Flicker wrote:compound37 wrote:This board above all others is super fringe and extra overreacting to mm getting defensive after being attacked is exactly the thing that as a community we should not ever have to condone
See, the thing was that he also attacked other users on the site, and ran a couple of them off too. I think it was Polyanna that left last, and that's when Extra drew the line that MM skipped over and brought the whole thing down.
Also those gifs are seizure inducing. Good on him for trying to do morph gifs, but here he is doing worse gifs than the only other person who did them, ironically, Polyanna.
The problem was also that MM was using extramorphs as his personal dumping ground. Most if not all of the prominent artists on the site had their own personal sites, and could be selective in what they could post to extramorphs. As a result MM had no filter on the quality of his work (as well as his toxicity and arrogance apparently).
The ones where all he did was change the colour of previous morphs and/or merge two together really irked me as low effort, and anyone that asked him if he could keep the amount of posts down (he usually had 3-5/day as opposed to the other more popular artists at like 0.5/day) would be met with instant reprisal on how he's persecuted because his works weren't the same as the other tags.
Which, to his credit, they weren't. But there's the matter of taste and knowing one's audience. That site had the tag system like that for a reason, because it was the stuff the majority of users wanted to see, and MM had to drum up his own alt-accounts to garner more views/votes/comments to legitimize himself. Going so far as to imitate other users that used the name-tag system. There was an account from years back called Anonymous1972, where the user wrote in a way that clearly indicated that English was a second language, or that they had some learning deficiencies; their writing was inconsistent, capitals placed in strange areas, and always started and ended their comments in the same ways.
When the account started commenting again when MM was at the height of taking heat from other users, it became clear that the word choice, where it had followed a specific pattern before, was different. The words used previously were more along the lines of 'Id love her forever and....' where these new posts were all related to having the morph subject 'stick her filthy toes in my ass' kind of stuff. Never before did 1972 ever state anything sexual, in fact the user actively avoided it by putting phrases like 'we'd do you know' instead. And even 30 seconds of reading MM's photo descriptions (which, personal nitpick, were all like 30 words and threw off the spacing on the mobile version of the site something fierce) indicated that this new 1972 was using the same phrases and word choice as MM.
Personal dumping ground aside, I'd say that MM's unwillingness to accept criticism and total willingness to imitate previous users/harass current ones was what my biggest complaint was.