1 (edited by Checkmate 2016-06-08 15:10)

Topic: Attached

A commission for Nikita

"Miss. Winrow, would you please tell the court about your day on August the 24th?"
"Yes. I woke up, and went to work at the plant. I relieved May from her post in the condensers observation control room. After a few hours there was a temperature spike, I diverted the spike into the venting tower and made a note of it in both the computer log and journal."
"You mean this journal?" The prosecutor held up a plastic bag with the charred remains of a thick book spine.
"Yes, what's left of it anyways. After the spike everything was green. Then the heat gauges spiked again, somehow all the feeding pipes were flooded, which led to the explosion."
"The explosion that took the life of one family’s main providers and cost the company over three billion dollars in equipment and resources. Not to mention the four hundred jobs the production plant provided to this fine community."
"... Yes..."
"Now is there anyway that this tragedy could have been avoided?"
"Yes, I did everything I could think of, all the failsafes were ineffective."
"How is that possible?"
"I don't know?"
"I think you do Miss. Winrow. Who would you say is the most qualified to operate this position within the control room?"
"I would say myself, I've been in the position longer than the other supervisors"
"So you would say you know how the factory systems function on an almost personal level?"
The defense attorney stood from his seat, speaking with a booming voice, "Your honor! I would like to ask the prosecutor to make her point or finish stalling so we may continue the case!"
The judge gave them both a stern look. "All I need is an answer to my last question and I'll be done with Miss. Winrow."
All eyes fell on Chelsea as the court waited for her reply in an uneasy silence.
"Yes, I'm very familiar with the plant and its operation from within the control room."
"So you could easily have caused the overload that led to the destruction of the plant from within the control room?"
The judge waved for him to calm down. "Miss. Winrow, you don't have to answer any more questions."
"Oh but I think she should" the prosecutor interrupted, drumming up her tone. "Miss Winrow has connections to a known bio-terrorist organization! She has the skills necessary to commit such an act. Most of all she has motive! This case will show that Miss. Winrow is nothing more then threat to society!"

The case dragged on for weeks, also dragging Chelsea's name with it. Her alleged "connections" were coincidences at best. In college she'd participated in numerous environmental protests, by chance other protesters years after the fact had became more radical in their efforts. The prosecutor used this to say that she was rubbing elbows with the crazies her whole life!

It was true that she had the skills to sabotage the plant, but what nobody bothered to look at was the plant's destruction itself. The plant couldn't have been destroyed so easily, by one person. The only explanation was that it was faulty construction and unsafe to use. Chelsea had wanted to be a whistleblower but could never get her hands on the evidence necessary to prove it.

The motive however, was believable. Two months ago, Chelsea's aunt had passed away from illness. A sickness that she'd been medicated for, only the medicine proved to not only be ineffective, but also be life threatening by other means. The drug company responsible for the production of the medicine was a subdivision of Prime corp. the same company she was previously employed with. Chelsea would never do such a thing in the name of revenge, she wasn't capable of it.

By the time the case drew to a close Chelsea almost believed that she had done it. She sat in the pew next to the judge as the jury rejoined the court, ready to give their verdict. One man stood up to speak on their behalf. "We the jury find the defendant innocent of the accused crime." Chelsea sighed in relief.
"However!" The speaker picked up again. "We make this decision only because the evidence is largely circumstantial. We believe that the coincidences are too many to ignore. Unfortunately double jeopardy prevents us from charging Miss. Window with the same crime at a later date. In conclusion we the jury feel that her current condition is a suitable punishment for her crime, that is all." the speaker took his seat, a few claps rang out across the court hall in approval. The judge banged her gable. Lawyers shook hands and cameras took photos. Soon the hall emptied out as Chelsea remained seated in her pew, the gravity of her situation setting in, a bittersweet victory.

"Come on Chelz, let's get you home." Her boyfriend David said sweetly, trying his best to comfort her. He griped the handles of the wheelchair and carefully glided her limbless body out of the courtroom.

