.  So you can get away with a lot more before the reader hits an inability to suspend disbelief.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Here is Part III (in two sub-parts)

The Ballad of Maggie Part III
Maggie lay on her bed, limbs splayed out.  Her sheets covered her dresser, because she violently removed them.  She was drenched in sweat.  Rising from her groin was her new macroclitoris.  That was definitely new to her.  It arched upwards and toward her chest which rapidly rose and fell in her desperate and fearful panting.  It looked a bit like a penis, sure.  After all, penises and clitorises both originate from the same tissue during development, but it did not look like an ordinary man’s penis.  Instead, the bulbous part made its way more than halfway down the shaft from the tip, where it met her inner labia which extended up the inner sides.  There were no testicles.  Instead, there was her usual vulva, quivering as it was.  Juices trickled down over her perineum, unimpeded by any hair, since she had previously shaved with a magical razor.
“Are you okay?”  There was knocking on the door.  It was Beth, her apartment mate.  Not half a minute earlier, Maggie had called out for help.
“No!  Help!”  Maggie was not only paralyzed by shock and fear-- the transformation had done a bit to her brain.  She absolutely needed to penetrate something, preferably a warm vagina, or maybe the skilled mouth of a woman.  Maggie wasn’t sure about the whole woman thing.  She’d never been attracted to women.  Now, the thought of a man sucking this thing seemed somehow unappealing, despite her inner desperation for release.
There were several thuds against the door.  Beth had arms in place of her legs, and while much of the apartment had been modified to accommodate her, Maggie’s bedroom door had been left as normal.  Beth could make it, though.  She just had to jump and perhaps climb to reach the doorknob.  The door swung open, and there was Beth, triumphant in her simple conquest.
“Please!” Maggie gurgled.  “I need to…”  She rolled toward her door and started to get out of bed.
“Whoa…  You’ve got that clit disease like Britney.”  Beth backed up a little.  She didn’t like the look in Maggie’s eyes.
“I…”  Maggie now sat, her rock-hard macroclit reaching beyond her bellybutton.  “I need help.  Please, Beth…”
Beth backed out of the room.  “Oh, hell no!  That shit is contagious.  I’m calling Nichelle.”
“But I need it!  Please!”  Maggie had risen to her feet, now towering over Beth.
“Uh…”  Beth reached into her memories of occasionally bad television.  “You can fight this!”
“No.  I just need release.  Could you just, you know, take it?”
Beth scrambled into the living room, looking for some sort of escape.  The previous night, Beth had witnessed Maggie rather forcefully seduce a guy at a party.  Previously, she had imagined her apartment mate as someone who was so inconsiderate.  If she’d seen a guy acting the way that Maggie did the last night, she would have called campus police.  Right now, that member made Maggie pretty capable of penetrative sexual assault, and Beth was determined to avoid victimhood.
Maggie ran for Beth, showing that she was definitely out of control.  Beth was quick, though.  She scrambled up her kitchen ladder onto the counter, her large exposed breasts swinging.  Maggie kept coming, grabbing at her, but Beth smacked her hand with a ladle.  Beth leapt onto the back of the couch, looking toward the door.  No, she realized it would take too long to open the door, and Maggie was nearly around the counter anyway.  Beth then saw an opportunity to get some high ground, and she climbed up her exercise ladder.  That ladder gave her access to some monkeybars that she had installed on the ceiling.  Maggie had her rear left hand, though.
“Dammit!  Let go!”  Beth’s knuckles were white, and she hurt with all that stretching.  She had long ago decided, though, that in a situation like this, she would fight no matter what.  She dug grabbed Maggie’s hands with her back right hand and dug her nails in hard, her strength multiplied by adrenalin.
Maggie howled in pain, and Beth was once again free.  She needed to use this brief bit of having the upper hand (so to speak) to her advantage.  Since Maggie was distracted, Beth attacked.  “Kawai!!!” she screamed as she flung herself, all arms akimbo, onto Maggie’s head.  That force knocked Maggie backward and she tripped onto the couch.  Beth continued her counterattack; using her generous bosom as a weapon, she smothered Maggie.  Ignoring Maggie’s own clawing, Beth kept Maggie’s mouth and nose covered in breast flesh.  One of Beth’s transformational issues was that her breasts were sensitive to pleasure but were nearly impervious to damage and never felt pain, so even Maggie’s bites got nowhere.
Maggie weakened, her body deprived of oxygen, so Beth let go and grabbed a steering wheel controller.  Several hits later, and Maggie was slightly bloodied but unconscious.
Beth’s eyes were fully dilated, and her chest heaved.  “Like a boss,” she said.

Maggie hurt.  Her hand stung.  Her head ached.  Her lungs felt ragged.  Her hardened clitoris felt like it was about to pop.  She was tied up, though.
“She’s awake.”  It sounded like Beth.  Had she just tried to rape Beth?  She wouldn’t…  Oh, wait, if that made the overwhelming need go away…  But Beth was her friend, and…
“Good, good.”  That voice sounded like Nichelle, the president of the Society for the Acceptance of the Transformed.  “How do you feel?”  The voice was directed at her.
“Nnng.”  Yep, she was blindfolded, too.  “Ow.  I, uh, need release.”
“Yes, you do, but it’s dangerous for us to do that.  You can use your hand, though.  It won’t be the best, but Joy tells me that it takes the edge off.”
“I’m tied up, though.”
“You tried to hurt Beth.”
“Oh.  Damn.”  Tears welled up.  “I’m so sorry…”
“You’re damn right,” Beth said.
“Patience, dear.  This isn’t like some guy with blue balls.  She has far less control at the moment.”  Nichelle had evidently faced back to Maggie.  “I’m going to untie this…  What is this?  A controller?”
“Yeah!  I like legacy consoles.”
“I’m going to untie your hands, but remember that I’ve got four legs, and I can kick really hard.  You’re going to jack off.  Then, we’re going to get you to the medical center.  We need to find the others.”
“Okay.  Others?”  It started to come back to Maggie.
“Yeah, the boys.  Well, the former boys, anyway.  There should be three of them.  But first, we need to uncloud your mind.”
“Mmmm…”  Maggie imagined three girls, all vulnerable, maybe needing a bit of the special attention she could provide.  No!  That would be monstrous.  Maggie girded herself as the cable came off her wrists.
“Okay, now stroke.”
She couldn’t really see, but she felt up her expanded love button and wrapped her hand around it.  Okay, it was only most of the way around it.  She started to stroke, but there was some unpleasant friction.  She reached into her vagina and grabbed some natural lubrication.  “Oh, shit!”  That felt pretty good, so she kept at it.  There was a build-up, like a water collecting behind a dam.  Each stroke made that water slosh and made that water hotter.  Her member became even more lubricated as something oozed out of the tip.  It was like a clog that only partly blocked the faucet.  She pumped faster, and she could hear a wet flapping sound as her hand jerked.  She reached her other hand into her swollen vulva.  She dipped two fingers into her slavering hole and clawed away at her insides.  The sensations combined to blast away that metaphorical clog, and she sprayed a huge quantity of fluid out of the tip of that uncanny clit.  Each pulse was full of white hot pleasure, and she lost track of their count.
Things calmed down after that.  She still really wanted to play with some girl’s boobs or try sticking her clitoris into a tight pussy, but she didn’t feel like an angry predator.  She had her agency back.
“Good girl,” Nichelle said.  “You’ve made mess, but you should feel better.”  Nichelle took the blindfold off, and Maggie got a fresh look at her.  For all of her weirdness as a humantaur, Maggie kind of wanted to kiss her.  “Now, we need to get some clothes on you.”

