Topic: Serpent Mother - by compound37

Source: http://compound37.deviantart.com/art/Se … -609107894


Serpent Mother
by compound37

It was a perfect summer day when Sophia and Isabella went to the lake to swim.  The water was a crystal clear hue fed down from the Andes mountains, hwere the two girls had been spending the summer on a work trip for their humanities and ancient studies classes.  It had been the opportunity of a lifetime for each of them: to get to spend a work semester up close and personal with the ancient Inca ruins and the long-lost treasure of knowledge within.  This was something their textbooks couldn’t ever teach them, and both were loving every minute of their trip through the rain forests of Bolivia.

Well, on the whole, anyway.  Day by day it was hard work, with lots of packing heavy cameras and gear up and down steep trails in the mud and the rain.  It was hard work, to be sure, which was why the crystal clear lake seemed like the perfect summer day, despite the cloudy weather and light drizzle, at least to Sophia and Isabella.  They had been looking forward to finding this spot for weeks, their supervisor, Enrique, had mentioned a pool on a ridge near the base of the mountains, where the water wasn’t muddy or stagnant, but had a constant feed of runoff that gave the water it’s jewel like purity.  Apparently, it was a spot of minor worship for the Inca, some kind of body purity thing.  And body purification was just what Sophia and Isabella were after.

Sophia was the first to reach the ledge, sweaty and muddy from her climb.  She had packed the water and snacks up, while Isabella brought up the beer.  They had even managed to find a couple cheap inflatable inner tubes from the local village, and brought those up as well.  Collapsing on the grassy shore of the lake, Sophia cracked open a water and poured it down her mouth, lazily letting it flow over her face to cool her down.

Isabella came up to the ridge right behind her friend to see her soaking herself with their drinking water.

“Are you serious Sophie?  You’re pouring our drinking water on yourself when you’re literally 3 feet from the pool.”

Sophie continued to lay on her back, eyes closed.  “I’m cooling off, Izzie.  This pool’s supposed to be frigid, like, ice cold.  I’m preparing myself for the polar bear plunge here.”

Izzie shook her head, and pulled off her sweaty T-shirt, revealing the toned body wrapped in a bikini beneath.  All of the hiking had done wonders for both of their bodies over the last couple months, and Izzie had become accustomed to showing it off when she could.  The bikini top she wore under her shirt was as natural to her as anything at this point.  After stripping down out of her hiking pants and chucking off her boots, she decided that she’d take a more direct approach than Sophie.

Striding forward with confidence, Izzie sucked in her breath and ran the last few steps into the ice cold water and dove in.  The water was so cold her chest clenched and she felt the air sucked out of her.  Her fingers and toes almost instantly numb.  Scrambling back to shore, she flopped down next to Sophia and tried to warm herself up.  Sophie was still lying down with her eyes closed: “Told you it’s the polar bear plunge.”

“You weren’t kidding, it’s freezing in there!”  Izzie said.  She got up and walked over to her bag, pulling out the inner tubes and the bike pump, trying to use the pump as a means to get blood flowing in her again.  After a few minutes of pumping, both of the tubes were full, and Izzie had cracked open her first beer.  She lazily tossed a tube at Sophia, landing it right on her stomach.

“Come on, there’s only so much mental preparation you can do before it becomes napping.  You can do that in the water before the mud crusts on.  You’ve gotta be sticky.”

Sophie cracked open her eyes and stood up, disrobing to reveal the sleek one piece swimsuit that was a remnant of her days on the swim team.  It wasn’t as revealing as the bikini, but the sheer black lycra did little to hide the figure within.  Compared to Izzie, Sophie had longer, blonde hair, compared to Izzie’s nut brown.  Sophie was also shorter, but had a more physical build with a spectacular ass that the speedo could not even hope to cover in its entirety.  By comparison, Izzie had a wiry build with smaller breasts and a deep tan.  She had family in Bolivia, and was hwo the two of them landed jobs here in the first place.