[center] --- --- --- [/center]

Chelsea laid in her bed watching tv, blanket covering her body and wishing she could throw it off herself, her room was always too stuffy in the morning. "David!" She cried, left with no choice but to ask for his aid. He poked his head into the doorway with a "what's up" look on his face. "Could you take off the blanket? It's getting hot in here." He gave a small smile and peeled the sheet back, just to cover her waist, the white sheet contrasted against her chocolatey brown skin. Ever since the accident and losing her legs as well as her arms she hated exposing her stubs. David knew this and always kept her waist covered, little could be done with her arms however. He opened a window just a crack and made for the door. "Wait! Could you stay and keep me company? The laundry can wait, can't it?" she asked pleading. "Yeah, of course!" He said with a big toothy smile.

He pulled a chair alongside the bed and placed his arm behind her head, she shimmied as best she could onto his bicep, it was the closest she could do to snuggling with him. He took his free hand and started surfing the channels, being careful to skip over the news stations.

Ever since the court hearing Chelsea had been the hot topic of the media. Alleged theories and speculations as to how she'd done it. That she'd planned to die in the explosion but was instead maimed. It became clear that Prime corp was making her a scapegoat to divert attention from the factory's faulty engineering. It worked.

"Oh! Here we go!" David announced settling on a channel.

[center] --- --- --- [/center]

The show portrayed a gold velvet backdrop stage, the host wore a purple suit and was mostly bald.

"Hello again folks to Charity Change! The transformation program that aids the sick and unfortunate. I'm your host Jack Brien and today we have two participants Tomas age twenty and Trisha age thirty." The two were ushered onstage. Tomas sitting in a wheelchair, Trisha was led by a stage hand. She held a white cane with a red tip and had bandages wrapped around her eyes.

"I'm sure you're both eager to get on with today's charity transformations so i'll let you two fight amongst each other to see who goes first. In the meantime, I'll bring our new viewers up to speed" the camera zoomed onto the host. "Here at charity change we take donations from alchemists and other charity organizations in the form alchemical potions, salves, and elixirs. From these donations we pick out the ones that will aid our guests with whatever ails them. Only catch, they don't know what what else they'll get, only that it will cure them of their disability."

The camera pans out to show Tomas on stage in his wheelchair. "I see Tomas won the little game of rock, paper, scissors. I hope you didn't take advantage of Trisha's condition." the audience chuckled along with the host. "Ok Tomas, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, hmm?"
"Sure, I'm twenty years old, I work in my family's flower shop, in fact I'm the third generation of florists in my family."
"I see, I see, and your condition if I may be so blunt?"
"I've been paralyzed from the waist down for most of my adult life, I fell off a cliff ledge on a camping trip when I was young, been stuck in a chair ever since."
"Well Tomas I think we can fix that for you if you like!" He reached into his suit pocket and handed it to Tomas, who quickly gulped it down. "It's a good thing that was meant to be drank, otherwise it may not have worked so well, haha!" The audience chuckled along but settled down as something began to happen to Tomas.

With a light *thud-thud* Tomas looked around for the sound unaware that his shoes had fallen off his feet, then off his wheelchair and onto the stage. The legs of his pants began to deflate as his legs withered and withdrew into his body. He grasped the hollow pants and tossed them aside. Where his thighs would have been instead sat his toes. Also in view sat his genitals, only they too were shrinking. "Hey what gives! I need that!" Tomas shouted. "Not by our records, remember you haven't felt anything below your waist since you were a child." Jack chuckled again and the audience followed, but were silenced when Tomas pushed himself off the chair and onto the stage.

His toes began to swell, becoming large and uniform and taking on a hard, crystallized hue. They then drew together coming to a tapered point as it extended off his body. The flesh pooled out of his waist into a smooth tube of flesh, it coiled around his chair and seemed to have no end. Small streaks of black rose to the surface of the skin making a intricate design of diamonds across its whole length. The growth stopped abruptly while Tomas lifted his body off the ground with his arms. He continued to rise much to his surprise higher then his arms would have allowed. His body lifted higher and higher until he was hovering ten feet off the stage. The audience applauded, hooting, cheering, and hollering for Tomas and his newfound mobility.