Maggie was wrapped in a bathrobe, trying to stay calm.  Every time she lifted her head, she saw nipples poking through shirts.  She really wanted to tweak them or lick them, and that made her clit twitch.  It had gone flaccid, but seeing all of those nearly free nipples caused brief waves of desire.  There had been an infestation of magical insects called boob bugs, and they ate bras for some reason.  If you put on a new bra, they ate that, too, and your nipples got permanently bigger, so all the ladies were braless.  The college president said that everyone just had to wait it out, because the bugs would eventually go away.
“Maggie Watts,” the nurse called.  Maggie gingerly stood up, and Beth and Nichelle nodded to her encouragingly.  She wound her way into the patient room and sat on the paper-covered treatment table.  “Says here that you think you have some sort of transformation disease?”
“Uh huh.”
“It looks like you were in a fight.  What happened?”  The nurse gathered some first aid supplies from the cabinets.
“I, uh…”  Maggie paused for a long while.
“Go on.”
“I attacked my apartment mate.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Um, my transformation…  It made me really horny, and I almost hurt my friend.”  Tears welled up.
“Okay.  Let’s get you patched up.”  The nurse quietly applied antiseptic and bandages.  “Were you unconscious?”
“Yeah…  Beth hit me pretty hard.”
The nurse grabbed her light and forced Maggie’s eyes open.  “Yep.  You have a mild concussion.  I’ll have Nurse Gree prescribe some pain meds.”
“Okay, but I think you should know that I’m contagious.”
“Right.”  The nurse opened a file with a public health pamphlet.  “Spontaneous Transmissible Feminization/Clitoromegaly Syndrome.  I’ve heard a bit about it.”  She passed Maggie the pamphlet.  “We had another case a couple of weeks ago.  It looks like we might have an epidemic.  I’ll need you to write down the names of the men you’ve slept with in the past two months.”
“Hold on,” Maggie said as she pulled her phone from her robe.  She messaged Nichelle, then started writing.  Trey Spector, her cheating boyfriend; Joshua Kao, the first rebound fuck; Simon Hurstwhile, the asshole who didn’t use the condom like he was supposed to; and Vance (Nichelle provided his last name in her text response) Freeman, the boy she aggressively seduced at the party the previous night.  She passed the list to the nurse.
She typed them in.  “Hey, that Trey kid.  He, or rather she, was in here a couple of weeks ago.  We didn’t know how that transgender case occurred.  That might make him the missing person for our other big clit case.”  That news hit Maggie like a ton of bricks.  The brochure talked about how female carriers had an increased sex drive.  That would explain her behavior since their breakup.  He must have gotten it from the hussy from that party.  Well, now she sort of sympathized with the hussy, but it would make sense.  “Okay, Nurse Gree will be in momentarily.”
As she waited, Maggie read the pamphlet.  Apparently, she had three victims (more tears,) there was no cure (even more tears,) but the condition was manageable.  She read about how she would be sexually attracted to women, which she could confirm.  Apparently, she could lose her attraction to men, and a few moments of vivid imagining confirmed that to be the case as well.  That was the really strange thing.  Ever since puberty, she loved looking at dudes.  Eventually, she loved making out with the and sleeping with them.  She didn’t feel sickened by her memories or anything, but now, she just wasn’t interested in men.  That realization forced out another hard sob.
“Hi, sweetheart,” said Nurse Gree.  She was the same nurse that helped her after her run-in with Simon.  “It looks like you’ve gotten yourself into a pickle.”
Maggie raised an eyebrow.
“Pun intended,” Nurse Gree went on.
“Yeah.  I guess that’s about right.”
“Well, you’ve had a chance to read the pamphlet, and we’re calling the people on the list.  If it’s accurate, then they will all be female now.”
“I know.”
“I know that this is hard, but we need to go through the events so that we can understand things best.”
“Trey Spector.  When did you last sleep with him?”
“I guess it was three weeks ago.  Then, I found out that he had hooked up with someone at a party, and we ended it.”
“Did he say who it was?”
“I don’t think he caught her name.”
“Uh huh.  Well, Trey came in a couple of weeks ago, apparently transformed.  We’ll send her a note informing her that she’s a carrier.  I think we know who infected her.”
“Okay.  I don’t think I wanna know.”
“I don’t blame you, though you may find yourself at a group therapy session with her.  Anyway, next on the list is Josh Kao.”
“Uh huh.  I slept with him about two weeks ago.”
“Did you use protection?”
“Yeah, we had a Be Your Sexiest!® condom.  It was strawberry.”
“Oh dear.  Those things don’t stop magical diseases.  They are perfect for mundane STIs, but they do nothing for your condition.  And Simon Hurstwhile?”
“Last Monday.  I came in here the next morning.  Remember?”
“I do.  There was no condom.”
Maggie felt anger again, partly blaming herself for being careless.  “Yeah.”
“And finally, Vance Freeman.”
“Last night at a party.”
“Last night?”
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“It usually takes 48 hours after that last intercourse.  No matter.  Did you use protection?”
“We did.  I put it on him.”
Nurse Gree sighed.  “Apparently, regular condoms don’t work against STFCS a lot of the time.  I have a note to write you a pain med prescription, so here you go.  Do you mind waiting in case we contact any of the other persons of interest?”
“I can wait.”

Perhaps twenty minutes later, a bewildered young woman wrapped in a coat came in escorted by a campus policeman.  Her eyes got big the second she saw Maggie.  The cop had to hold her back, since she looked pretty angry.  “You!  You did this to me, you bitch!”
Maggie could only recoil in horror.  Like Vance, she had dark brown skin, African features, and very short hair.  Maggie couldn’t tell much about her, as she was heavily wrapped up.
“Please, miss,” the policeman said, “calm down.  You need to stay calm.”  He looked a bit out of his element.  Vance nearly spat in anger.  She closed her eyes and relaxed a bit.  “Attagirl.  Just sit here.”
The receptionist was already on hand.  “Are you Vance Freeman?” she asked.
“I am.”
“Okay, follow me.”  Vance then trailed behind into the patients’ rooms.  Maggie sighed.  A few minutes later, the receptionist told Maggie, “To avoid more of those confrontations, we’ll need you to wait in a room, okay?”
“I can do that.”  Maggie went back to one of the rooms and waited some more.
Several more minutes passed, and Nurse Gree entered the room with a bag.  “Okay, just to let you know, we’ve located all three people, and we’ve confirmed their sex changes.  I also talked to an expert out of Chicago, and she said that you would need a few things.”
“What things?”
“First, know that this isn’t your fault.  You didn’t choose to take away anyone’s manhood.  You thought you were just doing the natural thing that a young woman does.”
Maggie nodded.  It sounded canned, even if it was possibly true.
“Second, I have a bag of stuff here.  You’re body needs occasional release, or you will become a threat to others.”  Maggie opened the bag.  There was a vibrator and a funny looking plastic cylinder.
“What are these?”
“Most women with your condition like to use a vibrator.  The other thing is a special masturbation sleeve.  Stick your clitoris in the hole there.”  Nurse Gree indicated a silicone opening.  “There is an expanding bladder on the other end that collects your generous… fluids.  Turn that knob to open the valve for cleaning.”
This thing looked kind of alluring to Maggie.  She fingered the soft hole to get an idea of how well it would work.
“Okay, here’s the thing, though.  Masturbation will not be a longterm solution.  You need to have sex with real people  The trouble is that you should not spread this disease.  That leaves you with few choices.  You can sleep with existing carriers or with people who agree to never sleep with anyone else besides other carriers.”
“Right.  Okay.”  Maggie nodded and could see the potential problems.
“We will let the three women here know about this, because they’re in similar boats, though they can sleep with other women without any fears.  They also will not require sex like you will.  Hang in there, and we will help you figure this out.  Anyway, have some water and take care of yourself.  Feel free to rinse the sleeve in the sink over there.”
Maggie was already getting hard just thinking about using the sleeve.  It looked pretty inviting.  Still, even though she was at least twice Maggie’s age, she kind of wanted to bend Nurse Gree over the examination table.  She shook her head to clear the cobwebs, but that only served to irritate her concussion.
“Oh, don’t do that, honey.”  Nurse Gree bent down to check Maggie’s head.  The braless cleavage was delightful.  Maggie’s clit poked up through the front of her bathrobe.  “Oh, my…  Yes, you’d better get to it,” Nurse Gree continued, backing away.
All Maggie could manage was a whine and a doe-eyed nod.  Once Nurse Gree was out of the room, Maggie tried the sleeve.  At first, she couldn’t get her great clitoris to fit, and pushing hurt.  Fortunately, there were a few packets of lubrication in the bag, so she put that to use.  It was kind of cold, but she didn’t feel the need to grip it hard, and pretty soon, the top flipped open as the bladder expanded with her ejaculate.  It felt okay, and once again, she could think straight.  Well, mostly think straight.  She had this continuing level of arousal, and she had a concussion.