Sophie accepted the beer tossed at her and set the inner tube into the pool.  Trying not to get any more than her ankles wet, she gingerly sat in the floating rubber ring.  Gasping as the water just grazed her ass, her mental preparations were clearly not as good as she thought they were.  Izzie followed suit, but tossed the ring into the water like a life preserver, and ran after it.  Catching up in the shallow pool, she hopped onto it stomach down and sighed in relief of being out of the icy mountain runoff.

The two floated silently for what seemed like an age, letting the wear and tear of the last few weeks wash off of them.  Izzie had sunk herself into the middle of the inner tube, slowly acclimating herself into the water, letting it wash over her.  It was like an ice bath at the gym, back at home.  Once you were in it, you could feel the work it was doing on your muscles.  Eventually she had slipped out of the tube entirely, submerging herself in the shallow pool and letting it all out. 

After re-emerging, she noticed that Sophie was still high and dry, practically asleep again on her tube, body rigid like a board, trying to keep herself out of the water.  Izzie slowly walked across the pool, trying to make as little noise as possible, and when she approached Sophie’s tube, she silently dove under the water.  It seemed wrong in Izzie’s eyes: coming up here had been Sophie’s idea all along, and she was too chicken to even get in the water!  Something had to be done about this.  Right when Izzie was directly under Sophia’s tube, she grabbed onto the fabric covering Sophie’s sides, and pulled downward.  She was sucked down through the middle of the tube into the freezing water, and was stuck in the middle of the tube.  Gasping and struggling to get herself to the top of the tube, Sophie cursed herself at the realization that the only way she could do so was to suck it up and relax into the middle of the ring, completely sumberging herself.  After she resurfaced, her look of pure terror at the icy water clutching at her chest caused Izzie to laugh hysterically, especially since Sophie couldn’t get back onto the tube in the chest-deep water.  In a last attempt to get herself back onto dry land, she hoisted herself bodily onto one of the large rocks that studded the pool.  They were covered in long, grass-like moss, and once Sophie climbed up and stood, shivering, she let out a long deep sigh.

“What the hell was that for?!”  Sophie demanded, “I was just getting ready at my own time!”

“‘Your own time’ would have been measured in geologic ages, it’s best just to do it, like pulling off a band-aid.”  Izzie countered, standing in the pool. 

Sophie sat down on a small rock on the island.  “Maybe for you, but it’s kind of bitchy to-whoop!” She yelped as the rock slid suddenly on the slick mossy surface, sliding into the water and leaving Sophie to fall onto her ass on the island.  Izzie started laughing again at her friend’s misfortune, as Sophie rubbed her sore butt.  As Sophie rolled over, moaning about her hurt tailbone, she suddenly gasped again.  “Izzie…”

Izzie was still laughing too hard to care what Sophie was looking at.  “What?  You need me to kiss it better?”

“Uh, no.  I think I just found something not even Enrique knew about.  Come check this out!”

Izzie climbed up to Sophie, and looked down at the discovery.  At their feet was a hole partially covered in the overgrown moss.  At the moment, it looked only to be a couple inches wide, but Sophie’s fall had opened more of it.  The hole actually appeared to be a few feet wide, and was perfectly circular with smooth, carved walls.  As the girls pulled back more of the moss it became clear that the hole was the opening for a larger chamber underneath the pool itself.  Sophie got up and returned a few minutes later with her backpack over her head, trying to keep it out of the water.  Digging around in it, she produced a flashlight and a small digital camera, shining both into the hole.  It didn’t appear that deep, maybe only an eight foot drop or so.  And it looked largely untouched inside; if it were a virgin discovery, it would make them both famous.

Tying a small rope to the rock that betrayed Sophie for a seat, the two girls jumped down into the chamber.  The hole wasn’t in the middle of the room, the room was oblong, and the hole was off to one side.  Inside there was an intense chill, as if from the ages of water flowing over the chamber had turned the room into a fridge.  Hanging from the walls were a series of knotted strings layered over strange carvings in the rock wall. 

“Oh my God.”  Sophie said.  “I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this.  It’s so...preserved.  It must have been the cold water and that it’s relatively dry in here.”

Izzie flashed the light on the strings surrounding the walls.  “These are completely pristine Quipu.  These are flawless records that could date back a thousand years.  Sophie, wait till Enrique sees this!”