"This is fantastic!" Tomas shouted "how did you do this?" Jack reached into his coat and pulled out a cue card. "From our donations we found one that extends the spine into a serpent's tail. A rattlesnake to be exact. As with most serpent transformations the legs are extended and fused into the tail. However since your legs were paralyzed so too would have been your tail."
"Well what about my dick?" Tomas asked as he ran his hands over the smooth skin that had been his pelvis.
"I'm sorry Tomas but we only provide one charity per guest per show. I'm sure you can appeal for another chance though seeing how since your paralysis you've never experienced an orgasm." The audience was in an uproar of chuckles and pitiful sighs.

The camera panned back to Jack. "Don't go anywhere folks, Trisha's transformation is still to come, and I can tell you, it'll be a real eye opener! Now a word from our sponsors."

[center] --- --- --- [/center]

"How about that Chelsea, maybe we can get you on that show." David joked half heartedly. After the accident her insurance had been cut. Transformative surgery had been a part of her coverage but without it the only thing that they could afford had been a skin tonic to heal the scars, it still left them in crippling debt.

"Absolutely not! I will not be made some spectacle for people to point and laugh at! And that poor boy! They took his genitals, he's not even a man anymore!"
"But he got his independence back, and they said he'd get his manhood back later." David argued.

Chelsea did hate her lack of mobility and even more so her dependence on David and others just for simple things; reading a book, watching TV, she used to play the violin but now she couldn't even use the bathroom by herself anymore. It was degrading especially for travel, she had always been thin and rather small in stature but now without her limbs she weighed as much as a stuffed backpack. Being lifted from her bed to her chair made her feel like a child's stuffed animal, she could easily be tucked under someone's arm.

As degrading as it was Chelsea still had her pride. This wasn't the end of her life. She still had Dave, she still had her mind, she could still contribute something, but what?

"C'mon Chels, at least think about it." David pleased. "I said no! I'll not be some laughing stock on national television, not again!" Unable to cross her arms she pouted and turned her head away from him. "Not again!"

[center] --- --- --- [/center]

"Ladies, gentleman and everything in between welcome again to another exciting episode of Charity Change! I'm your host Jack Brien and today we have two special guests. Some of you may remember Tomas from a few weeks ago when we cured his paralysis." On queue Tomas slithered onto stage, coiling his tail underneath him to in a seating fashion, he waved to the cameras and rattled his tail before jack continued. "And Chelsea Winrow, some of you may remember her from the popular media scandal of the Prime corp facility explosion." David wheeled Chelsea onstage her body covered in a blanket in the chair and a black tank top.

"Now as always we'll let you two decide who gets to go first, but Tomas, I think you'll have to find some other way besides rock, paper, scissors." The audience chucked and Chelsea shrunk into her chair. She knew this would happen. She quickly spoke up "Tomas can go first, I'm still nervous about this." Jack had a surprised look on his face "ok, well Tomas if you'll join me we'll get started!"

David wheeled Chelsea off to the back stage. "I don't know David, I'm really nervous about this, being crippled is one thing but what can they do to improve this?" She wiggled her body as best she could. Back on stage something interesting must had been going on as the crowed ohhh'd and awww'd at what could only be grunts and moans from Tomas's transformation. "Chels, I know you're scared, but it'll be fine. This will be good for you. You can't spend all day in bed reading trying to figure out something to do with your life like this. It might seem drastic but these are desperate times." Dave reminded her.

For all the smarts she had, it'd done her no good. She tried teaching violin but found verbal instruction ineffective. Every skill she learned from her books was wasted without means to excute them. She'd tried writing stories with a voice enabled headset but it wasn't the same, it only made her miss the feel of her fingers working with her words. In short, she was out of options. "You're right David, you're right." She mustered her courage just as the audience applauded again, signaling the end of Tomas's time on stage.

"...and now a word from our sponsors." Chelsea heard Jack announce to the cameras. A stage hand by the curtains waved for Chelsea to come forward. David placed his hand on her shoulder and looked down at her "whatever happens, I'll be here." He whispered. She could almost cry, but knowing she would be on live TV, she maintained her composure.

