"How have you never heard of it?" Kaylan looks briefly confused, then drops into a more professional tone and pacing as she discusses her business, Freyan accent slipping into Imperial phrasing as she describes her work. "Well, Regina is an organization for the care of people who've been transformed so much they can't function normally. For instance, in the case of some people who lose the ability to see or speak because of transformations, we can arrange simple treatments that allow people to gain mana sight, or telepathic communication avenues."
She looks around, almost hunting,but not seeing any good examples tonight, having missed the Dolphin-transformation floor show. "But the real work is taking care of extremes. A lot of people after they've been hit by raw D-Cum, gone to the wrong alchemist, homebrew their own transformatives from recipies derived from questionable sources, or just happened to be on the pissy side of an avatar of Karma, cannot functionally take care of themselves. Anything from the girl who's boyfriend winds up as a pair of helpless eyes above her vagina which is his new mouth while she's basically reduced to a torso with no face would be a prime example, as would some of the more dangerous sex beasts that you'll catch in an avatar's wake, though rarely are you going to be able to pin those on Freya's Avatars despite propaganda to the contrary."
She looks back at the hidden face. "I coordinate the care of multiple permanent patients, handle evaluation for solutions to less severe transformations, evaluate transformees for threat level when we bring in a new unknown for permanent, temporary care or containment and transfer to Freya's Zoo. I also act as a liaison with Black Company when they do their Search and Rescue ops in Demon--please don't call Milly a Demon, by the way, she's an Avatar--territory looking for lost individuals to bring home or report their final disposition. I also work with members of the Sisterhood of the Vulva and other relief organizations who assist in the care of a lot of our more needy patients."
She laughs ruefully. "I love my job, and I come here to unwind, relax, eat good food, drink good drink, work to encourage the more nervous to take the plunge and then show them that there's always someone who will find them worth the effort after they transform. I think the Bar Manager would be shocked to find out I don't actually bed most of the new blessed I lead out those doors."
She looks around, smiling at the establishment, "Freya's side of the border, there's not so much a need for such an organization, so Regina likes to recruit us because taking care of the extremely blessed is normal in our society, and we generally don't need a whole lot of training. I can count on one hand the number of families who don't have someone in their immediate clan who doesn't require some sort of special conditions, so we mesh well with the Regina culture, even though the people on the empire side think most of us are infectious carriers of the "curse" as you go deeper in-country. Because they view being transformed as having corrupted or cursed flesh. I just laugh at them, and let them carry on their dull, vanilla lives."
She smirks. "All the while I'm trying to winnow down the many things I want to try in a transformation myself, and by The Lady's Breath it's impossible to narrow my choices down." The last statement was purely dreamy Freyan, pinning her as native to one of the regions of Freya's Realm which commonly refers to the Great Demon as "The Lady."
After a moment Kaylan looks at the odd person at the table with her. "Now you know my story, what brings you here? I can tell you've had some interesting changes, and not everyone reacts well when I call them 'blessed' even though it's how I feel about the changes wrought on their forms, so how to I refer to you? If you have a name to share, I'm Kaylan, and I'm happy to meet you. She holds a hand out across the table, warming up to her usual exuberant self.