Finally at home, Maggie could rest in her bed.  A doctor gave her a two-week note for her classes, and she could withdraw and get a full refund.  Her mom was pretty upset with her, and that conversation was not fun.  There were some flowers sitting on her nightstand as well.  Not even Beth was home, which was strange for a Saturday afternoon.  There was a knock at the door.  Maggie answered.
Britney and Joy were there.  “Hey,” Joy said, “I thought you could use some company.”  Maggie nodded and showed them in.
“Thanks for coming.”
“Oh, we made sure of doing that before we got here,” Joy said, giving Britney an elbow.  That made Maggie smile a little.  “We thought we could give you some advice.”
“Um, what kind of advice?”
Britney spoke up.  “Well, I remember the first week.  It was horrible.  All three of the ones I transformed were really mad at me, and I really needed to fuck someone.  Honestly, you need to find another carrier soon.”
Maggie nodded.  “I know, but I feel like I was pretty shitty to them all, even before the transformation kicked in.”
“Yeah, that can happen.  The carrier doesn’t have to be one of yours.  I’ve got the contact information for one of my others.  I haven’t kept up with her, but I could reach out.”
“I don’t know.  I mean, how do you two do it?  It seems like an arranged marriage or something.”
Joy said, “Yeah, that worked out really well for us, and I don’t know how easy that is to come by.  I don’t just service Britney.  We’re lovers.  It’s, like, star-crossed or some shit.”
Maggie nodded.  “So, I should find someone to love?”
Joy looked her in the eye.  “I think so.  I mean, if all I did was make sure that Britney blew a load in my pussy, ass, or mouth twice a day, I think it would get old.  I want love, too, you know?  It would get really lonely just acting as some sort of masturbation sleeve.”
“Wow.  Okay, but I have to find someone with tremendous sexual endurance who will fall in love with me…  That sounds really hard.”
Britney said, “I know.  I feel so lucky.”
They chatted for a while about Britney’s and Joy’s story.  Joy talked about how she didn’t ever really feel like a girl, except sometimes when she was getting fucked.  Britney talked about how one of the other macroclit women she knew had committed suicide and how Maggie had to be stronger.  They discussed the total lack of funding for research into cures-- it wasn’t a fatal disease, and it was politically difficult to fund any magical research.
Then, they key turned in the door, and Beth was there with Nichelle and Anna.  Nichelle had saddlebags.  “Hey, guys!” said Beth.
“Hi,” Joy and Britney responded in unison.
“We brought a care package,” Nichelle said.
“Thanks,” Maggie said.  “I was wondering where Beth was.”
“Well,” said Beth, “we were having a conversation, and we may be able to help you, all three of you, actually.”
“What?” Joy asked.  “What do you mean?”
Nichelle said, “We got to talking about your condition and how there was no cure.  I talked about some of the reasons why there wasn’t one.”
“Magical ‘diseases,’” Britney used air quotes, “aren’t researched by anybody.  Magical research is totally unfunded.”
“That’s true, but there are particular reasons for this stuff being so hard,” Nichelle responded.
“Also,” Anna interjected, “it might involve unwanted consequences.”
“You mean unintended?” Joy asked.
“Maybe.  It’s sort of complicated.  We’re not even sure what we want to do will work.  We do know that if what we plan works, the cure involves transformation,” Nichelle said.
“Cure?”  That was the first time Maggie had heard that word without “no” in front of it.
“We think.  Maybe.”  Nichelle did not want to instill false hope.
“I wouldn’t have to deal with this thing down here again?” Maggie asked, pointing to her crotch.
“Well, you’re stuck with that,” said Anna.
“Oh.  Then, it’s not a cure.”
“We think we can fix the contagious part,” Anna went on.
“That’s great!” Joy said.  “I mean, it doesn’t matter to me and my girl so much anymore, but it would take away that fear.”  Joy was petite, so her sudden excitement made her into a cute, bouncing ball of enthusiasm.
“Don’t get too excited,” Anna warned.  “Like I said, we don’t even know if it will work, and whether it works or not, it will involve some pretty hefty transformations.  It won’t be any of that easy-to-hide stuff that you saw at the party.  You’ll be looking down double cleavage like me at the very least.”
“Okay, do we get to pick?” Joy asked.
“Yeah, like can I pick the transformation?”
Nichelle said, “We don’t know yet, but even if you do, it might not go exactly as planned.  Here’s the deal: for something like this to work, we need all three of the principal components of magical control.  We need really thorough names, your full given names, your online avatars, elementary nicknames, that sort of thing.  The more we have for the spell, the better.  Then, we need contagion…”
“I’ve got that!” said Britney.
“No, magical contagion.  Things that have contacted you, especially if they’re related to your circumstance.  The easy stuff will be bodily fluids, but if you have more, like what you were wearing when you were transformed or became a carrier, we need that stuff.  The more you have, the more likely we are to succeed.”
“Oh.  I’ll see what I have.”
“Finally, there’s sympathy.  We need something that is similar to what you have.  At first, we thought that would have to be a sample of a virus or something, but we don’t think that would work.  Beth, though, she’s a genius.”
“You bet your knockers I am!”
“Right, she mentioned that the Be Your Sexiest!® dildos look like your macroclits.  They’re magical, and there is little reason for them to look like that, so we think that there is a fundamental magical link.”  Anna smiled.
“This is good, I think,” Maggie said.
“It is.  There is only one problem: we only have one dildo, and it’s sympathetic to Beth.”
“It really does understand me,” Beth japed.
“Uh huh.  We need more,” Nichelle said.
“So, I have to wait until some Be Your Sexiest!® shelves show up at a random convenience store?” Maggie asked.
“Maybe.  Maybe not.  I’ve picked up a bunch of crap on questionable magic websites over the years,” Nichelle said.  “One of the things I picked up was this spell, sort of, you could use to summon a Be Your Sexiest!® shelf.  I’ve never tried it, of course.  It could go wrong, like you get all of the effects from their products at once or something.  Also, it requires you to act kind of weird in public.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem for you,” Maggie said.
“Oh, but it is!  Anyone watching would see that you had summoned a bunch of ‘dangerous’ magic into a public place.  You can get into all kinds of trouble for that.”
“Oh.  Well, it’s too much of a risk,” Maggie said.
“I never said that.  You’re worth the risk, but we should be sneaky.  We need a normal looking person to slip in and put up flyers.  Anna and I can attempt the magic from nearby.”
Joy said, “I’m small.  I can be inconspicuous.”
Beth broke in, “Yeah, you could wear a stealthy skintight catsuit and go all superspy!”
Maggie’s erotic imagination did not need that.  She groaned.  All of these women in the room, and none of them could help her out.
“Be careful with your words, girls,” Britney said.  “She’s gonna need relief soon.”
“Oh, sorry,” Beth said.  She remembered the events of the morning.  That made her a little scared.  “But, we brought you that care package!”  She handed it to Maggie.
Inside, there was a very nice vibrator and a high-end masturbatory sleeve, along with a big bottle of personal lubricant.  Maggie smiled.  “Thanks.  Um, these look expensive.”
Nichelle said, “No worries.  I make some money selling spells and potions.  If this stuff works, I could get pretty rich, I think.  Now, go and get some relief!”
Maggie hurried out of the room and the rest of the crowd conspired.

Due to her concussion, Maggie sat in the van with Nichelle, Beth, and Anna.  Chris, Nichelle’s boyfriend, was in the driver’s seat.  Nichelle and Anna had removed the rear seat for their roll-out spell mat.  Joy and Britney had Bluetooth earpieces, and Chris had a conference call on speakerphone.  “We are approaching the cosmetics section,” Joy said.
“Just let us know if anything goes wrong,” Anna said nervously.
“Roger,” Joy responded.  Anna sighed.  Chris held in a chuckle.
Nichelle evidently felt the need to be in charge.  “Remember, put up the papers such that the little triangles point down.”  The spell involved printouts of magical runes being put up in the drug store.
“I told you we shoulda gotten double-sided tape,” Britney grumbled.
“Shhh…”  Anna appeared extremely nervous.  Her lower arms were down her skirt, and she was certainly playing with herself.  They did that on their own when she was edgy or too distracted.  Her friends were used to it.
A long silence later, Joy said, “We’re set.  Exfiltrating now.”
“Use normal words, goddammit!” Anna exclaimed.
“I’m starting the spell,” Nichelle offered.  She began chanting over different symbols on her mat, pointing her finger in some important order.
“Oh, hell, some chick was taking pictures of us,” said Britney.
“Get out, now!” Anna screamed.  The speakerphone crackled with noise as the girls’ microphones rapidly brushed their clothing and took in wind.
“Clear!” Joy exclaimed.
Nichelle sighed.  “Spell’s done.”  In the drugstore, there was a bright pink flash, and Joy and Britney reached the van and fell in.  “Now, it’s our turn, Beth.”
Beth had a huge grin.  This whole thing was ridiculous.  Nichelle stepped out, and Beth had to admit that she made the best ride.  Since Nichelle had four legs and an extra torso between them, Beth could lie horizontal, and Nichelle did not tire quickly.  They saw a woman take a photo of their van before she got into her own car.  “Nothing we can do about that,” Beth offered.
“Nope,” said Nichelle.  That was worrying, but there was no point chasing.  That would only make them look guiltier.  When they got inside, though, something was wrong.  The cashier was not at his post, and they could hear some sort of panicked conversation near the spell’s target.  They got there quickly and found a woman covered in purple glitter arguing with the clerk.
“You must put your clothes back on, ma’am!”  He was desperately offering her a skirt and blouse.
“I can’t.  The thought of clothes makes me feel sick!”  Her whole body was a wonder of sparkle and color.
“But ma’am!  We have a policy against nudity in our stores, unless you carry a valid nudity permission form.”
“I…  Whatever happened, it happened just now!”
“Nonsense!  There is no magic in this store!”
“What do you call your Be Your Sexiest!® shelves?”  She pointed toward the newly amended aisle.
He looked over there.  “I see our cosmetics section, Ma’am.  Don’t make me call the cops.”
Nichelle couldn’t take it anymore.  “Excuse me, ma’am.  I can be of service.  Follow me, please.”
The bewildered and bedazzled woman complied.  On their way out, Nichelle asked, “What happened?”
“These two characters were acting weird, putting up posters and looking around with shifty eyes,” she said.  “This other customer took pictures, and I went to look at the poster, and ‘poof!’  I had to take off my clothes.”
“It was magic,” Nichelle offered, suddenly feeling fearful.  “Um, I know a thing or two about magic.  I have a friend who does, too.”  They left the woman in the van with the others and returned to the store.  “Okay, we have two chores now.  See if you can find those dildos, and I’ll look for the glitter.”
A few minutes later, Nichelle had a jar of magic glitter, and Beth awkwardly held a dozen dildos in her hand.  The clerk dutifully sold them the goods, and the darted back to their ride.  Anna stepped out.
“Patricia here, she was caught in the spell.  I don’t know much else.”
“Okay, I’ve got a different container of glitter.  I think it’s our only lead.  I mean, she had to get the effect of one of the products, right?”  Nichelle handed Anna the jar.
“Let’s see.  Be Your Sexiest!® Body Glitter.  You’ll want to always show off your beautiful, sparkly look with our fantastic shine!  The magic lasts for days!  Warning: do not apply more than a thimbleful.  Crap.  We’re boned.”
“I wish,” offered Beth.
“I’d bet dollars to donuts that an over-application results in permanency.  Shit.  This is my fault.  I didn’t think about a risk to anyone else.”
“What do we do?” Beth asked.  The gravity of the situation was sinking in.
“Um, I guess we tell the truth,” Anna offered.
“Yeah, we have to do that.  Patricia,” Nichelle called.  “Come out.  We have to talk.”
She emerged from the van, looking extremely confused.  “Okay, do you know what’s going on?”
“Yes,” Nichelle offered.  “You were accidentally caught in a spell.  My spell.”
“Oh my.”
“Yes, and I think the effects are permanent.  Now, I will do my best to get it undone, but here’s what I know: that glitter won’t come off, and you can’t wear clothes.”
Patricia wretched.  “God!  I can’t stand clothes.  I don’t know what I ever saw in them!”
By then, the others stepped out of the vehicle.  Now that there was slightly better light, Maggie got a good view of the naked woman.  On a fundamental level, that view was delightful, even if the situation itself was probably quite bad.  The woman may have been past her prime, but she still did it for Maggie.  She had large enough breasts that Maggie could imagine stuffing her clit between them, and she was only slightly overweight.  The glitter combined with her thick pubic hair, though, so Maggie couldn’t make out the shape of the pussy.  Oh crap, Maggie thought, I’m starting to lift my skirt!  Her clit was jutting out enough that she had to sit down on the in the door opening of the van to have any chance of covering herself.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but don’t you remember wearing clothes when you came here?” Anna asked.
“Yes, don’t remind me!  To be covered in such filth!”
“Well, the magical accident is what made you find clothing so disgusting.”
“Great!  I mean, something had to.”
“Could we take you home, ma’am?” Chris asked.
“I have a car.”
“Okay, could we make sure you get back okay?”
They followed her back to her house.  Someone else was already home.  It turned out to be her husband and daughter.  They were appalled, of course, and the crew did everything that they could to explain the situation.  Patricia would have to get a public nudity exemption waiver from the court, and that wasn’t too hard.  Socially, though, she was in for some trouble.  She worked as a human resources clerk at the university, so she saw people all day long.  Some of the mental whammy was wearing off by the time the crew left, and Patricia’s concept of social propriety returned.  She still had a visceral reaction to clothing, but she started to feel embarrassed and understood the implications of her coming troubles.  Her anger rose before the group left her home, and she made legal threats.