She nodded and Dave began to wheel her out on stage. As they did Tomas slithered past them gravely changed. Before he wore a nice dress shirt and tie, now he was completely nude. Hanging from his chest were four breasts in two rows, only they looked off. There was no nipple, and the skin was loose and wrinkled. His arms were even more changed. It was simple but extreme. Connected to his shoulders instead of arms were two boa constrictors each stretching at least five feet long. They moved with a mind of their own but seemed to sway with his stride. One of the boas lifted its head at Chelsea as he passed flickering its tongue at her. Only then she saw just what it was, a thick pointed snake cock, it jutted out past its lip and right back in.

Tomas had rattled her, aside from his head nothing was left of his original body. Was she gonna be so drastically changed? It was now or never.

"Welcome back from our break to Charity Change! We just saw Tomas become a man again, twice over at that!" The crowd chuckled and snickered. "And now we have a very special transformation today, in fact we will not be breaking for commercial the rest of the show." Jack strolled over to Chelsea as David was about to leave the stage. "Hold up there son, why don't you stay, I'm sure it'll help Chelsea along." He nodded and stayed behind her as Jack continued. "Here at Charity Change our potions are donated anonymously, but when Chelsea booked a position we received a custom donation intended just for her." A few audience members gasped in surprise. It was news to Chelsea as well. Jack saw the surprise on her face before he began again. "That's right Chelsea, it seems someone is on your side. Unfortunately they asked to remain anonymous."
Jack reached into his jacket again pulling out a vial of crimson red fluid so thick it looked like paint. He handed the vial to David, "would you do the honors?"

Before he took the vial he reached down and removed Chelsea's tank top and blanket. She became flush with embarrassment as David reached behind her and unclasped her bra leaving her nude aside from her panties. He took the vial and held it to her lips tilting it slowly as she raised her head. It was as thick as syrup and so sweet that it was almost sickening.

A cold rush chased the fluid down her throat, settling in her stomach and radiating throughout her body like an icy fire. The sensation soon covered her body, causing it to shiver. "geez when did it get so co-co-cold in here." She chattered, sinking into her chair for some kind of warmth. She was too preoccupied by the growing chill to notice her hair receding into her scalp, leaving it completely bald. "I can't feel my face, it's so cold I'm going numb." Her facial features soon changed, becoming softer and softer, melting even, until her face was featureless. In an instant her head collapsed on itself into her body like a raindrop in a puddle.

Chelsea now sat in her chair nothing more than a torso and pelvis. Her chocolate brown body on full display in the wheelchair sitting motionless until it began to vibrate vigorously. The crowd couldn't see clearly but Jack and David had no problem watching as cavities began to form around her shoulders, head and legs. Drilling into her body as its core hollowed out leaving her empty. As her thighs pulled into herself her hips lost their definition, the small panties she still wore soon had no hips to hold them up. With her womanhood exposed to the audience they watched as one by one the folds sealed up into a smooth strap of flesh connected to her rear. The flesh of her shoulders, back, groin, and ass cheeks connecting around her empty body like a harness.

On her front, the flesh of her chest rippled like water. Between her breasts a small black bump appeared, the surrounding flesh darkening with it as it became a third nipple. It soon protruded as the flesh swelled behind it, becoming a third breast. At the same time beneath each of the three breasts identical swelling became breasts but devoid of any nipple. In fact the skin still looked unstable, pooling like water.

The left breast began to settle, the ripples becoming the soft folds of a vagina. The right smoothed out into a tight pucker of an anus. Finally the middle came to become a smooth lush female lips a small seam cut into the middle of the nipple on the breast above the mouth. The lips stayed close, as though it were asleep.

Inside the harness that had been Chelsea, from the groin a growth began to form, jutting upward into the cavity becoming phallic shaped until the finer details marked it as a large penis. A cone sprouted within the rear rising on a thin stem becoming a built-in butt plug.

"Well that's certainly something you don't see everyday!" Jack laughed. "We just need a female volunteer."
"Female volunteer?" David asked, completely lost to the situation.
"Yes, our instructions from the donator said that it would make her into a wearable sex toy harness with a few extra perks but first we need someone to wear her."

A few women's hands rose to the air but David spoke up to Jack. "What if I became a woman?" Jack's brow rose with curiosity when he put a hand to his earpiece and nodded a few times.

"Great news folks, we'll also be seeing David cross the ever so thin line between genders! David please undress while we get the proper donation out of storage."

