Topic: A Strange Delivery - by centaurlink1121

http://centaurlink1121.deviantart.com/a … -265644584

Author's note: Well, this was a random thought I found myself with. Uh, I felt like I had to write this down. Make what you want of it.


A Strange Delivery
by centaurlink1121

The door shut, and the car could be heard pulling out of the driveway and driving off. With both parents gone for the weekend on business, only 16 year old twins Kylie and Jenny were left in the house. Both were looking forward to an awesome weekend. However, poking around on the internet gave Kylie a bad feeling that their weekend would be quite eventful.

She would be correct, for before the two could start doing anything, the doorbell rang. Jenny went to get it.

"Who is it?" Kylie called from another room.

Opening the door, Jenny discovered nothing but a box on the front step. "Someone left a box."

"Does it say who it's from or have a note attached?"


Closing the door, Jenny walked into the kitchen and set the box on the table. For a few moments, the two girls just stood and stared at it. Jenny broke the silence.

"Well, should we open it?"

"I don't know, this seems like the kind of thing that will go horribly wrong." Kylie had read stories that started this way.

"Ah, stop worrying so much." Jenny quickly opened the box. Inside was a bottle. The two girls read the label.

Next Gen Beauty

Have you ever wanted to bring your beauty up to the next level? Do so now, with Next Gen Beauty!
Add one drop to a glass of water, and drink. Side effects have been known to occur from not following these instructions.

"Well, that didn't reveal much," Kylie stated. She sat and thought about who would have left the box for them. It took a few seconds to notice what her sister was doing. "Hey, what do you think you're doing with that?"

Jenny, about to take a drink of water from a glass she had added the formula to, replied, "I'm trying this thing out."

"We don't even know what the hell it is, or if it works."

"It was left here for us." With that, Jenny chugged the glass of water, and set it down. Both girls waited in anticipation for something to happen. After about a minute of Jenny standing with her arms crossed, and nothing happening, she began to feel a slight warmth in her breasts. Upon inspection, she noticed that they had grown!

"Well?" Kylie asked impatiently.

"I think my boobs grew a bit," Jenny responded.

"Uh, what‽"



"I wonder if I did something wrong."

"Maybe the directions are wrong. Try using milk or something."

Having seen that the formula actually did something, both girls were nervous as Jenny drank the glass of milk she had poured. After a minute had passed, Jenny felt something funny in her breasts. She pushed herself back up from leaning on the counter with her arms outstretched. Kylie couldn't help but notice a moan escape her sister as her breasts swelled outwards, ripping Jenny's shirt. It wasn't until they reached her arms length that they stopped growing. However, Jenny continued to moan. Her breasts were filling with milk. It soon became evident, with a small dribble coming out of her nipples. Although the changes were over, Jenny was left overwhelmed by the experience.

"Wow," Kylie exclaimed.


"How does it feel?"

"Absolutely wonderful..."

That brought Kylie back to her senses. What would they do when their parents got home? Her thoughts were interrupted by Jenny bumping into her.

"Have some."

Although she knew she shouldn't, Kylie felt drawn to her sister's nipple, sucking down some of the milk. It was delicious. Once again, all worries vanished from her head.

"So, now what?" she asked.

"Not sure."

"Wait a minute, I think I figured something out. The first time, you had your arms crossed, and your boobs just barely grew, filling up the loose space. The second time, you had your arms out to lean against the counter, and now they're at about arms' length. Maybe the placement of your hands has something to do with it."

"Maybe, but then why the milk?"

"You drank milk, so your boobs make it. Seems plausible."

Jenny's mind took the next step. "So, what else do you think we can do with this?"

"Well, we probably want to go back to using water," Kylie started, "but otherwise, maybe try touching something with one hand and using the other hand to try and manipulate it."

"Worth a shot." Jenny, having a smaller butt than her sister, drank another glass with the potion and held her butt with one hand and put the other out a few inches. After a minute, true to Kylie's theory, Jenny's butt began to swell.

"It worked!" exclaimed both girls.

Having seen Jenny use it, Kylie decided it was her turn. Having always wanted really long hair, but never bothering to grow it out that long, Kylie gripped her hair in one hand and reached as far down with the other as she could after drinking her glass of water. Soon she had hair down to her knees.

"Now what?"
Jenny got an idea. She got a new glass of water, put her drop in, and then put one arm on her big breasts, and another on her stomach, at the lowest visible area.

"What are you doing?" Kylie wondered.

"Just wait and we'll see if it works," her sister replied.
When the usual minute had passed, Jenny took away her hands, and although she couldn't see it, Kylie could see very clearly.

"You're growing extra boobs on your stomach!"

Indeed she was. A new pair of breasts grew out under Jenny's first pair, growing to be just as big and milk-filled as the top one.

Kylie stood there in awe. "That is so weird, but, I kinda like it..."

Jenny was too busy playing with her breasts to notice. Unknown to her, Kylie had some weird fetishes and often spent time on related internet sites on her laptop. However, she wouldn't want it to happen to her; she had seen too many examples of what it could lead to. She was perfectly happy to let her sister do it.

While staring blankly into space, Kylie realized something. While absent-mindedly staring at a picture of her sister on the wall, she noticed that the picture showed with two sets of breasts, despite that coming about less than five minutes ago. The formula must alter reality so that whatever changes they make would be perceived as normal.

Now free from after effects, Kylie decided to get devious. While her sister was still preoccupied, Kylie added a drop to another glass of water and gulped it down, and then put one hand on her side right below her other arm, and the other hand on her other arm. Soon Kylie was left with two sets of arms, ripping through her shirt. She walked up to her sister, who finally noticed what she was doing, and started playing with her breasts, each hand taking one.