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Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Maggie spent Sunday holed up in her room with a giant bottle of sports drinks and some nice sex toys.  Her mother had called to apologize, and they had a good cry over the phone.  She asked a lot of embarrassing questions, but Maggie did not share her friends’ crazy plan.  She was sure that her mother would not approve of those shenanigans.  Beth eventually came back to the apartment to return to her usual homebody ways.  While she trusted Maggie, she pragmatically installed a lock on her bedroom door.
On Monday morning, Nurse Gree called.  “I have arranged a special meeting for you and the other carriers this afternoon.  The conditions are that they are allowed to air their personal grievances at the beginning of the meeting but that after that, you can talk about how you need help with relief.”
“Yeah, okay.  I can take three angry women.”
“Four, I’m afraid.”
“Four?  How?”  This was only getting worse.
“One of the other carriers may have shared the curse with a woman.”
“Yeah, Simon was way too much of a ladies’ man.”
Nurse Gree chuckled.  “Funny enough, it wasn’t Simon.  Josh apparently had a girlfriend.”
Of the whole group, Josh was Maggie’s best prospect, since there was the least bad blood between them.  Another girl would complicate things.  “Huh.  Okay, what time?”
“Be in at 2pm.  You can come in the back door.  I’ll have someone waiting for you.”

The orderly escorted Maggie into a conference room where two women, plus Nurse Gree, already sat.  One was an Asian woman with short hair and a vigorous build.  She wore a Pokemon t-shirt and sweat pants.  Next to her sat a brown-haired young woman in a tank-top, blouse, and blue jeans.  She was a overweight and had a scowl that would have made her look like an angry biker chick, if she wasn’t dressed so casually.  Maggie guessed these were former Josh and the (ex?) girlfriend.
“We’ll wait for the others for an introduction,” Nurse Gree said to keep the awkward silence an awkward silence and not an awkward string of invectives.  A couple of minutes later, the other two arrived.  Maggie got a better look at the black woman with short hair who had snapped at her when she came into the doctor’s office on Saturday, since she wasn’t wrapped in a heavy coat.  She was short and busty, and despite a total lack of makeup, she had a very cute face.  A cute and angry face, anyway.  She wore a camisole and slacks, since she had apparently decided to go shopping.  The other woman was dressed up like she was going to work out in the 1980s, having a shirt torn down under the armpits and spandex tights.  She was built like a fitness junkie and had a blonde buzzcut.  Maggie assumed that they were Vance and Simon.
“Great, you’re here.  We’ll get names first.”  Nurse Gree pointed to the Asian woman.
“I’m Josh,” she said.  “Okay, you said to pick a new female name to fit in, so I took your advice and picked Josephine, Josie for short.”
“I’m proud of you.  It’s important to accept things soon.”  She then nodded to the woman sitting next to her.  “And your name?”
“I’m Amber.”
“Thanks, Amber.  And you?”
The girl in the gym clothes said, “Simon.  I guess it has to be Simone now.”
“Right, and you?”
“Vance.  I have not picked out a new name.”
“It’s a big decision.  Give it some more time.  Finally, one more patient.”
“I’m Maggie.  Most of you knew what I looked like already.”  Maggie was trembling in fear.  The stares from the others felt like icy daggers that would soon be thrust into her heart.
“Now that that is out of the way,” Nurse Gree said, “we will allow for some brief airing of grievances.  Who wants to go first?”
“I do,” Vance said.  She steeled herself, then began raging, “You did this!  I was perfectly happy meeting all sorts of cool people at a party, and you came along and fucking did this to me!  I liked being a man.  I liked my soccer league.  I’m proud of my Eagle Scout badge.  Then, you come in, and first, you sully my idea of sex.  I like commitment.  I think sex should mean something, and then you took advantage of me.”  She took a deep breath.  “Fuck.  We were all wound up from the magic we saw that night, and you had to come along and use me like a piece of meat.”  She stopped, but she continued to glare at Maggie who looked back in sheepish surrender.
“Maggie, would you like to say anything?” Nurse Gree asked.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t know.”
“You sure as fuck knew that I thought sex should mean something.  I fucking told you as much.”
“You did, and I was selfish.”
“Fucking right, you were.”
“Alright, Anyone else?”
“So, I feel like it was my bad,” Simone piped up.  “You told me to put on a condom, and I didn’t.  Um, I was supposed to do that, and maybe I wouldn’t be here if I put it on.  I agreed to fuck you, so yeah, it’s not your fault, honey.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Maggie replied.  She had not expected Simone to say anything like that, since Simon had been such a lunkhead when they met.
“Josi or Amber, who’s next?”
Josi raised her hand.  “I’ll go.  I don’t know what to say.  I mean, I was kind of looking for a good time at the club, and you came along.  We had sex, and that was cool, I guess.  I didn’t think too much of it.  You didn’t rape me or anything.”  Josi looked to Amber and saw a scowl on her face.  “You did kind of ruin my life, though.”
“I’m sorry.  I wish I knew.”
Before Nurse Gree could move the conversation on, Amber stepped in.  “I don’t know you, but in two weeks, you have completely wrecked my life.  There are not that many good guys out there, and I finally stepped forward and found someone, and you had already given him some pervert disease.  Fuck!  I am not attracted to women, but I loved Josh.  He was kind and gentle and funny.  Still is, I guess, but he’s not a he, and that’s not how I roll.  Now?  I can’t even sleep with dudes, condoms or not, and I really, really want to.”
“I know!” Maggie jumped in.  “When I caught it, that’s all I wanted to do.  Jump someone’s bones.  That’s why I slept with Josh.”
Perhaps realizing for the first time that she had some sort of strange common ground with Maggie, Amber relaxed.  “Oh.  That’s why.”
“Yeah.  I’m glad you know what I didn’t.”  Tears welled up in more than a few eyes. 
Nurse Gree let that go on for a few minutes, then said, “Okay, now that we have that out of the way, more or less, there is another item on the agenda.  Maggie here is suffering in a slightly different way than you are.  Want to explain, Maggie?”
Maggie swallowed.  Then, she started, “If you didn’t already know, the disease or curse or whatever it is made my clitoris huge, and I need frequent relief, or I…”
“It’s okay.”
“Or I…  Okay, when I first woke up with it, I tried to rape my best friend.  You have no idea how awful that is.”  Several faces grew wan.
“Amber, you know how much you want to find a guy right now?”  Amber nodded.  “Yeah, I wish I could feel that in control.  It’s like that Orwell story with the elephant.  It’s not the point of the story, but there’s this bull elephant that’s wrecking everything, and someone has to put it down.  He’s so angry, because he wants to fuck a girl elephant.  He’s destroying a village and killing people.  I’m that elephant.”
“What she means,” Nurse Gree interjected, “is that she has a very unnatural sex drive.”
“A porno, a fist, and a cold shower always worked for me,” Vance said.
“And it barely does for me,” Maggie responded.  “I’ve got some nice toys, and it feels good, but the curse does something else.  It…  I, uh…”
“What she means to say is that unless she gets pleasure from someone else, it doesn’t help very much.”
“It’s like the difference between wanting to rape every woman in the room and just fantasizing about what they could do with you.  Strike that.  It’s not a simile.  It’s just that.  It sucks, and it hurts.”
“Are we supposed to feel extra pity for you?” Vance asked.
“No,” Nurse Gree stepped in.  “Maggie needs someone who can help her orgasm two to five times everyday to feel normal.  That person needs to be a carrier.”  The room got quiet again.
“Fuck no,” Vance said.  “This is her fault more than anyone else’s.”
“I’m putting you down as a solid no, Vance.  Okay, we aren’t asking for volunteers.  We just want you all to be aware.  There are other carriers out there, so we’re putting out the word.  I’m warning you, though.  The CDC, the NIH, the World Health Organization?  They barely give a shit about you girls’ plight.  You’d best be proactive in helping each other.  I’m not even sure that this institution is going to be reimbursed by insurance, so you might be getting bills.  It sucks, but that’s the way it is.”  Her pronouncement was met with low grumbles of agreement.  “With that out of the way, it’s time to go.  If you don’t have each other’s contact information, get it.  Bye.”