David began to hesitantly strip on the stage, far more embarrassed then Chelsea had been. A stage hand darted onto stage to Jack handing him a pink vial and darting back off stage. David meanwhile held his hands over his privates, the audience chuckling at his stance.

"No need to be modest now David, it only gets weirder from here anyway! Now, I'm told this donation is a fertility enhancer, on a woman it would do the obvious, but on a man it should have just enough 'oomph' to change your gender! Now David, would you do us the pleasure?" Jack handed him the small vial and popped the cork. David took the vial in one hand, the other still shielding his privates and downed it in go.

Much to the crowd's disappointment the change was quick. His chest grew into a set of small but perky B cup breasts, his male body hair receded into his skin. The hand still shielding his crotch gave no view of his new sex and his wide male frame shrank drastically into a feminine waist and hips. Her new face was rather plain, still David's but more sleek and clearly female as her short hair flourished down her back perfectly straightened. The most entertaining part was watching David collapse to her hands and knees from how quickly the change had occurred, it felt like a truck had smacked into her, and now she peeled herself off the stage in her new body. David's face was flush with color and panting for breath.

Jack offered a hand to the newly female David who as she stood crossed her arm over her breasts and warm sex. "Now David, you’re not going to deny our audience their show, not to mention that you'll be covering up Chelsea. It's time to put modesty aside my new dear." David nodded, still too shy of her body to even speak. Slowly she dropped her hands to her thighs, gently rubbing her soft supple skin, sending shivers down her bare back.

The audience let out a roar of applause, handfuls of men and women alike stood up in a standing ovation. David had never felt attention like this before, his mind raced with a slur of emotion.

"I have to say David! Even I don't get that warm a welcome, haha" Jack intervened. He took David by the hand in a graceful manner and led her back to Chelsea "What do you think Chelsea will have to say about the new you?" He asked holding the mic to David’s mouth.
"I don't have the...oh!" David was surprised by her new voice, soft and smooth, very different from her old raspy one. "Umm, sorry. This is so strange for me. I don't know what she'll think, I just hope that she understands I did it for her. I've been caring for her so long now that I want to keep being a part of her life however I can."
The audience let out a collective "Awwwww"

Jack quieted them down before starting up again, "I'm sure she'll understand just fine David, why don't you wake her up and see what she thinks?"

David's hand reached for one of Chelsea's shoulder straps. The cold skin reminding her that Chelsea was somewhat of an object now, it was surreal to think of her as still living. The two straps pulled apart easily like a magnet and David held one in each hand. Just like a pair of pants she went one leg at a time gently pulling Chelsea up into position.

This was something David was nervous about, she'd only just became a she and was now lining up Chelsea's internal penis into her new folds. As she lifted it up she bit her lip, slowly penetrating herself for the first time, the cold skin wrapped in her warm walls. She gasped inch by inch until she was fully inserted. Next came the butt plug, it pressed into her cheeks finding its mark as David cringed. She pulled as best she could but it's growing shape only made it harder to do so. Fed up with the process she reached around to grip the ass cheeks of the harness and shoved it home, she let out a cry as her bottom was firmly fastened. The rest was easy inserting her arms into the shoulders and closing the magnet like straps around herself.

Instantly she felt a warmth wash over her as Chelsea's garnish fused around her body the contrasting black skin tone over the white clearly defined. Then the mouth of her breast and eye shot open taking a gasp of air for the first time since her change, David cried out in pleasure gripping one of Chelsea's breasts in each hand.
Chelsea in turn moaned out in joy as her breasts were tightly squeezed by David.

After a while the two gathered their senses and stood on stage, still hot with pleasure and blush strewn across David's cheeks and slightly so on Chelsea's mouth breast. Jack came back to their side slowly clapping as the audience soon joined in. "Well ladies, how do you feel?" He held the mic to Chelsea's breast for her to speak.
"How do I feel? I don't even know what I look like! I passed out after I drank that stuff."