“I think he said he’s coming up anyway after work, oh man he’s in for a treat.  I wanna get some pictures while we’re still down here and before we have to put that rock back to seal it up.”  Sophie turned on the camera and started recording video of where Izzy was flashing the lght.  As the two girls explored the room, Izzy started comparing mental notes with the Quipu strings on the walls.  They were records, names of people and dates, stretching back centuries.  As she pushed the cords aside, she noted that the glyphs on the walls were depicting a story, or at least some kind of mural.  As she followed the designs she started piecing together some of the iconography she knew with what appeared in front of her.

“What is it?” Sophie asked.

“It looks like some kind of mythology or a folk tale.  Nothing I think anyone has ever seen before.  There’s the body purification stuff Enrique mentioned over here, where you see the pool and the people in it.  But there’s two figures on what looks like a big rock.  One is tall and sleek and the other is kind of...strange looking...lumpy.  I don’t get it, it doesn’t look like anything on record that I know of.  Hang on, there’s something up here.”

Izzie brushed the topmost Quipu strand aside, noting the writing on the wall.  It was the only typical Incan carving present, and from what she could decipher, it read something like:

“The Serpent Mother.  Something about how the Mother comes from the pool, maybe it’s a fertility thing?  And what’s this?  There’s some kind of ovally-divided shape.  Kind of like a stretched yin-yang.”  Izzie said, turning back to Sophie.

The two stood, marvelling at the room.  Izzie continued to shine her light around, until she stopped at the only thing in the room that wasn’t part of the walls.  In the center of the room there was a small dais, covered in more inscriptions, and on top of that, was an ovoid bowl.  The bowl had two partitions, which matched the design above the Serpent and Mother.

“It’s like they make it too easy for us.”  Sophie said as she approached it.  Inside the bowl glittered a calm surface of water, water that likely had been there for centuries.  It was perfectly still.  Izzie and Sophie stood on opposite sides of it, staring intently into the surface, unaware at how close their faces were approaching the water.  Sophie felt her eyes start to close, as if she were in a trance, until something splashed her in the face.  Snapping awake, she looked up at Izzie, who had flicked her fingers into the water and gotten a few drops on her face.  It was even colder than the water in the pool.

“Eww, gross, Izzie!  First cold-ass mountain water, now thousand year old stagnant Inca water?  You’re disgusting.  Not to mention ruining the site!” 

“Oh come on, you looked like you were ready to plunge your head in.  THAT would have ruined it.  This was just a few drops.  No harm done.  I bet it’s just condensation anyway.” 

“Still, you got a bit in my mouth, it didn’t even taste like water, it’s probably crawling with something disgusting.  Here, you take some!”  Sophie reached into the basin and flicked some water up into Izzie’s face which scrunched together.

“Aww, too cold?”  Sophie asked mockingly, “serves you right.”

“No actually, that was really...hot.  Do you feel that?”

In fact, Sophie did feel that.  Spreading from where her fingers dripped with the hot water from the basin, and the cold water on her face, she could feel the temperatures spreading over her and enveloping her.

“Oh man, This isn’t good.  This has to be some kind of crazy Amazon bacteria.”  Izzie said, looking over to Sophie.

Sophie didn’t respond, and looked rather flush.  She had dropped the camera and was panting heavily, her hand reaching up to her breasts and the other one had ventured downward to her crotch. 

“Sophie?  Are you okayyyaaahh.”  Izzie couldn’t get the words out before she gasped in sudden pleasure.  Her legs buckling with the sudden heat in her nether regions.  Her small breasts were almost on fire as well, as she felt a fullness in her chest, like she had just drank a cup of tea very quickly.  Her hands kneaded her chest, her erect nipples pressing against her fingers as she sank to the floor on her back, her legs pressed together.

“Whatever this is I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad.  Probably very bad.”  Sophie said through gritted teeth.  Her one piece swimsuit was feeling very constricting, especially around her chest.  Through deep breasts, she could see that her breasts were...expanding?  Oh god, they were growing!  The feeling of her chest filling up caused her already revealing swimsuit to be stretched even further, pulling upwards with her breasts.  The grinding against her slit brought a new wave of sensation to Sophie, and she knelt down next to Izzie.

