*drip* *drip*
Mary slowly opened her eyes. The sound of water dropping from the wet ceiling of the cave halled through the darkness, as her eyes slowly got used to the area.
What the hell happened? The last thing she could remember was a angry hiss outside her tent before something hit her from behind, making her lose consciousness.
A smacking noise suddenly pulled Mary out of her thoughts, as she noticed she was not alone in the cave! "W-Who´s there?“ She whispered, not knowing if she really wanted her question answered.
Something was lying right next to her... something that produced smacking and weirdly farting noises. In disgust, Mary pressed her back against the cold stone, as the shape of a disgusting, drooling sack emerged from the darkness. Slowly, the creature opened and closed its slobbering orifice while tiny tentacles helplessly squirmed over the cold stone.
"Ewww, what the fuck is that?!“, Mary tried to get away from the helplessly farting fleshsack, as an angry hiss entered her ear.
It was the same sound she had heard before as she was knocked out, but it was too late for her to turn around. Something wet and slimy touched her shoulders and pulled her close, as slimy tentacles curled around her legs from behind.
"My gawd,! Get off me!“ Violently the creature that was lifting her up was pulling away Mary´s clothes. The slimy black skin glistened in the dim light of the cave, as Mary realized that the tentacles had already started to spread her legs!
"What are you doi.... GAAHH!!“ Something was slipping inside her between her legs. The hissing was close to her ear, as drool dripped down on her naked body.