Friday afternoon, Maggie got a text message from Nichelle saying that they had some spells to try.  Chris was to pick her up, so she and Beth went to Nichelle’s apartment and met with the same group who had done the drugstore job.  An occult circle sat on the floor, and both Nichelle and Anna sat in it nude.
“Great!  You’re here.  We think we have made important progress, namely we have come up with a way to test whether someone carries your curse.”  Nichelle beckoned Maggie to her.  “We realized that once we removed the ability of the curse to spread, we would have no way to find out whether it worked without risking infecting others.  Pursuing this path has helped us learn about how to remove the curse, too.  We had to draw new runes.  We’re still missing the fundamental one for your curse, though.”
“Okay,” Maggie said as she approached the two hotties.  She swallowed and asked, “What do you need me to do?”
“First, strip,” Anna said.
“Um, okay,” Maggie responded.  At this point, she only really had three pieces of clothing on anyway, and two of them were sandals.  She slipped out of those and then lifted her sundress over her head.  She then gingerly walked to the other two.  “I’m probably gonna get hard soon,” she said.
“Yep,” Britney added.  “I’m most of the way there myself.”
Chris chimed in, too.  “When you date someone like Nichelle, expect a lot of hard-ons.”  Britney gave him a fistbump.
Nichelle and Anna had Maggie lay down on the floor in the center of the magical circle.  They had suspended one of the dildos on a string hanging from a mutilated desk lamp, and they scooted it over to Maggie.  Then, they cast their spell.  It only took them a minute, but once it was over, the dildo started spinning rapidly.
“Alright!  We cast that on Chris earlier, and nothing happened,” Anna said.  “It’s not much, but I think we can tell whether someone has the curse or not.”
“That’s a pretty big deal,” Joy said.  “No one knew how to do that.”
“We want to check another kind of carrier, if you don’t mind.”  Joy got into the circle, and they repeated the spell.  Once again, the dildo spun.
“You said something about a new rune,” Maggie said.
“Yes, do you mind coming back over here?” Nichelle asked.
“Sure.”  Once again, Maggie lay on the floor.
“I’m going to have to ask you to do something that is going to be hard, okay?” Nichelle said.
“Um, okay.  What?”
“I’m going to have to paint runes on your clitoris when it’s erect.  This spell will probably take ten or fifteen minutes, because it’s really difficult.”
“Paint?” she asked.
“Yep, paint.  It’s going to be about the worst tease that you can imagine.  Now, I’ve got some bondage gear that will help, if you need something to keep you still.”
Maggie swallowed hard.  “That would be a good idea.”  Ten minutes later, was spread eagle on the floor, each limb handcuffed to a piece of furniture.  To keep her from screaming, she had a ball gag.  The whole ordeal already had her fully erect, a bit of pre-cum dripping from her phallus’s tip.  She whined.  She needed to fuck one of these girls soon, and there they were, most of them naked, and she couldn’t move or even beg.  She could feel her ass get wet with the secretions from her quivering pussy.  Her small nipples were pebbles on her pert breasts, and her vaginal muscles were spasming involuntarily.
“Here we go, sweetheart,” Nichelle said as she set to work with her brush.  Maggie felt the cool wet paint spread onto her most sensitive organ.  She could feel Nichelle’s breath across her thighs.  Her body jolted, and she felt herself pulling against the restraints.  She tried to scream, but of course, the gag muffled the sound.
Anna was right there.  “It will be okay, Maggie!  We will make this all better soon.  I promise.”  It was unclear whether the suffering Maggie nodded her head, since her whole body was heaving against the cuffs.  Still, she felt each tantalizing brushstroke.  Her buttocks slid easily on the hardwood floor,  since she lubricated it herself.  Every few seconds, a new pulse of pre-cum spurted from the tip of her she-cock.  Maggie was out of her mind with anger and need, but Nichelle dutifully painted on, making sure that her brush strokes were accurate.
After what seemed like an hour to the room, Nichelle announce, “The runes have been laid forth.  Now, I will cast the spell.  After that, someone must give her a handjob.  Who will that be?”
“Can you catch this with a handjob?” Chris asked.
“Maybe,” Nichelle responded.  “We don’t know completely, but there is a low risk.”
“Then, I’ll do it,” Beth said.  “Maggie helped me out of a little jam like this a couple of weeks ago.  I’ll do it.”
Nichelle chanted some words and set a dish on Maggie’s belly.  The runes she painted began pulsing with light.  “Just make sure that most of it goes in there.”
Beth nodded and got to work.  She gave a long stroke to start, and Maggie’s body stiffened.  The clitoris itself was hot and rigid, though the surface had give.  Using Maggie’s pre-cum, Beth began pumping the organ with two hands.
Anna got close to Maggie’s ear.  “Beth is stroking you.  Won’t you cum for her?”
Maggie would have screamed if she could have.  A veritable torrent of her jizm sprayed out, much of it going over her own head.  Beth carefully put the bowl in place as she continued to stroke.  After the first explosion, the subsequent ejaculations reduced, and after a full minute of orgasm, Maggie relaxed, and her friends began untying her.
Nichelle spoke a few more mystical words, and the swirls in the bowl reformed, indicating the run she sought.  Anna scribbled it down.
Unbound, Maggie got to her knees.  “Never do that again!  That hurt.”
“No, sweetie, not again,” Nichelle said.  “We got what we needed.  Give us a few days, and I think that we can keep you or anyone else from spreading this thing.”
“I need a shower,” Maggie said.

“No, I am not giving you regular handjobs, Maggie.  I am not into girls.  I just owed you one.”  Beth rolled her eyes.
“What about the time, I let you play with your breasts while we played video games?”
“You know what?  I’ve seen you masturbate, too, so no dice.  Besides, you wouldn’t let me play with your tits.”
“I’d love to let you play with them now!”
“Yeah, well, that boob bug juice wore off.  I’m just not that into titties.”
“Oh.”  Maggie was genuinely crestfallen.
“Besides, they confirmed that I didn’t catch it that time, but who knows what the risk is?  Maybe I got lucky.”
“Yeah, I know.  Plus, I still felt my usual horny self afterward.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you what.  I’m willing to make some accommodations.  Let’s make some more liberal rules for this apartment.”
“Okay, what?”  Maggie was intrigued.
“I’ve been around a lot of naked people recently, and I’ve been naked around a lot of people recently.  It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  So long as we don’t have guests, you are free to be as nude as you want.  Just keep that thing at least three feet away from my face.  Six feet when it’s hard.”  Beth pulled herself up into her workout setup.
“Second, you can jerk off anywhere except the kitchen and my bedroom so long as you immediately clean up.”
“Even if you’re there?” Maggie asked.
“Only if you promise not to stare at me while you do it.  Also, you don’t get to bring porn out of your room.  I don’t want to know what you’re jerking off to.”
“Okay.  I like this.  I’ll let you be naked anywhere, and you can jill off whenever or wherever you want, especially if it’s in my room.”  Maggie wore an impish smirk.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be taking advantage, but I appreciate the latitude.”
“I just want it to be fair,” Maggie offered.  Before Beth could quip back, there was a knock at the door.  “You expecting anyone?”
Beth shrugged.  “No.”
Josephine, formerly known as Josh, stood on the other side.  She had a nervous look to her as she awkwardly clutched a purse.  “Hi.”
“Come on in, Josi!” Maggie beckoned.
“Um, okay.”
“What’s up?” Beth offered.
“I’m, uh.  I came to talk to Maggie.”
“Ah, so you’re here to get fucked,” Beth offered.
“Oh, I should, uh, go.  Another time, maybe”  Josi looked absolutely horrified.
“Whoa, there.  Beth, behave yourself.”  Maggie was certainly wanting some pussy, but she knew that Josi could be scared off at any moment.  “It’s alright, Josi.  It’s cool.”
“Yeah, okay.  I’m just scared is all.”  She reluctantly sat on the sofa.  Beth started to get up.  “No, stay.  It’s okay.”
“Okay, what did you want to talk about?” Maggie asked.
“Well, I thought that I could maybe help you with your problem, but I don’t want to go too fast.”  Josi’s face was beet red.
“Oh.”  Maggie’s organ twitched under her skirt.  Evidently, Josi saw it and averted her eyes.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to…”
“It’s okay.  We both have to deal with new anatomy.”
“Right,” Maggie said.  “It’s probably worse for you.”
“Yeah, a lot changed.  I feel weaker.  I have to sit down when I pee.  I have to deal with breasts.  Everything still feels weird.  Plus, with this curse, I feel like I’m a danger to society.”
Maggie nodded.  “I kind of know what you mean.  By the way, I’ve got some friends who can perhaps help us.”
Josi looked intrigued.  “Help?”
“Yeah, I have some friends who work with magic.  They might be able to stop the contagiousness problem.”
“Really?  But they can’t make me male again, can they?”
“No.  Apparently, magic doesn’t work like that.  From what I understand, if they figure out how to make the spell work, then they could take out the contagious part.”
Beth cut in, “At a cost.  You’d have to be further transformed.  They think that they can burn out the contagious part by using it to power a transformation spell.”
Josi started shaking a little.  “Further transformed,” she said.  “Okay, I’d have to think about it.”
“Right,” said Maggie.
“Um, so I want to help you with your problem,” Josi said.
“Yes,” Maggie said, drawing out the ess, perhaps a little too long.  “So, when… or how?”
“I don’t know.  See, I’ve never had sex as the person being penetrated, okay?  I liked doing the penetrating.  Now, it seems like it would be scary.”
Maggie and Beth both nodded.  Then, Beth said, “It’s not so bad.  It can feel really nice, and if you’re up to it, it feels more than nice.  Pretty much everyone’s afraid the first time.”
Maggie then offered, “You know, I’ve got experience there.  I’ve never put it in, but I’ve had penises in me, so I know what to be careful about.  I promise that if you want to help me, I will work hard to make it easy for you.”
“Yeah, I like that,” Josi said.  “I’ve, um, just used my hands a little.  It was weird, but it wasn’t bad.”
“That’s good,” Maggie said, trying to get the image of a masturbating Josephine out of her head, mostly unsuccessfully.  “I don’t want to pressure you, but I probably am.  I can’t help it.  When?  When can we…?”
Josi sighed.  “Do you have any booze?”
Beth scurried toward the kitchen.  “Do you like beer or whiskey?” she asked.