Looking over at Izzie, Sophie noticed that her friend’s legs were getting longer, and her feet were getting more pointed.  Her thighs were still pressed tightly together, and she had one hand caressing her now exposed vagina and the other was in her bikini top massaging her breasts as well.  In a sudden lurch, Izzie’s breasts nearly tripled in size, her negligeable bee stings were now a perky large C cup, straining at the fabric of her ever-present bikini top.  Her nipples were now showing above the fabric, and Izzie moaned deeply at the feeling of her new breasts.

Izzie’s eyes opened after she rode through a sudden orgasm, and she saw Sophie kneeling across from her, eyes half-lidded and mouth agape.  Her hands were still folding her now DD cup breasts, but she was arcing her back every few moments.  The still shining flashslight on the ground cast a shadow on Sophie, and it seemed like her back was getting bigger.  Any attempt to get her attention was a loss, so Izzy pulled herself across the floor over her ever lengthening legs, which felt somewhat more solid, to Sophie’s back.  Her swimsuit was the kind that had an open back, and Izzie noticed two lumps forming on Sophie’s back.  They were rapidly swelling up, developing a dark patch at the tip of each.  Izzie recognized them for what they were.

“Sophie, you’ve got more breasts, on your back.”  Sophie turned around and looked at her friend, who was about eight feet long at this point.

“You’ve got a couple more on your chest too.”

Izzie’s eyes shot downward, and to her shock she was already halfway through growing her own second set.  She had subconsciously started groping her own new pair in earnest.  Sophie’s eyes resumed their trance.  “Lemme help you with that.”  Sophie said, as she bowed over and started grasping Izzie’s new pair.

The feeling sent Izzie into another orgasm.  It was incredible.  Her breasts were now more senstivie than any other part on her body, and she could already feel the swelling of a third pair on either side of her belly button.  Sophie’s tranced face strained a little, and Izzie could tell she was riding her own endless set of orgasms as well.

Sophie couldn’t get enough of what was happening to her, her mind was awash with the heat and the sensations of her new breasts, and the rythmic clenching of her vaginal walls, new muscles moving as if on their own.  Her entire body was awash with heat and change, but her hands had gone cold, she was starting to lose feeling in one of them.  Her swimsuit had gotten even tighter with the addition of her own extra set of breasts on her chest, pulling itself into a tight thong on her ass and nearly flossed her pussy.  She could feel them sway as she moved back and forth on all fours, caressing Izzie’s new rows of breasts.  Her legs had gone limp now, long formless tubes that were still being pressed together, clamping unbelievably tightly against her pussy.  Sophie’s cold hand had lost its feeling completely, and when she looked back up at it through half-lidded eyes, she noticed that her own left hand had lost all of its definition, her arm now just ended at a rubbery wrist.  She could feel the cold suddenly spread up through her arm, as it visibly started shrinking down to her shoulder.  Her left arm was growing chubbier as it shrank back to her, eventually terminating at her shoulder as an immense breast hanging where her arm should have been.  The formation of this new breast unleashed a powerful orgasm unlike the others, rocking her beyond existence and unconscious for a few moments, her crotch thouroughly staining her swimsuit.