Jenny was surprised, but it quickly wore off. "Yes... More..." she panted.

After ten minutes of this, they finally broke off.

"Now what?" Jenny whispered.

"I don't know. I'll go look for ideas on the internet."


Kylie went into the next room over to use the family computer. Jenny, after some thought, followed, and found her sister browsing the internet.

"I didn't know there were even websites for these things."

"If it exists, there's a website about it."

"Ok then."

They found all sorts of strange reconfigurations of the human body, but none called out to them. In her mind, Jenny began to formulate a plan. Kylie didn't even notice her leaving. She would be in for a surprise when Jenny got back a few minutes later.

"Could you stand up for a minute?" Jenny requested.

Kylie found it odd, but she acquiesced, and stood up, attention still focused on her search efforts. It was then that she heard a glass being set down on the table, and suddenly Jenny had grabbed one of her thighs.

"What are you doing?" Kylie asked of her sister, whose other hand was on her shoulder.

"You'll see, in time."

Kylie tried to break the grip of her sister, but Jenny was ultimately stronger. Kylie noticed that she had made her body from the neck down a lot thicker. "What could she be doing?" she thought.

When the minute had passed, both girls started to feel effects. Kylie's pants burst open as Jenny's arms and shoulders began to fuse into Kylie's butt, her head mysteriously disappearing. The reason for Jenny widening her body became apparent as Kylie's legs widened their stance to match. She had become some kind of human centaur, with Jenny's former legs adjusting to a quadrupedal stance. Kylie felt her organs rearranging as control came of Jenny's old body.

Meanwhile, Kylie noticed that her old stomach had started to expand, as if she was... pregnant? Some quick examination revealed that the old hole was gone, seeming replaced by the back. How could she give birth from that half of her body?

She crossed both pairs of arms as she tried to sort it out, when she noticed another wall picture of Jenny, still in existence, though back to one pair of breasts. That meant that Jenny had to exist... but where? After noting a picture of herself, and the fact that she seemed to have clothes somewhere that could accommodate two sets of arms, Kylie went to look around for any sign of her sister.

She found Jenny lying on her bed, looking confused. Jenny looked up.

"Well, look at you, quite the work I've accomplished. Do you like it?" She asked.

"Well, I might have to clean up a few things, but I must say: it's pretty awesome," Kylie responded.

"There'd better be some of that formula left, because I got wiped clean making you awesome."

"What do you mean? I think your boobs grew a bit."

"Come on, we've got work to do," replied Jenny as they headed back into the kitchen for more mischief.

When they reached the kitchen, Kylie immediately reached for the formula.

"Hey! Shouldn't I get to do stuff?" Jenny protested.

"Just let me fix a few things. Besides, there's a lot of time when it's available anyway," Kylie replied.

"Oh yeah..."

After she drank a glass with the formula, Kylie put one hand on her hair, another right above her butt, and held her other hands about two feet away from each other. After the usual minute had passed, Kylie found she had a tail. Her next change saw her getting out the milk again, surprising her sister. With one pair of arms on her upper body's breasts and the other pair on her skin below that, Kylie soon had her fourth pair of breasts, and now all eight were milk filled.

"It was weird for it to only be in the bottom ones," Kylie explained, without being asked.

"Ok then."

Jenny then took the bottle and set to work. Her first glass also used the milk, repeating her feat from earlier. One minute later her breasts began to swell. After about thirty seconds, they stopped, hanging down to her navel.

"Not as big as before?" Kylie inquired.

"As great as they were before, it seems like overkill now."

"Ok then. What next?"

"Not sure."

It was at that moment that the girls' pet cat Milo walked in. Jenny quickly poured herself a glass of water and added the drop. She picked up Milo and started stroking his ears and tail. Kylie watched intently as her sisters ears began to shift upwards, changing shape and growing brown fur. A few seconds later, a bulge became noticeable on Jenny's lower back, steadily growing out and covering itself with fur. Jenny was now a cat girl.
With Milo expressing his discontent, Jenny set him down. She picked up the bottle of magical formula and, moving to get more water, found herself hopping out of the way of Milo as he darted by. As a result, liquid flew out of the bottle, splattering all over Kylie, though still getting on Jenny.

"Well, that can't be good," Jenny mused, as the liquid began to absorb into their skin.

"Quick, get outside," Kylie urged.


"Experience on the internet tells me it might be a good idea. Trust me."
The two girls quickly ran outside. It was a good thing too, for as soon as they got out Kylie noticed her lower half growing. Her back legs fused and began to grow.

"Well, this is odd," she remarked.

After about half a minute the growth subsided, leaving Kylie's overall length at twenty feet. Her front legs began to grow in size, as the part of her lower body between them began to thicken.

"Kylie, I can't control my legs!"

Kylie spun her head around to see her sister walking towards her. When she got near there was a flash of light and Jenny's legs felt weird. When they could see clearly, they discovered that Jenny's legs and tail had fused into Kylie's lower body, with Kylie's moving over to the right. Kylie found she had control over the body.

"No fair," Jenny whined.

"That's what you get for spilling the liquid all over me," was Kylie's reply.

The two noticed something growing at the end of their tail-like lower body. It ended up as a five foot long stinger. Starting from it and working up were black scales. They continued to grow up until the girls' waists. Their lower legs lost two toes and gained claws. To finish it off, a pair of massive black wings grew out of their lower body.

"Wow," Jenny breathed.

The two girls looked at themselves. Kylie had five foot long hair, two pairs of arms, and four reasonably large milk filled breasts. Jenny had cat ears and two very large breasts. They shared a scale covered tail-like lower body, with four giant milk filled breasts, two clawed legs, and a large set of black wings.
"I wonder how the magic accommodates for this," Kylie mused.