Jack waved off stage and soon a large mirror was rolled out for her. First she saw her eye and mouth, the only familiar parts of her old body besides the two trios of breasts. Then she took in the full image, attached to a woman she didn't know. "What am I? Who are you!?" She exclaimed.
Jack intervened to speed things along. "If I may shed some light, your transformation turned you into a wearable sex toy harness, to which David volunteered to try you on, however you were made for females so David here, took the plunge and became a woman."
"David! Is that really you?" Chelsea asked completely surprised. "Sure is Chels, I have to admit you feel amazing! I can't believe I, this is how it feels to be a woman, it's crazy!"
"Is, is that you? It's so hot and tight it's, it's, I can't describe it!"

"Oh I almost forgot about her new abilities!" Intervened Jack, pulling a cue card from his pocket. "Now that Chelsea has been permanently attached..."
"What! PERMANENTLY!" Both Chelsea and David shouted together. David ran his hands over the straps only to see they had smoothed onto her own flesh.
"Yes? Oh! Did I forget to mention that? I'm very sorry my dears, I'm just useless without these cards you see, haha. It's a good thing David became a woman otherwise you'd have been at the mercy of a stranger!" He said waving the cards about.

The fusion was unexpected but not unwelcome, David had no intention of taking Chelsea off in the first place.

Jack continued to read from his card, "Your breasts both the anus and vagina are not functional, but only stimulate pleasure. This next part is a little gross but is need to know. Chelsea now survives off of your waist as she now takes up your 'exits' now don't ask me how it works but there it is. Chelsea won't even know about it, just does it like a catheter or maybe more like a liver?" he shrugged his shoulders to the audience. "Now the most interesting part of your new shared body." He signaled again and a stage hand came out carrying a violin holding it out for David as he took it in his hand.

"I don't understand, I don't know how to use a violin?" David said holding the delicate instrument.
"You don't, no. But Chelsea does. David try relaxing your arms and Chelsea I want you to focus on how you used to play." Skeptical David and Chelsea closed their three eyes and focused. The violin in David's hands flung up under her chin as the bow reached up onto the strings. With one stroke the notes began to play. Singing off the stage and over the audience like a concert performance. Once the song ended David took an involuntary bow to the audience as they clapped for the beautiful song.

"You see David, when you let her, Chelsea can take control of your body, but of course only when you let her!" In a bizarre manner the show had done what it said it would, she could live a normal life, with someone who loved her dearly. And with her aid could use her body to contribute.

"Also..." Jack continued "Chelsea's new body can extend its inner penis and plug however and whenever she chooses. I should also mention that your equipment is fully functional Chelsea." David suddenly leaned forward her mouth gasping silently, she straightened up only to launch forward again with a drawn out moan of ecstasy. "Stop that!" She exclaimed. "Stop what?" Chelsea asks slyly, before she could answer David was rocked further letting out a joyful cry. "THAT!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two but what's happening?" Jack asked.
David gave an embarrassed smile. "Chelsea is I guess 'growing' inside of meEEEEEE!!!" She screamed out dropping the violin to the floor and bracing herself on the wheelchair. Her body jerked again followed by another wail of ecstasy falling to her knees as the chair rolled out of her grasp. David's face was once again flush with color.

She traced her hands over her breasts tantalizingly slow. "Two can play at this game my dear." She whispered seductively as she dipped two fingers into Chelsea's pussy breast, they both let out a joyful moan together, much to their surprise. To follow up David slipped another finger into the tight pucker of her anus breast, producing another moan. The two were in full swing crying out and whispering sweet words to each other in front of a live studio audience. It was hard to think this was David who shielded herself in both genders so squeamishly just minutes ago.

David remained on her knees thrusting her hips at the motion of Chelsea's pounding cock within her, her face reached a blushing cringe as she screamed at the top of her lungs in orgasm with Chelsea, her eye rolled within its breast as she bit her lower lip as she came into her lover for the first time. They rocked against each other continuing their shared moan.

Suddenly David's hands flew to her stomach as it rapidly started to swell. Her or rather Chelsea's belly button popping out as it reached basketball size and further still as stretch marks appeared around the growing orb. Her two ordinary breasts grew as well swelling two cup sizes easily. The nipples stiffened and with a small spray began to drip milk down her breasts. Soon the remaining breasts swelled in size becoming soft, smooth, perky DDs. her breast pussy and anus glistened with white fluid as they to produced milk. When the moaning stopped Chelsea and David shared a pregnant stomach the size of a beach ball!