Izzie looked up at Sophie as she bellowed out in sexual bliss as her arm turned into a breast, and saw that sophie was now kneeling upright as she convulsed in multiple orgasms that rocked her body and all eight of her breasts on the front of her torso.  Sophie fell over to her right side as her left leg also shortened and folded itself into a new breast on her hip.  Izzie looked down at her own body and the ten breasts that had set themselves up on her torso, running in decreasing size from her original pair to the tops of her thighs, where the largest breasts had grown on either side of her squeezed vulva.  The pressure in her upper legs was incredible, and as she rolled over onto her back, she felt them roll as one unit.  As her new breasts were growing down her body, her legs were fusing together like a giant snake!  This must have been the Serpent Mother that the glyphs referenced.  But, what would that make Sophie?  She wasn’t nearly the same as Izzie herself.  Where Izzie was going to have many boobs, Sophie looked like she was going to be *mostly* boobs.  Already there were new pairs on her back, and more on her sides had appeared.  They were all going to be the same EE cup size it looked like.  Sophie looked like a quadruple stack of boobs, all the way around.  Her right leg had gone through the same transformation as her left, leaving her right arm as the only limb available.  It was working overtime, reaching around the wall of breasts and trying to get around the taut lycra swimsuit that was holding almost all of Sophie’s multitude of breasts in.  She looked like a giant blackberry with boobs sticking out.  Somehow she was still staying up, despite rocking back and forth precariously.  Eventually her momentum tipped her over, and she landed forward on her chest. 

Sophie felt like she had lost her mind.  She was aware of the terrifying changes her body was going through, but she couldn’t help but feel so incredibly aroused by them.  It was like with each change, her body was telling her it was natural.  She felt the telltale cold wave through her right arm, as she felt it shrink itself into her shoulder to be replaced with a breast.  That made eight down her front, her four limbs, two more on each side and six on her back.  As she ground her breast-studded chest into the floor, she felt the heat spread to her ass as well, swelling to what could only be her 12th pair of boobs.  She looked out at Izzie, her legs had fused almost up to her ankles, pairs of boobs in decreasing size appearing as her legs finished in a snake-like tail.  She screamed out in a final orgasm at the last of the change, her tongue shooting out as a long, forked snake tongue.  Sophie felt an onrushing wave of orgasm hit her, and fell into blackness.


Enrique was tired of climbing.  Sometimes when he came up here, he wondered if the climb was worth the ice cold mountain water.  He hadn’t been particularly fond of it, but when Sophie asked him if he knew any spots that weren’t hot and humid from the rainforest, this was the first one that came to mind.  As he crested the ledge up to the basin, he was reminded of how he wasn’t in his twenties anymore.  He was approaching 35, and despite his best efforts, the endless climbing in the Andes had done a number on his knee.  He hated it, but the cold water soothed the worn tendons.

Looking out over the bowl, he spotted one of the girls’ bags.  They weren’t anywhere to be found, however.  He even noticed two inner tubes from the local auto shop floating around in the freezing waters.  After doing a quick lap of the lake, Enrique had no idea where they were.  But as he turned around, he saw another bag sitting on the big rock near the middle of the lake.  Grabbing one of the inner tubes, he pushed his way out to the big rock, where he heard the echoes of deep, sexual moans.  “Huh, didn’t know the girls were into that.  I just thought they were friends.”  Enrique thought, as he climbed the slippery island.  At the top, he noticed a hole, perfectly circular and a few feet across.  The sounds were coming from within.  Normally, he wouldn’t intrude on others’ own private matters, he wasn’t a creep, but the pristine glyphs he could make out from the sides of the shaft begged him to investigate further, as a scientist, of course.

He jumped down into the hole, cursing his bum knee as he landed badly in the dark.  But, there was a light at the far end of the room.  Squinting his eyes against the darkness, he saw what looked like the forms of Sophie and Izzie writhing against each other, but there was something different.

Izzie’s body looked like a great snake, with a long fleshy tail for legs, and four arms.  He balked as he noticed the rows of breasts flowing down her serpentine form, but it was nothing compared to Sophie.  Her body looked like it was composed entirely *of* breasts, each one gigantic, and being squeezed in the coils of Izzie’s tail.  Their faces were locked together, but when Izzie pulled away from Sophie, he noticed that Izzies tongue was like...a snakes?  Their forms were wrapped around each other under a mural of what appeared to be a snake wrapped around a woman with prodigious breasts.  The knotted strands the Incas used for writing were brushed away from the wall, and the glyphs above them, to the untrained eye it literally read “Snake Mother.”

But his years of training told him the actual translation was more along the lines of “Snake and Mother.”

Some discoveries were stranger than others.


Re: Serpent Mother - by compound37

Ayy thanks for the post haha


Re: Serpent Mother - by compound37

Oh, i somehow missed this. Great story!