They had chatted for a bit, discussing video games, classes, and the like.  Beth brought Josi up to speed on the Society for the Acceptance of the Transformed and those members who actively used magic.  Josi found that interesting but kind of crazy.  She also agreed to meet Joy and talk about her life.  Eventually, Josi said she was ready to go to Maggie’s room and see what would happen.
“Remember, for most girls, sleeping with men is kind of risky, right?” Maggie said, trying to keep herself under control.  She wanted to fuck badly, but she also wanted to do this right.  “You don’t get so many risks with me.”
“Okay, I can’t get… pregnant with you, right?”  Josi’s speech was a little slurred.  Her face was flushed, and her eyes were a little glassy.
“Right.  This curse also makes you immune to STIs, so that won’t happen.”
“Now, men sometimes beat women.”
“Yeah, I had a guy friend who got beaten up by his girlfriend one time.”
“Um, yeah.  That happens, but it happens the other way more often, so if you ever start dating men, you have to know it’s a threat.”
“I don’t wanna date men,” Josi said.  “I don’t wanna look gay or nuthin’.”
“Wait, you’re…”
“Got ya!”  Josi’s stern look immediately went clownish.  “I’m okay with gay people.  I’m a lezz…  I’m a lesbian now.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“I’m gonna kiss you, now.”  Josi clumsily pawed at Maggie’s head and pulled her close.  She gave a soft and gentle kiss, despite her sloppiness.  Maggie let her lead for a bit, feeling like she should take some care to let the newly transformed woman ease into the situation.  After a couple of minutes of kissing, each keeping their hands limited to caressing the head, shoulders, and back, Josi said, “I wanna touch your boobies.”
“You can do that.  I want to touch yours, too.”
“Yeah, okay.”  Josi’s eyes looked a bit distant as she contemplated that.  Their shirts were off, and Josi’s hands cupped Maggie’s perky breasts, playfully pinching her nipples.  In turn, Maggie reached up and squeezed Josi’s tits, each being a bit more than a handful.  She rolled Josi’s large nipples between her fingers, eliciting a surprised gasp from the new girl.  Josi stopped moving her hands, apparently overwhelmed by the novel sensations.
“It’s okay, honey.  Lay back, and I’ll induct you into the infielder’s team for second base.”  Josi nodded and lowered herself onto the bed.  “These sensations are new, I know, but you’re stuck with them, and we should--” tweak-- “make sure you get the most of them.”  Maggie continued fondling Josi’s breasts and pinching her nipples.  Josi gasped and cooed.  “Do you want me to suck one of them?”
“Uh huh…”  Josi nodded slowly, mesmerized, and Maggie put a nipple into her mouth.  For some reason, this act felt absolutely right.  She felt that breasts really could be fun toys, so she kept at it for a time, occasionally looking up to Josi’s sexy face.  To Maggie, the face of a woman experiencing pleasure now seemed sublimely beautiful.  Then, Josi said, “I’m, uh…  I…”
“What is it, honey?” Maggie said, deepening her voice into a sultry purr.
“I’m really…  You know, down there, I’m really…”
“You’re wet, aren’t you?  You pussy is really juicy now, isn’t it?”  Josi nodded.  “You want me to suck on it, too?”  Josi reluctantly nodded.  “Take off your pants.”  Josi pulled down her sweatpants and panties, exposing her bushy groin to Maggie.  A few beads of moisture glistened around the lips.  Maggie put herself to work, using her long in some long licks from vaginal opening north to the clit.  Josi sighed and breathed in sharply.  “I’m gonna be honest, honey.  I’ve never done this part before.”
“Okay.  All I know is what I’ve done…  Mmm…”  Maggie continued licking with her whole tongue.  “I could never really, ooh.  I could never really tell what worked.”
“Mmm hmm…”
“Yeah, that feels nice.  Could you keep your mouth up fr…  Yeah, like that!  Oh, wow!  Swirls…”  Maggie worked on her clit, tasting Josi’s tangy twat.  She rolled it around with her tongue and flicked it.  She gently sucked on it.  Then, Josi said, “Could you put…  Oh god…  I want you in…”
“You want me to fuck you?”
“Say what you want, honey.”
“I want you to put your clit in me.”
Josi looked a bit desperate, but Maggie was having fun with the teasing.  “Where do you want me to put my clit?”
“In me…  In my pussy.”
“Okay, here we go, then.”  Maggie looked down at her skirt.  Her hardened macroclit had lifted it up, so she finished disrobing and lined herself up.  “Gently,” she reminded herself out loud.  Of course, she wanted to ram it in, but she also wanted to practice restraint.  She cared about Josi’s well-being.  She put the tip in, and Josi spread her labia with her hands.  Maggie took her time sliding in, enamored with the warm and silky feel of the twitching and very wet vagina.  When she reached more resistance, she stopped.  Josi had an ecstatic look on her face, but Maggie still wanted to make sure.  “You want me to move it?”
“Yes, please.”  Maggie started thrusting, and Josi gripped down on the generous phallus.  She felt the weight of tits dangling over Josi and lowered her chest until they brushed up and down against Josi’s, the nipples sliding against each other.  This, too, felt right and perfect to Maggie.  After half a minute of thrusting, Josi said, “Wait!”
It was all Maggie could do to stop feeling those amazing sensations.  “What is it, honey?”
“I, um…  My clit…”
“Oh, you want to touch your clit?”
“Play with yourself for me, and I’ll keep going.”  Maggie renewed her efforts as Josi reached down and massaged her clit.
“Okay.  This is awesome!” Josi blurted out.  “Fuck me harder!”  Maggie needed little encouragement, as she picked up the pace.  The act of thrusting was new to her, but it felt natural, and the wild squeezing and releasing of Josi’s desperate cunt was pure delight.  “Oh, yes!” Josi cried as she felt the wave of an orgasm hit her.  She was screaming in pleasure, and that sound sent Maggie over the edge.  Once again, the dam burst, and Josi’s pussy filled with Maggie’s strange spunk.  Maggie felt like all of the previous ejaculations just were getting the right stuff out.  This time, though, this time, it poured out, and after an unmeasurable amount of time, Maggie stopped cumming.  Josi looked completely dazed as Maggie pulled herself out, her erection already greatly diminished.
“Thank you,” Maggie said.
“That was really amazing,” Josi responded, her body covered in sweat and juices.  “Um, I’m going to lay here for a bit.”
“You do that,” Maggie said.  For the first time since her transformation, Maggie’s mind was truly clear.  She felt the afterglow of good sex, but she could also think without carnal reminders of a need unsatisfied.  She sighed and sat on her chair, thinking about what else needed to be done.

She did get a lot done, really.  She caught up on her schoolwork, and she felt really confident about some of the literary analysis she conducted.  She got some banking in order.  She was almost manic with joy at how much more she could concentrate.  She felt generally good, too, as the endorphins from sex stayed in her system for some time.  Josi had passed out on her bed, since she was a bit drunk.  At about three in the morning, Maggie was getting sleepy.  She needed to clean up the bed (the sheets were pretty damp and, quite frankly, smelly.)
“Hey, honey,” Maggie purred.  “I need to change the sheets.”
Josi blinked a few times.  “Uh, yeah.”  She rose up, looking around.  “Oh, yeah.  I remember.”  She stood up, unsure of her footing.  “Could I get some water?”
“That would be fine.  I can get you some.”
“No, no.  It’s cool.  You do the bed thing.”  She clutched her head some.
“There’s aspirin behind the mirror in the bathroom, too.  Oh, and go pee.  It helps with hangovers.”
She wandered out and came back with a glass by the time the bed was cleared.  Josi said, “That’s the second time we messed up some sheets.”
“We can mess the up again, you know,” Maggie suggested.
“I…  I think I’d like that.  Right now, sex sounds like a terrible idea.  My head is kind of swimming.”
“Of course.  I got a lot done, by the way.”
“I know.  I was wet but not wet enough to do that to the bed.”
“No, I mean, I got a bunch of work done.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” Maggie said, “I haven’t done much homework or anything since the transformation.  I’d be reading something, and I could only think about fucking the protagonist or something.  It wasn’t good.  That sex, though…  I finally managed to think straight.  It was nice.  It is nice.”
“Oh, right.  You’ve got this libido thing, don’t you?”
“I do.  I can’t really control it by myself.”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind, I can help for a while.  You and Beth were both really nice to me last night, and you were exactly what I needed when it came to sex.  I’m a bit scared, though.”
“What are you scared of?”
“I don’t think I can keep up.  Sex with you was great and all, but I remember hearing something about three times a day!  That’s, well, that’s crazy!”
“Yeah.  Listen, you can always tell me no.  I’ll have to figure the other stuff out later.  You should also talk to Joy.  She has the same problem and manages to cope.”  They snuggled together nude under the crisp, fresh sheets.  Maggie slept better than she had in a long time.