"Oh dear!" Jack commented, "it seems that fertility elixir had a lot more 'OOMPH' than we anticipated!"
"Ohhh, something's happening" yelled Chelsea. Looking at her belly button the flesh rippled as it did before. The belly button took on a moist pink color as small pink folds flowered around it becoming a full bloomed pussy and clit. David and Chelsea panted for air coming down from the high of their love making.

David struggled to stand with the new weight of her pregnancy and her six milk filled breasts as she cradled her child in her arms. "My my David? Changing genders, your first time, and now you seem to be pregnant with twins in your 3rd trimester, it's quite the day you're having, haha" announced Jack
"You're telling us! But why did we grow a pussy on our stomach?"
"Truthfully I have no idea, but if i had to guess it's a side effect from Chelsea's fusion and your fertility potion? Oh one sec!" He placed a hand to his ear piece, nodding to the other end.

"Ok, our technicians tell me that fertility potion helps to insure a safe and healthy birth. So because Chelsea's pussy breast is non-functional and David's is inaccessible the potion took it upon itself to insure a safe birth." Jack informed the audience

"This is unbelievable!" Said David, "I don't even know what to do with myself."
"And unfortunately we've exhausted our time slot even with its extension. We hope all of you at home enjoyed our special show today, and I'll see you next time on Charity Change!"

[center] --- --- --- [/center]

"Welcome back to this follow-up edition of Charity Change. We just spoke with Tomas before the break and it seems those new arms of his are causing a lot of trouble for him at the family business." Jack chuckled sitting comfortably in a leather chair. "A lot of you will remember David and Chelsea from our special episode 3 months ago. Let's give them a warm welcome, but not too loud."

David and Chelsea walked out onto stage wearing jeans and a stylish unbutton shirt leaving Chelsea in clear view above her massively pregnant stomach and birthing vagina. They pushed a baby carriage built for twins, wheeling it next to their provided chair and sat down.
"Welcome back you two, and congratulations are in order for your healthy babies and the next two on the way." Jack commented offering a handshake.
"Thank you Jack and that's only half correct." Said David as he began to rub her pregnant stomach. Chelsea then picked up where she left off. "You see our beautiful baby girls are indeed healthy but appearances aside we're not pregnant again." David picked up from there. "These two keep us busy enough as it is, but we loved the feeling of being pregnant so we saved up some money and had a fake pregnancy transformation done."
"Awww I see, I see. Indeed a woman's figure is most beautiful when bearing a child. Now here's what we all want to know, how has our charity changed your lives?"

"Well." David began "our love live is amazing for one. As to be expected from fusing with a living sex-harness. What's really out of hand is when Chelsea starts to grow inside me whenever she wants, usually in public or at work, or even now for instance!"
"What!? Really, you're having sex right now!?"
"Yep, couldn't even tell could you?" Asked Chelsea with a sly grin.
"I've gotten really good at hiding it haven't I!" Said David with a wink.
"I'll say!" Jack agreed, "last time I saw you, you were afraid of being nude. Now you're just blatantly having sex whenever you want! And how about you Chelsea?"
"Much the same Jack, I'm allowed to live my life and contribute. I've been teaching violin again and being a mother is very rewarding. I never thought about having children but now I can't think of a life without them."
"Any other benefits?" He said with a wink
"Well, the body link works when David is asleep so sometimes when she sleeps in I like to play with myself to wake her up, it's a great way to start the day."
"Indeed, nothing lifts the spirits like surprise morning sex, hahaha!" Jack cheered clapping his heads. "Oh David and Chelsea it's so good talking with you again but it will have to wait just a moment while we hear a word from our sponsors!"

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Re: Attached

Thank you. The story is marvelous.

3 (edited by KSG 2024-04-16 04:56)

Re: Attached

Checkmate requested a couple morphs from me to go along with this story:

Pre-pregnancy Chelsea+David:

Pregnant Chelsea+David:

Nice job with the story Checkmate!


Re: Attached

That is fantastic! Well done Checkmate and KSG.


Re: Attached

Aaaand they are great! Thanks for the morphs!


Re: Attached

Great story, but I wanted to see that jerk prosecuter get his comeuppance. Why don't you write about that in the future?