In the morning, Josi decided to go back to her dorm and get some things.  She hadn’t meant to spend the night in the first place, but since it was going to be a weekend of frequent sex, she wanted some supplies.  Knowing that Josi was probably hungover, Maggie made a pot of coffee and a breakfast.  When Josi got back, she found Maggie wearing nothing but an apron finishing up the bacon.
“That’s kind of sexy,” Josi said as she stepped in.
“I do what I can.  Sit at the table; I’m almost done.”
The smell of bacon and pancakes drew Beth out, too, and they enjoyed a hearty breakfast together.  There was one major problem with a big breakfast: it wasn’t a good preamble for fucking.  Maggie and Josi then decided to shower together to help digest.
“You’ve got a smooth pussy, and I liked that the night we met.  I, uh, haven’t shaved anything myself,” Josi said.
Maggie looked down at Josi thick pubic hair.  “I don’t want to make you do anything like that.”
“Yeah, it’s just that I haven’t even shaved my pits.  I didn’t know if I should.  I mean, it’s not something I needed to do when I was a guy.”
Maggie smiled.  “Right.  You don’t need to shave as a woman, but I like to feel smooth.  I hadn’t ever shaved my pussy before that one night, but I’ve really grown to enjoy the feeling.”
“Sure.  Makes sense.  I’ve never even needed to shave my face on account of my Korean genetics.”
“So, you don’t even own a razor, I guess.”
“No.  Would you like me to be smooth like you?”
“Yes, but I’m not going to pressure you.”
“Well, I want to be a giving lover, so I’ll shave.”  She reached for the Be Your Sexiest!® razor that rested on the shelf.
“Wait!” Maggie called.
“What?”  Josi had already guided the blade to her left armpit.
“It’s…”  Josi started a stroke.  “It’s too late, I guess.”
Josi continued shaving away.  “What’s too late?”
“Um, that’s a Be Your Sexiest!® blade.”
Josi tried to stop but found herself compelled to keep going.  “Why can’t I stop?” She asked.
“It’s the magic of the blade.  You’ll keep going until  all the hair below your neck is gone.”
“Okay, that’s not so bad.”
Maggie smiled again.  “Yeah, except that you’re going to be a slutty little exhibitionist for a day.”
“Uh, what do you mean?”  She had finished her armpits and switched to her legs.  They barely had any hair to begin with, so she went quickly.
“You’re not wearing panties for a month, and you can’t wear anything longer than a microskirt for a day.  It gets better after that.”
“Oh dear,” Josi said.
“It’s okay.  Beth said it’s fine if you’re naked.”
Josi blushed.  “That doesn’t mean I’m fine with it.”
“Yeah, well, get used to it.  Personally, I’m not sure I want to wear underwear ever again.”
Josi made it to her groin, and thick black hair fell to the bottom of the bath in clumps.  Maggie kept it from getting into the drain.  Finally, she shaved her ass, and from neck to toe, she was completely bare.  She put the razor on the shelf and spread her arms and legs to show Maggie.
“Yeah, I like that,” Maggie said as she felt a twitch in her clitoris.
“Oh,” Josi said as she grabbed a sponge.  “What do you like about it?”
“Mmm…  I like that I can see your exposed little pussy.  Before, all I could really see were your pubes.”
“Yeah, it feels exposed.  Right now, I like that, too.”  Josi began soaping Maggie’s body, doing her best to be sensual.  Maggie felt wonderful.  She had felt so alone for the past week that getting some tender loving care from a pretty girl felt amazing.  Josi even soaped around Maggie’s very erect macroclitoris, causing Maggie to whimper and gasp.  Maggie returned the favor, covering Josi’s curves in suds and delighting in the way that she could guide her hands over the soapy skin.  She reached down and gave Josi a little fingering.
“Well, I’m going to let you pick what position we’ll take,” Maggie said.
“Mmm…”  Josi was focused on the way Maggie’s finger rolled over her clitoris.”
“What will it be?”
“Woman on top.”
“Which woman?” Maggie said, maybe a bit offended.
“Me.  I want to ride you.”
“You’ll be my cowgirl?”
“Oh, shit yes.”
They rapidly dried off.  Maggie, feeling simply overjoyed at a new lease on life, however brief it might be, pinched Josi’s butt every time Josi turned away.  They then darted into Maggie’s room, and Josi practically slammed the door as Beth put on some headphones.  They kissed standing up for a little while to revel in the moment, and finally, Josi pushed Maggie onto her bed.
“Go ahead and mount up!” Maggie said.
“Oh, no, you don’t get away that easily,” Josi responded with a mischievous smirk.  “I’m gonna sit on your face before I sit on you clit.”  She immediately went through with her plan, shoving her freshly shaven cunt directly into Maggie’s face.  Maggie managed some muffled words before she resigned herself to munching on the pussy.  It was clearly engorged with desire, and Maggie could immediately taste Josi’s womanhood over the clean soapy flavor left over from the shower.  Josi cooed in pleasure as Maggie’s tongue once again rolled her own diminutive clitoris around.  “Shit yeah!” she uttered.  “You work it!”  Maggie did her best, still unfamiliar with cunnilingus best practices.  At the moment, though, her macroclitoris was aching with need.
Once she could get her mouth free, she called out, “Mount it!  Now!”
“Nope.  You give me one orgasm with your tongue first.”
“Oh, god…”  Maggie now had a mission.  She could not sway.  She had to use her mouth to give another woman an orgasm.  She swirled that little button with her tongue, switching between broad strokes and hard flicks.  She sucked on it, and she could feel vaginal juices dripping down her chin.  Finally, as she could tell that Josi was close to something, she took a deep breath and sucked the clit into her mouth and rapidly rolled it.  Josi stood no chance at the latest erotic assault.  Her body heaved, and she barked out expletives and various nonsense.  Finally, she dismounted Maggie’s soaked face, and Maggie panted deeply, trying to get her oxygen back.
“That was pretty good.  Now, I expect some more of those.”  Josi seemed to relish this new role.  She was very different in the sack than the first time they met, but Maggie was glad for that.  She scooted down Maggie’s torso, spreading her prodigious juices over Maggie’s left breast.  She then reached down and guided Maggie’s almost inflamed macroclitoris into her very ready vagina.  “Ooh.  Now, I feel all full.”
“Yeah,” Maggie said, her ability to string sentences together severely compromised.  She started to buck her hips.
“No, no, my dear.  I’m in control this time.”  Josi slowly moved up and down, keeping Maggie from getting in the rapid thrusts that she needed to get off.  “Easy does it.  Now, play with my tits.”
Maggie whimpered and nodded.  She cupped them and pinched Josi’s nipples.
“Yeah, that feels nice,” Josi said.  “Mmm…  You keep that up.”  Josi gradually increased the pace, rocking herself against the filling clit.  When she saw Maggie’s eyes rolled back, her mouth agape and drooling, Josi finally said, “Now, fuck me hard!”
Maggie didn’t need anymore encouragement.  She was about to do so anyway.  She bucked her hips as she felt Josi’s vagina grip her sensitive shaft.  Once again, the backwater welled up, the reservoir full, and the dam burst.  They both felt the physical blast of the first few ejaculations, and Maggie called out in pleasure.  Again, it felt wonderful.  She loved those sensations, and she even looked forward to do it again.  She also enjoyed the feeling of lucidity return so that she could better face life again.
As Josi sat on a towel draining, Maggie said, “I really should talk to Nichelle about that cleanup spell.”

Maggie: How do you cast that clean-up spell?
Nichelle: I’ll send you the file, but it’s pretty easy to do.  You just have to use a few simple runes, a chant, and some of the mess.
Nichelle: [Attachment=cleanup.pdf]
Maggie: Thanks.
Nichelle: I thought your new sleeve could contain the mess.
Maggie: I found a partner.
Nichelle: That’s wonderful!  Who?
Maggie: It’s the first person I infected.  So far, she’s been really enthusiastic, and it helps so much.
Nichelle: I’m glad.  I’ve just about finished the spell to remove contagiousness, by the way.  I think that my method might be able to fix a lot of things.
Maggie: Cool.
Nichelle: I should have it ready tomorrow.  Anna is pretty much finished with her part.
Maggie: Wow, that’s fast!
Nichelle: Well, magic isn’t so hard once you figure out the fundamentals.  Anyway, you should come over tomorrow night.  We can try it out on you and whoever else needs help.
Maggie: I will do that.

“It’s good to see you, Nichelle,” Maggie said as she entered the apartment.
“You, too.  And, hi Beth!  I see you brought your friend,” Nichelle said.  Josi stood awkwardly, wearing only a miniskirt and a tank top.  She was bewildered by Nichelle’s unusual form.
“Oh, sorry, this is Josi, my lover.  Josi, this is Nichelle.”
“Hi, thank you for having us.”  Josi put her best foot forward.
“Oh, I love trying magic, though tonight will be pretty tense.  I want you all to feel comfortable, and if you want to back out, it’s okay.  By the way, this is Anna.”  They discussed how the spell would work.  It was a complex process involving several focus objects, a lot of runes, and two potions.  “Now, we can’t control exactly what will happen with the transformative magic.  I put out a lot of runes to redirect it, because it looks like it will be a lot of energy, but it can’t leave the circle.  If it does, we’re all in trouble.  The long and short of it is that you will transform, but I don’t know how.”
Maggie said, “I just want to be done with it.  I don’t like feeling like a total pariah.”  She started to disrobe.
“Why are you getting naked?” Josi asked.
“Well, magic works better that way.”  She then lay down in the magic circle.  Anna produced a Be Your Sexiest!® dildo and a couple of vials of swirling liquid.  Nichelle collected the various names that Maggie had given her, along with representatives for sympathy and contagion.
“Okay, Maggie, I’m going to start casting the spell, and Anna will give you the potions when it’s time.  She will also insert the dildo into your pussy, since it’s part of the spell.  Once Anna gives you the signal, you must use to dildo to orgasm, and at that point, the magic will fire.”
“And, it’s got to be a deep pussy orgasm, so keep your hands off the she-cock.”  Nichelle smirked at that.
“Sure,” was all that Maggie could manage.  Soon, Nichelle was chanting out lines and pointing a wand at different runes.
Then, Anna said, “Drink.”  Maggie did what she was told, and an effervescent coolness flowed through her body.  More chanting followed, and Maggie could swear that she saw motes of light dancing around the circle.  Then, she felt Anna gently fill her snatch with the dildo.  Maggie hadn’t really penetrated herself much lately during the masturbation sessions, and the feeling was almost novel.  It was satisfying, really, like a stiff joint finally popping during a stretch.  “Drink,” Anna said again, and Maggie drank what tasted like bad cinnamon liqueur.
Nichelle uttered a few more mystical phrases, and then Anna said, “Fuck yourself.”  Maggie appreciated that it wasn’t an insult and smiled.  She reached down and began slipping the delightful toy in and out of her wet pussy.  Her macroclitoris felt lonesome, but Maggie knew better than to go against Nichelle’s instruction.  Quickly, she found a spot, not far from where her G-spot had been and started scratching that itch.  She pounded away, feeling her cum slowly ooze from her clit onto her belly.  That sensation seemed hot and sexy, so she harnessed that image to hammer the dildo home.  She also imagined the morning sex with Josi and how she fondled her cute breasts, feeling the soft and feminine flesh shift beneath her fingers.  She found the groove, and she had a great internal orgasm, as she ejaculated from her macroclitoris in sympathy. 
That orgasm also gathered the effervescent feeling from the potions into her belly, and she opened her eyes to stare through her cleavage at a gathering pink light.  She pulled the dildo out of herself and watched as it raised above her, Nichelle’s wand guiding it toward a rune.  Then, it hit that rune and spread through the circle to illuminate all of the arcane symbols there.  Tiny pink sparks rose from the circle, and then there was a noisy popping sound as the light gathered back into Maggie.
She felt a sudden sensation of change and sat up.  She looked down to see her breasts pulsating.  With each heavy heartbeat, they grew slightly and shrank back, but the shrinking was less than the growth.  They felt pleasantly warm, like her hands over a radiator after she came in from a snowball fight.  She cupped them and realized that her nipples were getting bigger, too.  They were sensitive under her pinching fingers.  She still felt unsatisfied, of course, since only sex with another person could ever quench her desires, but she was cognizant enough to start to worry.  After all, her bosom was starting to feel like it could be unmanageable.  The contradiction between the erogenous tingling and the worry about all of the potential inconveniences bothered Maggie, but she resigned herself to the inevitable.
Finally, after several minutes of gradual expansion, they seemed to stop.  They were very large breasts indeed, though Maggie had seen some that were bigger.  Each was topped with a large nipple surrounded by an areola that spanned four fingers.  The nipples and the areolae were deep ebony with hints of red.
She started to get up, but Anna said, “No, don’t.  Your transformation is not yet complete.”
“Oh?” Maggie said.  She considered that this transformation was pretty light compared to what she anticipated.  She felt the now familiar warmth manifest just below her grand bosom.  “Crap, I think I’m going to have four boobs.”  Before this point, she knew she could at least be passable as a non-transformed person.
“Sorry, dear,” Nichelle said.  Everyone in the room looked worried for their friend, Nichelle included.  “Listen, I know you wouldn’t have chosen this, but most transformed people don’t choose it.  You can stay strong, okay?”
“Yeah, strong.”  Maggie could feel the new nipples developing under her fingers, that same warm feeling comforting her some. 
Others gave her some words of encouragement, too.  “Don’t worry, Maggie, it just means I get more to play with,” Josi tried.
Maggie smiled, as the two new mammaries finished filling out.  “Not yet,” Anna said.
“Shit!  What do you mean, not yet?”
“Well, I can still see a faint glow around the circle, so it’s not yet over.”  Just then, beneath her new set of tits, another pair of warm spots developed.
“Oh, shit.  Six?  Really?  These things are big enough as it is!”
“Hey, at least you can titfuck yourself,” Beth offered.
“Gee, thanks.”  Another couple minutes passed in relative silence, and Maggie’s second pair of brand new boobs finished sprouting.  “Now?” she asked, defeated.
“Uh, no, surprisingly,” Anna said.  A wave of warmth ran down Maggie’s back, as Maggie felt her lats and rhomboids tense and harden.  That process only took a few seconds, and Anna said, “Done.”
Maggie stood up, her great breasts wobbling.  “What the hell was that last part?”
“Not sure.  What did you feel?” Anna asked.
“Something in my back.”  Anna felt around her back.
“Oh, your back muscles adjusted to help you heave those suckers.”
“At least, there’s that,” Maggie said.  I wanna sit on the couch.
“Cleanup spell first, dearie!” Nichelle called as she conducted the incantation.  Once clean, Maggie relaxed on the sofa, and something about the way her new tits flopped felt really satisfying.  “Okay, Josi, if you don’t want to spread it back to Maggie, you’re next,” Nichelle continued.
Josi swallowed.  “Well, I wasn’t quite done being comfortable with my new body anyway.  It’s better to get it over with before I finally do.”
Nichelle smiled and gathered the needed information for naming magic, sympathetic magic, and contagion while everyone else chatted, trying to cheer up Maggie.  Finally, Nichelle announced, “Okay, we’ve got enough potion to finish Josi.  Plus, this spell is really tiring.  I know I can handle a second casting, but no more after that tonight.”
Josi got into the circle as the spell began.  She took the potion and let the dildo slide into her.  She took her second elixir and then followed the instructions from Anna.  Being her first time ever doing anything sexual in public, though, Josi was too overwhelmed to do it.  “I can’t…  I can’t…” she moaned as she tried to fuck herself with the dildo.
Maggie got off the couch and knelt next to the circle, somehow finding her breasts’ rocking motion fun.  “Do it for me, Josi!”
Josi nodded.  “Mmm-hmm.”  Her look suggested that she could use more encouragement.
“Get off for me, baby.  We don’t know each other very well, really, but you’re fun and hot.  You like getting your pussy pounded for me, don’t you?”
Josi whimpered and moaned an affirmative.
“Well, you need to fuck that slavering cunt of yours, now!  You want me to fuck it later?”
“Yes!” Josi screeched.  She found a good angle.  The sounds of wetness and suction were almost as loud as Nichelle’s chant.
“Look at you, you little slut!  Look at how you take it!”
“Oh, yes!” Josi cried.  This time, her eyes opened wide, and that pink illumination started to well up over her groin.
“Now, cum!”
“Shit, yes!”  Josi exploded in orgasm, her body rolling around the circle.  She then pulled the magical dildo out, causing a pop with the suction.  Again, the magic fanned out into the arcane writing in the circle and then transferred back into Josi.
“The spell is working!” Anna called.
“Okay, what now?” Josi mumbled, as she was now ready to face her fear.  She sat up.  “Okay, my legs…”  Her skinny leg muscles gradually gained an athletic tone and lengthened.  She extended one, showing off like a bomber pinup.  “Okay, ass…”  She got on her knees and looked back as her previously flat butt filled out into a strong bubble butt.  “Mmm…  belly.”  She wasn’t exactly fat or even overweight before, but her waist tapered inward and developed an enviable feminine six-pack.  “Uh, boobs…”  Like Maggie’s breasts, Josi’s grew, filling out in her hands.  They did not reach half the size of Maggie’s, but they would be considered big by non-transformed people’s standards.  The nipples grew, too, poking out in thimble-sized points.  “Back…” she said.  All the muscles of her back gained a new, handsome definition within half a minute.  “Uh, arms…”  They gained the look of a woman who regularly hit the gym.  “This isn’t bad at all!” She said excitedly.
“It ain’t over, sweetheart,” Anna said.
“Oh, right.  Uh, face.”  While she wasn’t unattractive before, her skin cleared up, and her face rearranged itself slightly to take on the look of an American model of Korean descent.  (Her eye folds remained intact.)  She couldn’t know what she looked like, but if the trend held, she knew she was probably stunning.  “Uh, head, like on the inside…  What?  Why?”
“Uh, mental transformations are possible here, I’m afraid,” Nichelle said.  “You’re getting a new fetish or compulsion, I think.”
“Oh, no…”
“What is it?” Maggie asked worriedly.
“I don’t know.”
“It’s over,” Anna announced.  She looked to the almost frantic Josi.  “What is it?”
“What’s what?” she responded.
“Your new fetish.”
“Um, how would I know?”
Nichelle spoke up.  “You probably don’t yet.  You’ll figure it out, and you shouldn’t fight it.  It doesn’t have to define you, but if you try to reject it, the magic will make it come back to you twice as strong.”
“It’s okay,” Maggie said.  “I want to satisfy you however I can.”
“Really?” Josi said.
“Really.  And I promise, no matter what it is, I will help you achieve it.  Plus, it might be fun, right?  Unless it’s clowns.  It’s not clowns, is it?”
Josi thought for a moment.  “No, clowns don’t really do anything for me.”
“Good, because I’m terrified of clowns.”


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Getting better, and i'm still enjoying the story.  Nicely done.


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

:-D Love it!


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

Its been a while since we heard from you. I am dying to know what happens next. Is a new chapter coming soon?


Re: Randomking - The Ballad of Maggie Part 1

When work slows down again, sadly.  I have not forgotten.